I talked a DM into letting me replace my character's heart with a Dragon's heart. We've decided that dragon's breath weapons don't come from the heart but from another organ in the body. With that in mind, what effects would you see the character feeling. It was an adult Blue at the time of removal.
I talked a DM into letting me replace my character's heart with a Dragon's heart...
Other urls found in this thread:
>With that in mind, what effects would you see the character feeling.
The major effect would be death, followed by death, and a sidedish of death. Let's assume for some reason that ripping out your own heart and replacing it with the dragon's heart is not a problem. Let's assume your body doesn't reject it. How does it function?
Your veins and arteries are not the size of a dragon's. Or are you also transmogrifying your circulatory system? If so, why not just transform into a dragon entirely?
had it shrunk down to the appropriate size and transplanted both using science and magic
Manifestations/surges of magical power, a la Sorcerers. If you aren't a Sorcerer then it should be uncontrolled, maybe inconvenient or even dangerous to you.
It could add some Lightning resistance.
>shit that doesn't matter
I would expect a highly increased body temperature, possibly even boiling blood
DM here. I made him suffer a little bit.
Magically shrunk down, permanency spell on the shrink.
The mad scientist who did the transplants foudn an extra artery branch that he found through his study supplied the dragon with more oxygen to its lungs, so he made a replacement and placed it appropriately.
Therefore, Dovlin got light headed like crazy if he pushed it even a little. he had to go weeks getting used to breathing more shallowly.
He's already experienced some damage reduction from shock.
I'm enjoying seeing what you all come up with, though!
Not recalling atm the rules for dispel/antimagic/disjunction, but those might be problematic on a shrunken organ vital to living.
sleep snug smug
Speaking to birds, skin like armor, enhanced strength and endurance.
Or check out Rifts and the Dragon Juicer, sort of like a magic version of Bane powered by dragon blood.
Assuming you replaced the dragons heart with your heart too, you share a link. If one of you dies, both of you die...
it was cast by an intermediate god... not worrying about it growing back at this point.
it was very dead when we took it from it's chest so... it's not something I'm worrying about either.
The PC starts speaking with Sean Connery's voice.
Smart dragons might find you mildly interesting. Play your cards right and you might be able to bring some half-dragon mary sue's into the world
Dragon sickness
Permanency spell can only be undone by the one who cast it.
That's not gonna be undone any time soon.
>heart burn
The Dragon's life is now linked to your own, and yours to his.
>17 replies
>still didn't know the dragon was dead
read, nigga, read!
Have dragon like behaviour and personality traits and knowledge seep in randomly. At some point he starts speaking draconic.
WHY exactly did he have this done, without any real benefits being known in advance? Was he just a dragaboo?
he felt that it had to make him stronger some how. he has been around some 40k like goblins a bit to much
A lust for princesses.
Must weekly make a will check or kidnap local princess/virgin.
The heart wants what the heart wants.
This check can be modified by sleeping on a pile of gold coins, but the character suffers from exhaustion.
Get a sorcerer cantrip. Get further levels of sorcerer to taste.
Anyone have that shitty fetish art that shows why dragons kidnap maidens? The one where the girl becomes a newborn dragon's heart.
Super high blood pressure, probably.
he's a fighter with a fair amount of magical items at the moment but I'm thinking of taking some levels of spellsword. a bit of background. he's a CNe Drow. he got to the surface and seeing a chance to GTFO from the choke hold of the city he ran for it. been on the surface for a few years and as of late the last few years after have just snowballed into craziness. he's become a bit of a plot device for the DM. I kinda push it from time to time but get paid back from time to time. Almost lost his left arm a few times... he seems to like targeting it at the moment.
You can now be ubercharged.
You would die. Assuming for some reason you would be alive the organ would be likely to not do anything at all, let alone well. Some stupid bullshit magical effects that might befall upon you in the long term are characters with bonuses against dragons have bonuses against you, you routinely smell like a giant fucking lizard, and you have weakness to cold and fire attacks because your heart is from an organism that is not warm blooded.
That's not how that works.
>CN Drow with a dragon heart because it sounds cool
Better bring band-aids.
You start wanting to live in desert climates and hoarding treasure for yourself.
1. the "science" help we got was from a frankensteinian doctor who has had experience with restarting dead hearts, the magical being as mentioned before an intermediate god.
2. as for the permanency spell, it was cast by said god consider it part of said "Plot device" aspect.
3. I've learned to roll with the punches, pun related.
>campaign where each player has been given the heart of an evil monster and if they don't keep it charged with evil until they find a way to take it out they will become those monsters
I'd play it
Your character declares that he is a wandering swordsman, no matter what his area of specialty is.
What do you think would be the results if, for instance, you transplanted an elephant heart for yours? Using the same mix of science and magic?
Because I'm pretty sure that would still be 'death, death, and a distinct chance of death around teatime'.
elephants are not magical beasts
I mean, they aren't amphibians either.
Why not something actually cool like the heart of a ghost.
They're dead, immaterial, dead, don't have organs and are dead.
I'd play it too.
I'd run it.
You can now speak draconic and use Create Water
You can take levels in Sorcerer now, if you couldn't already.
Alternatively permanent water breathing
haven't had a chance to legit test that at the moment. that would be more of a "Dragon lungs" thing really.
>This thread
Don't you think it would be more interesting in a fantasy setting if he got some sort of connection to dragons or became more draconic since it could open up opportunities for character development, plot hooks, and powers as opposed to a scraped character?
An adult blue you say?
>We've decided that dragon's breath weapons don't come from the heart but from another organ in the body.
Then why didn't you install that bit instead?
damaged beyond use
Dragonic vitality is the only thing that would make sense regardless of DotS.
Tell us more about the dragons of your setting for better answers.
I was thinking more along these lines myself, but that works too.
Your alignment should gradually shift to match the Dragon's.
>All these faggots complaining about realism
I love this concept, nice job OP's DM. There are a plethora of myths pertaining to what a dragon's blood and body might be used for. Off the top of my head an icelandic legend had it's hero bathe in dragon's blood and become resilient to all types of damage, while I've heard it's also a potent healing component in alchemy. In Dragonheart, the villain has half of his heart changed for half of a dragon's, and becomes immortal with the stipulation that his lifeforce is bound to the dragon. If it dies, so does he.
Wish I had some original ideas, but can't think of any right now.
mainly various edition versions of D&D dragons. we're doing a quasi homebrew with stuff from here and there. the effects we have at the moment is that it'll increase lifespan dramatically and some electrical damage resistance has been shown but not fleshed out. The dragon in question was a cult member of the "Cult of the dragon" so it was already evil. the intermediate god that helped in the surgery was a good aligned dragon god who felt the surgery was a fair payment in helping thin the numbers in the amount we did.
This guy gets it.
Could yank Dragon Heart plot line for it, You're linked to that dragon and the dragon linked with you. So long as each of you shall live so shall the other, with time, patience and understanding the two could become one in body and mind as they deepen their bond.
Or if it's based upon hate, mistrust and cruelty then the two are further separated from one another and being in the presence of each other causes them acute pain from being to close.
mentioned earlier in thread... the dragon is beyond dead as his hide has been sold, his bones made to armor and weapons and his organs that weren't eaten were sold as well.
>there are people in this thread who haven't seen Dragonheart
thats some pretty serious shit OP, and the effects should reflect that. are you looking for fluff effects or mechanical effects?
arcs of electricity shoot out an in the chararcters body when stress/excited. the character becomes more savage, more evil, and more aggressive. becomes more obsessed with power and wealth.
resistance to electricity
So what? Dracolich ba~~by
no, as in it was alive and then we killed it. the dragonheart plot would work if said dragon was still alive. kind of doesn't work if the dragon in question is now bits and pieces.
it did have some dracolich friends though. now they were a bitch to kill... Re-Kill... whatever.
little from column A little column B... I notest some people suggesting it affect sleep and the like but as a drow they only need 4 hours of Meditation instead of sleep. he's had the heart for about a year now and he hasn't seen any cosmetic effects at this point in time but he also hasn't been in too stressful states. I like the idea and it's something I'll ask about in the morning when the DM wakes up. the bonus of living in a house where everyone RPs and someone who loves to DM.
No we've all seen it, and been over it. Context is different here, the same trick doesn't work.
It's amazing how, even seeing the dm investment, people are just saying you're fucking dead faggot.
You're the cancer.
It's what powergaming faggots like this one deserve.
>doing a crazy stunt without any obvious rewards
He obviously went into it thinking it would grant him TEH EPIKKK POWERUPS as he's shown through his posts.
He's one of those faggots who thinks it's acceptable to break the power curve of a game and jerk off in the rest of the party's faces because "MUH CrEaTiViTy", and will get mad when people tell him to pipe down and stop expecting the ability to go godmode from any major kill or reward.
Probably the only reason the GM hasn't just outright killed him for being an idiot is that he's forced to live with this autist.
I can see me being a "powergaming faggot" if I wanted adult or stronger breath weapons and wings and other bs without the negative effects but he passed out from too much oxygen and almost died a few times after the surgery. the luck of the dice was the only thing that stopped him from biting the magical bullet/ magic missile. the only perk I cared about was a natural extension of his life span for roleplay reasons. we've been more focused on the character's stories and less on stats or "TEH EPIKKK POWERUPS"
>muh ryalizm
Bonus to CON
Resistance against diseases because neither human nor dragon diseases know what the fuck they're dealing with.
If received in small amounts, can use small amounts of [Element] (blue, so electricity?) to regain health or rest faster. Can turn a short rest into a long rest, or have an extra life surge/whatever other healing there is.
Vampires don't want to fuck with your blood, shit's nasty.
Can gain audiences with draconic divinities.....except you still need to learn Draconic. Also they might be pissed about that dragon you killed.
[Element] Rage - temporarily gain resistance
to [Element] and reroute/draw all [Element] attacks within a radius based on total level to you. This includes friendly attacks, so take care.
Require regular(let's say, every other year) transfusions of dragon marrow, to keep sorta-dragon blood pumping.
Minor weakness to hot/cold.
Long term issues with the heart growing at a different rate from the rest of the body. May require constant tweaking on that shrinkage spell.
Minor case of insanity. A princess a day, keeps the-hangon.
Do you all have brain problems, are you suffocating from how far you heads are up your own asses?
I came into this thread wondering what people would suggest, all I get is retarded smug posts.
Is this Brit hour
Australia/Britain yeah
Shit. Whatever. There's one or two neat ideas in here.
>the only perk I cared about was a natural extension of his life span for roleplay reasons.
That was something I considered being a fair benefit. And now I'm imagining teams of aarakocra dragon hunters seeking to extend their peoples lifespans at the dragons expense.
Yup, people have to remember that it's around this time you avoid most of Veeky Forums because of this kind of shit.
By Mordan's hairy balls, why the fak would ye do that to yerself?
Bloody knife ears an thar experiments, gonna get yerself killed
Ye shoulda spliced a good dwarven beard onto yerself afore ye put the heart o' a overgrown newt inta yer chest
That was cringe inducing
I love that
>it's not cringeworthy, I was just imitating a thing that's much funnier and more original than I am
you're not making it better
why would he have piss stained pubic hair if he shaves it
I'm a Brit and its 6/7 over here, not sure to many Brits are about t b h.
inb4 pursued by undead dragon after its heart
So like dragon's dogma but backwards
it would have to be the dragon's ghost... which would be an interesting twist. it wouldn't be the most powerful thing I've turned into bone dressing but interesting none the less. had a nasty run in with Baba Yaga. all I can say is eww.
Because everyone else hates the idea and I'm a contrarian faggot, have a serious post
A dragon's heart is an extremely powerful magical focus. How do you think it makes the energy to fly and make fire? While those functions can be achieved without magical assistance, they are nigh impossible in the fashion a dragon does. The excess magical power that normally flows out of a focus, which is a great deal in the case of a dragon's heart, is routed through the blood to empower it's physical strength, allowing it to fly and create flame in the flame producing organ. Some dragons even learn to harness this in their natural magics.
Moving back to you, you've now got a magical focus of untold power inside you. All that power is building up - it has to go somewhere. Every few days, or possibly every day, depending on the age and strength of the dragon it came from, that built up power will release explosively in a burst of pure magical power striking out from your chest. Of course, if you somehow learn how to control it, perhaps that power could be used in a more controlled fashion - as the dragon does, to enhance your natural physical strength and sustain your internal organs beyond what is possible.
I tend to put reality before scalies logic
>what effects would you see the character feeling
Cardiac arrest.
Read a bit about it before saying fuck it here's some ideas. Doubt any of them are good
>Fear Aura
>Immune to poisons
>Age is now a positive thing
>You bleed a lot due to the dragon heart pushing blood at a more rapid rate so bleed effects would hurt a lot
>Resistance to Death Attacks
>Other Dragons might sense something funny
>True Resurrection would bring back your old heart you won't come back with dragon heart
>Time freeze magic would be null on your or at least your resistance
>You would likely grow larger and need more food as all your bodies faculties are sped up a bit
yes, as mentioned the character almost died a few times... he was watched over by a few clerics for a few months as he got used to the new heart.
I can see a lot of this. being drow he had poison resistance in the first place, I figured a dragon liver might help with that but I can see the heart pumping his own blood faster so his liver is working even harder to keep it all clean. why the time magic resistance? I can see the blood loss being something that could bite me in the ass if the DM feels like enforcing it.
So let's say wizard uses time stop it stops everything. Now it's a stretch but what if your heart continued and started forcing blood it would be painful but likely reboot your body.
I can see the reasoning. I can also see the DM thinking it was too much of a stretch but I like where you're going.
Thanks was trying to be creative with it mind answering some question it might spark more ideas.
>What kind of dragon was it color/age?
>Was there a chance your blood mixed?
>What system is it
>>You bleed a lot due to the dragon heart pushing blood at a more rapid rate so bleed effects would hurt a lot
This one. I like this one.
I originally thought of a way this could be used with damage reduction + extra blood loss damage (ongoing), but it sounded like a pain in the ass for bookkeeping purposes.
On the other hand, if you're playing 5e (it sounds like it), something like this would be much simpler:
>Character gets wounded with a weapon that breaks the skin somehow
>wound starts GUSHING blood all over
>adjacent allies and enemies may be blinded by the spray, determined randomly
This one's dead easy to implement in 5e, because Blindness is a pretty simple and intuitive condition. It could have serious consequences if an adjacent friendly Fighter were blinded, but serious benefits if an adjacent enemy were blinded, especially if you have a Rogue on your team perhaps. In fact, if your PC is a Rogue (I don't think you've mentioned his class ITT), I would probably give your character a chance to also be blinded by the spray. It might be too good otherwise.
Oh, oh! And I even came up with a name for it.
"Blinding Blood Spray."
Alright I'm going to bed before I say any more stupid things, have a good one dragonheart-user