Why the fuck is Magic starting to take design cues from a dying, inferior game for children?

Why the fuck is Magic starting to take design cues from a dying, inferior game for children?

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But... dat full art silver dialga.

Which design cues are those?

Two part cards. The new 'meld'

Because it's been around for over 20 years. When you release multiple new sets a year, each of which has to have at least one or two new mechanics, then yeah you're gonna look for inspiration and stuff you haven't tried wherever you can find it.

There are three ways this can go for magic:

>It's a flop, gets bumped to the bottom of the storm list and we never hear of it again
>It's awesome, but wizards is lazy, and it comes back in a few years
>it's super awesome and wizards milks it for all it's got

Really, the first two are far more likely. These meld cards seem harder to design, and one will inevitably be exceptionally broken then instantly banned.

My first thought was "so where is the polymerization?" but that one works too.

Oh, you mean like the card WotC printed in 1998?

As has already been pointed out, Meld is just an actual way of doing BFM's effect.
More than that, the way that Meld actually works seems to be quite a bit different from how this effect works (or the similar one from Dual Monsters, which Magic actually has taken ideas from in the form of Transform cards), and seems to be much more viable than "you can only play this if you have both cards in hand".

I don't see why Magic shouldn't take inspiration from the Pokemon CCG, or Dual Monster--Hell, Emerge is apparently similar to YuGiOh, and I hope it works out and they bring it back, because it's an interesting mechanic--or really anything else. . They all took ideas from Magic to begin with. Dismissing a source of inspiration because you don't like the source is ridiculous.

Meld isn't actually a mechanic as such. The mechanic is turning two creatures into one, which can be done in many other ways. Level up, search the library for a new card, make a token, just note in the card's text that it becomes bigger, or using a regular DFC (or flip card) with the spare card graveyarded or exiled.

All that's new for meld is the physical aspect of being a card-that's-two-cards like BFM. That's a gimmick like full art lands or Nyx card frames, not a mechanic. It's meant to be a fun thing, not a game thing.