Opinion on pic related?
Opinion on pic related?
It doesn't really take advantage of it's medium.
But it is designed to avoid it's medium's weaknesses.
I'm not a huge fan, but it's well designed for what it is.
Way worse game than mtg. Way better client than mtg.
An insanely efficient cash generation machine that brilliantly uses Blizzard's strongest assets: The art design team.
Gameplay wise it offers next to nothing and even "pros" are practically coinflipping.
Dying game that never got better and now all hope and hype is vanishing
I enjoy it, it's a pretty fun game. and fun is kinda the point of games.
Its shit, play Duelyst instead.
>It doesn't really take advantage of it's medium.
Even with all the rampant RNG?
could be playing Infinity Wars
I think its mana system is a lot better than MtG's potential mana-screw. If I had friends that didn't absolutely insist on playing only vanilla rules in everything ever, maybe I could've ripped it.
My. Nigga.
>It doesn't really take advantage of it's medium.
disagree. you have tons of RNG rolls, random cards from specific groups of the cardpool pulled from thin air, all kinds of effects like "8 damage divided randomly among enemies" that you could never do efficiently in other games. its taken advantage of its medium very well
i have to say that i think that it's a better DESIGNED game than mtg, but it's just not as good of a game. if that makes sense. the client is great and well polished but is also prone to some weird rulings/bugs. i'm pretty sure that it operates on a case by case basis, which is unintuitive
Pokemon TCG online has better gameplay less rng hten this bullshit
I'm pretty sure he means quick balancing fixes. In Hearthstone they take many months.
Pretty much this 100%
Now you fuck right off, right now. This is the biggest lie I have ever seen on this board.
Hearthstone is shit, but even it's RNG has a limit. In the the Pokemon TCG almost every attack worth a damn is influenced by a 50% chance. You want to attack? Better flip a coin, hope it works. You want to paralyze an enemy? Better flip a coin, hope it works. You want to use an item to draw some cards so you can stand a chance at winning the game? Here's your fucking coin.
If Hearthstone was as bad as Pokemon, shit like Arcane Intellect would have a 50% chance to simply not work, and your minions would only be able to attack 50% of the time.
1) Pay to win to have a competitive deck
2) High level play is typically won or loss by RNG
3) Easy to learn to play
4) Low level play requires nothing
5) Games are short
6) Art is good
I think people can too focused on the RNG. It's pretty simple to build decks that don't use the RNG and do well, Dragon Priest has essentially zero RNG, for example.
I also think that the game's RNG is right at a healthy level, generally predictable enough that you can plan around it, just random enough that crazy shit can happen. too little RNG in a game makes it rote memory instead of actual playing.
When you random a random, random a random random for random random into random and get a random dream card
>hey dude, it's shit
Duelyshitters everywhere.
You forgot Netrunner at the top of that list.
I mean, I know it's not a CCG, but it's important that people be clear.
Actual card game list
Poker/Other ACTUALLY traditional card games>Vintage=Legacy=pauper>dedrunner>spellweaver>Shit>Duelyst>RNGStone>Draft/limited>Standard>Webshit """games""">Joining a national socialist group on even days and antifa on odd days>Modern
I like Modern when I'm judging. Rounds get over fast.
Nice bait.
Okey dokey faggot.
Good taste.
Judging modern is best
>You're both fucking stupid
Honestly curious
Do you actually think Netrunner is dead?
Magic and actual traditional games are such a massive monolithic entity that it is dead in comparison. But again, 99% of card games are in that sense.
What kind of logic is that?
How does size determine if a game is alive or dead?
A dead game is one that isn't being played, or that is having people leave it.
>How does the amount of people doing a thing determine if it's dead or not?
>it doesn't bcus am a fanboi MUH SPESUH SNAWFLAK GAEM
Go be a fanbitch somewhere else
Coffee break game. Lacks depth.
Go play Hex if you want to see an OTCG that actually takes advantage of the Online part.
As long as the game is big enough to regularly find players without hassle and new product is still being produced, the game is alive by definition.
You are a special brand of retard.
>Okey dokey
No, John. You are the faggot
>Dat pauper ranking.
You're alright.
All you shitposters can all choke on my huge dick.
Does it smell that bad?
Thoughs on Chronicle RuneScape Legends?
b-b-but earning packs takes ages. (no joke I kinda forgot how long was the last time I cracked a pack in HEX)
I get nauseous when I try to wash her. ;_;
What kind of person thinks of their dick is female?
if she was a male masturbation would be gay as fuck dude.
I'm not even going to begin to discuss the flaws in that logic.
I personally like it since it's something different from Shillstone, even if you might have to shill for the game too.
Also strokes my nostalgia boner.
you can't discuss them because they don't exist
How is interacting with your own body in a natural way even possibly gay?
Because you're having a sexual interaction with someone of the same gender.
well if you're interacting with a male part of yourself you're having a strong male x male play.
No, faggot. Everyone is John.
today's set up: 1975, get john out of Saigon
Again, faulty logic. A massive number of men and women have masturbated without any consideration they might possibly be gay. Really, the only difference between them and you and that you feel the need to justify the action as not being gay. Even more than that, sexual orientation isn't a disease, it's not going to spread by your deciding something is gay or not. So why the need for justification(and even more than that, such a flimsy one? Deciding your dick is female doesn't mean you're suddenly not stroking off a dick)
yeah but suddenly I'm stroking a delicate and feminine dick
Also Descendants master race
Nothing like a retardedly tough defensive game won by morale
They really need a new set
Also shadow creep loli is p. fun
I wish I liked this game. I guess the randomness and lack of depth kills it for me.
>4 Mana 7/7
>Buffing a class that was so weak for so long that you over did it
>Priest was catching up but is now shit again
>a new Adventure on the horizon
I tried to get into mtg but all of my decks are too slow, don't have the cash to get into it seriously. I played hearthstone for a long ass time and got all the cards I wanted from hundred of Arena rounds and grinding quests.
But I don't recommend it, ever.
>Judging modern is best
>rating formats by judging
>not choosing judge tower
> Blizzard's strongest assets: The art design team
I'm going to have to disagree with you strongly.
They've got some talent there, but the problem with Hearthstone is that they're lugging around the WoW aesthetic which was outdated a decade ago and is just generally ugly.
It's nice to see what they can do when they kill their sacred cows, but Hearhstone is a mess because Warcraft is some unsightly shit and has been for ages.
It's like playing MTG Standard, except sometimes the cards burst into confetti. What I'm trying to say, is it's an absolutely fucking terrible game, carried purely by it's UI/Art design and Blizzdrones.
>Art is good
Art is better than Yugioh. But "good" is being pretty generous. Magic Art is good... usually. Occasionally great. Hearthstone is "not bad" at best.
Incorrect. Deviant Sexual Orientation is a Mental Disease. Congenital and curable with research, that we will never get thanks to morons that think it is a lifestyle choice. It's biochemistry that could be fixed, easily, with competent well funded research. But is scares the fuck out of people to think their entire sexual orientation could be changed with science and so we get no research.
So while it is in fact, not contagious, and technically is good for population control with planetary population becoming so large. It is in fact a disease.
Disease - a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant.
You got an evidence for that?
That's a very teleological view of human psychology, m8. And that sorta stuff's been dangerous in the past, you know?
Like, trying to eliminate certain languages because "obviously our language is 100% superior for all useful purposes and learning their own inferior language is just dragging them down", sort of thing. Or like ADHD is a disorder causes by a deficiency in neurotransmitter clearance, but the existence of inviduals with ADHD has been speculated to have been an advantage for the species because they get bored and go explore shit.
Like, under the definition you gave there, having pale skin is a disease, because it started as a disorder in the ability to produce melanin. It just happened to be advantageous for some people when they moved up into areas where the sun wasn't so intense.
You're not qualified to say whether deviant sexual orientation is positive or negative, and you even admit it might be positive. Without being sure it's a negative, you can't call it a disease. Maybe one day looking back, it'll have been an adaptation.
Actually, he states that a disease is not neccesarily negative, merely a "disorder".
Because most Priest's cards have real unfun mechanic (Like stealing your monster, copy your spells card and EVEN steal your card while adding them to their deck), I stopped played Hearthstone until they remove all the unfun mechanic from Priest.
citation needed
>citation needed
He used Capitalized Words and everything there, what else do you need?
>thief priest
Thief priest has been one of the most fun and simultaneously weakest decks I've ever played. If you've been losing to it I don't know what to tell you.
>user's ass
There you go m8
>>> /v/
Losing is no problem, but somehow playing against Priest is fucking annoying even I won. I rather lose by default that playing against priests, they are SOOOO FUCKING UNFUN!
>Not Shadowverse
The artworks themselves are mostly recycled and unimpressive. The draw is in the boards and blinky flashy effects. Blizzard are the ultimate Snake oil Salesmen of the vidya world: All dazzling flash, no substance whatsoever.