/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General

.gif edition

We're currently working on Gen V

Here's the current worklog:
| Gen V |
-Army Upgrades Page

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Game welcome here!

Everyone welcome.

Q - What is Towergirls?
A Veeky Forums creation. Read more here.

Q - How do I play?
A - It's a CYOA, there are no established mechanics for the rescue. All the pages to the game are in the imgur album linked in resources.

Q - Why aren't/are we we working on; Fan Gen II/Knights/combat mechanics/etc.
A - No. We recognize that spreading out our efforts is what originally killed the project. Accordingly, we're focusing on just one thing at a time and finishing them out.

Q - Hey, can we make a pricness about X fetish?
A - It generally comes down to what people like. Propose the idea and see if others want it.

Q - Is there a map/unified setting?
A - Nope. Though proposals have been made, nothing concrete has been created.

Q - Can I post fanart/fanfiction here?
A - Go right on ahead, just make sure it's within the global rules.

Imgur Album - imgur.com/a/maXHJ
Tower Girls infinity Chan Board - https:// infinity ch.net/twgrl
Booru - tower-girls.booru.org/
Brushes, Fonts, and Templates - pastebin.com/0uCbMGx6

Subtitle Pending:
Kingdom Conquest:

Contact Project Lead: [email protected]

Last thread:

Far Beyond's
Monster Princess

+ Apex Predator in all lands
+ fiercely Loyal and Territorial
+ Newly Sentient
- Not Cute
- Why does it have "both"?

Love: 0
Lust: 4
Wealth: 0
Power: 5

Lilote, Goddess of the Wild
Worshipped: Kingdom becomes safe from any animals or monsters in nature.
Renounced: All sex you have turns into rape.

Yes, that's me.

What kind of monster is it exactly?

Undecided, might leave it up to whoever wants to draw it. It is supposed to be the monster of monsters. A little mix of everything scary.

>Rape and surprise sex
Probably a Grue.

Photo user Courtier. I will get them, and add them to my party of heroes. As well as this Squire Knight I keep hearing about. I trained that boy/girl (seriously, what is under those clothes) to fight and take my place goshdarnit.

Really need self insert wanking here? Can we not do it for charts? Please? Can I not be the only one here who thinks that is a lil too much?

>Some shitty futa vomit
No thanks

>Photo user
Be more subtle.
>Photoshop Courtier
+Master of Digital Design
+Loves to help people
+Pretty good at it too
- Broke
- (something else)

Oh guys! Here is my attempt on Oriead Princess. It is just a rough idea really.

I hate it too but if I crash the baby circus they're all going to cry again and I'd rather be doing anything but changing diapers.

Time for Dominions

I'm with Like with princesses, I think it's fine when it's a reference to something and not a direct copy.

Shy Princess=Bad
Masque Princess=Ok

Photo user Courtier=Bad
Photographer Courtier=Ok

Dats very cute senpai.

Yes, but when it apparently is going to be a drawing based of the person, is that too much? I mean what is the reference of photoshop in that picture of him? Perhaps if it was more of a direct reference to photoshop, I would think that is much MUCH better.

I guess the only way is to give them a bottle and a sucker.

A+ Good Job

What were her traits again?

Completely Agree

Shy Princess, Secretary Princess, Fitness Princess, Etc all seem bad.


Still taking secretary princess tho

You can't stop me

Are you the official artist for all the new Towergirls things? How many of the princesses have come from you?

>The Adobe Sisters
I'd support it.

she looks quite a lot like my tiki princess to be honest

oh and ive been gone for like a week so i dont know if anything has been added but


armies (out of 12)
atomatron troopers (stated) (arted)
seducer foocubi (carded) (arted)
undead dragonslayer knights (stated) (sketched)
peasent rabble (stated) (arted)
Dogs of war (carded and arted)
Dragon hoard (stated) (sketching)
Giant Boulder-Bearers (arted and carded)
Flumph Brigade (arted and carded)
Nefarious Edgolytes (arted and carded)
Bandito Battalion (arted and carded)
Mummy Lords (arted and carded)
Stained-Glass Rogues (arted and carded)
Terracota Warriors (arted and Carded)
Symbiotic Goliaths (arted)
Evil Cronies (arted and carded)

Generals (Out of 4)
yeti general (stated) (arted)
elf General (stated) (Arted)

Masters (out of 2)
Flayer Slave Master (arted and carded)
Sea Master (arted and carded)

Beasts (out of 2)
(wood) amber beast (stated And arted)
(metal) hematite beast (stated) (sketching)
Kitsune beast (arted and carded)
skavader beast (Arted)

Gen 2 expansion (out of 20)
Cloud princess(pre-existing)
Day elf princess(pre-existing)
Dream princess(pre-existing)
Huldra princesss(pre-existing)
Leach princess(pre-existing)
Clown princess(pre-existing)
Dwarf princess III (pre-existing)
Stygian Princess (pre-existing)

Pistelaro princess (arted and carded)
Jaberwocky princess (arted and carded)
Kobold princess II (arted and carded)
Filth princess (arted and carded)
Wrestler princess (arted)
Pegasus Princesss or merchent princess II(arted and carded) Depends
Scorpion princess (arted and carded)
Merchant princess II (arted and carded)
Chicken princess (arted)
Troll (arted and carded)
Cerberus (arted, still carding)
Alien princess (arted)

(anything needs changing please let me know)

I got around to setting up the sheet a bit. Also, we realized that it'd work out better if we removed the masters and generals from Gen 5 and used them for Expansion Gens 3 and 4.

does anyone have the latest version of the scyfy princess chart?

There is a Tiki Princess? I'd like to see.

Sweet, my army made it on the list. Not calling it "Knights of the Round" instead of Ser Knights? Oh well, I am just happy to have something on the list now.

Knights of the Round would just be Corpulent Knight. Cause he is his own table.

Make her look like a R63 Beast from Beauty and the Beast.

And maybe drop the "Why does it have both?" and she could be good.

here you go


Lets make her an official princess please.

the flayers need to be moved down with the masters, and then we will have to either make the sheet extra long or axe some troops to fit the masters and generals and beasts in

It didn't fit on the card, unforutnately.

You didn't see this part:

Was planning to pitch her for gen 3 with a tiki spirit companion

Ahh no I didn't, in that case we need a few more troops then it looks like

knights of the round's
Sir Knights!

Sir Knight's
Sir Knights!

Sounds more goofy.

She has my endorsement and is actually similar to a Volcano Princess idea I posted a couple threads back.

The lei bra is just great.

Allright then


armies (out of 20)
atomatron troopers (stated)
seducer foocubi (carded)
undead dragonslayer knights (stated) (sketched)
peasent rabble (Carded)
Dogs of war (carded)
Dragon hoard (stated)
Giant Boulder-Bearers (carded)
Flumph Brigade (carded)
Nefarious Edgolytes (carded)
Bandito Battalion (carded)
Mummy Lords (carded)
Stained-Glass Rogues (carded)
Terracota Warriors (Carded)
Symbiotic Specialists (Carded)
Evil Cronies (carded)
Ser Knights (Carded)
Flayer Slave Lords (Carded)

Gen 2 expansion (out of 20)
Cloud princess(pre-existing)
Day elf princess(pre-existing)
Dream princess(pre-existing)
Huldra princesss(pre-existing)
Leach princess(pre-existing)
Clown princess(pre-existing)
Dwarf princess III (pre-existing)
Stygian Princess (pre-existing)

Pistelaro princess (arted and carded)
Jaberwocky princess (arted and carded)
Kobold princess II (arted and carded)
Filth princess (arted and carded)
Wrestler princess (arted)
Pegasus Princesss (arted and carded) Depends
Scorpion princess (arted and carded)
Merchant princess II (arted and carded)
Chicken princess (arted)
Troll (arted and carded)
Cerberus (arted, still carding)
Alien princess (arted)

(anything needs changing please let me know)

ok so after skimming the past few threads it looks like leach and day elf have their new art and lillend princess is entering the fray for gen 3 (likely to kick Pegasus off) anything else I'm missing

Which do people prefer?
"Knights of the Round's
Sir Knights!"


"Sir Knight's
Sir Knights!"

Quite a few, I haven't really counted, but just princesses alone and not anything else like monsters and men, I'd say like 40+ Designs or Redesigns.

But I wouldn't say I am the official new Artist, There is a lot of great talent here that has been really knocking it out of the part creatively.

Man I would support this too!

Wow you are right. What a odd coincidence.

(Also I need to tweak the Oriead's hair, I think it is almost there but needs some clean up.)

Night Elf and here assistant was done. Also a Nymph elf too...Probably some others I am forgetting?

The drawing is much better.

I still can't get behind having a preggers princess though.

I had someone request this on my blog too.

I dunno, it's not my fetish but it certainly isn't...like disturbing or anything.

Whats your blog?

Btw, I incorporated some of these onto their respective sheets. I do need to update the Imgur, though.

Search Eversorthewry (no spaces) on google. You'll find it with ease.

Follow me and stuff, I post whatever I draw there.

i saw night elf and nymph but they (presumably) arent going on expansion 3 or the troop sheet so i dont need to keep note of them for the status update yet.

oh that is great! I use that imgur list to reference work, so please keep updating that.

Here is the Kitchen Courier redesign too.

I will do so in the morning. I'm sorry I can't at the moment, But i need to sleep.

>Kitchen Courier
If that's Eversor posting, you forgot your name.

Also, where's the spikes? Kitchen Courtier had thin yellow horns.

(Woops didn't have my name on!)

I didn't know that you were asking for just expansion related stuff. I thought you were just asking what new stuff was done recently. Ah.

well i mean i could start a very early status update for gen 3 expansion but that seems a tad early ^^;

Could you post the most updated Nymph Princess too?

Eh i ended up just using them as shadows. I wasn't liking the way she looked with spikes.

This one I believe.

Maybe if they were thinner / longer / more spaced out to make them more similar to the original.

Which generation are these most likely to go in? Or which fan gen needs new princesses most?

well expansion 3 will be the most crowded as it has half a sheet pre made, but beyond that expansion 4 and 5 are all but barren so we have, roughly 50 spots

>kick Pegasus off
He's the trap. He's guaranteed no matter what.

Good question! I'll let the smarter folks figure that out though!

We need Expansion 2 charted out first before we can know.

For some reason I always think Merchant Princess is some kind of monkey girl, but I am pretty sure she is supposed to be human.

Maybe it is her proximity to Monkey Princess.


kobold II is also a trap

Too many traps.

Maybe we should create a second Lesbian Princess like Cat Princess to balance things out.

I forgot how many we ended up making. Yeah, you are right. How did kobold II end up that way anyways?

I just noticed: Monkey Princess - Pays for good by fighting. Merchant Princess - Into Punishment.

Need some Monkey x Merchant.

And he's Gen II, not III.

>One of the most hated princesses
>hurr we need more

Whats wrong with Cat Princess?

Cat Princes is most hated? Nah that is a lovely princess!

kobold II was the first trap for the sheet and it was a pun i made jokingly on how kobolds are trap masters in most fantasy and it stuck.

Traps in the wing atm
Kobold 2
Devil (futa)
Gemini (ish)

She's trash.

Hint: Most of us are men. She hates men and only fucks women.

For Devil, the creator made her ambiguous on purpose. So don't declare it as an absolute.

Two, futas don't count as traps. Not fetish wise, not on the charts. Don't treat her like one.

Hey im just listing the dicks, im not trying to make any points

You called her a trap and definitely a futa. That was misinformation. I am correcting it.

Fair enough,

Her lust bonus can make her straight.

And as an extra lust bonus, you can also use it to watch your princesses have lesbian sex whenever you want.

win win

I think that is a bit close minded. Also what about the female audience. Or the male audience that likes Yuri and in there variant of the CYOA there knight is a female knight?

But Eversor, we can't possibly do that. We'd be a bunch of cucks!

since when does she hate men?

Touched up Oriead. How is she now in comparison to the original?

maybe I'm a bit dumb, but whats an Oriead?

Cute hair

Google says its like a mountain dryad / nymph

She's a lesbian. She won't fuck you.

Her lust bonus requires you to somehow make her love you. So that's a wash.

And if you get off on your princesses cheating on you that's your business, but realize that your fetish is disgusting and in the minority.

>What about the female audience?
There are very few of them. They might like cat, but for all of us she's shit.

>Make audience that likes yuri
See above about getting off on cheating.

There are ways around maxing lust.

I do not consider the female members of my harem having fun with each other cheating, especially if I get to watch or join.

I do not particularly like traps / futa / preggers stuff but I also realize that not every princess is tailor made for me (Though I wish they were and might be able to fix that with clever use of items).

>There are ways around maxing lust.
Great, some overcomplex series of combos just to make a girl fuck you who'd hate you otherwise.

You are being very presumptuous about the audience make-up and there hates and likes.

Also there is a vast variety of options of princesses to choose from. I don't think just because this one doesn't apply to you doesn't make her a lovely princess.

We got princesses for every single need. You need a drug princess we got it, we got a pregger princess, we got a zombie princess for this necrophiliacs out there. The list goes on and on and on. I think having a cute designed cat princess that likes females only isn't to blasphemous. Wouldn't you agree?

>As if that is not half the fun
>As if you are not going after all the bitches

>You are being very presumptuous
Not really. The gender imbalance on this board is real, and that fetish is extremely hated and niche.

Her being unlikeable to the majority of players makes her pretty trash, objectively.

I don't agree no, since she's ruined catgirls for this project.

It's not. It feels like you're just doing it to win some score, that you'll go through any ends to warp and corrupt who people are into someone else just to say you did it.

Cleansing Fall’s
Nymph Princess

+ A bit of a clean freak
+ Loves watersports
+ Will continually dote on you
- Does not like wandering far from water
- Will ignore you if you make too big of a mess

Landmark: Hidden Cave – The secret passage behind every waterfall.
Love Spell: Purity Bubble – Anything dirty is purified or repelled.
Lust Spell: Compulsion – Targets feel a driving need to beautify themselves before you.

Verdant Grove Kingdom’s
Dryad Princess

+ A very playful personality
+ Not ashamed to be seductive
- Feels uncomfortable in civilization
+ Much more comfortable in the nude
- May hibernate as a tree for extended periods

Landmark: Sleeping Grove – Dryad Princess’ sleeping sisters transformed into enchanted trees.
Love Spell: Frolic – You can walk around in the nude without drawing attention.
Lust Spell: Serenity – Force others to be nudists without them realizing.


Do you have any proof to your blanket statements?

>user is going to argue that Veeky Forums has a perfect 50/50 gender split
>He is also going to argue that cheating isn't hated by the majority of people
This is the hill you die on?

I'm a straight guy and the fact that I could turn on/off her lesbian mode in a harem is enticing.

Then again, my current favorite strategy is using Symbiote Princess to absorb all the others and then cherry pick my favorite traits in a super princess.

>filename not "stay gold"

I feel like your cheating fetish and the fact that you have to warp who she is to be able to fuck her at all, and the immorality of that bell, are all points I've already addressed.

I suggested a Cat Princess II that was a black cat that kept getting bad luck and into unfortunate but sexy situations.

ENF Fetish.

What is an ENF?

So you have no proof?

You are going around acting like its a 10:90 split. Buddy give me proof.

What are you talking about cheating? I am not arguing anything in this regard, i dont know what you are talking about.

The "her being unlikable to the majority" is my arguement. You are so vehement about this distaste to cat character.

I find it so odd thar your disdain is so strong yet you seem to be so unfazed by all these other easily more arguable worse fetishes, like that necrophilia one or the countless other sinister shit we have.

But a girl who only kisses girls? Oh shit son! We got some FUCKED UP garbage here....woooahhh boy.

Embarrassed Nude Females.

Anytime a girl ends up exposed when she did not want to be but you get to see and enjoy it.