What was the worst idea you or your players had come with? Did it miraculously worked or it failed?
Worst ideas thread
Other urls found in this thread:
My worst idea to date as a GM is my planned Mass Effect/Mutant Chronicles cross over setting. It's a loose collection of notes right now and I doubt I'll ever try telling my players about it. The whole thing spawned out of a conversation with a friend after a game of warzone about what would happen if the main antagonistic force(the Dark Soul and it's apostles and legions) of Mutant Chronicles was unleashed by some of the Mass Effect races after first contact with humanity.
I think I'll leave it to rot in my notebook, most of my "original" ideas end up flopping, this wouldn't be any different.
I had a player who once tried to do this:
Without taking cover
Trying to fight a Lasombra Ancilla with a hand help M2 machine gun. I did this by charging into an obscured building, with no visual on the target and without even trying to lay down some suppressing fire. Needless to say I got ashed in one round of combat.
Walked into a room that was obviously a crypt, and found a coffin that had no dust on it when everything else did.
They opened it because they just wanted to end arguments, one player thought it was obviously a trap, one thought it was a bluff, and one just wanted to move on.
They unleashed a terrible evil upon the world, which they bound themselves to serve.
Our bard jumped into a megaladon's mouth with an axe. She actually survived the teeth part somehow but drowned because she jumped in screaming and didn't actually stop to breathe before going under. We managed to kill it while she was flailing around in there. Later we had my fire bloodline sorceress pretty much roll a flame orb over her on a makeshift pyre... which eventually resulted in the bard's fat, bloated corpse exploding once the superheated chainmail we left on pressure cooked her. Our paladin got hit in the face with burning fat.
Dark Heresy. We all dived for cover instead of shields. But you get the idea.
Result's the same.
And by "We all" I meant "except the guy kicking the grenade". It was also a really bad roll.
Get to a warzone
Sell shitload of coke they've stolen from a local king-pin for instant profit
Support local underdogs and play it a la "For a handful of dollars"
Before they've reached the area, they've sold the drugs first chance they've got, changed party composition (one of the PCs was torned apart with horses as a punishment for offending a diplomat, they've got a new PC with only half of the exp the rest have), get tangled into local noble infighting and by the time they've reached the warzone, they've literally no longer cared nor remembered their original plan.
So they've rolled over it, fighting their way throught marauders.
... and I've ended up with 30 pages of preparation for the massive war campaign that went to shit without any use whatsoever.
>... and I've ended up with 30 pages of preparation for the massive war campaign that went to shit without any use whatsoever.
That's why you shouldn't be too forward in your prep man. What system?
>That's why you shouldn't be too forward in your prep man
We were all planning that campaign for 5 months, as a massive build up and everything else was a filler to just get to the place. So nice knowing having a big campaign prepared for your players is "too forward", you mong
>What system?
Witcher TTRPG, the old one, not the one they are working on
Brokering a marriage between the orc queen and the human noble kid.
We've definitely done stupider things on the fly, but this plan we actually worked out and hammered out. I was certain it woud fail, but somehow not only worked, but worked well for everyone involved.
> We were all planning that campaign for 5 months
Not that user, but I doubt that, PC actions are really erratic if everyone were in on the planning for 5 months. My guess is that you did all of the work.
> So nice knowing having a big campaign prepared for your players is "too forward", you mong
Well, can't argue with results, can we?
I was like you not so long ago, realized the games my characters preferred were those were I half-bullshitted through (we call this improv). So as of now, I mostly prepare generic stuff I can use in a pinch and roll with the players.
>realized the games my characters preferred
Think I might keep away from the keyboard for a while. Sorry.
Also not the GM guy, but here is how your post reads
>I never played with anyone but complete fuck-ups
>That means all player groups are made up from complete failures that don't think five minutes ahead
>We were all planning that campaign for 5 months
"I was planning that campaign for 5 months"
>So nice knowing having a big campaign prepared for your players is "too forward"
It is unless you're 100% sure you're all in-line with your expectations and hopes for the campaign. Otherwise the players will do what they find the most fun regardless if it lines up with your vision or not.
>you mong
pic related
Shit GM detected
And how the fuck you can even know you were like you. What? You know me after few sentences? Grow a pair and learn how to GM.
Another moron...
In fact, not counting local power-play, everything else was planned by the guy who invented the whole get-the-coke-for-some-army-so-they-will-fight-better. I was filling his gaps, not the other way around. Meanwhile, rest of the team was busy with helping fluff out the geo stuff (happens, when you have 3 people from Geology in the group)
But sure, it was all just my work and you know that better, because you read a single sentence, which you not only didn't understand, but misinterpreted the way it suited you.
If I'm mad? Yeah. Not on the scenario, I can always use it with different group. But on the fact there are mouth-breathing idiots like you around.
>So nice knowing having a big campaign prepared for your players is "too forward", you mong
When you plan the whole campaign in advance, it doesn't leave room for player agency. You just want to railroad them through your novel.
Not those user but I have a question; what exactly were those 30 pages of notes if you were being reactive with your GMing instead? i.e. "I filled in the gaps." Like how big were the gaps?
I storytimed this once
>it doesn't leave room for player agency
The entire fucking campaign was player agency, you moron. But you would have to read more than single post to know that, which is too much work for a sperg
Like setting up what is the real power of each local faction involved. See, the whole point of the campaign and the war (or rather local conflict) was about control over strategic point(s) on trade route: four cities and fords next to them, combined with the control of the river forking in the area.
So the gaps involved stuff like measuring local powers, giving stats to important NPCs, giving agencies to the less obvious elements and basically crunching the shit out of it. Out of those 30 pages, roughtly 25 are crunch.
Oh, cry me a fuckin' river. If you ended up with shit your players weren't interested in you got ahead of them, period. If you got 30 fucking pages ahead of them you'd fuckin' forgot you had players to start with.
And the fact that you can't admit that to yourself just means you won't learn from it, either.
Not him, but fucking read the thread. Because you are so fucking off-point it's not even funny.
>Guy proceeds to describe reactive campaign wholly invented by his players
>Gets crunch in advance, rest is on players
Once we used a guy as a battering ram
Since he was taking a shit, he couldn't object to using his head to bash open a wall
>I never played with anyone but complete fuck-ups
>That means all player groups are made up from complete failures that don't think five minutes ahead
Best storytelling is organic and take into account player agency. This user's game is basically a Vidya.
What I argue is that the medium (TTRPG) is ill-chosen to make that kind of preparation. Then again, you can blame the players and stubbornly keep what you're doing or try to work with what you have.
> And how the fuck you can even know you were like you. What? You know me after few sentences?
I can recognize patterns and empathize. Furthermore, I am not like you: You take offense where there is none.
> Grow a pair and learn how to GM.
I like how you accuse me to jump to the conclusion, then immediately after type that.
> I was filling his gaps
> ... and I've ended up with 30 pages of preparation for the massive war campaign that went to shit without any use whatsoever.
> But sure, it was all just my work and you know that better, because you read a single sentence, which you not only didn't understand, but misinterpreted the way it suited you.
Well, either you're completely delusional, in a level of autism that would make Aspergers freak out or the worst communicator in the history of mankind. Pick one.
You pillock.
>Okay so I'm going to steal from this shop then I'm going to turn myself in so I get thrown into the dungeon
>Then I'm going to break out and go to the bandit lair and tell them that I'm on the run and looking for some fun
>Then when they least expect it I'm going to kill them all!
>What do you mean you don't think this is a great idea?
To be completely honest I like the idea of you trying to blend in with the bandits so that you can kill most of them in their sleep but why the fuck do you have to steal from the people who hired you to get rid of the bandits? Why didn't you just ask them to play along with your plan?
The plan almost worked but when the bandits didn't take him in the second he reached them he started to throw daggers at them.
>This user's game is basically a Vidya.
You didn't read the description of the campaign itself, did you? Or what those 30 pages of notes contained, for that matter
> Or what those 30 pages of notes contained, for that matter
Please, post, and I'll be happy to take a look.
He described the contents. There's no need to post the whole thing.
Though if the whole thing gets posted, will you read it?
>Please post
>25 pages of crunch
Not him, but here is your reply
What would have happened in that video if they just stayed behind the shield?
They'd still be dead as shit.
Exactly the same, since it was not a fragmentation grenade
Severe concussion. No limb loss.
We helped a bitch to get to the top of the town's underworld. While we were too busy counting the many she was going to throw our way after we won she decided to drive us out of the town and assassinate our boss. Now we are on a witch hunt for her and next session i am going to drive a hot poker down her throat.
Assassin Creed games are so god damn stupid.
I can't fucking read that
Open in new tab, nigger
>Players are undead
> find a bunch of clerics that had 'killed them'.
>decide to try to scare them off by pretending to be ghosts.
>Of course they immediately turn undead
They wouldn't be so bad if they would
A: Stop insisting on doing the Templar vs Assassin template every damn time
B: Stop insisting on doing the 'present' bits every damn time
Samefag, and no I'm not. Producing copious notes and then expecting players to follow them because you've already put the work in is *exactly* the problem, and now you've got 30 pages of "sucks to be you" to remind you of it.
30. Page. Overrun. + Players. Didn't. Play. Right == "Waaaah, my railroad fell over"
Party got pulled over for doing something small like speeding. One cop from cop car moves to talk to driver while the other remains in the car (running plates and such). Before even trying to talk their way out of the situation, driver dominates the cop with the power that is a single word (I believe level 1?). "Sleep". His partner just sees his counterpart drop to the floor. He calls for backup, pulls his gun, and a crazy shit show ensues from there (which invovled machine blitzing the helicopter that eventually started following them and having it crash into the city). I believe I had to wipe the whole party because of it.
Other than a few plot things happening, some key npcs and a few good hooks/missions/adventure ideas prepping way in advance is not likely to produce better results. And it increases the likelihood of heartbreak, disappointment and burnout significantly.
Then it's all spread out and I have to keep moving the image around.
Wackiest player plan I ever saw involved slavery, /ss/, forced labor and selective breeding.
Somehow it actually worked though and turned out really well for the player, all things considered.
His mistake was that he should have just dropped them in media res after they sold the coke into the battlefield and proceeding from there, not that he planned a campaign in the first place. You bring your players to the point immediately if that point is crucial to the game, not expect them to get to the point on their own. Also, he expected his players to be intelligent enough to be drug dealers when they sound dumb as bricks (guess that's why he was given the inglorious task of running the game; there's no way they have either the patience or mental capacity to run that shit on their own).
We tricked a 6th generation Tzimisce into giving a rant in the middle of a battlefield, let the Nosferatu sniper pick him off in a single shot. Was absolutely hilarious until we realized he could regenerate from near death.
Letting my players go after they committed a crime.
You really didn't read this thread at all. The original user produced crunch notes for fighting armies. Then the campaign never happend at all. And you are complaining about him doing a railroad. You can at least see how unrelated those things are, right?
>Planned campaigns are bad
My mistake was assuming that Veeky Forums is not swarming with incompetent morons that play TTRPG just to kill things.
And the amount of implying in your post is just insulting. Not to me or the other people around, but to fucking human intellect.
As storytellers in a "return of the gods" larp on a homebrew system... We decided it would be a great idea to have centaurcycles show up in 1976 NYC. Half man, half motorcycle. And they'd kill a helpful NPC, leave his head for the players to find. The players would have to go deal with it on downtime. Which was all well and good for some conflict until we realized that being motorcycles with torsos attached, their only combat tactic was charge in a straight line forward on flat pavement. And they were damn unwieldy. Players absolutely decimated what was supposed to be their first "you're not as powerful as you think / there's other dangerous stuff out there" moment, to the point where they were like "man, how did they kill that NPC, he must have been weak sauce"
No, you illiterate dumbfuck, that's not what happened:
"Before they've reached the area, they've sold the drugs first chance they've got, changed party composition (one of the PCs was torned apart with horses as a punishment for offending a diplomat, they've got a new PC with only half of the exp the rest have), get tangled into local noble infighting and by the time they've reached the warzone, they've literally no longer cared nor remembered their original plan.
So they've rolled over it, fighting their way throught marauders.
... and I've ended up with 30 pages of preparation for the massive war campaign that went to shit without any use whatsoever."
All that shit means the campaign happened and the characters did things like "sold the drugs," "changed party composition," "got tangled up into local noble infighting," And further shit. The campaign fucking *happened* it just didn't follow the DM prep so he's crying bitch-tears about it. The game got *played* it just didn't go how the DM wanted.
This whiny little cunt overshot his players by 30 pages and now he wants Veeky Forums sympathy points for it. And he's not gonna get it because he should have known better. And your dumb ass selectively reading a thread so you can accuse others of doing is probably close enough to that to encourage the fucktard to keep begging for it.
>The campaign happend
Only it didn't. And here is the GM speaking.
How dense montherfucker one must be to not understand that:
1) War campaign didn't happen
2) Scenarios before it were completely unrelated shit to fill the time passage and movement
3) The whole war campaign was PLAYERS idea
4) There was no railroad, you dumb fuck, it was just a shitload of stats for all the possible NPCs and groups the players might encounter in the area (which was a given for a five-direction struggle and them being a wild card in it)
But here you are, knowing better what happend, what is in the notes and who did what. Why don't you just declare yourself the God Almighty already?
Also, futher explaining for such tool like you:
Some people DON'T just play unrelated, disjoined set of adventures, but keep them coherent. And if they are two months away from their point of destination, then they might ask you to role-play through all that journey. Meaning a lot of filler scenarios and micro-campaigns to finally start the proper campaigns.
The sole fact that for you it makes no difference between a scenario, mini-campaign and campaign proper is the best proof you are a fucking pleb that can't into fucking roleplay and just goes from one adventure to another.
And there is only one type of PC that fits that - a murderhobo. Which lo and behold, is fucking missing in that specific group. They are playing a fucking Witcher TTRPG WITHOUT a witcher in their party, for starters.
But here, go preach me how the preparations were one massive evil railroad. Because surely you can railroad through player-invented scenario that is all about players initiative and decisions. That totally will work.
Other guys, but let me get this straight:
They went from point A to B to start the campaign, only to go futher after reaching point B and just ignore the whole thing?
Then why going into a fucking war zone in the first place? I mean why they even bothered to go there, if the deal was off earlier and one of PCs got replaced?
I guess this is the biggest problem with player-reactive games. People change their mind on a whim, unless doing really in-depth character RP
Ironically, this is a great case for railroading. Players are frequently dumb, easily distracted, and if they could come up with good ideas, they'd GM.
I've been sidetracked in a similar matter, where I listened to one of my players who wanted to play noble politics in my D&D setting, so I wrote up a whole bunch of stuff about the noble houses and histories of a region, which then didn't matter because the player in question only wanted to lecture NPCs on proper etiquette for hours and then spent no actual time playing politics.
Much like how any author or creator should not ever directly listen to their audience's feedback, GMs should never give players what they say they want, because the players frequently don't know what they want.
He's just ass hurt that his train de-railed and he wants to be all "the REAL campaign never happened, what my players actually did was an INFERIOR, FALSE campaign. Fuck you if you can't see that."
There's a difference between planned campaigns, overplanned campaigns and murderhobo games.
You can run a compelling story focused campaign planning a few sessions in advance or with loose end goals and improvising to fill in any blanks. You do not need massive folders of prep. Been there, done that.
>Being this mad about other people and their GMing style
>Pulling things out of thin air to rant about
But why?
I can get why the original poster was mad about the campaign going to shit. What I don't get is your passive-aggressive bullshit.
I has nothing to do with playing style and everything to do with his attitude that his prep was wise and flawless and the filthy players ruined it y not doing what he expected them to do.
It grew from there as he continually piled stupid arguments on top of each other to shift blame by claiming it wasn't about player agency, that somehow the fact it was crunch made it different, or that his notes were the real campaign that never happened and what the players actually did was something different.
The truth of the matter is that players do have agency and in this case they spent it going in a different direction. There were a lot of ways he could have handled that, including discussing it OOC with the players, pocketing the prep for future usage, attempting to use as much of it as possible, or any combination of the above and several others besides.
What he did do is come to Veeky Forums looking for sympathy and threw a fit when he didn't get it, responding like a petulant child to any suggestion his own choices were poor or any suggestion that he could have handled it differently. I have no patience for that.
And please actually bother to look up the words "passive-aggressive," I think you'll find it much more accurately describes your greentext than my profanity.
>I'm not passive-aggressive
>Proceeds with passive-aggressive rant
M'kay, I rest my case then, have fun being an asshole for no real reason. But take care of your liver, before excessive bile production will damage it.
I think he's actually active aggressive
Are you posting in the wrong thread or something? Because none of that stuff happened in this one.
Start here: Read this time.
If only the real game wasn't so shit.
Yeah, you are posting in the wrong thread
>There are pople stupid enough to not see the difference between filler adventures and actual campaigns
And you really dare to preach anyone?
Well in a black crusade game I plan on making a giant daemon world engine. I have serious doubts it'll work but if I'm going to be a bad guy I'm shooting to make it a memorable time.
The concentrated butthurt in this thread is astounding.
Anyways, the dumbest thing recently was a level 2 rogue in 3.5 trying to pick the pocket of an approx level 15 cleric with an escort of paladins.
It ended predictably, with the rogue attempting to stab the paladin who detained her.
Step out of an armoured car as a decker, wearing a bright-blue rain jacket, and demand that they surrender. Immediately shot. Good times.
Trying to distill the issue here, I've got to say that if 30 pages of prep went to waste after the first few bits of unexpected player agency, you were assuming far too much. Perhaps you weren't railroading, but were definitely expecting the players to go along with the whole thing with the initiative of a lemming.
As a couple others have said, being too specific in your preparations tends to be wasteful, and your plans must have a degree of elasticity to accommodate for players being players.
If it's just stats more than preparation, then I'm sure it's possible to guide the story to lead the group back to the area and make use of all that work. Adapt and repurpose.
The worst idea my players ever had is one I've told on Veeky Forums before.
>Players have moved into this abandoned wizard's tower. It was actually a kind of neat campaign, as their main base and the main dungeon was the same place, as they waged room by room war against the automated defenses, clearing it out bit by bit, and only adventuring out to gather resources to help them secure the tower.
>Along the way, make some enemies.
>One of said enemies raises a small army to attack the tower and kill them.
>Even with the parts they've managed to secure, 150 vs 6 are LONG odds.
>So they decide to pull out, set a ton of traps on top of the two different layers of defenses (Theirs and the original), raise some forces of their own, and try to re-take their home.
>Plan on escaping using teleporter.
>Gathering up stuff to take with them, destroying things they can't.
>One item is a fairly massive "Power Crystal", basically a magical battery. It's too big to easily take with them, and dangerous to boot to travel with.
>Hey, let's use it to power the teleport, no sense leaving this thing aroung
>Uh, guys, that's way stronger a charge than to get where you want to go. You'd have close to a 90% chance of a mishap.
>Brief huddle.
>Yeah, we think it's worth the risk.
>Roll for magnitude of mishap.
>Blow up entire tower.
Well that was an entertaining read.
Jump into the ocean wearing full plate. Needless to say the DM insta-fucked him much to the players bafflement at his inability to swim. Saved em though.
One of our party dark heresy members was tied and covered in what I can only assume were motion-triggered bombs + time bombs. I wasn't aware of the former, so as the latter seemed to be close to exploding I thought to threw the party healer out a window to save myself. They exploded.
An 'all myths are true' urban fantasy setting. Viking werewolves fighting gunslinger vampires atop a skyscraper in Kyoto. It just got worse from there.
Using a captured murder cultist to stand guard for them in a dungeon. He coup de grace'd the sleeping PC who had his stuff and then ran away.
As a hidden resistence in the sewers, blowing up a street. No reason, just bombing a street. Blew up a carriage with a minor noble in it, killed his wife and infant son.
When dealing with a murderous Goatman type dealio, deciding to talk with it. It proceeded to axe that guy in the face, just about killed him.
Decided to sneak attack a town full of like 50 raiders and a tank on foot while having some small arms and six gunmen. Surprisingly worked, as we secured some of their emplacements and use that against clumps of raiders and the tank.
5th Ed and
Party is trying to get a massive khanate whom we've been befriended to go to war against a country wrecking house in the north. Said country is run by essentially a lich.
Now, we've been fucking with the country with a helm of teleportation, we find a name and location, scry them, and teleport in and gank them.
They've tried to counter us by forming a special reaction force. They've also given everyone important a stone that can smmon said special reaction team almost instantly.
We then flip one of their generals to our side, he gives us his stone.
We brainstorm a plan to trick the Khan of Khan's.
We teleport into his throne room, and tell him all panicky that said country is going to assassinate him, and we trigger the stone.
During the ensuing combat, two players go down, the Khan and his son almost die, and 30 elite guards die.
But the strike team is wiped out, with one dead strike team member teleporting back.
The crimson horde marches three days later, 150,000 horsemen strong.
Sneaking into a cave full of giant spiders by wearing the corpses of giant spiders on our heads.
I came up with the idea.
Oh, and earlier in the campaign we made friends with a hill or stone giant by giving him stew. It was a strange campaign.
>Another person can't into reading comprehension
Since this thread is already pretty much "That one particular guys and other anons", he later explained that out of those 30 pages, 25 were crunch for fighting armies.
That leaves 5 pages of scenario.
And the scenario itself was players ideas. So when players dropped the scenario, there was no point playing it, leaving the guy with 5 pages of prep (a normal amount any scenario takes if you ask me) and a 25 pages of scenario-specific cruch. Which means he wasted a lot of time on having a sheet for NPCs that never happend.
It has absolutely nothing to do with railroading, players agency or any other thing people claim
And the best part of your post is how you first talk about evils of railroading, only to... advice railroad to get players into something they clearly didn't want.
No, dumbfuck. We're saying never spend a moment's prep on anything you'll be begging Veeky Forums for sympathy grade assblasted over if it doesn't actually come up in the game.
I don't give a shit if he wrote a 250 gaming supplement and drew a 22 page comic book to go with it and had both professionally bound, that ain't the direction the game went and that happens. You prep what you think you'll need, you recycle what you can, and you make peace with the idea that it may very well get left by the side of the road, or else large portions of Veeky Forums will call you a whiny faggot, you whiny faggot.
Scanned and uploaded the complete Necronomicon to Veeky Forums.
Hijacked the transport the BBEG was on and crashed it, ending our lives and the campaign in 15 minutes.
Stole a God's essence and used it as fertilizer to speed up our hops production.
Singlehandedly started a global nuclear thermal war by trolling the Israeli PM.
We are not a smart group.
>Single user
Motherfucker I don't even *agree* with all the people in this thread calling your moronic samefagging ass names. People have gathered to make fun of you in their own unique ways.
I'm currently going through the worst idea I've had. To preface the Cleric and Wizard players (voices of reason) were gone last session. So that left me the Gnome Fighter, Elf Rogue, and Half-Orc Monk free to act dumb. Though the Cleric player was there physically he was out of it mentally, and the Ranger didn't show up because the stars weren't right or some nonsense.
Last session the party finished helping reopen a mining town that had an abomination, hydra, and poor local government trash it. Seeing as the GM loves throwing monsters out that squish our group in a stand up fight and then have npcs or other monsters come save our butts has been disheartening. Secondly nobles the party have encountered are some combination of retard, slaver, rapist, or coward with mountains of gold. I figured extortion by some form would be the best way to get money for the group, in the safest possible way. Of course it wasn't as planned as I make it sound. The party was looking for another Wrong to right and some gold to pay off debts when the monk, rogue and I stumbled upon a young noble that was being an asshole to old people after returning to the city central to the campaign. In a spur of the moment idea I suggested we kidnap the guy and get money out of his father who is a lord of a nearby port town, the group agreed much to my amazment. So after a brief discussion on how we'll capture him, the rogue walked up to the young noble and pretended to be a fellow noble, and said come with me and my friends into this alley and beat up old people with us. Of course nobility being as dumb as rocks in this game, the young noble followed us and the monk punched him till he was unconscious. The rogue and I spent no time stripping him of valuables and writing a ransom note that we immediately sent off. Now our plan didn't stop at ransom, we plan on killing both of them and installing the Rogue as the new ruler of the port town.
Ran out of space
Seeing as we barely have a plan, limited resources, the GM's fondness of bullshit hard encounters, and I expect the other half of the group to reasonably stay out of this, I figure I'm as good as dead next session. Suicide by GM if you will.
The PCs tried to infiltrate a group of criminals who they knew were working for the cult of an evil god.
One of the PCs was an Aasimar.
I did a similar thing in my first vampire campaign. I used the 2nd level to make him leave us be but when his partner asked what had happened he got his senses back. By the end of the night we'd been on local news and had to run my car off a bridge. We were the first kindred who had been permitted sired under the new Prince and the god damn sheriff had to pick me up and make me wear a bin bag so as not to ruin his car. Our sire was not happy. The other character crawled out on the other side of the river.
Accidentally burned down an orphanage and stole one of the orphans to give to the clearly retarded blacksmith for a discount on some shitty weapon