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Gotta love the new thread smell.
Smells like piss and beer.
>piss and beer
It's literally same smell.
I smelled worse.
Does anyone have one of the expanded versions of this?
You should shower more often.
>wasting the image at the beginning
One job, Pissman. One job.
He still has the other image.
Human Male, Familiar Face:(-10points), 17
Beacon Academy, Vale
Semblance: Ghost. I will be the scary man in the dark, from /k/ with love.
Gifts/Talents: Memory(-20), Strength(-20), Agility(-20), Intelligence(-10), Energy(-20).
Weapons: Melee will be a two handed meat cleaver with Collapsible, and the second will be a variable Shotgun and Assault riffle combo that can use dust charges (Total cost for both 500)
Items & Gear: Scroll(free), Parachute and Grappling Hook(-150) cant be too paranoid, Targeting Glasses(-150) I can only see so far to make a good shot, Wilderness Gear(-50), Dust Charges(-50) for some extra ammo till I get some steady supply.
My job is to hunt down the enemy, then proceed to butcher them. Range weapon is for softening up big targets before I can use the grappling hook to drag the target to me or vice versa. With the raised in world thing going on and my forth wall knowledge I can preemptively stalk out some info on the enemy and give the main cast tip offs early when it counts, primary goal is to make sure gladiator chick doesn't die and to make sure she doesn't get a reversed Yoko thing happen to her this go around.
We forgot the most important part:
The names.
The first letter of our four names must spell something that has to do with a color, or makes you think of a color.
And your name has to have something to do with a color
I THINK the leader's initial spells the first letter of the team name, but I'm not sure.
>The first letter of our four names must spell something that has to do with a color
what I tried to say was
>We each have a name
>take the initial of each first name
>leader's is the first
>spell something that makes you think of a color
>this is the team name
Like RWBY = Ruby = red
I am planning on switching the Shotgun/Assault to Assault/Sniper combo.
Don't think I posted a name other than Cleaver guy when I was talking. I think I call my self Jason Whiting. Also Role call. Where my sweet big booty Amazon?
Power Negation
The girl.
Well, I guess everyone else went to sleep user.
That's fine, gonna pass out myself soon.
History: New Arrival
Age&Gender: 18 Human Male
Location: Beacon
Semblance: Force of Nature - Gravity.
Gifts:Ferocity(90), Will(80), Energy(60), Fear(50), Intelligence(40), Agility (20)
Talents:Tactics (0)
Weapons: Variable Halberd/Shotgun(600), Collapsible(550), Dust Mod(500), Additonal Weapon Form - Short Sword (400)
Gear: Armor (300), Targeting Glasses (150), Rebreather (100), Dust Charges x2 (0)
I chose Beacon Academy because the location seems pretty nice, forests are way better than arctic and deserts.
Warm person to teammates, rude to strangers, only cares about opinions from people he values. Despite this, wears targeting glasses and armored clothes mostly for looks.
Combat- utilizing gravity I would try to speed up allies, slow and stop enemies. When I would get more proficient with the power I would use it for transportation and aggressively.
My goal is mostly an easy going everyday life while improving my abilities.
There, redone gravity build so it looks nice.
>Corn Syrup
>In Coke Zero
I've read the ingredients and have never seen that on there. I think the creator of this image should have used a different soda.
well, apparently Cleaverguy and Amazon are gone, so is Leader. I'm heading off in minutes.
Gonna swap out sword/riot shotgun/assault rifle for
>claws/riot shotgun/assault rifle
assuming that's okay. It fits with the whole being a faun thing
Ok I am Cleaver user and this guyI have no idea who you are, also calling it for now that I am going to bed in a few minuets.
That was lewdgirl user I'm pretty sure
Didn't notice her. But okay.
don't mind me, just dumping some OC. this has been sitting around way too long without me posting it, I hope you enjoy it
mystery box coming in about thirty minutes
Can't read that on my phone, but since you posted a devilgirl I'll have to decline. You probably fuck me over with every wish.
Please come back great and amazing author and post the last page. It needs to be completed.
What the hell, I'm game.
I'm more interested in the image of the demon/genie/whatever. Got the original?
So Gimp is a good free photo editor to use then?
I want nothing from you. :^)
>mystery box
Since I don't feel like buying or pirating Photoshop.
Anyone got a good Lovecraft/Cthulhu Mythos themed CYOA?
I need a higher quality Randall, holy shit.
I think I'll do what Slutlife and Traveler did and make my version of Rapture Academy first with no images then make a version of it with images.
To be the little girl.
Gives her the least leverage, the most she can really do is "Yeah, you're a little girl but you get raped n' stuff." And I'm fucked up enough that even that could be pretty fun.
I think I'm smart enough not to demand a wish from a clearly malevolent being when the only "rules" I know of are from fictional shit like Disney's Aladdin, but whatever, let's pretend I'm a fucking moron and I'm going to wish for more wishes.
I promise you user, not every wish will fuck you over. and sorry that you can't read it on your phone, I'll try to change the resolution in the next version.
Should satisfy the people upset about the nerfing to Impervious and Temperature Tolerance. Now four levels, including zero, the first of which was free (because *everyone* was taking the first level, and its pointless to have an option that everyone pays for)
Anyway, I think that the balance struck works for me.
Back to working on the DLC.
>not every wish
Say no to Russian Roulette, kids. Considering how this is a slightly malicious djinn, how would anyone pick a non-fucked wish?
Common sense?
Roll the barrel and pray?
Or that little = before you can have cognitive thought.
Or you never grow up, forced to relive kindergarten again and again
I'm playing this safe and taking nothing. Still, in waiting to see how hard she'd duck everyone up
Sweet, thanks.
>not every wish will fuck you over.
So you admit some will duck me over. Thanks for that.
Taking nothing because I'm not stupid.
Ah, the pains of a phone user, am I right?
Assuming I was dumb, I'd go
>more wishes
To which she'd say no and I wasted the wish she didn't want to give.
Or I'd go
>max power
And she turns me into a Jinn
The safe bet would be
>be the little girl
But I do not feel safe with the "little" part
Just 10 more minutes before I can say that every wish tucks you over, as expected
Ancient Rome
One Percenter -1
Genius 2 -6
Memory of the Ages 2 -7
Polyglot -5
Gift of Gab -5
Economist -5
SEP Field -5
Strength & Speed 1 -2
Regeneration 3 -8
Non-Reactor -2
Diet 1 -3
Iron Gut -2
Sanitary Convenience -4
Impervious 3 -9
Endurance 2 -7
Super Senses 1 -2
Temperature Tolerance 3 -9
Shapeshifting, Major -10
A Companion -2 (floating slot)
A Shared Gift
*Sanitary Convenience -1
*SEP Field -1
*Regeneration 3 -2
*Memory of the Ages 2 -2
Book of Culture -5
Book of Knowledge -5
The Dustbin of History +10
Quest: Sustainability
I'll start out as a patrician in Ancient Rome and then move to England maybe a century or two before it's time to join the original settlers in their journey to America. Hopefully, my companion will be my original waifu from my time as a Roman Patrician, but who knows what'll happen over the course of the centuries? Mostly I just want to experience the birth of western civilization, and aide in the creation of our country (with the Book of Knowledge and other mental gifts I'm pretty sure the USA will be #1 long before WW2).
As for my quest, I'm 99% certain that I will fail to get anywhere close to accomplishing it. No matter how much time I have, a world-wide utopia is beyond any one person. That said, there's no penalty for taking it and failing so why the hell not.
C-can I post a WIP and get opinions? ;__;
you become a little girl and die from cancer in a day
Of course.
Why does everyone want to let her go.
Come on, guys; power beyond your wildest dreams,the wealth of kings, and eternal life could all be yours.
I'll give you an opinion for free: I dislike WIPs. They make me very uninterested in seeing the final product even when I don't look at them, so I don't make builds for them even if/when it's finished.
But that's just me.
>Let her go
Fuck that, I'm taking good care of her until Stockholm Syndrome kicks in and she cries tears of joy at our love.
so, here's the "mystery box".
I hope I didn'T drop the ball too hard, since people are already complaining about the wishes fucking you over before even seeing this. hopefully your choice didn't fuck you over too badly user
Can I just do this, instead?
Different user here, but what are your thoughts on cyoa that are mechanically complete but still need to be put in image form? If someone posts that, would you dislike it?
A few questions about the Monster Containment Orb, if Highlander catches this: how many balls I be trippin' on if I purchase this? How far is full sapience in terms of Pokemon? Are Psychic types too far?
only true love and wealth is bad. didn't expect that.
What are you trying to do here?
I'm the little girl guy and I need some writing practice, give me a few minutes and I'll whip something up.
you say that we will never see the genie again unless the last one, but the more wishes one says she leaves her bottle behind and will come back
I dunno, my piss smells like buttered popcorn.
>mfw genie waifu
Gave that bitch a proposal. Bitches love proposals.
Other than that, world peace seems to be the least terrible out of them all. Eternal life is fucking terrifying.
Reminds me of this:
The format of a CYOA is nigh-inconsequential to me; it's akin to asking me "Can a CYOA be too long?" Considering I made it through Traveller's Tale with ease and most people don't have Highlander's drive to create when it's just going to be a bunch of images on the internet, no, it can't be too long.
So no, I wouldn't dislike something just because it's a bunch of words and no images to depict them. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't dislike it based on the content, of course.
Can anybody post that one cyoa with those cockroach-guys from mars?
Eternal life is worthless but it doesn't actively screw you or anyone else over because you can still just kill yourself.
terrafomars or some such. I don't think I have it saved, but now you have a name.
I picked life, which I guess is good. It's not like I'm doing anything with my youth anyway, and I can learn a bunch of puns for when I'm a skellybones.
Does waifu genie grant any additional wishes? She's probably immortal, maybe she'd like companionship.
This one annoys me because they added an extra 0 to all of the points for no reason.
But you forget you've made that wish once you make it. By the time you realize that you'll never die of old age, you'll be too old to do it right. You might get lucky with life support or some shit, but you probably won't be able to commit suicide.
Not Highlander, but you probably have a subscription you can fill when you're running low. No idea how many you get at a time though.
Sapience-wise, maybe equivalent of a 3-year-old is the cut-off. It's a big multiverse out there so there's gotta be a non-sapient psychic monster out there.
Chose "you" because I felt that worst comes to worst she makes me her or something weird, and I could always just kill myself. I would do "World peace" if I trusted her.
Hey not bad, I get a chance to have a waifu, and I don't have to deal with "her" being some kind of freak
At the time, I'd been playing for time as my brain tried to get over the shock of 'magic' and formulate a wish. When I'd hesitated, she'd taken the fragment as the entire wish evidently, and that was how I discovered that despite her red skin, she could still blush fetchingly.
I decided not to join her in the shower. I needed some time to think, and the distraction of a wet woman would do me no favors.
So instead I cooked. I'd set out some frozen pork to defrost in the morning, and I fried up some onions and pea pods to go with it. As an afterthought I boiled up some rice to stretch out a bachelors' supplies for two people.
When I started to sear the meat, she wandered out of the bathroom, and I stared, uncomprehending.
"What?" She glanced down at her t-shirt and skirt, brushing them down with an idle motion. "I'm pretty sure I got them right."
"So you magicked them up then?" I settled on asking before flipping the meat.
"Yep. I like the current fashion, much more liberal than I remember." She did a quick spin, flaring up the edge of her skirt. "Much lighter materials as well."
"...Were you aware in there then? You mentioned centuries, but you knew how to operate a computer. And knew what a cartoon is. And speak modern English." I paused, considering my next words, and she did me the courtesy of waiting for me to sort my thoughts. "A 'mortal' would go mad."
>Life has you slowly turn into a vegetable or age into dust
>Everyone turns crazy and paranoid with peace
>Power fucks you over by making you weak to common things
>Love gives you a tranny who likes scat or other things that they should be killed for
>Wealth is evil but it just fucks other people over so whatever
>Member gives you a dick so large it won't work, can't be used to fuck anyone, and will probably kill you eventually
>Wish is useless, but it's the only one so far not a trap.
>Little girl means you're probably getting thrown in an orphanage, so fucked over.
>You is obviously the waifu choice and one of the few that's not a trap
>Regardless of what you pick, you get memory raped and forget about what you wished for so it's useless anyway and this was all a waste of time.
What the fuck is wrong with you mystery box fags that think giving people the absolute shittiest thing imaginable is 'fun' and 'not that bad'? You're all full fucking retard every single goddamn time, and it never works well. People always HATE your shit. So why do you do it?
>I don't have to deal with "her" being some kind of freak
She'd be a transexual.
You understand Djinn are evil, right?
Wrong. Islamic mythology contains both good and bad djinn.
OP CYOA can't into English
Well they can't complain since the point of the CYOA is to be careful what you wish for.
Not really user, for that moral to work there would need to be some kind of clue as to which of these would fuck you over.
yeah, there are the good djinn who stone rape victims, and the bad djinn who drink alcohol moderately.
>need to be some kind of clue as to which of these would fuck you over
All because that's how some supernatural wishes work? It's never "it only goes wrong if you wish for X, Y or Z"
She laughed, nervously. "Right, was hoping you wouldn't catch onto that." She fidgeted. At length. I decided to repay her the time to think she had given me just a moment ago while I moved the meat into the oven to finish cooking. "I looked out the window and saw... the city. I may have panicked just a touch. So I contracted with you." By now I was facing her again. She seemed very small, just then. "A Jinn and a magician share a bond, and I used that bond for information. When you demanded a wish- that was probably you touching that bond. Strange horned woman in your room and you don't call for help? No, you knew we had a 'deal.' But then, you, uh. You said enough that I thought you were sealing the contract as ongoing." She looked at me, hopefully.
I licked my lips. "I'm a magician?"
She rolled her eyes. "All of that and you took awa- oh, right, magic is fiction to you." She braced an arm against the other to press her fist to her chin. "Huh. The real point is... you and me, we have a thing now. So here's the trick."
She pointed at me. "Human: Full of power. Shit at everything else to do with magic." She pointed at herself. "Jinn: Shit at power. Awesome at everything else." She twirled her finger in a circle to indicate the two of us. "Contracted pair: pretty awesome." She caught my skepticism, either from my face or the poorly described bond. "Why do you think I was stuck in a bottle if I had Infinite Cosmic Power all on my own?" She blinked. "And oh wow I am going to have to educate you because Robin Williams is not representative of what we've got going."
I blinked. Then tentatively thought lewd things and watched her face, only to get no reaction. Either she was better than I gave her credit, or she wasn't reading my mind, instead drawing on skills and memories on an as need basis? Nope, still pretty intimidating. "Okay. I need to have food. And sleep. Before I can really deal with any of this."
"...Can we share the bed?"
Eh, I'll be a girl, why the hell not.
>House Hecate (+1 Study, 3 Magical Points)
>Allure 3 (8)
>Streetwise 3 (6)
>Force 4 (3)
>Study 4 (1)
>Threat 2 (0)
Perks (10 +3 Magic)
>Favorite Class: Language Arts, Music, History (7)
> Aversion to Idiots, people of lower intelligence
>Just as Planned (6)
>Glasses (8)
>Artifact Weapon (7)
>Artifact Armor (6)
>Survival Training (4)
>Dark Secret: Has killed someone (6)
>Responsibility: Part-time Job (8)
>Friendly (7)
>Connections (4)
>Virgin (6)
>Cute (3)
>Magical Training (1): Levitate, Shroud, Heal, Command Fire
>Unlucky (4)
>Haunted (6)
>Favorite Class: Magic, Theology (1)
>Mysteries: Monster Repellant, Restricted Section, Fairy Rings
>Enemy: Sex Ring
>Dark Fate: Controlled
Did you read the original Alladin? He only got fucked over when he got his hands on a Roc egg since the genie had loyalty to said roc. Before then things were going completely fine with his wishes.
>little girl option
>not using your previous schooling to excel and become a prodigy
>not getting a scholarship and doing your life over
Is this the better version?
It says you're forced to forget everything about making the wish, what happened to you, or what the consequences of your wish are. So an interpretation of that could lead to you forgetting you were ever anything but a little girl.
Also you're going out on the street to get raped or into an orphanage to get raped. Your life is going to be shit and you'll end up in a trailer on the dole.
New apartment. A chance to start over again, that's all I wanted. No carrying groceries up four flights of stairs. Nobody partying late into the night above my head. Going to sleep without hearing my horndog neighbors through the walls. In fact, I was pretty much the only guy in the the new place. I didn't realize people were still so superstitious in the 21st century that a Scooby-Doo ghost story would trick them out of a new start. Of course, it ended up being more Twilight Zone.
I'd fallen asleep at my chair apparently. Moving will do that to you. But as I rubbed sleep out of my eyes my glasses weren't there. I assumed they'd fallen into my lap. They had. I need new glasses. Pick them up and put them over my ears. They fall down again. I really need new glasses. Need coffee too. Need to see to make coffee. I groggily move my hands around but I can't find my glasses. Luckily, I'm a freaking hoarder and my first pair of glasses from the fifth grade were cluttering up my desk with a whole lot of other junk from the move. I only started to panic when I put them on.
They fit. Perfectly. And as I drew my hand back I really started to wake up.
Gone was the grunge of fur, the nervously chewed nails, the innumerable paper cuts acquired by a man who spent all his time reading. Slender-fingered , delicate pale softness was all I could see. I could have held this hand in my own. In fact, I'd longed to, although I'd never admit as much in court.
Maybe I was still dreaming. But my nightmares were always worse than this. Maybe it was just a trick of the light, pouring cold and white from my monitor. But my other screen had fallen asleep a little while after me, and now I could see my reflection in it.
As I'm sure you can imagine at this point I've thought long and well about what it would be like to have a little sister. The girl in that screen, her eyes blinking as mine did, was a perfect match. Brown curls scraping the curve of her neck, glasses the same blue as her eyes resting on her little nose, red lips bursting with youth, opening in shock, then covered by the same hand I'd seen before. And as she did so I felt my own lips being brushed.
As they grow older, most men become what they hate. I'd become what I loved.
The details of the rapturous hours that followed in front of the mirror I'd been to lazy to put on the wall are of no interest to you, I'm sure. Have no fear, I will spare them. Just know that they were the world to me. How long had I wanted to touch a girl like this? Not only was a life's worth of lust fulfilled, but I could feel every caress myself. I was Adam and I was Eve and it was Eden.
Dear reader, I hope that if you do not heed this warning you have online employment as I did. I'd been a loner my whole life, and I was able to shut myself in with my writing for a few months. My editors were pleased; apparently my joy seeped into my words. Eventually though, the situation became strained. Delivery pizza three meals a day is no good for a growing girl. But more than that, something was real. I don't know if it was magic or ghosts or aliens, or if I'm lying on a hospital bed somewhere and this is all just my last few moments of imagination. But the world isn't how we think it is. That's bigger than anything I've ever wanted.
In years past, people would ask me to write stories. Often, stories just like what happened to me. A surprising number of these people are high up in the world. And even more are very, very low down. A new identity was starting small. One of my old clients once asked me to write whatever I could come up with for him. When I asked him why he said I wouldn't believe him, and when I asked him again he told me he was looking for inspiration for a spell. I was weirded out but I'd already written him a story about a little girl who wanted to be young forever, and he said that was perfect. He was right, at the time I didn't believe him. But now I do, and he believes my story too.
If you fail to heed my warning and stay here, fair reader, there's an address in Wales written down below. That's where I'm heading now, and there's a home there for you too if something happens. I can't guarantee it'll be safe, I don't know what I'm getting into either. Maybe he's just crazy. Maybe this is all some kind of trap. But if you watch the news and see a magical girl saving the world, just like the cartoons that got me into this whole mess, well, I guess it all worked out.
>more than a week without Angel posting
New Princess CYOA?
Okay, but in all the other wishes, it's assumed that you won't forget anything other than specified.
It'd make more sense to interpret it as you (from your perspective) suddenly waking up as a little girl for no discernible reason.
Ironically I picked the genie for my wish so I'm good. But I wouldn't force her into anything, I'd be ok, with her being my friend. A genie friend would be cool.
whats the DLC?
Wait, for Supporting Cast how does it work exactly? I'm confused by the description. And what does it mean to be their "second"? Like their lieutenant?
Would they get the books and I wouldn't? What about the pocket dimension?
>You can still die of physical trauma
Then its not eternal life is it?
Yes. Yes you can.
What are you doing with this 2/2 user? Keep going.
Don't worry user, you'll die from being reduced to a vegetable long before.
Do you just want romcom, lewds, or adventures in human/jinn contract magic?
That aside, glad someone liked it enough to comment. Thanks.