The most developed religion of the setting is the Portage faith, although it's one of the smaller religions. It originates as an alternate history Earth religion where it was bizarre, but after transplanting it into a late renaissance fantasy they became one of the more level-headed religions.
>Its symbols
No religious symbol
The Portage Hawk, a jet black bird of prey with a white head
The national colors: Black and Orange
>Its core tenets
It's mostly a book of laws that delegates all power and religious authority to the government. Portages do not believe in an afterlife or priesthood. Places of worship are instead large buildings where people pray freely and the only "holy men" are those that maintain the temples. Followers of the religion are promised luck and safety in the living world in return for their devotion.
Homes are sacred, to break into someone's house is among the worst of crimes.
Theft, blasphemy, prostitution, addiction, adultery, and witchcraft are typically punished with exile while rapists, murderers, and burglars are shot.
All individuals of both genders cover all of their skin except for their hands, neck, and head both in public and in private, although there are plenty of exceptions like rolling up one's sleeve or pantleg momentarily. Robes and skirts are disallowed in Portage but not necessarily by their holy book, Portages in Veisha and Landamar commonly wear robes.
The women are required to dye their hair white or silver, the book contradicts itself in why this is important.
>Its relationship with magic and occult
The Portage religion stems from an ancient witch religion but traditional magic and blood magic are now banned, and animals are sacrificed only on some holidays. Portage is far behind the rest of the world in the alchemy boom of the not-renaissance.
>Burnt any heretics recently?
Execution is only by firearms, throat-slitting before that. Heretics are just stripped of their religion, their name, and exiled.