How are you preparing for the prerelease?
Also, how aggressive is BG delirium going to be? It's seem like durdling around trying to get delirium is not what you want to be doing when you're aggressive.
How are you preparing for the prerelease?
Also, how aggressive is BG delirium going to be? It's seem like durdling around trying to get delirium is not what you want to be doing when you're aggressive.
Other urls found in this thread:
>durdling around trying to get delirium
I expect you'll be able to consistently get it by turn 3-4 with a decently designed deck.
It probably won't be great in Draft, but it should definitely be workable in Sealed.
Im just deciding if pre ordering spell squeller ahead of pre release is a good idea, alongside all those other spirits.
On the one hand their just rares but on the other they might spike if u/w spirits is good
Maybe if they had an actual lord that pumped them they'd be good, but it looks like their just going to be another silly meme deck
Spell queller alone is the only card in the deck worth a damn- other rares like Eldrazi Displacer are already super-popular and played in multiple formats, and Spell Queller's preorder price is higher. Don't bother.
For a while we still have thunderclap and anafenza, but I think there are two ways to take the deck
more counter/enchantment heavy with spell queller shepherd combo, or bant and just outvalue your opponent with tamiya and flying for draw.
>Maybe if they had an actual lord that pumped
In all but the name.
Anyone think that TriskadekaphobiaCombo.dec will be playable? Or too much enchantment hate?
playable at fnm if you dont have many gw players. it'll he janky no matter what but if its fun its fun
I don't think anyone is going to run much enchantment hate outside sideboards while CoCo is as prevalent as it is. I'm thinking about shitbrewing Standard Mardu Enchantments for my kitchen table.
I love Thermo-Alchemist
I actually remember reading a Stoddard article I think where this actually was a spirit in playtesting to tie into SOI. I don't remember why they changed it though. I think it's too expensive even for standard, though, to be worth playing. They key will probably be in the very cheap flashers.
all GW decks run Dromoka's Command
The fact that you can cast either him or Queller really makes it for me.
nah the flash is huge. i love playing it in u/w flash where its niche competition is always watching and invocation of saint traft as clock accelerators. the fact that it isnt dead on its own is very important
I'm gonna play at my LGS because it's the last event being held there before I move at the end of the month, but the set itself looks like garbage with weak cards, dumb mechanics and lame flavor.
Im using the BG delirium stuff and Eldritch Evolution to help setup Gitrog and Splendid Reclamation. Should basically let me explode and win the game on turn 4-5.
Just use soul extractor on a Thunderclap Wyvern.
Anyone tried doing a test-prerelease on stuff like Xmage/Cockatrice yet?
Cards are not updated on Xmage yet.
I'm pretty excited for UW Flash Spirits.
This deck is played on the opponent's combat and endstep.
Sounds as annoying as Faries.
Eagerly awaiting the Xmage update. Should land in the next few days.
First thing I'll be testing is a UG Eldrazi thing with Emrakul, Ulamog and Kozilek.
>Playing current standard
I want RTR/Theros back so badly, true control hasn't been a thing since U/B control in FRF.
U/R Eldrazi is a glorified ramp deck, Esper Dragons, Abzan control and B/W control were glorified midrange decks.
Moon doesn't seem to have any good tools for control, so why even fucking bother.
EMN gives some pretty good hand disruption to black. U/B Eldrazi should be able to mess things up decently with the black Emerge one and Deep-Fried.
It's not incredibly overpowering, but it's definitely possible to work with.
Things will probably get a lot better anyway once Origins and DTK rotate out.
Never gone to a prerelease before. Is it best to do one mid block or should I wait until Not-India?
I kind of want to do it for EMN because I have a friend leaving soon and he won't be here for Not-India.
>theros block
Just look through both sets and get familiar with things and go to this one. It's usually always fun.
you should definitely go to it. It's a lot more fun than your usual FNMs, and there are a lot of people who show up that come completely unprepared.
>user my son
>yuo a man now
>yu must choose a deck and play gaems
>will you pick glorious flash flyers and win turn 5
>or will you pick Theros/Ravnica control?
FNM Results: W-0 L-0 D-4
Why the fuck is Cryptbreaker the only 1 mana black zombie in the whole of standard. How am I supposed to complete my curve?
2 or 3 graf harvests and then load in some random one drop like mausoleum wanderer to fill space.
There is that new Enchantment, tho.
is it really worth it though? Zombies are for recursion, exiling them is counterproductive really. And it's dead in multiples.
just use it as a way to give tokens evasion, and turn any utility non zombies into zombies once they do like the wanderer.
Duress, then.
so would UR be the way to go?
I assume you mean UB. I think its worth it to splash Geralf and Gissa, since that lets you recur threats like cryptbreaker and relentless dead if the opponent hit you when you were tapped out.
Mausoleum wanderer is great, as it forces coco decks to coco turn 5 instead of turn 4, and can beat in for 2 or 3. I'd leave the blue splash at that though, I think.
Is there a name for this kind of thing?
>not wanting the glory that was post-ban ZEN/SOM
It's okay if you're scared of plentiful playable removal and strong control. Lots of people are, including WotC. It's totally understandable.
Just go, boyo.
Well, it starts at 3, so I think I'll eat lunch and then go play some DDR at the arcade. Maybe go home and play some MonHun. Then I'll grab my 40 sleeves and go to the shop.
cooking/craft/baking fail
The buffalo is a much better shape for the cookie anyways. I can see one of the horse's legs or its tail falling off
I've been looking at the cards on Cockatrice, but they're full of mistakes, and they're missing information and pictures.
So guys, what do you think would be the best to include in my cheating for this prerelease? Planning on bringing up to 2 SoI rares, 1 SoI DFC and a handful of commons to support whatever archetype I might pull. From what I've seen in simulations BR madness vampires appears to have one of the best late games and largest card pool at common with strong rares supporting it but I can't help but imagine living the dream of getting GW humans assembled in sealed. What should I lean towards?
>Esper Dragons wasn't a control deck
It's literally counterspelling until you play your big dragony wincon, how is that not a generic control deck?
I know GB Aristocrats is a fucking sweet deck and that's all I needed to know when I borrowed it last Friday, going 3-1 despite having no clue about current standard.
So what were y'all's favorite cards from SOI? For me it's probably Cryptolith Rite. It's just so versatile to have creatures serve so many purposes.
The UB control back when Khans came out was a joke deck. It was literally praying you could 1 for 1 your opponent then play a bigger thing than him. Where's the incremental value you're generating? Control died when Sphinx's Revelation rotated. Wizards will never print another draw X cards spell.
Thalia's Liutenant , Nahiri the Harbringer, Tireless Tracker, Insolent Neonate, Strenght of Arms, Diregraf Colossus, Eerie Interlude, Rattlechains.
Brewing Izzet Devils for standard
It doesn't have a finisher so I might just build a Burn deck
Contemplating which of my friends I could get to go to my LGS and pick up my prerelease box because I can't make it that day
From my experience, green wolves + Investigate worked wonders in the Shadows. The problem is that the Eldritch Moon Wolves don't transform on their own which was their main selling point. They can still be good but they depend on you getting Waxing Moon and several copies at that.
If I were to point out a the most powerful colour in Eldritch Moon's limited i would give it to blue. It has a phenomenal selection of counterspells, disruption and soft removal that can stand against pretty much anything, which makes it a pretty safe option.
In my opinion, these are the most relevant cards that will define the different archetypes at Prerelease:
>Repel the Abominable (Humans tribal)
>Lone Rider (Lifegain, Eldrazi tribal)
>Nebelgast Herald (Spirits tribal)
>Unsubstantiate (Control)
>Contingency Plan (Delirium)
>Graf Harvest (Zombie tribal)
>Cementery Recruitment (Zombie tribal)
>Shreds of Sanity (Madness, Control)
>Stensia Banquet (Vampire tribal)
>Foul Emissary (Emerge)
>Crop Sigil (Delirium)
If you can get the Delirium on Extricator of Sin that is going to be a Bomb pull
Now I'm no genius, but it looks to me like G/W Humans is going to be the best thing to build at prerelease.
G/B Delirium just looks too spotty. U/B Zombies might be good also.
But I've never done sealed before so what the fuck do I know?
There's a 2-drop common Green spell that transforms target werewolf. If you get a good wolf, just go all in on Green and hope you get relevant SOI cards.
anyone going to gp montreal?
GW is usually a safe build in every prerelease because they have efficient creatures that doesn't need gimmicks to work. But as always, it depends on your pool.
Assume a perfectly spherical card pool.
Should I bring some soi cards to the prerelease or just show up with nothing? Never done a prerelease.
bring sleeves, you can only use cards you opened. The store will have lands
Prerelease events are usually either sealed or draft, so don't bring anything with you.
Well, there is a problem with that, since pool size at prerelease is only 6 packs, 4 of EMN and 2 of SOI. This kind of speculation was only important in prereleases like Ravnica, where you could choose a guild booster.
Bring paper, a pen, and some sleeves if possible.
>spell queller/shepard combo
And what combo is that? Exiling their spell then immediately letting them cast it again?
Cast Spell Queller to exile target spell. Immediately return Spell Queller to your hand with Spectral Shepherd. Spell Queller's Leave the battlefield effect will resolve before it's ETB effect, and let your opponent cast nothing. Then everything else will resolve, and the spell your opponent cast will be exiled permanently.
Plus, Spell Queller will be back in your hand and you'll be able to cast it again to counter another spell.
>2UUW repeatable Void Shatter that goes around "can't be countered" clause
It's okay
BW control has a lot of answers for that, and I still have some pic related in my sideboard
Demon bread.
There's going to be another return to Innistrad
Not him, but it is quite good and you can also cast only the queller if your opponent is going to cast a combat trick or fuck their spell up if it is something with additional costs like escalate or the Nahiri's wrath.
No it's not
Noob here. If you attack with two creatures, does this card trigger once or twice?
Everytime a creature you control attacks, it triggers, if you attack with 2 creatures, it wil trigger twice.
Going to update a U/R Prowess deck with new tech but I noticed I have four Reflector Mages just sitting around.
What would be a good and fun deck using the new stuff be? Doesn't have to be top tier.
3 Elder Deep-Fiend
2 Lashweed Lurker
4 Deathcap Cultivator
4 Sylvan Advocate
3 Bounding Krasis
2 Void Grafter
2 Loam Dryad
4 Oath of Nissa
4 Unsubstantiate
3 Void Shatter
3 Engulf the Shore
2 Imprisoned in the Moon
2 Sanctum of Ugin
4 Lumbering Falls
9 Forest
9 Island
I decided to try and build an Emerge tempo deck. Would Bant be better for shit like Reflector Mage and Tamiyo? Or would that stretch the mana too far?
Is it just me or does this set seem kinda dull? It feels like it will make no new decks and only support the current already T1 decks.
Just wanted to check - the enchanted creature can sac the enchantment and still have flying until end of turn, right?
Yes, it just loses the +2/+2
Where were you when Sorin and Innistrad as a whole became the most recent casualty of feminism?
>batshit crazy Nahiri does whatever she wants - summons Emrakul, dooms the plane AND gets away with it
>Liliana is apparently "the last hope"
>Olivia Voldaren cucks Sorin saying "hurr imma lord of Innistrad now xd you stay in this rock"
>not to mention Tamiyo and her super overpowered scrolls, too powerful to even consider using them
XMage has the new cards.
The whole feminism bait shtick is such a bore. It's been so overdone its just no fun anymore and I usually do like to bite for the ensuing argument's sake.
I suggest you find new material, because using the same tired old bait only makes you look like a moron.
Can I target a spirit on the stack?
If you aren't blown the fuck away from this card getting printed you don't know shit about magic.
You are a fucking cunt for cheating at a prerelease. You are an asshole who ruins the fun of this game. I don't even care that you will call me a fag and that you can do what you want. However, you're still a cunt with no honor.
I thiiiink you may be forgetting something. Literally 50% of the meta main boards 4 Dromoko's Command.
>vampires are the true bear of red
>goblin guide is a mistake and goblins will never get a bear
Oh wow, a red bear! What will they do next, print a white legendary 2/2 at one mana?
One of these days, we'll get a 2/3.
This is going to consistently be cast for RR in constructed.
Get as many copies as you can
I imagine it would be pretty hard to be seaworthy without a prow.
I would think so too but Thing in the Ice managed to not be good in constructed so what do I know.
TiTi doesn't instantly get you 3 cards and has to be on the field for it to do anything.
I just want to play a Harmless Offering burn deck and call it
Goldnight Catsigator
Twice. If it were worded "Whenever one or more creatures you control attacks..." then it would only be once. It's also worth noting that Campaign of Vengeance will only trigger from creatures being declared as attackers. Hero of Bladehold's soldier tokens, for example, won't trigger CoV.
It also only requires a casting of 3 things before it flips into massive tempo advantage as opposed to 6 things for Bedlam Reveler to be RR.
I'm looking forwards to UR burn
I mean I doubt it will be good, but I'm still looking forwards to it
I actually run 4 Dromoka's Command Mainboard in both Standard and Modern, and I completely forgot about that mode. Yeah, pretty sad that Starfield of Nyx will never be in Standard without DCommand. I'm still going to try to make something work in some format. It might end up just being a cute combo to throw into Selenia or Doran EDH.
that card isn't even that good and can be used against you later in the game
mausoleum wanderer is objectively better
Is it possible to make a Reveler of Ice/Thing in Chaos deck?
How many good burn/cantrip cards are there?
he doesn't know what he's talking about, just like you said it was hard enough to flip TITI, and he's convinced getting 6 instant or sorceries into the grave is going to be so cake
That is my favorite too. As soon as Dromokas command is gone rite decks are gonna be big in standard.
It requires you to cast 4 things and is a sitting duck on the battlefield. Your opponent sees it coming from a mile away, so he'll either undercommit or kill it
It doesn't matter that it's a "sitting duck", it's a fucking 2 drop.