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Do you do PvP ever? what are your experiences with it?
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Do you do PvP ever? what are your experiences with it?
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Not in 5th, but in 4e we had a Encounters game where we were all 1st level and one player had a Blackguard. When we encountered some innocents the Blackguard player said "I kill them!". Initiative was rolled, everyone else in the party beat the blackguard, and threw all their attacks at him, killing him before he could do anything. To my knowledge that guy never played D&D again.
The one time my players pvped, it was a cleric vs. a warlock, in a just for fun type thing. The cleric succeeded on his save against hold person, and the warlock didn't. That was that.
If its 1v1 nothing can beat amoon druid at low to mid levels, as long as hes decded to sink all his days resources into it.
Yes and no. The first PvP I encountered was when I was DMing. Had a Monk of the Long Death and he knocked out a creature (a stirge) so he could study it dying. Another player (who ended up breaking the group apart later), killed the knocked out stirge just to piss off the Monk. The Monk, understandably upset, yelled at the Warlock and I allowed them to fight. The Monk knocked the Warlock out fairly effortlessly. They were both level 1 at the time.
The second time was just a couple weeks ago. I'm playing a clown and we're going through OotA in Neverlight Grove. We get hit by a shit load of madness rolls and, eventually, a tablemate fails his roll and his madness this time was amnesia. So his character sorta shakes his head as if he's coming to and sees me standing there in tattered, rough looking, patching together clown outfit and decided that I looked dangerous enough to attack. With his Sneak Attack, he nearly one shots me and then runs off. I didn't retaliate.
Was GFB a mistake? I find myself wanting it on every melee character that doesn't have extra attack, like a life cleric where it is basically a free Divine Strike with some possible damage to another enemy as well. I feel like it has become a standard and I'm not even sure it was needed beyond a few niche things, like melee wizards/bladesingers and sorcerers.
>The second time was just a couple weeks ago. I'm playing a clown and we're going through OotA in Neverlight Grove. We get hit by a shit load of madness rolls and, eventually, a tablemate fails his roll and his madness this time was amnesia. So his character sorta shakes his head as if he's coming to and sees me standing there in tattered, rough looking, patching together clown outfit and decided that I looked dangerous enough to attack. With his Sneak Attack, he nearly one shots me and then runs off. I didn't retaliate.
OK that's a great one, as much as I want to stay away from PvP.
We all had a good laugh about it. That was a real fun session to be honest.
I dunno, GFB is really good, but it works best on someone who plans to stay on the front lines. Even a heavy armor cleric won't be able to duke it out with an appropriately sized enemy force while still maintaining his role as primary healer/party buffer. Rogues still probably get the best mileage out of the cantrip, I think.
Anyone got an upload for Fantasy grounds on a mega or torrent?
It's on steam /app/252690/
PvP in a all out video game fight is really stupid. A PvP session with players that know each other should be more like a full action movie where they attack back and forth over a longer period of time than a single encounter. Like one of those WWII sniper vs sniper type stories.
If you really want a battle royale in 5e it should be NPC versus NPC because NPC stat blocks are designed for single encounters.
GFB should work great once, and then be tricky to line up AoE afterwards.
Thinking about it I suppose it isn't a big problem if variant humans are banned, which I think is well reasoned. Trickster rogues and eldritch knights aren't exactly OP and otherwise it would be mostly bladesingers, bladelock / melee tomelock, arcana cleric etc.
I meant mostly for the scaling damage, at level 5 it becomes a free 1d8 extra damage.
Thats a bit of a silly thing to say, considering clerics can't get it. As any character I want healing word too, but I'm not going to jump through hoops to get it, and GFB isn't even that good compared to other cantrips if you aren't adding casting stat to damage. I think I would rather have EB most of the time if we are talking cantrips. more chances to hit (and crit), and force damage is king of the damage types.
You can want it on every character, but its only wiz/warlock/sorc. So you have to jump through hoops to get it. Sometimes its worth it for a concept to jump through those hoops (if you really wanted a flaming blade you could pick up magic initiate, or be a high elf or something I suppose).
Mechanically, the spell is only situational in its strength compared to other cantrips. (Its melee, to get the most mileage out of it you want to also be in the thick of things (ie, at least two enemies next to each other) So you need to be beefy. You want to have a high physical stat and spellcasting stat when you attack with it to make it worthwhile, etc)
Its good for the people that fit that criteria (beefy, only one attack, actually have access to it) but typically it just actually lets you smash guys instead of blasting them with a firebolt (which in many cases will be superior).
Can you heal a Simulacrum with Cure Wounds?
On the one hand:
>If the Simulacrum is damaged, you can repair it in an alchemical laboratory using rare herbs and minerals worth 100gp per hit point it regains
That implies that you need to repair it to heal it.
>it can take actions and otherwise be affected as a normal creature
That implies that spell effects will work on it just like they would on any other creature, which would include magical healing.
I would rule that you cannot.
Nah. It was made to give casters a way to fight in melee besides using shocking grasp.
The damage on average doesn't exceeded a level 11 fighter once it's maxed out.
You get the best mileage out of it when playing a gish character.
Examples are:
Swashbuskler/Dragon Sorcerrer (you can completely focus on Cha and Dec with it)
Monk/Arcana Cleric (a one level dip into cleric nets you the melee cantrips and rituals that synergyze with monk features . I also allow the bonus action unarmed strike on Booming blade and Green flame blade)
It's also a good option for spell sniper bladelocks since they can use whips for melee keeping them away from direct harm.
>session today
>still need to make the dungeon
GFB is great, and as the other user said you have to jump through hoops to get it(playing paladin/swashbuckler with magic initiate).
It actually makes my concept better, and in the end allows me to do just a tiny bit more damage(at later levels). Currently just 4 pal, but if I go 1 rogue then assuming I'd get my sneak attack off I'd be doing
1d8, 1d8+cha(second target)
So if you compare it to just getting extra attack as a 5th level Paladin, I'm doing slightly less damage on average on single targets because the 1d8 from GFB doesn't add any attribute modifier and obviously more damage to multi-targets from the extra die.
Likewise if you put it on a character that doesn't have an extra attack feature(as you mentioned), it does end up giving them a pretty nice boost to their damage per round, however you've got to give up a feat/multi-class to get it so in that regard it evens out.
This reminds me that there's an old Eberron calendar utility in in WOTC's 3.5 archives that tracks the orbits of the planes.
What rituals synergize with Monk features?
the only rituals they have at level 1 are detect magic, detect poison and disease, and purify food and drink which are useful but don't really synergize with the monk.
Since Undying Light's anility work with Searing smite and Branding smite (according to sage advice sageadvice.eu
Wouldn't that mean it should work with Divine Favor too? They are all self targeting spell that add fire/radiance damage.
I'm about to paint some D&D miniatures for the first time. I've been looking into paints and I saw that Vallejo tends to be whats recommended.
Does anyone have a paint set from from Vallejo they would recommend? Do you tend to stay away from sets and just buy individual colors? Am I being bamboozled and Vallejo is shit?
Beyond Fiend being a pissed off D8 HP tank thing, what are the general playstyles accepted for the various patrons for Bladelocks?
fey: art class weirdos
fiend: jocks
old one: nerds
What about Undying and Undying Light?
I'm still trying to work with that vampire hunter thing from last thread and Old One seems better for Chainlocks.
If I'm using both resistances and immunities on a creature, should i base it's adjusted HP on the immunity or the resistance provided that the resistance is something like slashing damage?
undying: goths
undying light: christians? young republicans?
for real though... i think most see fey as the dex based semi rogue bladelock. it has the most mobility. fiend like you said is the toughest plus fireball. great old one can be a controller.
undying light is OP, and not published in a book, just in UA which is pretty hit or miss. in this case they "hit" on being really powerful. i did a bunch of math about it and you can do about 400 damage of burst damage pretty easily (and by easily i mean by spending all your resources, fast, and being level 20) as an undying light/paladin, so theres that.
undying (not light) just isn't very good. all ribbon abilities. meh spells.
So I am kinda confused:
The ammunition and the reloading explanations are not very clear to me.
I understand that a weapon with the reloading property can't make more than one attack per turn regardless of how many attacks you can do in that turn, but does reloading take an action or bonus action? or it is assumed your character reload the weapon as part of their attack?
it just limits you to one attack per action. for example a war cleric could make one crossbow attack with their attack action, and then a second crossbow attack with their war priest feature. but a fighter with extra attack can only make one crossbow attack with the attack action.
you reload as part of the attack, as normal.
I believe it's as you said, that it is assumed your character reloads as part of the attack, provided they have a free hand to reload with.
I'm wanting to try out a mechanic similar what metroid prime 3 did with phazon and the phazon enhancing devices.
In short, the PCs would get infected with something and they could then tap into it to power them up (at the cost of some health) to obscene levels. This state would last for a certain amount of time or until it was used up. The drawback would be if the pc took enough damage (or some other trigger) they would reach critical levels and if the PC couldn't regulate themselves (to be decided later) they would become completely corrupted and lose that character for good.
Any tips on how to do this?
>Can't dual wield weapons with the Ammunition property
>Each attack roll expends one piece of ammunition. At the end of the battle you can recover half of the ammunition you expended.
>Can only make one attack roll per action, regardless of how many times you can normally attack per action.
>It's assumed that reloading is factored into the attack, which is why you can only fire a Loading weapon once due to needing to take the time to load it.
DMs who restrict PvP are invariably cancer. Character conflict is an integral part of mature storylines and a DM who ignores that is creatively stunted.
Oh I get it now, my confusion came from the fighter feature since I was under the impression the extra attack was a bonus action. Thanks
Character conflict covers a wide spectrum of acceptable stuff before reaching PvP. The majority of players can't handle PvP maturely and will let it escalate until one or the other is dead.
D&D is a group game, splitting the party should be limited, let alone fracturing the party and working against each other.
Well here's the thing
My warlock is cursed by and has a patron in an immensely powerful vampire who she is out to kill, and the vampire, amused by the attempt, grants her power and a weapon to properly challenge him.
I don't know how I should fix up that statistically to grant a proper Bladelock out of it, as the vampire could reasonably fit into any but undying light, really, and it'd be iffy to get GOO.
The entire thing is a miserable pile of castlevania references, too.
go for fiend.
Hey Veeky Forums, trying to come up with a cool custom feat to pitch to my GM for when I get a chance to get another feat. Can I get some feedback on whether it's OP/underpowered/balanced?
Flick of the Wrist
Requirement: Strength 13 and Dexterity 13
When wielding a finesse weapon, when an enemy attacks and hits you as part of a reaction you may roll a contested attack roll to attempt to disarm the enemy. If you roll higher than the attack that hit you, you may disarm the target and the attack is nullified. You may do this a number of times equal to either your strength or dexterity modifier per short rest, which ever is higher.
When you roll for damage on a finesse weapon, you may add both your strength and dexterity mod to the damage.
Okay user.
Also, I'm going to be going with Variant Human, and fully planning on grabbing Magic Initiate (Warlock) for maximum bullshit.
I'm already getting Eldritch Blast and Friends as my starting Cantrips, and was thinking GFB and Lightning Lure.
Any better suggestions?
>When you roll for damage on a finesse weapon, you may add both your strength and dexterity mod to the damage.
idk why you thought we would be cool with this
I've always loved the concept of feylock that plays through trickery. Like he might come at the opponent with a warhammer, who blocks appropriately, but at the last second switches it to a dagger and stabs past the block, or a flail, and disarms the opponent.
A fey weaponmaster who really takes advantage of the automatic proficiency applied to all weapons.
Of course, this requires the very reasonable homebrew of allowing weapon switching on a bonus action.
Fiend, Fey, or Undying all work for it.
Fiend: Wants to corrupt you into an ally
Fey: Amused by the games you let it play with you.
Undying: Secretly wants you to kill it in the end.
I figured it was balanced out by the fact it that
A) Wouldn't do much more damage than say, a two-hander unless you have an 18 in both str and dex.
B) Most finesse weapons have a low damage die, highest being a 1d8 from a rapier.
And finally C) This consumes a feat and doesn't give you a +1 to other shit like AC, skills, saving throws, etc. So you're trading out a +2 to your dex/str for example in exchange for the ability to do slightly more damage.
Anyone know if there's a place to get 4e "Encounters" PDFs for free like the Adventurer's League stuff in these megas?
I'm running a session based off of "Beyond the Crystal Caves" and I've got the classic module but not the 4e one.
That's stupid if you are going to pitch a mirror to Defensive Duelist don't make it defensive and offensive at the same time. Especially since Disarm is already a defined action.
I'm more playing her as something that might be a little stupid, but I'm gonna try it anyway:
Strength main offense, Charisma main stat, Dexterity going for 14, and Con above Dex.
But D) it's on top of an ability that lets you not only nullify an attack, but disarm the attacker as well. And it scales with proficiency.
>As part of a reaction
It either uses your reaction, or it doesn't. "Part of" an action/bonus action/reaction isn't a thing.
What are all the passwords for
these days? I only know tiamatlives and prophetaerisi
As for the mirror, I felt it was slightly justified in the fact it requires both a 13 in str/dex and it is limited by a certain number of times per short rest.
However, as said, he makes a good point about the disarming part.
So I have the first part, tell me if this is much more balanced.
>While wielding a finesse weapon you are proficient with, when an enemy attacks and hits you, you may use your reaction to roll a contested attack to attempt to divert the attack. If you roll higher than the attack that hit you, the attack is nullified. You may do this a number of times equal to either your strength or dexterity modifier per short rest, which ever is higher.
If Undying wasn't FUCKING GARBAGE then I would sincerely contemplate it, but holy shit is Undying awful.
>capstone is literally second wind but weaker and you can reattach limbs, which isn't even part of normal combat
That already exists as Defensive Duelist, and I would laugh at you trying to make a better version for yourself using 3.pf design.
>You may do this a number of times equal to either your strength or dexterity modifier per short rest, which ever is higher.
Regardless of balance issues being discussed, you can remove the "whichever is higher" part of that rule. Just letting the player choose which modifier they want to use means that 100% of people will choose the higher number anyway. Remove unnecessary stipulations.
So in short, completely cull the first part and change it into something else? Would something like
>When an enemy attacks and misses you, you may use your reaction to attempt to disarm the attacker. You may only use this a certain number of times equal to either your strength or dexterity modifier per short rest.
Be better and less Defensive Duelist territory?
Good point, removed.
The AL adventures are distributed via DMs Guild now. Store owners get them for free but they're held on to a lot more tightly.
You can find all of the ones released so far in the Mega, anyway.
Dis user got you famalama
Undying would have been so cool if you could have had your limbs operate independently of your main body. So you could have a sneaky hand that sneaks through enemy lines and casts spells.
Sometimes I think wizards is so uptight about balance that they forget to let the classes be cool.
Another player tried to kill my character out of nowhere last night. I won, and he left the group.
Undying could be so much cooler with just a little work, such as changing the heal a HD every time you pass a DST so that it isn't limited, or increasing the Second Wind healing by a bit, or even giving them a bit of Necromancer flair rather than just being a Lich without any of the magic.
One of my players dropped out of my campaign so the rest of my players want me to make a new healer to fill her place. I don't want to make a flashy DMPC that steals the spotlight from the players so how do I make the ideal healslut that just stands in the back healing and throwing out buffs?
It would be better if they didn't just get a cantrip, conditional second wind, a ribbon, and a second wind with a rider that solves a problem with no representation in the rules.
Flavorwise it's really cool but it's just.... Horrible.
Thief with healing kits.
Are there any decently balanced and interesting rules for basic firearms (flintlocks, arquebus, etc) out there?
Create them in the same way your players created their characters, get healing domain and choose the appropriate spells.
If you're making the character at a higher level, look at the starting gold for higher levels table in the DMG
Do they actually need this?
I should clarify that none of my PCs will be building a class around firearms, but I would like to have them available for sidearms and NPCs
Don't make the NPC a human (or dwarf/elf/tiefling/orc/halfling/whatever). Give them a golem with mysterious healing crystal growing out of them, or some kind of dog covered in mushrooms that exude a restorative spore cloud. It can follow orders but isn't really a useful entity outside its role as a healer.
My party travels around with an old agricultural robot (FROM THE ANCIENT TECHNOLOGICAL CIVILIZATION THAT VANISHED WITHOUT A TRACE, naturally) that heals them with radiation. It's pretty much useless outside of that. Every advantage you might think a robot would have (no need to sleep or eat, resistance to poison and mind attacks) that would make this super useful in problem-solving is covered by caveats like it having to defrag every night when the players sleep or having a bizarre CPU that's somehow affected by magic.
>some kind of dog covered in mushrooms that exude a restorative spore cloud
They're all playing characters based entirely around combat so they feel that they need some kind of support.
Just take martial adept and take the Disarm maneuver. Done.
I think you should try not giving your players what they want, or what they feel like they want, sometimes. No offence.
I love Matthew Mercer's Gunslinger and his firearm's misfire mechanism is cool. You should be able to find it on the mega.
Well, go about it the old way. Make them roleplay them hunting down someone from a church, make them pay the NPC, and the NPC gets a half-share of the XP. That's how I always do it.
The ones in the DMG are fine. Firearms don't need to be special.
I've been playing a dragonborn rogue for a while, but never had more than an extremely vague backstory. I wrote a more complete backstory after one of the other players gave me a great idea, but it includes some sort of squick-tastic elements. I'm not 100% sure if I should make this the character's backstory.
Could you look over it for me and verify it isn't too much, /5eg/?
How balanced are the guns in the DMG? I'm running a western themed campaign and but I don't want guns to be the only viable weapon.
Hiya 5e, this might be a bit long, so bear with me, I'm asking for your opinion on how I handled this as a DM, and whether I should've done something differently
I am currently DMing for a group of friends in 5e. So far, I've run 3 sessions, with 5 players, though 3 of them have been in the first two, with all 5 in the last one. One of them plays a 'batman' character, who has strong opinions on being good, and killing evil, while two of them play 'neutral' (Advance myself, disregard others)
Now, in this setting, our chaotic good character has just killed a corrupt priest, out of sight of the group. This leads to events that the chaotic player felt RP-wise, he had to move to fight
The subsequent fights result in the death of chaotic good player. Now, I will be the first to admit that I overtuned the encounter (it is my 3rd session), I try to overturn it, but . I end up letting the character die because the player RPing the chaotic good char already had a second character lined up and he was alright with the char dying.
After that session, I had a long chat with the other players, and explain that I am not running an evil campaign (I did not explicitly state this when I started the game, I assumed default would assume a neutral good game), and that if they should want to play evil, then that is fine, but everyone needs to be evil, not just one or two. The players agree, and one of the neutral asshole's says he'll tweak his char's motivation a bit
I have 3 questions to you, Veeky Forums:
1) Was I wrong for letting that character die? Personally, I liked the character because it gave the party a moral compass (which does not exist anymore), as well as being one of the characters that pushes for action rather than letting them dither.
>Madamé Luceile was the head matron at a high-class, multiple-gender brothel.
i kind of stopped reading there but it sounds good
2) How do you DM's deal with 'neutral' parties. A good party allows itself for good story telling, but a neutral/evil party seems to start leading towards everyone being an asshole, and I feel like it ends up with my world/setting just getting wrecked
3) In terms of arguments about player agency: My opinion on topic was that I thought it was great for the CG player to kill the priest, and allowed it, while the 'neutral' players later told me they thought it was wrong and that the character didn't fit with the team because it removed player agency with them (they had to fight earlier than they wanted). My argument was that they had as much agency as they wanted, they could've not helped, they could've turn him in the guards and broke him out later, or any other option, they just didn't think about it.
In the future, should I go with what I am doing now, which is letting players do what is RP-wise correct, at the expense of other players (who don't seem to react), or should I reign it in?
Basically, to summarize:
>Becomes a whore
>One of his clients is a local judge who spouts 18th century liberal philosophy at him (rule of law, reign in power of kings, ect) while not actually fucking or being fucked by him
>Az wants to become a judge because of this, starts saving gold
>Other brothel opens up near the one he works at
>His matron thinks the other brothel is doing something fishy
>Sends him to investigate
>Finds out its actually a front so some Drow can get people to sacrifice
>Receives hefty reward for finding this out, and for not telling everybody that the town guard got upstaged by a 17-year-old prostitute
>Becomes a private investigator
Misfire and reload # are good mechanisms to take guns down a notch.
>creativity time!
I need a cool idea for a "special" pickaxe. What would be a neat enchantment for a miner? Not too strong as the party is on its second level, if possible.
Advantage on Strength (athletism) checks when mining sounds a bit brutish. I'd like something subtle.
Maybe it changes color when *** ? Gas/minerals detection?
Personally I'd find it distasteful, but if your group is okay with it, by all means continue.
Also, it sounds like blatant shitposting fetish b8.
you know the type: the guys that lament they'll never find a big bully to abuse their boipussy.
That's mostly why I find it distasteful. Because I now suspect you're one of those people, and this is the tame version of your magical realm. A young innocent, boy prostitute who goes on plucky adventures.
The party is free to not associate with that character any more.
Sorry, bro, it just didn't work out. Here's your cut of the loot. Try not to get in our way in the future. Peace out.
Yeah, no. I am non-straight but being a prostitute sounds like a fucking nightmare. I would much rather turn to a life of crime if I was desperate for money.
Az absolutely hated his time as a prostitute, but it saved his life, and was directly responsible for the life he lived before he started adventuring. That generates a lot of internal conflict for him. The character has already been extremely uncomfortable around brothels and whores, or even sexual advances made by NPCs in general, so I figured it would provide a good reason.
He's also not a young or innocent boy prostitute. His time whoring removed any innocence almost immediately. He's very hopeful about high ideals like the rule of law or justice, but feels pretty cynical about actual people. He's honestly kind of a fucked-up guy.
Have you looked at the OP links?
I need ideas.
Body horror mutations. I've got an idea for a sorcerous origin: The main idea is this:
Level 1: Any time they use sorcery points, they can choose to mutate their body with several positive, but completely freaky looking, mutations. They can use these features once per short rest.
Levels 6,14,and 18 just had more powerful mutations.
Additionally, any time after using one of these features, the DM can let them regain a use of the features, by making them roll on a random mutation chart.
So what are some ideas for mutations that are either beneficial or harmful, but always scary?
just got into D&D.... any good novels out there i should read ?
Not any written in the last decade or so, no.
Yeah, a lot of the new ones aren't very good.
However; the Dragonlance novels from 20 years ago are still pretty interesting. I also like the Cities series from Forgotten Realms, especially The City of Ravens by Richard Baker. The first 13 or so Drizzt novels are good/okay; drop them after that. Next, read the Cleric Quintet, which is all good, pretty much.
There's a buttload of other ones, but that's about the max that I've read so far.
1. No, people dying just happened some times, it was a logical consequence of his character's choices
2. Neutral/evil parties still have motivations outside of their alignment, Harold itlerstache might not want to see his kingdom fall to the orc hordes, although he's more willing to sacrifice others to achieve this than a good character he'd be fucking stupid to weaken his own means(the party) of doing so.
If the entire group is evil you might just want to give them a common goal that's in all of their best interests to achieve, evil characters are inherently more selfish, play to that.
3. If it's clear or they make it clear why they're doing something, let them do it, if they want to do something like attacking the king in his castle and they seemingly have no particular IC reason for doing so, ask them why, specifically, they're doing this dumbshit thing that is liable to get the group killed, if they insist on doing it, let them, then ask the other players if they involve themselves in the fight, and if so, on which side. Honestly, you could probably rocksfall him to save time if it's completely clear that he won't win this hypothetical engagement that is OOC for him.
peep the sorcerer from the playtest which i'll attach. it had you turn into a dragon as you went on casting spells.
Huh. Not sure how I feel about it. On the one hand, it's weird, because I'm so accustomed to 5e now. On the other, though, it actually seems interesting, because it is different.
Plus, you get to become a dragon, which is fun.
well you don't need to copy it wholesale, but the idea of depleting your spell resource slowly transforming you also appealed to me.
This was my inspiration actually for the abbe ration sorc I'm making.
I'm trying to simplify the counting aspects though, and convert it to the current sorc.
Basically, the rule will be like this:
Level 1: When you've used 2 sorcery points, choose a mutation below, and you gain it. This mutation lasts until you finish a short rest and regain your sorcery points.
Level 6: When you've used 6 sorcery points, you gain a mutation from below, it lasts. blah blah
Level 14: 14 sorc points for a mutation
Level 18: 18 sorc points for a mutation.
Another way is the one I listed in the previous post.
Where can I learn about Eberon? What's a good place to start?
Is there any content for it in 5E yet?
Pop open the 3.5e Eberron Campaign Setting book and start reading. Five Nations is a good one for in-depth lore of each of the main countries.
As for mechanical content, you'll have to search for homebrew outside the DMs Guild. Otherwise there's just the Eberron UA.