Woman combatants who aren't pinups thread.
Woman combatants who aren't pinups thread
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>that tabard is worth more than her all her serfs' turnip farms combined
as it should be. 10/10 would have as bannerwoman again
>serfs' farms
They are her farms user, it's her land.
I know "Hold the sword by the blade and use it as a hammer" is a legit technique, but it still looks retarded as fuck.
>half swording
muh dick
that's mordhau, half-swording would be holding it closer to the cross-guard.
She must be cold as fuck.
That's what blood-splatter is for.
The only warmth she needs is the fires of battle
Ooh, are we doing Bloodborne? I have a few of them.
Mainly of Maria, admittedly.
Though not all.
Well, that's all of my good Bloodborne art, so we'll return to our regularly scheduled programming.
No you
I cut choo mang.
This is a favourite of mine. Think, as a soldier, you'll stay pretty forever?
I got some, but most of it is pinups or just outright porn.
Just pick the good stuff then.
Will do.
Well, I guess modern combatants count, right?
>Undressing in the middle of battle
No wonder she ended up dead.
[Insert terrible "chink in my armour" pun]
Yeah, last good one without going into cheesecake.
This isn't a pin-up, right?
It doesn't really matter if it looks bizarre because it lets you give the other guy in full plate a concussion.
Make me hard anyway.
>Professional soldier
>Not dying with stoic dignity
>Crying like a little bitch
I couldn't be aroused even if I tried
>survival of injury
>wearing practical armour
>trophy of competence
Nigga, that's pretty as FUCK.
Not the reaction I was hoping for, but okay.
More Maria you ask?
Surprised how many of these I've got. I must have better taste than I thought.
This is a good one that I only found recently.
Yes please.
Don't suppose you've got any of Eileen the Crow?
Ooh, I just found a good one.
A couple, I think.
>implying mirrorshades, buzzed hair and leather jackets don't get you diamonds
I swear I have one more of her and another of Maria somewhere. Should really organize this folder...
Have one of Best Girl.
That's not the doll.
True best girl is Rom.
Least I think it's a girl...
Anyone got any crossbowwomen or scouts? Thanks a bunch in advance
Rom was an infant so that's pedophilia.
An infant spider-thing, maybe. But they to have been human at one point.
What's going on in this?
An infant child. "Vacuos" means one who is empty of thought or mind, which point to one who is retarded or, as fitting with bloodbornes' theme, a newborn child. Rom, unlike other kin, is non-violent until attacked multiple times and even then only retreats and flails about with its power, like a panicked infant.
This is fanon of course.
The doll plays hide and seek and the child is delighted.
The Old Crow plays hide and seek and it is terrified.
>An infant child. "Vacuos" means one who is empty of thought or mind, which point to one who is retarded or, as fitting with bloodbornes' theme, a newborn child. Rom, unlike other kin, is non-violent until attacked multiple times and even then only retreats and flails about with its power, like a panicked infant.
>This is fanon of course.
I see. Cool. Thanks user, did you work all that out by yourself?
Lol naw, I wish. It's just an idea I support wholeheartedly.
Fair enough. Who's that?
The Blood Queen Annalise, wielding the most iconic Cainhurst weapon.
Veeky Forums doesn't know what "aren't pinups" mean.
I bet she's some noble bitch who thought it would be fun to play soldier
>hasn't been raped
>is crying like a little bitch
>Implying crying after rape is justified
What is she, some peasant girl? A true noble meets his or her destiny with dignity, and suffers what she must for the good of the realm.
>What is she, some peasant girl?
Only neckbearded rakes would stoop to dirtying their purse with the arsehole of a peasant.
Is there a different effect between the two?
Jesus christ, how the hell did she do that much damage to those people's skulls with a musket butt. I know the wood is hard as fuck, but it's not an outright club is it? Wouldn't the wood split after turning a skull to literal mush? Not to mention for them to have died so close while still sustaining that much damage, she would have had to have knocked them down quickly and then bludgeoned their skulls to pulp afterwards. She's thorough, I'll give you that.
Played in reverse it's a very inspiring story.