What are the best things anime contributed to tabletop?
What are the worst things anime contributed to tabletop?
Genre/medium conventions, for better or for worse. It's become a major source of inspiration for characters and plots across all kinds of games. And that's before you get into the actual Japanese tabletop games that have crossed the ocean, officially or otherwise.
Record of Lodoss War
animu influenced games for people that want to do animu style games
weaboos appling animu to things it clashes with
>Record of Lodoss War
Those are more like things tabletop contributed to anime.
Best: The handful of psuedo-medieval fantasy anime, some of which influenced by tabletop, getting some people interested in tabletop games.
Worst: Idiots who try to clone their favorite characters in the game and hide it poorly. And no you can't have illusion casting magic eyes or a transforming intelligent sword.
It's too broad.
Your question is too broad.
The only way to answer it is to try condensing anime down into stereotypical groups, and even then it's still too broad.
You might as well be asking what are the best things television or movies contributed to tabletop.
Do you understand how ridiculous that is? What kind of answers were you fishing for? Big swords? Giant robots?
>What are the best things anime contributed to tabletop?
The original designs for Battletech
>What are the worst things anime contributed to tabletop?
Book of Weaboo Fightan Majik type stuff. Token japan things like katanas and ninjas where they don't belong. Things like that.
The single best thing anime contributed (or, more aptly, promoted) is the idea of fantastical fantasy. By this I mean like the setting of HunterXHunter, where there's weird nonsensical monsters alongside gunslingers, computer nerds, and people who throw playing cards. Or even One Piece, where they have created a setting where one can radically change the contents of an island (e.g. prehistoric times, bubble people, porn-filming boxmen). It can make adventures a lot more interesting when everything can be wildly unexpected. Let me be clear: I don't care for either of these animes, but without them I fear Western fantasy would have evolved only to be more gritty, realistic, and serious.
The worst is far and away characters. Depending on their favorite anime, a lot of players will think character is being quirky, being insane, or the absolute worst, being a loner. Depending on the campaign, the first two may be appropriate, but the "dark mysterious guy who likes to be alone and never has fun" is very common in anime, and equally terrible for games. Anime has, of course, great characters, and players steal terrible characters from the west occasionally, but it is certainly the most distinctive and unpleasant mark anime has left.
But if you don't have the brooding loner, who are you supposed to teach the power of friendship and have a change of a heart?
Strong silent type is a good trainingwheels character for new people who don't know how to roleplay well. Then you can get them to come out of their shell a bit as they get to know the group better.
It works in a story where the writer can decide that the loner has had a change of heart. It doesn't work as well in tabletop where the player thinks brooding loner is the beginning and end of his character, or worse the loner character keeps trying to go off on his own and then the player gets pissy when he gets in over his head and the the other characters aren't close enough to bail his dumb ass out.
Fuck. Off. If a prompt confuses or upsets you then please just go away and shit in a urinal or do whatever it is you do other than shitpost. This trend of posting lazy quips and half-assed critiques of the thread instead of contributing to the discussion is getting tiring to say the least.
(Simple question for open ended discussion) "That's too Broad."
(Worldbuilding Question) "Depends on the setting"
(What's something bad?) "3.5."
(Question about 3.5) "Solution: Don't play 3.5"
(Someone references anime) "/a/ is *that* way."
I guess between the nature of the website and the subject of Veeky Forums, it attracts a lot of manchildren who overestimate their own intelligence and make an effort to aggressively thrust it on the digital world. But you're not actually smart, or you'd realize how transparent you were, and that your expressions served no purpose but to console your own ego. And how pathetic is that? You're trying to make an impressions on an anonymous traditional gaming imageboard. It's like the delusional intellectual ego equivalent of taking a real doll on a public date.
>Waaah why aren't you giving me the (you)s I want in my shitpost thread.
Reminder that fantasy doesn't mean drab and septic
Fat guys pretending to be cute girls
>And no you can't have illusion casting magic eyes or a transforming intelligent sword.
Well, that isn't exactly impossible in mutants and masterminds, but I get the point. Then again, anime doesn't have to be the source of that type of That Guy.
>Book of Weaboo Fightan Majik type stuff. Token japan things like katanas and ninjas where they don't belong. Things like that.
I'm just going to throw it out there that these things are perfectly fine, the only negative reputation they have is among nerds who are afraid of being associated with nerds. Outside that, Ninjas, Katanas, and all that oriental bullshit is perfectly cool. In fact I think at this point it's a good social litmus test to see how people react to that sort of thing. If they react with exaggerated revulsion then you know they're autistic. If they shrug and say "Yeah katanas look pretty cool I guess" then you know they're a normal person who has probably had sex before.
Come on, man. Even I know you're the one shitposting.
No, I wasn't not the OP, but you're free to try again. It'll be fun to watch you try to stand up for yourself.
>wasn't not
Fuck I fucking fucked up
THANK YOU. Fuck, that shit is so annoying, I see it way too often. You can ask for clarification, but just posting "this thread is bad" adds literally nothing to the conversation.
From an entirely subjective standpoint?
>Anima Players
>Anima Haters
He's right, though. Asking a question like "what does anime contribute to tabletop" is akin to asking "what does TV contribute to tabletop".
It IS too broad a question, and all your rampant faggotry does nothing to change that.
The worldbuilding question is a legit criticism though. I can give specific examples if I know which universe we're talking about, or I can give suggestions if the lore hasn't been established, but I can't give a true answer across all universes.
I concur. Don't like a thread topic?
1. Ignore it.
2. Filter it.
3. Hide it in the catalog.
There are exceptions to some of the constant bot attack threads (eg, Spoony/smelly). Otherwise, don't bother posting if you've got nothing intelligent or funny to say.
>flashy superpowers
>team effects
>mekton zeta & bubblegum crisis RPGs
>anime tropes infecting game groups like monty python jokes used to do
>horrible anime PC portraits
>neckbeards wanting to be a loli
Took you long enough, this thread has been far too reasonable so far.
How does gravity work on normal mundane people on a terrestrial earth-comparable planet?
It works like it does on Earth. Next question.
It had some good influence on fantasy, cyberpunk, and mecha genres
Anime fans, especially the ones who blatantly copy superficial shit
You just gave me an answer without asking for the setting. I have bested the previous argument.
Yeah, except he's right. The question is too broad, and also largely subjective. What this thread is asking for are rambling posts full of opinions that faggots will try to pretend are facts.
At least that other user was on-topic. You on the other hand are a giant shitposting hypocrite, being a pretentious blowhard even as you call him out for the same thing.
Want to know who's pathetic? You, and your tryhard projection.
Saying "this thread is bad, and here's why" is essentially the same thing. OP can take note and narrow down his criteria.
You gave me the setting when you said "a terrestrial earth-comparable planet".
No where was that stated to be the setting. The setting could be literally anything. From 40K to homebrew in which gravity does not exist.
Location =/= setting.
Japanese cyberpunk dovetails closely with western stuff. It's pretty hard to seperate out the origins of influences here.
I feel it's a blight on fantasy though. A lot of fantasy anime now is generic as fuck and Western shit copies it (but this goes both ways, it's back and forth). Plus floppy ear elves.
If it's a "homebrew in which gravity does not exist", then it isn't a "terrestrial earth-comparable planet". Gravity exists on Earth.
You tried so hard, and got... not very far at all, really. In the end, it still doesn't even matter.
Not the other guy, but your argument is childishly pedantic and arguing semantics and you know it.
Comparable likewise does not mean a carbon copy.
Take your stupid ass back to the drawing board. And your shit taste in music, please, made me gag harder than the first time I sucked dick.
Have you tried not posting to Veeky Forums?
Well this thread got real faggy real fast. Well done OP, well done.
What do you expect from a shitpost OP user?
Yes it does, it literally does.
the place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event takes place.
"cozy waterfront cottage in a peaceful country setting"
synonyms: surroundings, position, situation, environment, background, backdrop, milieu, environs, habitat; More
spot, place, location, locale, site, scene;
area, region, district
"a rural setting"
the place and time at which a play, novel, or film is represented as happening.
"short stories with a contemporary setting"
a piece of metal in which a precious stone or gem is fixed to form a piece of jewelry.
synonyms: mount, fixture, surround
"a garnet in a gold setting"
a piece of vocal or choral music composed for particular words.
"a setting of Yevtushenko's bleak poem"
short for place setting.
>hating Linkin Park
Could you be any more Facebook? You started hating them the same time every one else did; when they got popular.
You fucking hipster.
Look, you little shit.
I didn't post here looking to rile up a little trigger-baby, I posted here because do you know what I'm tired of? People treating anime like it's the toonami block mixed with a panty-vending machine.
I get it, you needed to vent about general shitposting and all that, but this wasn't general shitposting. This was a specific complaint, relative to the topic at hand, because the only fucking way you can answer this question is to turn off your brain or not have one to start.
I started to compile the list of the best and worst, and when I got to ten, I said fuck it, because the question is too. Damn. Broad.
Too damn broad. You could spend a lifetime answering it.
Instead, we're going to get answers like
This. Sorry to the people who made them, and while I'd love to point out how each one is stupid in exact detail, the general gist is that the good points are hardly worth talking about, and the bad points are just general "wah weaboos".
Welcome to this thread. What a ride, eh?
Now, as much as I love ignoring bad threads, this one seemed like an honest mistake on the OP's part. And, while you seem to think that OP is just stupid and can't help himself, I was hoping he'd be willing to listen to a critique of his thread topic and how he might improve it if he chooses to not just bait for vague replies mixed with "oh dem weebs upsets me" rhythm and blues.
Not that guy, but it depends on the mass of the planet. But seriously though, that's a scientific question that could be answered by a google search, I'm talking about things like "How intelligent are Kobalds compared to humans?" and "How do mages get their powers?" Both of those questions are valid because there's no way to extrapolate reality to answer them and have no specific universe tagged to them to provide precedent. I can answer that "Kobalds are of lesser intelligence equivalent to the slowest humans." and "Mages gain their powers from years of study and memorization," and those would be correct answers for D&D, but not for Warcraft or other settings.
What makes me the most angry is when someone creates their own setting and then asks questions about how stuff should work in it. I can't say how you should create things within your setting, only that this setting does this and that setting does that.
I'm sorry that you have no empathy. user. I've known people who have broken away from crystal meth addiction. It's a hell on earth that you will never have to experience.
>It's a hell on earth that you will never have to experience.
Is this before or after he donkey punches me as I walk past in the street?
You don't know what rampant means and no, "Anime" is more specific than "TV" and "what does TV contribute to tabletop" is also a
perfectly valid question.
Besides, you're all making the same stupid, fundamental oversight: Whether or not it's "too broad of a question" is determined by the course of the discussion, not by some individual pseudointellectual faggot. That's like saying "this pizza is too hot people can't eat it" while people next to him are eating the pizza. What you're trying to say is that the prompt is too broad for your tastes, which is fine, it's just stupid of you to make a complaint out of it.
>"Anime" is more specific than "TV"
Only in the sense that "animated TV" is more specific than "TV".
Settle down there, Navy Seal. I don't really care about Anime or anyone's defense of it for that matter.
Anime hasn't contributed THAT much to Veeky Forums. Saying "what has historical myth contributed to Veeky Forums" is the only thing that could be considered too broad, because the virtual entirety of Veeky Forums outside of scifi is derived from it. But Anime? No, not so much. Anime's influence on Veeky Forums is quantifiable.
>I started to compile the list of the best and worst, and when I got to ten, I said fuck it, because the question is too. Damn. Broad.
Too broad for you, because you've watched a lot of anime, and perhaps you just took an impractical approach to answering the prompt. I can hardly think of anything for this and I would have been interested in seeing even your unfinished post, instead you withheld it and invested calories in a worthless complaint instead.
>Too damn broad. You could spend a lifetime answering it.
No, YOU could spend a lifetime answering it. I couldn't, I don't know enough about anime. That's why I was interested in seeing the discussion, which you're trying to poopoo on.
It's pretty sad that anime is making you this upset on a saturday night
>And, while you seem to think that OP is just stupid and can't help himself, I was hoping he'd be willing to listen to a critique of his thread topic and how he might improve it if he chooses to not just bait for vague replies mixed with "oh dem weebs upsets me" rhythm and blues.
The OP never actually replied to you, senpai.
>lol u mad
And everything returns to nothing.
>What are the best things anime contributed to tabletop?
>What are the worst things anime contributed to tabletop?
The endless "anime RPG"s like Big Eyes Small Mouth or OVA. They just aren't very good because they keep making the same mistake, IE trying to imitate GURPS and failing.
You really can't make an "anime" rpg because Anime is a visual aesthetic.
>They just aren't very good because they keep making the same mistake,
I agree, but...
>IE trying to imitate GURPS and failing.
That's not the same mistake they all make that ultimately causes them to fail, being written mostly by people who think "anime" is a genre and think that making mechanics for visual gags is in any way a good idea and something appropriate for all anime settings is their biggest problem.
No it isn't. When a person asks something like, "how do mushroom people reproduce" or "why do dungeons exist" they're usually looking for answers like; "here's an interesting way that it could work", "here's how it usually woks", or "here's how it works in [generic/popular setting]" so saying "it depends on the setting" isn't helpful, everyone already knows that it depends on the setting, if the OP wanted an answer from a specific setting they would've specified.
>Anime hasn't contributed THAT much to Veeky Forums.
You'd be surprised, especially considered you're barely above the jack shit level of understanding these things. At the very least, it's more than two fantasy anime and warm feelings.
>That's why I was interested in seeing the discussion, which you're trying to poopoo on.
Basically, you only want to hear the opinions of people who know as little as you do. Cute, but it sounds like what you really need to do is learn a little more about anime by watching a few series before asking questions that are as dumb and vague sounding as "How has something fa, far, far, far broader than I recognize that I admittedly don't know much about impact something tangentially related to it?"
That's you. That's what you sound like.
All in all, people are getting upset about something dumb, and all I wanted to do is point out that, hey, maybe it's not smart to try and perpetuate a few stupid stereotypes while making uniformed and ultimately unintelligent empty conjectures. The whole "MAKING FUN OF DUMB OP'S IS THE CANCER KILLING Veeky Forums" rage business caught me off guard.
Want to know what I think is the best thing anime brought to tabletop? Big stonking tits.
The worst? Flat chests and the people who like them.
There you go. Plenty of great discussion to burst forth from that insightful reply.
>they're usually looking for answers like; "here's an interesting way that it could work", "here's how it usually woks", or "here's how it works in [generic/popular setting]" so saying "it depends on the setting" isn't helpful, everyone already knows that it depends on the setting, if the OP wanted an answer from a specific setting they would've specified.
Maybe they should ask those questions like a normal person instead of expecting not to get a vague answer to a vague question like a retard.
>The original designs for Battletech
More than that, Battletech wouldn't even exist.
The anime cliche I want to play the most is to BE an intelligent sword that possesses it's wielder and gives them godlike fighting ability in exchange for mobility. The person wielding it would be some random peasant. The sword is the actual character.
Not even exalted supports this, last time I asked, I was told "Some solar would just banish you to elsewhere." Fucking killjoys.
Some anime tropes are cool and work well in tabletop RPGs.
Unfortunately literally anything from Japan breeds That Guys like rabbits and to prove it at least three people will get upset about someone complaining about anime tropes in a game being lame and trying too hard before this thread closes.
user, are you ok?
>Plenty of great discussion to burst forth from that insightful reply.
Not really. I just think you haven't broken your conditioning yet.
Rest of that post was on-point, though.
Yes, but they don't need to because anyone who's spent any amount of time on Veeky Forums already knows what their question means, so asking them to clarify is just being pedantic.
In that case they should ask 'what's an interesting reason for dungeons to exist?' instead of just posing a vague question that makes it unclear if they're looking for discussion or a specific answer.
Worst: People trying to be lewd in tabletop
Best: Can't think of any.
Actually, anyone who's spent any amount of time on Veeky Forums has gotten sick of vague questions and people crying when their vague questions get vague answers, and mostly reply "it depends on the setting" just to get a rise out of people like you.
If only we still had SAGE
>ahahaha anime sux amirite guis?
martials on even ground with casters.
>You'd be surprised
No I wouldn't. When I said it hasn't contributed "THAT much" I wasn't downplaying it's influence, I'm saying it invariably couldn't have contributed so much as to nullify the discussion.
So long as the genre of anime wasn't somehow the sole author of everything that ever went into traditional gaming, the discussion is valid. It doesn't matter how much influence it offered, the discussion remains valid.
>Basically, you only want to hear the opinions of people who know as little as you do.
Senpai, I literally just told you I was interested in hearing that list you supposedly made. As in I was interested in your opinion so long as it was a relevant contribution to the discussion. Instead you chose to shitpost.
>The whole "MAKING FUN OF DUMB OP'S IS THE CANCER KILLING Veeky Forums" rage business caught me off guard.
You're raging over people underestimating anime, I think I came from a more respectable place.
>Want to know what I think is the best thing anime brought to tabletop? Big stonking tits.
The worst? Flat chests and the people who like them.
Joke's on you, this would have been an acceptable response.
I actually really like Anime. In fact, if someone made a Soul Eater system I'd figuratively pay money to play it.
Great and terrible things have bled over.
Anima actually has some support for this, since a lot of "artifacts" can do really weird shit, and cursed items exist in fluff that do that kind of thing.
The recent Anima game, Gate of Memories, actually deals with a NPC that has something really close to that, but it lets both the "parasite and host" take control of the body and work together.
That's also true. Anime is not a Genre, it's a visual and cultural aesthetic that can be applied to any genre.
The only good anime RPG is a Mekton Zeta because it focuses on one of the more popular Anime genres and does it very well.
I fucked up the second sentence.
actually deals with an canon NPC (The Protagonist of the vidya)
>The only good anime RPG is a Mekton Zeta because it focuses on one of the more popular Anime genres and does it very well.
Mekton Zeta has a number of problems that prevent me from really agreeing, but these problems are all in wonky mechanics and nothing to do with emulating a genre.
There are a number of mecha anime type games that have come out in later years that do the genre emulation just as well and the mechanics even better, but in general the sentiment that the only GOOD "anime RPGs" are the ones that focus wholly on a single genre is true.
It doesnt seem like anyone else is doing anything in a saterday night. There were like 7 people at the bar today. I was under the impression peoplw gor smashed on saterdays.
More fridays, I think. Saturday is people recovering from friday, Sunday is for chilling and preparing for another week of bullshit.
Look, I'm torn here, because you seem like you're only half stupid, but I'm sorry because that stupid part is just really calling out for a response.
I wasn't trying to nullify the discussion, I was trying to highlight the problem with the initial question. When a little rage child decided to vent at me as if I were a criminal, I felt the need to clarify.
If any of what I wrote sounds like I'm raging, to quote Ed Norton, you really don't want to see me when I'm actually angry. As far as shitposting, pointing out that a question is too stupidly broad when it is, wait for it...
...too stupidly broad, that's practically a public service and I'm going to leave my address in a bit so they'll know where to send the medal.
This could all have been a quick and simple matter, with my initial post being read without some sperg deciding that I represent everyone who's ever offended him, but when people like you continue to be stupid, that compels me to make sure you don't walk away with dumb ideas in your head. Kind of makes me wish you are just trolling right now and that you're not simply dumb, so I could have just ignored you. But, at the very least, take it as a compliment that you seem only half stupid.
I stopped writing that list because I realized it would go on forever. Both good and bad, with a shortened list only presenting a fractured sliver of the entire answer. We're talking about a book here, not a 2000 character post.
>Joke's on you, this would have been an acceptable response.
There's a small library in Japan dedicated to that debate, with 15,000 volumes discussing the merits of both sides, with new books added each day, collected from leading scholars around the world. It's not a response, but a senseless argument starter.
Not if they want to get any replies. Have you and spent no time on this site? Fucking newfags
>Idiots who try to clone their favorite characters in the game and hide it poorly. And no you can't have illusion casting magic eyes or a transforming intelligent sword.
Plenty of people do that with characters from novels and western shows/movies/viedogames as well.
PF has eye based mesmerists archetype and after see that all I could see is people pairing it up with gestalt ninja totally unique character
>implying there isn't a role-playing game centered around playing an intelligent weapon
so you're -in short- too dumb to prioritize the aspects that most heavily influenced tabletops? okay, now piss off.
for the most part. i like GITS though.
Are you legitimately mentally defective or do you just get your jollies by pretending to be?
Even your examples are too fucking broad which leads me to believe you are projecting like a motherfucking powerpoint presentation, because in the vast majority of cases when somebody says 'Question is too broad', or 'It depends on the setting' THEY'RE FUCKING JUSTIFIED IN DOING SO. You are not fucking entitled to answers, or discussion, and not giving your audience enough information to work with is an onus which falls directly on YOU, not them.
The only thing, THE ONLY THING that can come of threads with ridiculously broad questions about incredibly divisive topics (Especially when they are so often reduced to thinly veiled provocations) is shitposting.
And, oh, LOOK WHAT HAPPENED. A thread with a ridiculously broad question regarding an incredibly divisive subject filled up with shitposting!
>I wasn't trying to nullify the discussion, I was trying to highlight the problem with the initial question.
Except you're not highlighting an actual problem, you're sharing an opinion.
>...too stupidly broad, that's practically a public service
How so? Who does it actually benefit? Are you imagining someone who was about to contribute to the discussion and changed their mind upon seeing your reply??
>When a little rage child decided to vent at me as if I were a criminal, I felt the need to clarify.
>with my initial post being read without some sperg deciding that I represent everyone who's ever offended him
Gee I hope you're not talking about me there, user, or you'd be seriously overestimating your influence on my mood.
Stop being so dramatic. To me you're just some guy who I disagree with. I don't hate you, I just think your first post in this thread was retarded and unnecessary. Do I think YOU are retarded and unnecessary? No, you're still a bright little soul with plenty left to offer to the universe, just not so much to offer to this thread.
>Even your examples are too fucking broad which leads me to believe you are projecting like a motherfucking powerpoint presentation, because in the vast majority of cases when somebody says 'Question is too broad', or 'It depends on the setting' THEY'RE FUCKING JUSTIFIED IN DOING SO
This argument can be summed up as "I disagree", which isn't so much an argument as it is expressing yourself, in which case I wish you had just written a poem about it instead to make your post a little less dull.
>You are not fucking entitled to answers, or discussion, and not giving your audience enough information to work with is an onus which falls directly on YOU, not them.
See that's just the thing though, we're talking about people take it upon themselves to complain about the prompt. None of what you said explains or justifies that behavior, everything you wrote was just a vague criticism of broad discussion topics. If you find a discussion prompt too vague to discuss, wouldn't the logical response be to move on?
Furthermore, again, there's a fundamental problem with what you're trying to complain about.
Whether or not a discussion prompt is too vague is determined by the course of the discussion, not some spaz who wants to complain. If you find it too broad then you have nothing to say. Someone else may not find it too broad and they'll say something, and the people interested in the discussion will discuss it. People who aren't interested in the discussion shouldn't fuckin say anything. Those who do are the kids who participate too much in class, who think their input is unconditionally valuable. To those I say... Mom was wrong, you ain't shit, no one benefits from hearing you, no girls are going to like you for your tastes in music, you don't wear enough deodorant, you don't wash your face enough, and your facial hair doesn't make you look rugged, it makes you look like you don't take care of yourself.
>The only good anime RPG is a Mekton Zeta because it focuses on one of the more popular Anime genres and does it very well.
So you haven't played a single Japanese RPG?
>horrible anime PC portraits
You got a problem with cute girls and fuccbois, user?
stop enabling this fucking troll. if he thinks the issue is too broad for discussion, he can start listing some of the major influences that he thinks animes had on tabletops. until he does that, he's to be considered a troll.
since most of them are just cuties without distinct personality, i actually do
>What are the best things anime contributed to tabletop?
>What are the worst things anime contributed to tabletop?
JRPG nuts
I'm not familiar with them at all.
I read a bit of the Tokyo Nova fan translation and it looks good, but a lot is missing from the file posted to Veeky Forums. such as the maps.
LOGH rpg when
I am absolutely sure it would be possible to stat up an intelligent sword character in GURPS. In fact, I'm making one right now, out of curiosity.
Everything is possible in GURPS, but it's rarely fun or easy.