Like a movie edition
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
Order, Chaos and Destruction all 3 have new shiny models...
Like a movie edition
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
Order, Chaos and Destruction all 3 have new shiny models...
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First post for Devoted of Sigmar!!!
sylvaneth is here, nurgle is shits
How effective is the Celestant-Prime on the board? I don't see him talked about much.
>AoS is picking up steal at frontline gaming, the headquarters where the ITC is run
>reesius and other heads are a fan of it
>there is much anticipation over the AoS GT at the LVO and the generals handbook
>the SCGT had 60 players in the adepticon tournament, and 100+ in UK events
B-but, AoS is bombing hard, right?
Give the podcast a listen. It's pretty obvious these guys expect the game to only grow from here on out. They had neutral to negative feelings about it when it was first released, but it's started to grow on them tremendously.
Anybody have s scan of the new pestilens battalion?
Gotta admit, they did a pretty good job with Alarielle's model.
As someone who's been following this game since the beginning, and trying their best to stay positive, I feel pretty vindicated when I see so much buzz around it. The scene has bolstered tenfold nearly overnight at my local stores. Couldn't be happier.
i say that shit earlier and my jaw dropped. I may not like GW but that model is amazing
This podcast sums up my thoughts on AOS perfectly. It really grew on me over the past few months and it has quickly become my favourite game to play.
What new models
Most defintiely. The game is picking up steam allover. Still not as big as 40k, but I have a feeling, given time, it will be. Unless 40k gets its own AoS edition, which I am hoping for.
There was an anti-aos thread here yesterday where people were still predicting the game is going to tank hard. I wish I had screencapped those idiots who would predict this game wouldn't last a year.
Dunno. I gotta say the newer releases were better than what they kicked the game off with in terms of miniatures, but holy shit the prices.
I mean I can get a beautiful miniature for 4pounds from any other company if it's just for painting. Stuff like hasslefree is imo genuinely better than the GW stuff even.
So while GW seems to be after people that are into buying less minis and primarily those they'd like to paint and build it's still not looking attractive to me yet, even though I should be their demographic, since I'm not a huge gamer and primarily in it for the minis.
Or maybe I'm mistaken and that's not who they are targeting, because the only way to justify some of those pricetags is with what they do on the table.
But holy shit there are so many other games with minis just as good that are cheaper, I don't really see it's potential for growth. Because of the the same reason I mentioned above other system look more attractive as a gamer to me too.
Diehard GW fans will stick with it, sure. People that never heard of the smaller system and just getting into miniatures, might fall for it too. Everybody else though? I don't really see it.
I think we'll need at least a year or two to see what really happens and if the game has a future or at least the one GW had hoped for.
One of the nurgle folks from last thread, so I figure the Sorc lord is definitely awesome, but I'm gonna stick with the Plague Priest for the wither.
5 Blightkings, 180
5 Blightkings, 180
Harbinger, 140
-General, Lord of War, Chaos Talisman
Plague Priest, 80
5 Chaos Knights, 200
-Mark of Nurgle
5 Chaos Knights, 200
-Mark of Nurgle
Mortal nurgle allegiance. I wonder, then, does that still give me access to the chaos artifacts? Like, the book says if you qualify for multiple, you must choose one. So does picking Mortal Nurgle (to get BKs as battleline), do I forego the chaos warlord trait and artifact?
They really nailed the details and such, particularly the wings and Alarielle's physique.
General's Handbook was the life saving shot of adrenaline
That's pretty anime.
Gonna repeat myself. Use either lord Skrolk (100 points) or a sorcerer lord.
They'll come out with the faction specific shit in s bit. Just use the chaos ones for now. House shouldn't mind. I personally wouldn't use lord or war, I'd use great destroyer for that full army effect
The Plague Priest isn't Mortal Nurgle. He destroys your allegiance. Use a Chaos Sorcerer Lord. At best, use a Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Steed.
And no, it doesn't give you access to Chaos stuff. Your Allegiance is EITHER Mortal Nurgle, in which case you get based Blightkings as Battleline, OR Chaos, in which case you get all the sweet Command Trait, Battle Trait and Artifact goodnss but have to fill out your Battleline with Chaos Warriors, Marauders and Lesser Daemons.
Sorcerer lord puts the list over 1000
Thought Great Destroyer only affected the general, you're right, it seems much better.
Gotcha. Still getting accustomed to this allegiance stuff. If I make this list, going full Mortal Nurgle, I think dropping the artifact and trait may be worth it. Still thinking about it
Thanks all.
Posting the new art from the Treefolk BT.
I think it really did a lot, particularly the Matched Play portion introducing both a method of army composition and points.
Now people who primarily play pickup games and/or want a universal standard that most people will use have such a system.
Characters being limited, 1s always failing, and the changes to summoning are also good. Honestly off the top of my head the only thing I don't like about the current rules is that measuring from the base is a suggestion.
It also added some of the customization that was nice in Fantasy with none of the randomness or things being bad from the start because they're not worth their cost. The removal of randomness with regards to Command traits and spell selection is I think particularly important because it allows the possibility of at least choosing what suits your army or building an army that works best with a certain trait and/or spell.
On the subject of which, I don't recall any of the Sylvaneth spells being too good, which was apparently a big problem in 8th Edition.
People have said that, but I'm not sure I really see it, outside of perhaps the not bad part.
>I don't recall any of the Sylvaneth spells being too good
They aren't massively OP - maybe with the Gnarlroot Wargrove and Wyldwood spamming
I've played 40k since 4th, and man Sigmar is just so refreshing.
The only annoying things i can think of atm is that summoning doesn't allow you to go over point cap (i'd happy let it not exceed 25% of army total) and that Battalions cost points, but no per model point cost, is restricting in a way.
But the 3 rules of 1, and the 4 page rules means that it'll be so much easier, and cheaper, for newbies to enjoy
Why don't you like battalions costing points, instead of being no-brainer always takes like in 40k?
Thank you for the art dump, kind user.
Art dump user, are these the same images you gave us in the last thread?
Are those tree-marines in the back?!
Okay, what do you think of this list?
Chaos Allegiance
>Doombull w/ Greataxe, Chaos Runeblade and Great Destroyer (General)
>Plague Priest
>Plague Priest
>3 Bullgors w/ Great Axes
>3 Bullgors w/ Great Axes
>10 Chaos Warriors
>10 Chaos Warriors
exactly 1000 points
Idea is to buff the Bullgors with the Doombull's Command and Unpredictable Destruction and then debuff their targets with the Plague Priest's Wither prayer.
If all goes well, this gets me units of Bullgors that hit on 3+, Wound on 1+ (so 2+ effectively, but harder to debuff) and make new attacks on Wound rolls of 4+.
I'm also thinking about tossing the Chaos Warriors for some cheaper Battleline like Gors to add a Chaos Sorcerer Lord, for that sweet sweet Daemonic Power.
Because my WAAC part of me is telling me to take them on crunch alone
If GW let you do points per model ala 40k i wouldn't be so annoyed
I've managed to get my 1k and 2k lists sorted with models that i wanted - but i would have taken a model or less in a few units to get special rules in
tl;dr I'd be happy with Battalion point costs, but All or nothing for unit cost is lame
>They aren't massively OP
That is what I was trying to get at.
So far there doesn't seem to be something like Purple Sun which could screw over entire armies simply because they had low initiative.
I kind of like there being a cap of some kind simply because it feels manageable. Like I find the mechanic itself to be cool or similar things that have preceded it like the Tervigon's rules in 40k, but the problem to me has always been that there was seemingly know limit to aim for with how many additional models you should buy and bring.
No, I dumped images from the all gate book here ().
Your welcome.
>I don't recall any of the Sylvaneth spells being too good, which was apparently a big problem in 8th Edition.
Well, I used to think that too. Now I think they're fucking bullshit. Throne of Vines is incredible in a Gnarlroot Wargrove, Regrowth makes Ally and Drycha impossible to kill for anything near their point cost, Verdant Blessing is absolute bullshit because you can summon a new forest in your Hero Phase and then immediately summon something into it in the Movement Phase, Dwellers Below is so-so (ironic, given that it used to be one of the most OP spells in 8th), The Reaping is only good with the Silverwood Circlet and Treesong has so many cheap uses it isn't funny. And don't get me started on how broken the Gnarlroot unique spell is.
>People have said that, but I'm not sure I really see it, outside of perhaps the not bad part.
At best, calling something anime here means it feels over-the-top awesome. At worst, it's a catch-all term for anything the user saying it hates.
>At best, calling something anime here means it feels over-the-top awesome. At worst, it's a catch-all term for anything the user saying it hates.
Ah, I was approaching it from being something or coming close to something you'd see in an anime.
Like the book Phil Kelly wrote about Farsight has a scene where a Crisis Suit pilot does a move with his fusion blasters and says something to the Orks about the planet belong to the Tau and it felt very close to a scene from an anime.
The leaf wings were a nice touch.
I wasn't sure about them at first, but they look quite good on her model and work in a few ways.
when do ya think she'll fall to khorne
Probably never. I feel like her bark is worse than her bite.
aaand here we have the one that pisses me off. Even an art noob like me can see this is only halfway done. The lamentiri is just slathered on there, not worked into the flesh, not given any definition, it's just a sharp, teardrop-shaped splash of yellow. The combs are obviously not worked into the picture either and could have used another round of cleaning up. The background isn't anywhere near defined. It's especially infuriating since her vine-hair and face obviously show that the artist knew his stuff, because they're really well done. It's like, either he forgot he still had work to do on this picture or GW told him they need it right the hell now and no, they don't care if he's not finished yet. I mean, I'm the first one to defend AoS artwork, but this one here makes it really fucking hard.
Sorry, rant over. Thanks for dumping the pictures, kind user.
He's good as an artillery piece if you get him on the board straight away. In order to make him a close combat monster on par with, say, every other Nagash/Archaon-tier centrepiece model, though, you need to keep him off the board for 3 turns, and that sucks.
I think OP's implying Death hasn't had any new models made for them. Which is correct - I don't see any new Death stuff, unless you count Crypt Flayers (which I don't because they aren't new sculpts).
Lookin' pretty green there, miss.
I've never seen artwork of Flamers. They've done a good job with the one in the middle. 7/10
These look pretty metal. I like 'em.
This one looks good too. I like the painting style they used for it, makes it look like a nature painting.
This looks nicely creepy. Like some predator of the forest.
Loving the Flayers' expressions.
And that's all the new art from the treefolk BT.
I don't know about Khorne, but I could see Chaos corruption or her being the cause of a Sylvaneth civil war. It's mentioned that she has an amphora in her leg and I'm wondering if that will be related to her trying to somehow bring back Coeddil.
I rather thought the amphora was of the original Durthu, because let's be honest here: The original Durthu was not the noble and selfless defender the Spirits of Durthu think he was. The original was dangerous psychopath, utterly mad and utterly murderous and would fit perfectly into Drycha's merry little band of murderous maniacs.
Going by the anthology, she doesn't remember anything. Her head is a tornado of broken memories and raging negative emotion (rage and despair).
It should be noted that she is not actually the real Drycha. The treefolk have soulseeds in them. When they die, a Branchwraith gathers their soulseeds and plants them in the grove.
A soulseed will eventually grow into a tree person. However, it's not the same tree-person that was before. It's a new tree-person with the memories and experience of the dead tree person.
> It's a new tree-person with the memories and experience of the dead tree person.
So effectively the same person?
The coloring on Alarielle here is really nice. Particularly like the contrast of her pale skin with her green eyes and dark lips and how part of her headress is a deeper shade of blue.
If I ever paint her I'm going to use this as a basis.
I think Durthu got cured of his madness in the End Times.
Ah, I had the feeling that when she was first revealed that she may not exactly be the same Drycha from the End Times. Originally I was thinking that Drycha may have just been a kind of ceremonial name, but maybe now the current sprouted either from the original or is removed from her in some way.
Makes the amphora more mysterious since she might not even know what it's purpose is. Could have originally been for her, could have been for Coeddil, could have been for something else.
Not really. It's sorta like genetic memory. A newborn can access the memories and experience of his/her parents and/or ancestors.
More like reincarnation. Like, they are a completely new individual, but have perfect access to the memories in their lamentiri, they just know they themselves have never experienced it.
So this Drycha is still a psychopath, maybe even more so than before and has perfect, albeit second-hand, recollection of everything the original Drycha did in the world-that-was, but they're not the same individual.
But aren't we as individuals just a collection of memories? Memories that are unique to us?
Is Ranu's lamentiri a reference to someone/something from FB? Kinda like how the Kurnoth stuff seems to be Kurnous.
>and has perfect, albeit second-hand, recollection of everything the original Drycha did in the world-that-was
The Everqueen did a mass mental wipe after some mysterious dire event that created the Outcasts. It's part of the reason why Drycha is so unstable.
So are the Revenants reincarnated Wood Elves? What makes a Spite-Revenant, exactly?
>See bloodletter in bottom right
>Put up your dukes, monster! Let us fight!
>So are the Revenants reincarnated Wood Elves?
No. They are a newform of life created in the image of the Wood Elves.
>What makes a Spite-Revenant, exactly?
Madness and some thing that happened in the Age of Chaos.
Missed this one.
Reminder that Nagash is Skeletor.
Is the battletome leaked yet?
With the generals handbook and the season of war campaign starting, I thought I'd finally get into AoS with a nurgle force. I used to dabble in fantasy but mostly played 40k. It's a shame I didn't get into it sooner, turns out I really enjoy the game.
Bought two start collecting nurgle boxes, Gutrot Spume and two boxes of Blightkings for my first 1500pts army. Going to use pretty much everything from them bar one herald, might also use Spume as a regular Lord of plagues because his leadership bonus is just plain better.
After all that, does anyone have any advice for a new, but experienced, player like me?
>It is the Noble Spirits who protect and preserve the spiritual heritage of their people. Within the Noble Spirits live the race-memory of the sylvaneth people, echoes of former lives ringing back through the ages into the farthest mists of time. Some even claim that the Noble Spirits preserve dim recollections of the world-that-was, and that it is from these deep-set roots that the notion of the mythical Protectors sprouts.
>None amongst Alarielle’s children knows precisely who or what the Protectors were, or whether these beings were even real. They know only that a notion persists, an idea of nobility and selfless guardianship that the Noble Spirits still model themselves on today. Many amongst the Noble Spirits even come to physically resemble the ghosts of the Protectors that echo in their memories, and draw the magic and minerals of the land up through their roots to craft weapons like those the Protectors are believed to have wielded.
Here is the revenants lore. It seems that they modeled themselves in the image of the Wood Elves using the dim racial memories of the World-that-was.
Little do they know that the estranged Wanderers are direct descendants of these "protectors".
First longbeard. How'd I do?
>tfw you will never be able to start and play a Bretonnia army
You see, back in the good old days, when we had Karak and the Skaven were but rats, us Dwarfs would take months practicing our paintin' techniques. I spet a whole year aliginin the brustles on my brush! But anyways, you beardlings have it easy; What, did you paint that over the course of a few weeks? Bah! In my days, it would take me a whole month to paint him up, but he would be painted proper he would! I betcha you got a whole army lined up, eh? Ha! You see in my days..
I see this a lot, but why can't you? Like...I saw the rules for them?
Swamp thing?
I found some of lore about the Kurnoth Hunters in last week's WD interesting. How they're relatively new, are viewed with suspicion by other Sylvaneth, and go on Wild Hunts.
They have rules and even points costs, only real problem is that official models are going to expensive and possibly hard to find.
For example, the Knights of the Realm/Knights Errant kit was $35 as sold by GW. Looking on Ebay just now I was able to find two sealed boxes, one going for $53 and the other for $70.
ahhh, alright...
best I can tell you is to search at the forums. I got a whole mess of old-as-shit moonclan for a song, still in the fucking blisters.
Pretty nice dark brooding dwarf there, and I usually don't like dwarf minis.
Feel like the point of the background being kind of indistinct may be to ensure the focus is on Drycha. I don't really know anything about art though.
Oh, I'm not that user, was just giving reasons that came to mind why starting a Bretonnia army is likely hard despite them having Warscrolls and stats in the GH. Same goes for the Tomb Kings and probably anyone who wants to play a strictly Fantasy army using AoS rules and the stats found in the GH.
And here I thought they finally had upped their game when its come to art and BOOM! Another asset flip of a map.
I was painting a few Orruk because I really like the models and now my friend is picking up Sylvaneth stuff, now he wan't to play AOS against me.
I look at the Sylvaneth and they're giant tree men, mecha-tree-men, Tree broadswords, Tree wyches...
Do Orruks even stand a chance here? Aren't they just going to get raped every game?
>Though taciturn and strange, even by sylvaneth standards, the Kurnoth Hunters are deeply focussed beings through whom the spirit-song reverberates in full force. They venerate their living goddess and devote themselves utterly to her will. They also give praise to their soulfather, the Hunter God Kurnoth, and dedicate those slain in battle as sacrifices upon his altar. Across the Mortal Realms, many sylvaneth observe rites to minor deities and demigods of cycles and seasons, but their overt worship of another deity leads some to mistrust the Kurnoth Hunters. Alarielle vouches for her most warlike sons, and this is enough for most, but there are still those who watch the newcomers warily, despite all their great victories against the forces of Chaos.
The distrust stems from the fact that they zealously worship some god almost equally to their worship to the Everqueen. Some Treefolks don't like that.
Also a little bit of jealousy.
Nice how that has some influences from Orion
This is some Alpharius level bullshit and I love it
First off, that's a very nice starting force, with a bit of everything.
Using Spume as Lord of Plagues is a good idea, especially as he would otherwise lose a Command Trait and artifact, though as soon as you have a proper General, play him as Spume again, because the guy is ridiculous in duels. Good Hit and Wound rolls, decent damage, high save with lots of wounds and can wrench enemy weapons away (nothing quite like beating a Freeguild General on Griffon because you kept the bird's beak wrapped tight over three rounds of combat), so he makes an excellent fighter in one-on-one fights.
For said proper General, you might want to have a look at the Harbinger of Decay, who has a great Command and triggers your Daemons' Locus abilities, meaning you could ax the Herald, who's too slow to keep up with your Plague Drones anyway.
You might also want to give the Chaos Sorcerer Lord a spin, as Blightkings and Plague Drones love his unique spell.
All in all, trust in your Blightkings and ALWAYS give them the bell. +1 to run/charge doesn't sound like much, but can win you the game. And Plague Drones are even tougher than most people give them credit for.
Orruks have a bunch of ways to deal with all of that. If you're playing Ironjawz, then you have nothing to fear, as your basic foot-slogging Megaboss has a good chance of holding his own against a Treelord. Brutes have Rend on EVERYTHING, so they take Dryads and Revenants apart and aren't helpless against Kurnoth Hunters.
If you have some Grot war machines lying around, leave them at home because teleporting Tree-Revenants will kill them turn 1. Just remember, even the most basic Orruk pours out so many attacks that most units drop to a big mob of them. Just play to your strengths and you'll do just fine. Since most of your army loves melee anyway, you shouldn't worry about their teleporting shenanigans anyway. Just don't charge Brutes into Wyldwoods.
Anyone have the story on Vandus Hammerhand vs Skarbrand? I want to know how the same guy who got BTFO by Archaon managed to hold his own against the daemon who easily solos armies on a regular basis
When Sigmar personally reforged Vandus, he imbued him with new strength and power. Also he gave him a lightning weapon. A hammer infused with energies of a pure azyrite bolt. When an incarnations are spoken, the Azyrite power within the hammer activates and anything Chaos that gets hit by it would get devastated. It's like shooting a dude with a bazooka made from anti-matter.