Stop letting the thread die edition
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
>Contact info
Stop letting the thread die edition
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
>Contact info
Other urls found in this thread:
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
EST Preferably noon or afternoon
anything that's medieval fantasy and text based
>Contact info
Skype: lily.cakes3
I played my first d&d game recently and loved it, however it ended abruptly after a month or so. I'm still somewhat of a newbie but I'm eager to learn. I prefer games with more RP and not just combat.
>>Timezone and time you'll be playing
Australian time zone (GMT +10), preferably on a weekend but weeknights could also work
I'm really looking to get into an Elder Scrolls game, been on a morrowind binge lately.
>>Contact info
[email protected]
The Mutant Epoch
Im trying to get a group together for a game of TME. Obviously the hard part is finding a GM so im willing to provide the rulebooks and help learn the system.
The exact time and dates can be discussed once the GM is on board.
If anyone wants a link to the books let me know.
Keep being excellent Veeky Forums!
Why shouldn't I? These threads never produce lasting games. They'd be better off dead.
be the change you want to see
Bit of a non-standard one here.
I wish to build a 40k sector, using mostly old fluff (1/2e and Epic), and then run a game centered around Imperial Knights in it.
To that end, I need three to five sociable grognards of any gender with attitude and good ideas, some time, and a non-zero amount of alcohol. You can approach this as a long-term project or hop in and sell us that planet or regiment or chapter you've been working on without any commitment.
Inquire within the 40k general Discord here:
They do. One group I found through here has been going on for four years now. They're just harder to find than one-session-and-flake ones, due to the general nature of the player and GM pool.
>Saturdays and Monday's 8pm EST
>Levi_will (Skype)
>Text based RP, Voice OOC.
>We're looking for two people. One for saturday afternoons to join a new pathfinder party and another for Monday to start at level 6. Looking for driven people that have some experience with roleplaying. Don't care about if you know pathfinder or not.
Setting information is Avalon, a magitek society where adventure happens. Story is very sandboxy, and character-driven. More info available whenever.
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
Fridays 8pm EST
NWOD system but not setting
>Text or Voice
Mostly text but we might switch to voice on and off depending on how I'm feeling that week
>Contact info
Skype Chat:
Alt. add me @ sandeggs on Skype
Roll20 Page:
Forever DM wanting to be a player
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
GMT+2 from 5PM to 2AM
Looking for GURPS, PF, 3.5e or 5e, SWN or something cool like Symbaroum. Totally willing to pick up new systems
Much prefer voice chat and roleplay-heavy games
Kasparov#8829 on discord or [email protected]
page 8
Is it just me, or are there consistently little to no eurofags here?
Yeah, I noticed, it's why I had to add 'little to' in the middle of my post.
GMT+2 here
Eurofag here, but I have an overfilled game already. I may repost if I decide to split it into two.
Alright, time to do this.
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
GMT+3, time open to discussion.
Pathfinder, Lite-3d10 Quest system, my own WIP.
>Contact info
Skype: anabella.ivakira
I have currently two major inspirations going on: vampires and knights. I'm feeling like running one or the other (or both).
I generally follow a few principles:
>Anything that can happen in real life can happen in the game too.
>No railroading. There's the world environment; how you affect it, what path you choose is up to you.
I've GM'd for a long while, running serious and light, censored and erotic games alike. I strongly prefer story and interactive roleplay over systems, mechanics and combat, but I don't leave it out: It's simply not the focus. I hope to find a player willing to learn, try things out and be dedicated to a game.
Before deciding to play with anybody though I'd like to get to know and maybe run a practise/test session to see how well we synch and are able to play.
Let's see who will add.
Player, if someone has a group in desperate need of a GM I can be convinced.
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
GMT+2 but haha who needs sleep?
I'll play literally anything that isn't superheroes.
>Contact info
skype: ivan.slavishityi
Discord: Doats#9284
i do voice and text, no preference in either direction. i do HEMA, gonnes and autistic military stuff.
What a shame. I wanted to run a superhero game.
Interest check for operator game
I wish you weren't joking just to harass him.
A vital information I forgot: I play purely text-based.
>motherfucking vampire knights
>GMT and Tuesday nights
>Shadowrun 5th or 4th edition.
>Doing an interest check
/k/ + Veeky Forums here, I'm in.
You better not shit this up, with your nogun having hands.
extremely itnerested yes
guess I'll do it lads
This image fails to explain what the fuck an operator game is. But I gather from context it's /k/ish, so count me out, no shitting up here!
I was thinking of either running a game or joining one.
So if you're running one I'm up for it.
yeah I'm running it.
One more player and we can get this off the ground.
Inquire here:
We'll be using Lexicon to lay the groundwork so it's not a horrid slog to build.
I'm overall interested, but GMT -3 here, it might mess the time up.
I'd be interested as long as you're fine with someone who doesn't have much experience with Shadowrun.
Only played 5th before but I'm interested
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
GMT -7 and time playing is not an issue.
I have played Pathfinder and 5e, but I am willing to try new settings and systems.
>Contact info
Discord: ShenusLabar #4154
Email: [email protected]
Always interested in SR.
some more info about the game
>unamed eastern bloc country
>playing as insurgents
>trying to fight off a new militrized goverment
we're using gurps 4e and you can join here
Then you are a lucky one. Just had a horrible game. GM has first npc dead in first scene with less then a paragraph in backstory. Expect us to pick up the slack. Sad. Just fucking pathetic.
Was it like a wartime scenario or something? Why the rush?
Cause the GM didn't put any effort in. And no, it was PokeRole. No wartime scenario possible.
Better than fucking Jobber the Edgehog.
I just found a pretty amazing one, and i was in seventh heaven for about 3 days, and as happy as rarely ever before, but it turned out that the GM thought i wasn't really a good fit for the group. And some players agreed.
So yeah there's great groups out there.
All I wanna do is play atypical, modern fantasy games like Monsterhearts or MtA. But Veeky Forums is obsessed with medieval fantasy.
Thanks for your insight! I'll keep in mind on my next games!
>modern fantasy
>making male teens gay with supernatural powers is a new fad
I meant urban fantasy, I'm sure that crap's been happening for centuries.
Also add Nightshift to the list of games I wanna play.
Hope so. I'll keep trying, hell I'll even try this game another time in hopes that the GM is just new and wasn't sure of himself. Just tough when you are literally given nothing to work with and little time to do what you can with that nothing. It's like trying to make a meal with just fire. No other ingredients.
Still hope decent groups are out there and still looking for players.
No Dresden Files? Lame.
The Dresden Files game fucking sucks, though.
Never read the books, no idea what the rpg system would be about. Add it if you want, just bring me sweet urban fantasy.
I just need urban fantasy to cleanse myself off this overdone medieval crap.
please don't bother
Had an idea that has been in my head for a long time, like decades long, that might able to implement now with current technology and online nature of games. Simple premise of a competitive/co-operative combination of VtM. Simple premise of new blood in a cleansed City. City gets wipe of Kindred blood and noone knows what the hell happened. Dispossessed Elders all the way down to new blood hear about it and move in to set up shop. Chaos ensues. I'm thinking of playing it over Discord with only a single session a week, but different channels used for each player's plots. Each channel unable to be entered by any other then the player and the ST. And a group room(channel) for public scenes and a set of atrium rooms(channels) that can be used for private conversations that will be deleted after every conversation to preserve secrets (But with the content of said room saved by me).
Public events would be advertised a week, realtime, before they are to be played out. You don't make it, you didn't show up. If the event runs longer then a session, game goes on hold until event is finished, or one week is passed and characters involved that didn't show go missing, presumed dead... er deader.
Small plots and the like can be played out whenever in the week the ST and plotter can get online. Large plots only advance once a week, on a dedicated game night. All have to show up to said night, even if just in passing so that they can check in and see if a plot involved them.
Can play Kindred, Ghouls, Mortals and that is it. Other types are ST territory only.
That is the basics of my idea. If anybody might be interested I can start to flesh out the idea more and if enough get interested I might be able to start working on the setting more and after a couple of weeks have everything up and running.
Point of note, this would be a play as long as people stay interested type of game. No clear ending would be planned.
Another Forever DM, I want to play badly though.
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
EST, 8pm is my preferred start time, I have to have flexible hours due to working in food service. Weekdays are best
I can play and DM 5e and have a campaign for it already, which starts with LMoP for a feeler session.
I want to play Pathfinder, but I can't DM it.
>Contact info
Skype: Anthony Ward
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
CST, Monday all day and night. Or Sunday after 9:00. Thursday after 10? (maybe)
>Contact info
Email: [email protected]
Either works for me, though I haven't DM'd before and am interested in trying
>Timezone and time
PST/MST. Friday evenings and Saturday and Sunday anytime
Pathfinder, want to learn 5e
Email: [email protected]
Discord: Fenrir#5335
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
Saturday afternoons US time. Exact time negotiable but will likely run into the evening.
L5R for now, but if we like you you'll be a welcome member of the group, and we play several systems together depending on who feels like GMing and whatnot.
>Contact info
alpharius.omegon1 on Skype
>player or GM
players looking for a GM
>system(s) preferred
Pathfinder with all splats
>available time(s)
weekends PST
Subspace Particle Beam on skype
>Text or Voice
>any other details
We want you to run a game for us, utilizing our input. We will exactly tell you what we want and what we don't want. We like heroic, high flying fantasy and cinematic elements the most, just so you know what you can expect. Pic related is our favourite supplement. We also expect you to write a story tailored to our preferences with interesting NPCs and setpieces.
How many players are in your group?
Damn. If it was Sunday's, I'd be all over that shit. Never can seem to find an L5R game to play in, ended up running a game on roll20 just to get my fix.
Best of luck though.
Games lasting more the 3 hours? And start on time?
Yes, No sometimes we're a little late because we're humans.
4 we want 5.
A little late is less the 2 hours, correct?
Last session, our first of this campaign, was half an hour late due to technical difficulties.
I'm tempted because I enjoyed the last text game I played of l5r
I've got a setting like that called Night Garden. It's about a 1920s inspiried city out of time where all the lost souls and aliens end up. There are psychic powers and all the guns are made of scrap metal.
I'd enjoy running something like that but I don't know what system to use (or what exactly to make if I want to make my own) and I don't have any time off for another two weeks or so.
But anyway, just thought I'd gauge for interest.
You sold me. I'm in, I'll send you a contact request on Skype.
Is Saturday the only possible day? What about Sundays?
That's a lot of choosing for beggers. "We are looking for you to run a 5 person game for us. But you can't ban any books. And you need to accept whatever demands we have. And you better write a interesting story tailored to our likes and dislikes."
Which is precisely why they will get no decent takers. Any decent GM would laugh that off and go make a game of their choosing that 5 other players would easily join.
Why is nobody running D&D 4e? It's fucking impossible to find a campaign for that, and I really want to play.
it's bad
People play 3.finder and 5e all the time, though.
You're already pretty much begging when you ask for a DM to run for an established group. No one ever wants to do that.
And then you say you want the campaign to be carefully tailored so it's exactly what you want. Another factor making any sane GM concerned.
Then you say you want it to be a fucking Mythic game.
You have NO chance. Give up. Stop reposting this, you sperg.
5e is good and Pathfinder is nostalgia bait.
No, it's different.
Different can be bad. Don't mistake different for good. Rabies causes brains to act "different." It is not a good thing.
Nobody ever actually liked 4e. They only pretended to so they could hate on 3e.
What's so bad about 4e?
I don't want to answer that, because it would be an edition war instead of a gamefinder thread. Ask elsewhere.
I'll answer. It's different. It's really main problem is feat bloat and a lot of tiny bonuses. Both can be ultimately fixed, even though it shouldn't have to be.
Also monster stat fuck ups, but those are fixed with a formula from the third monster manual.
Mind you, it is still good, but it isn't flawless.
Also, it's dead, like, really fucking dead. Which is a sham.
Dumb frogposter.
page 8
What is "Lite-3d10 Quest system"?
Hear ye, hear ye! We be seeking a player or two more to play Pathfinder with us, just about damn near every other day!
>GM and some players
>A mashup of europeans and americans, playing from around 6-8pm to 10-11 GMT, can play any day except on sundays, trying to look into playing some more than that on saturdays
>Playing on Roll20, OOC chatter and other random stuff on Discord, here's an invite:
The stars have changed! Two new moons popped up on the sky, strange animals roam the earth and roads and forests have merged! A damaged orphan holding to her father's gun, a misanthropic yet lonely and gutless ranger, and a paladin with very strange ideas of do-gooding, are seeking answers by bumbling about the countryside, and could use a friend or two to help them out! There will be lawful-stupid robots, cute animals, morally ambiguous bards, and a whole lot of weird shit!
Explore in a world you thought you (or at least your character) knew! Pet cuddly critters! Get bitten by a weasel! Die in new and hilarious ways probably!
Are you bad enough, and NEET enough, to join them on their quest?
Oh. Also,
Since that's a thing that needs to be clarified these days.
That sounds like stupidly good fun, but at the same time >Pathfinder
And, provided everyone that's showed up decides to stick, we're already full - one too many even.
You'd think the words "pathfinder" and "playing as many days as possible" and later "text only" would've scared you people away.
Well, anyway, probably no more spots. I'll let you know if that changes, though. Sorry.
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
Probably some time EST
>Contact info
PM your skype details to masterman14 on reddit or reply to this post
>Game details
Homebrew norse-influenced world designed to be small and simple so players can engage with it and build on it together. At least level 3.
I don't have a reddit account. Why don't you just make a discord?
haven't done this before but alright.
you can join my discord here if you want
Rolled 1, 8, 2 = 11 (3d10)
If you've ever played/seen some of the Quests on Veeky Forums or /qst/, it's basically dice+3d10.
None pass the DC: critical fail.
One passes the DC: fail.
Two pass the DC: success.
All pass the DC: critical success.
It's a very light system that revolves more around the roleplay than actual mechanics.