What about a fanstasy setting in which Feminizm completely conquers the globe?
What about a fanstasy setting in which Feminizm completely conquers the globe?
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They tear themselves apart because women can't stand each other.
You're looking for "Post apocalypse"
All the monarchies have queens.
So, lets see. Peasants on farms, magic and high adventure... with heroes wandering the land, really really bored. No wars, or fighting dragons or anything, just a bunch of kingdoms not talking to each other or braiding their hair.
I'm sure this thread is going to go over really well.
Wasn't there a screen cap story about some libtard tumblrina who tried to turn an entire d&d game into "we can live without men and reproduce asexually forever"? Or something to that effect? I just remember the other female at the table was the first to draw steel on the cunt saying 'some of us like our men to have dicks' or something to that effect.
Great story. Simply retarded initiating force, but good story nonetheless.
Which kind? The pro-sex or anti-sex kind? Gender as social construct, or gender essentialists? Fem-seperatists or matriarchs?
What about bait?
Why do you know these terms. I'm beginning to suspect that your major may have been a certain useless course.
>implying OP knows anything about any of that
Eat sage and die, OP.
>all that implying
It's sad really, moonbat radfems are so much more fun to mock when you know just how crazy they are.
>select all images with PIES
captcha knows what's up.
surprised nobody said "It already exists, it's called Blue Rose" yet. I'm disappointed.
I dunno, I think end-of-the-world scenarios are already pretty common
So you mean a game set in /co/'s Breastquest universe?
You mean, like our real world?
I remember this. I'll throw in a request for someone to post it, too.
Its in suptg, check feminism as a tag.
Sieg heil!
>Not knowing your different groups of people with delusions and simply lumping them all together as if they all have the same ones.
Sounds like you've got a couple useless chromosomes there friend-o.
it's called game of thrones
Is it just me or is that symbol basically depicting the fisting of a uterus?
..Now that you mention it...
The story was a lot of fun to read.
>No wars
>Implying women could keep peace
Women are far nastier to each other than men are
It just doesnt boil into outright violence just low level passive aggressiveness and mind games
>men exchanged in marriages for handsome dowry, land, title, prestige etc.
>bred for 10 inch dik and physical perfection
>feet for hands
>and not allowed to walk, only cartwheels everywhere forever
what are you looking for OP?
>implying women can keep war together
there would be lot of petty (in)fights, sure
but war is a large scale thing that's somewhat organized and that really won't happen anymore.
post apocalytic horror to be precise
>feet for hands
>and not allowed to walk, only cartwheels everywhere forever
Why? I'd rather they have 10" tongues to go with them dicks.
>It just doesnt boil into outright violence
Yes it does. And when it does, it goes from zero to attempted murder in about twenty seconds. It just takes longer to reach a boil than it does with dudes.
Murder of an individual does not a war make.
Unless it's Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
>And when it does, it goes from zero to attempted murder in about twenty seconds. It just takes longer to reach a boil than it does with dudes.
Nah. There are almost always precursors.
I needed this. Thanks user, many keks were had.
>Feminizm completely conquers the globe?
Impossible. Feminists have been co-opted by "intersectionalists" which means they ally with barbaric ethnicities just because they're not white men. It's boiled down to feminazis supporting policies that will eventually destroy them out of spite.
Just saying, all this crap about women leaders being passive aggressive is just that - crap. Women don't fight quickly, but when they do, they go for the throat. Watch female on male physical abuse cases for a great example, women are far more likely to use weapons than men. The rolling pin is a cliche for a reason, but it can just as easily be a steak knife or any object to hand.
>What about a fanstasy setting in which Feminizm completely conquers the globe?
A genderflipped beehive. Considering women will not be able to conquer their own submissive nature without hardcore social engineering, men will still be at the top. Like in our world they will be the most powerful, wealthiest and most desirable men.
In the middle the drones, who only exist for reproduction and sexual pleasure. Except they aren't kicked out of the hive during winter, because men can't bring themselves to actively harm women outside of emergency situations (and even then they'll be shamed for it).
And at the bottom? The worker men. Those who get nothing but provide everything for the ruling men and their women.
When you think about it like this, the unholy alliance between progressive feminists and reactionary Muslims makes sense. Both are in favor of de facto polygamy, and both want an underclass of dhimmis to provide for their wealth.
>No wars
While women can't fight wars themselves, they'll gladly send men to die for them. Even the underage and the infirm if neccessary.
It already exists, and is called Bellum Maga - about Maga, mystical women empowered by Gaia, who fight the forces of an evil, chaotic entity known as "The Serpent".
So in short, wars are infrequent but extraordinarily bloody. With a wide swath of conflicts morphing into full on-all out extermination wars overnight, but the victor wouldn't stop there. We men, from the Mycenean Greeks to the Romans, at least record our enemies in rather humuliating and derogatory terms. But women?
The loser would AT BEST be only remembered as a mythological creature eerily similar to the Orks from LOTR, but for the most part they will be completely erased from existence as the victors take their dreadful revenge by obliterating the very memory of their enemies.
Yeah, Matriarch Amazon world would suck complete balls. Though if it's fantasy at least the Dwarves would exist as a masculine industrious people to compete with the degenerate Elves and the stronk independent wymen civ. Also, Elvish women are probably less slutty due to having no alpha human men to dominate them.
>some of us like MEN attatched to dicks, you selfish cunt.
>Women and men are treated equally, and judged on individual merit
Sounds like a pretty standard Adventuring Setting. Nothing out of the ordinary, really.
Sorry, I play to escape reality.
>they think feminism is about equality
Let me know when feminists start fighting for female offenders to be incarcerated at the same rates as men for the same crimes.
There'd be marginally less rape, a lot of shitty stand up comedians would be out of work, a lot of halfwits would be dateless, but we'd still mostly be focused on how much we hate poor people and niggers. So not a lot changes.
That's how things started, with wanting to be equal in all things. Since then it's gone off course.
There's already the Infinite Stratos light novel series & a quest of it.
>That's how things started, with wanting to be equal in all things.
No it didn't. The white feather campaign proves it all. Women in England wanted the vote (pro-tip: Landowning women could already vote, men without land could not vote until 1917) but they did not want to fight. They preferred shaming British men into joining the military with the white feather campaign, which the government implicitly supported in their search for more volunteers.
Also notice that suffragettes were never a thing in France. You know, that Republic across the channel that actually had universal male suffrage, unlike England? I wonder why Frenchwomen did not want the vote, even though all French men had it (unlike England where it was still tied to property). Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the French ideal where every citizen is a soldier and every soldier a citizen? Maybe women didn't like striding around the battlefield, knee-high in corpses, wondering where your left arm went? Maybe that's why female suffrage wasn't a thing in France until 1950, even though it was one of the first countries to introduce universal male suffrage.
Feminists, suffragettes, their predecessors and women in general never wanted to be equal. They wanted equal rights but never equal duties.
Wheel of Time
Ah man, this thread. Overall, men due to our superior strength will be the cannon fodder for the likely extraordinarily bloody conflicts our better halves will drag us into. We'd also be the ones stuck doing manual labor while women would be the people selling the fruits of our sweat and toil due to owning the farms and plantations. Honestly I can't see this turning into a horrible dystopia where men are treated like toys and women are served by a mass of boy toy harems.
Maybe for the upper aristocracy, but for the average peasant it's going to suck balls. Just with my GF paying tribute to the stronk independent wyminz caste while I hide in the barn house. Is that emasculated? Well, it's better than the prisly nu male prince spraying perfume in the royal palace while eagerly anticipating the ball.
Also, can someone explain to me why the fedoras despise wyminz so much? Women are the new christfags I swear to God.
Fedoras are contrarians who love to feel like they're smarter than everyone else and can see through "society's lies" that all the "sheeple" fall for. So they naturally oppose society's mores in general, whether that's Christianity or Feminism. They try to demonize and discredit these commonly accepted ideologies by cherry-picking the worst bits they can find and inflating them.
>implying men aren't already cannon fodder for the extraordinarily bloody conflicts
>implying men aren't already stuck doing backbreaking manual labor
So nothing changes then
The actually existing kind, or the kind their opponents like to imagine exists?
They haven't conquered the globe yet, and it's an Abby Soto "game" so it's just an excuse for her to draw more shitty shrinking vore-snuff and smoking porn.
No, people play tabletop to escape from reality, not recreate it.
When you can come up with a REAL concept for a fantasy setting let me know, otherwise shuthtefuckup!
>Also, can someone explain to me why the fedoras despise wyminz so much?
They're physically attracted to women, but women don't reciprocate because the fedoras are hideous. Fedoras view this rejection as a failing on the part of women.
Nope. That's what it's always looked like to me too.
Know what? I'm taking this for my next setting and running with it. Probably for the Elves. A long time ago one gender exterminated the other. They probalby don't even know anymore if they had dicks or vaginas first. Now they are just a race of androgynous hermaphrodites and a lot of things changed, but it changed fucking nothing in regards to the things they wanted to fix.