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CYOA Thread
I wish for a thread without any shitstorms or screaming.
Wow fucking retard over here already trying to start drama
"a bloo bloo bloo"
Will conduitanon ever come back?
Femdom cyoas are the worst.
You mean Thrallherd? Maybe someday.
You silly goose!
it's dead for good
Noice, is the new Ant CYOA I heard about?
It really lives up to it's name.
>Background: Behemoth
The Big Guy for you
Ladies love a man in uniform – oh wait you mean that's not what it does?
Prizefighter, ladies love boxers too
>Plasma Cloak
I'm hot as hell!
Aw yeeeaaah, you know what they say about a guy with big hands, right? The say, 'Damn, you got some big hands.'
>Mutated Hide
Gettin' Nemean up in this bitch.
>Fury in Agony
You hit me, I'ma hit you back even harder.
>Greater Regeneration
Not a motherfucker alive who can put me down forever now. But goddamn am I hungry as hell.
>Companion: Adrianne Gonzales
Perfect Waifu, prove me wrong. Protip, ya can't.
>Armour: Mobius Crystals for me, Ozz Fluid for her.
Psychic faggots get btfo. Ya can't lift me and ya can't read me. And Adrianne's too quick for ya slack jawed jackanapes.
>Survival Items: Purifier, Radio
Don't wanna die from poison water, that's a bitch way to go. And the radio is good for when Adrianne and I split up to kick more ass.
>Faction: Plankford
Seems like the perfect place for a couple of power- and literally hungry Mutants.
I'm a melee fighter with a waifu named Adrianne. Think about it.
You're dropping the fucking ball, user.
I hate women but I love power. Power wins.
He's also posting low quality imgur images.
Intro blurb for my WIP:
Congratulations, you have been admitted to the premier school for magical and esteemed bloodlines in this and several adjacent worlds. Perhaps you are unaware of your lineage, but it matters little. The blood is resurgent in you, and you have access to the manifold arts of magic. So sayeth the letter that you received, hand written and without any post mark. You have journeyed to some godforsaken hole in Romania, descended deeper than any documented natural cave, and before you lies a great underground campus surrounded by a small dark city. The sun shines overhead, and trees lie at the boundary of the city, overgrowing the most distant buildings.
Scholomance is an esteemed school lasting seven years and admitting children at the age of thirteen. Those who graduate go on to do great things, but the school has a poor reputation for public safety. Students are almost entirely unsupervized outside of classes, and the houses have been squabbling somewhat violently of late. Worse, there are strange things in the cellars and foyers of the largely abandoned city, and odd beings occasionally wander in from the areas beyond it. Worse, many classes are graded on a curve so students who excel the most can be targets for their peers. Overall the school is significantly more dangerous than any first world mortal school, even those rape-loving colleges of the eastern United States.
Regardless of the flaws, Scholomance is the most prestigious school out there for the quality of its education, and you will be making connections with the best of humanity and many others.
Is there any other information you guys want? Anything that triggers y'all or seems just kind of off?
Spiritual V
Earth V
I just want to steal CHAD's body. ;)
Money, Sonic Speed, Persuasion, Force Clairvoyance.
Shapeshifting for immortality and /d/eviant reasons.
>documented natural cave, and before you lies a great underground campus surrounded by a small dark city
why do we study in a fucking cave?
Read literally the next sentence. It's a demiplane, I just detailed how you reach it for narrative reason.
Background: Psychic
Perks: Commando/Plasmoid
Mental Deadzone
Electric Discharge
Essence Drain
Neural Restructure
Companion: Ian Black
Armour: Mindflayer Suit
Survival Items: Boost/Purifier
Faction: New Human Alliance
if a campus was surrounded by mountains so access was through cave it would be better than permanently sitting in darkness and batshit
>not studying in a cave
It's like you don't want to get lost running away from rapists
>admitting children at the age of thirteen
A 13y old child has a barely developed mind and can in now way defend itself against a 16-20y old. Especially in a school like this, that seems to dangerous. I wouldn't be surprised if plenty of 13y old kids get raped to death by jealous older students trying to get rid of the competition before they come of age.
>even those rape-loving colleges of the eastern United States
That's a meme, a bad feminist meme, and will only increase the odds of your cyoa spawning a huge shitstorm about your premise instead of your content.
They don't have the fetish. What they're fetishising, among other things, are: a woman that has nothing better to do than slobber over their dicks, femdom, sometimes /ss/, often loli and typically other more niche things like vore and bloodplay. The point is that the whole "monster" thing is just a conceit; it would work just was well if all "monstergirls" were just mages of some sort.
Another issue I have with them is that the moment you introduce anything that isn't "green skinned woman #4321342456732 that we'll call an 'orc' ", they start screaming about furries ruining their fetish. Then there's the shitfits they throw when the existence of monstergirl lesbianism is even hinted at.
Last but not least: monsterboys. You needn't even need to add the part about how most monstergirls are primarily attracted to MBs of their own species, they throw shitfits regardless.
TL;DR if you only accept
you don't like monstergirls.
explain it better, rather than calling it "underground campus while sun shines overhead" it can be a natural cave with hole in ceiling, nothing says it's demiplane
Spiderman + Persuasion
I don't want to be any of these.
Furry go home.
Nobody cares how you feel.
Shit son, no one is stupid enough to think that these fetishes are anything but fetishes.
The reason people like "monstergirls" is because they like women with interesting exotic and attractive traits, especially if said women lust over them.
No one besides you is pretending that a fetish is anything but a sexual desire that needs realism or thought put into it. Do you legitimately have some form of autism?
anyone have that 2 page alien waifu cyoa?
it's "assblasted furry gets anally devastated rectum" episode
I threw in the meme to emphasize that the extreme danger is from a normal perspective, not from a fantasy perspective. It's still less dangerous than Chicago or Johannesburg.
I don't want to explicitly call it out and catalog it, but I'll remove some of the language that could confirm the conception that it's mundane.
Stop. Monsterboys are not for monstergirls. Monsterboys are only for me while monstergirls can get their slutty vaginas shredded by centaurs for all I care.
This one? Faoru is objectively the best girl.
>There are """"men"""" who don't want to participate in orgies with dozens of futas
It's still a meme, a Tumblr meme. Don't do that.
The age is a bigger concern though. You're basically turning this into RAPE Hogwarts and it's extremely nasty to imagine all those 1st years could get raped at any point. No pedophilia please. At least make the school a 16-23 or 18-25 thing. 13 is way too young.
> less dangerous than Chicago or Johannesburg
Is it more dangerous than Cologne ?
It's a rape school and you're whining about morality.
>16-23 or 18-25 thing
15-22 works better
Are you a jew?
Say something correct like "living in the middle east as a Yazidi girl"
yes thank you user :)
Even Veeky Forums has its standards. RAPE schools are fine but don't let a 20y old rape a defenseless 13y old. Fuck, that 13y old could be you for all you know and you could resist someone with multiple years of education on you.
>Jews being against whites getting "culturally enriched"
Nah, I don't want it that dangerous.
I'll add a safety net for first years.
I've read many conversations where people here have condoned adults having sex with underage girls. They could also be Reddit & other Veeky Forums board stowaways though.
That's why you use a shapeshifting spell to make them look older, before you rape them.
>He's on Veeky Forums and he thinks there aren't a fuck ton of lolicons here.
That's better I guess but upping the age would be better than making certain years untouchable. Cockteasing is no fun.
Indigenous fa/tg/uys generally wants to protect daughterus, but using large quantities of underage girls for some deranged social engineering project would probably fit in just fine here.
>muh morals
>naturally submissive
stopped reading
>high sex drive
stopped reading
>no breasts
you fucking cunt
>Physically largest
>has to deal with multi-childbirth
>somehow at the top of politics and businesses
absolutely retarded
going Ovumale, and wasting all the intelligence being a waitress or secretary while the sex that needs to eat all the time and take leave when they give birth somehow take all the top positions in society.
what are you talking about ? Lolicon is very accepted on Veeky Forums
>"Okay, I'll protect the thirteen year olds from inevitable rape"
>"Cockteasing is no fun."
Fuck's sake, there's no pleasing you cunts.
>I'll add a safety net for first years.
So, does that mean that no raping or raiding for first year boys?
The annoying part is I don't see who are the engineers and scientists in society. I see worker drones, artists, service and clerical workers, and businessmen/politicians, but nobody that actually advances their species.
In the end all you should do is make what you want, it'll probably be hated by someone, so just learn to have thicker skin.
Science is a jewish meme.
Do NOT, I repeat DO NOT try to bargain with reddit, you give them one finger and they will bite your hand off, trying to remove rape from that school, because reasons
For bottom-right, which jurisdiction is the account in? Can it be any of my choice, even if I have no connection with the place? Can I change it? How often? Can I convert the currency while still in the always safe account?
This is obviously relevant for the automatic taxation.
Mendel looks at you disapprovingly.
> On Veeky Forums complaining about lolis
Lolicon is absolutely disgusting and the agreed upon rule is that those cyoas should be masked as "daughterfu" cyoas to not make the rest of us vomit.
>Agreed upon
I'm giving first years access to protected dorms, so not unless they make themselves available to be raped too. They will be advised to not do that. Fourteen year olds are still on their own, but hopefully they'll have gotten their shit together at that point and will be members of a house and thus have that protection available to them.
nice b8 m8
So if I pick fem-male I basically get to be a girl but become creative too? I'll pick that.
>agreed upon rule
this desu
And you get to have as much sex as you want with no significant pregnancy.
In what way are they protected? Can they still rape other first years inside the dorms?
Honestly, aside from the creepiness of letting minors run about getting harassed, I think this cyoa has potential. I'm really interested in the idea of there being an abandoned and mysterious city surrounding the already mysterious academy. I hope you do something with it.
You're basically a trap.
>get to be a girl
>The "male" of the species for reproductive purposes
>Whining about creepiness in rape school
And now for a CYOA!
Can you please kill yourself, pedophile-kun?
>Can they still rape other first years inside the dorms?
Well, they are protected from 14+ y/o, but 13 vs 13 have equal footing so should learn to fend for themself
Take your feminazi supremacy horseshit and burn in hell where they can make sure you suffer.
Anyone have that one CYOA where you're some kind of overlord with most or all of the companions being different daughters of yours, there being multiple kingdoms you're meant to conquer, and one of the potential enemies was essentially user come to make your daughterus his waifus?
I think it may have been implied you were one of the previous Evil Overlords in a cycle of those fuckers rising into prominence then being defeated, you having your kids during retirement, people finding out you're still alive being the catalyst for your new conquest, and at least one of your daughters trying to emulate you and become the perfect conqueror.
A couple teachers are assigned to keep that shit on lockdown. No rape, no murder, no stealing.
The house dorms are all in the city rather than campus proper. Other than that it's mostly just going to be a source of fodder for the mysteries and enemies page, unless someone gives me a better idea. I'll add dosh as one of the items you can have, I guess, and people can buy stuff in town.
That's kind of a subjective term. If it makes a difference, we can say that 14 is age of consent in this place. But it shouldn't, and this is supposed to have horror aspects anyway.