Sneaky-quick rats are everywhere edition
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
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Sneaky-quick rats are everywhere edition
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
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I want to make an all grots army. But then I wanna take something heavy hitting as a sort of powerhouse to my mostly diminutive force. Would taking a unit of Fimir Warriors work or should I just stick to troggoths?
Is it time for Slaanesh to come back yet? Yes. Yes it is
What kind of grots? Moonclan, Spiderfang, gutbuster, gitmob?
Great Horned Rat keeping seat comfy-warm already, outdated-thing.
Not if I have anything to say
Troggoths or even a gargant. Gargants make sense fluffwise, because grots use them frequently andbribe them in ale
Moonclan of course
can anyone explain to me why 1d4 chan has a "1.0 Tactics" and a "1.1 Tactics" page for various factions?
have you looked at mangler squigs?
I was thinking sourbreaths if not the Fimir
I considered them.
>want a Crypt Ghast Courtier for a 1k list
>can only take ghouls in blocks of 10
>9 extra ghouls lying around if I do that
Fuck, anyone have any good ideas on how I can kitbash one of those without resorting to paying 5 dollars on an ebay'd ghoul?
Big squigs. Big-large squigs. Gonna for range, colossal for chomp-bite
I seriously never thought the legit answer to my dilemma would be "Throw squigs at it"
Throw squigs at it is always the grots answer to everything.
Hey guys, I'm a 40k player looking to get into Sigmar. I've got a healthy amount of Daemons, and I also recently picked up Silver Tower for DnD-esque purposes. However, I want to get into a more traditional fantasy army. So far, my first pick would be the classic, tech-based Dwarves, but they appear to be going the way of the Tomb Kings.
Have rumours pointed to this being the case, or is there a new release for them coming up? If no more gun toting dwarves, how about Sylvaneth?
Heres a problem ive been having at my local GW lately, i cant really put it to rest because it just grinds my gears too much, opinions on this scenario is appreciated.
So i have basically been running a dwarf list with scroll builder for a while, pretty normal. i chose to use old named characters such as grimm burlocksson, belgar ironhammer and bugman. i started to win a few games by a landslide, whilst feeling a bit like a dick for winning every time but not winning in a power game sense. As soon as the grand alliance books came out for order, conpedium warscrolls or 'legacy scrolls' as we call them were not in the books, only 'dispossessed' and 'ironweld' were in there. I still kept using the named characters using the pdf or the AoS app as i did before. As I was winning more games other gamers resented my use of 'legacy scrolls' and advised that i don't use them for their apparent 'busted rules' and the bullshit excuse that 'they died with the old world". At this point I said fuck it and started skaven for a while. with the imminent release of the new generals handbook i had a flick through the store copy and what do you know, the pitched battle unit point cost tables includes the old compendium models, even with the recent FAQ saying that if you have a model you can use whatever warscroll is assigned to it as long its the most up to date.
>TL;DR People wont let me take named characters and discontinued units
So my question is: is it acceptable to take compedium/legacy warscroll units or do i have to conform to the new books. I have a real problem with this because there are players who take full bretonnian armies which are completely comendium armies but people frown apon the fact im taking old named characters, whats the deal? I honestly want to take a fluffy lest with bugman and his infiltrating rangers.
What? Dwarves arent going anywhere. All dwarf artillery is in the Ironweld Arsenal factio now.
If they were going to cut dwarves they would have done it with the grand alliance book.
Rumours are saying that there is going to be a dwarf release by the end of the year. Something about metalskinned dwarves living in the realm of metal
Sylvaneth got a huge release literally yesterday. New kits, new heroes, and a battletome with unique magic items, unique spells, unique traits and more
They just haven't gotten updated yet. All the cuts are done
Discontinued models are still valid to play and GW had said that they will continue to keep them valid by adding/updating points.
That said if your opponents dont like playing against it so much then eventually you will find yourself without opponents to play against...
Talk to them about it. Have a discussion.
Yeah ive discussed it many times, even though some of the players use full bretonnian armies (with named characters) they dont like how i use just some named characters because i win games, its a salt situation on their part for which they use the: 'they are meant for players carrying on from 8th' and 'they will eventually phase them out'. I know dwarfs have always been a powerful force to be reckoned with but i dont know how to deal with this 'no named characters' business even though they are acknowledged in the faction rules section
A FLGS around me has like 3 boxes of Dragon Blades on the cheap, are they any good? They seem like pretty solid little Assault units.
Ok so I am calling it about the rumored steamhead duardin. This is what I am predicting how things will be:
Dispossessed and all their models stay their own thing. The steamhead duardin will be their ownseparate.
During the age of chaos and in the face of extinction, the duardin left in their holds were facing death. So they devised a plan, and trapped their souls in these machines and golems where they could go to sleep for a while and wait out the chaos invasion. Grungni went to seek them out, and found them in their state, and in the unveiling of the new models and faction is when he wakes them up, because they were needed now, not after chaos' reign. Grungni commands them in the upcoming battles.
So it will be a faction of golems and machines with the souls of duardin within.
So they will be the fantasy necrons.
And you know what, I am not sure I would be totally against it. A faction of revenge driven grudge bringing soul machines fighting for order. Especially if the models are cool.
Pic semirelated.
Godammit, I quit! I've been looking for the scourge privateer art from grand alliance order (the one with the sea battle) for a while now. Its not on Age of Sigmart, it's not on well of eternity, it's not even on fucking Google. Anybody here got it, it's such an epic piece for a dedktop?
This is a hard case user. They are in the wrong, you should be able to run whatever list you would like. However maybe take a softer list for awhile, then smash their faces in with the original.
Could always add the extra Ghouls to an existing unit or just use them as extra for the Courtier's rule that adds an additional model to a unit.
>'they died with the old world"
This doesn't really hold up as an excuse because GW has never embraced the idea that a special character's rules can only represent that character. Pretty sure Phil Kelly said in the 5th Edition codex for Dark Eldar that it's perfectly fine to take a named character and just have them represent something of your own creation.
Tried looking for art related to Dark Elves or Black Ark Corsairs? Pretty sure a majority of the art in Grand Alliance Order book comes from 8th Edition Fantasy army books.
What do you guys think of the Fyreslayer battalions?
Can you give more of a description? Saw a few pictures in the Dark Elves 8th Edition army book that I'd describe as sea battles.
You may have to just scan the one from the book, then put it in a reverse image search somewhere and it can possibly find you the original.
Sorry user, all I can find
With my verminlord corruptor sprague master ability, if it fails to kill with its extra wound, does it activate again until it either kills the target or I roll a 1?
If I'm going to buy knight azyros should I just shell out the extra 20 bucks and buy the silver tower expansion which comes with him and 3 other models?
Malerion and his based shadow warriors when? what little fluff we have on them has everyone who goes into the ulgulands get BTFO. Also looking forward to the new Morathi model, for reasons...
>what little fluff we have on them has everyone who goes into the ulgulands get BTFO
Nobody BTFO...yet. They just disappeared inside.
Archaon sent 100 legions to Ulgu and Sigmar sent his Stormcast Eternals. All disappeared inside and are unable to report back to their leaders. It's implied that there is a war in Ulgu that's raging but the outside world cannot see its proceeding.
This means that in the future we will have Stormcast and Malerion's forces joining forces to rebel Archaon's armies in the Shadow Realm.
You'd be a fool not to, considering you basically get two and a half heroes for free.
I'm honestly expecting the steamhead duardin to basically be the adeptus mechanicus.
And it will be glorious
If you want them, yeah. Otherwise it's a waste of money.
How do specialist models in units work? like unit leaders, standard bears and such? Am I limiting myself in any way if I make the leader, standard bearer, and horn blower with every box of models I get, as opposed to building some boxes as just regular footman?
If I have a unit of dudes with shields, and the standard bearer isn't actually carrying a shield, does he still count as having a shield for rolling saves? If I have a unit with dual wielding that make 2 attacks each, but the standard bearer is only carrying 1 weapon, does he still make 2 attacks?
For my situation, I have 2 boxes of tree revenants. This is the beginning of my first army I don't know how I want to field them, so is there any issue to building them as 2 5 man units with their own leaders and such, and then if I want to field them together as a 10 man unit later?
What is with the recent Chaos aesthetic of skulls pushing up through skin? Glottkin and Dorghar, for example.
Because all of them eat their victims. The skulls are suppose to show the poor devoured victims whose souls are lingering in agony within the bodies of these monsters.
All I know is that the wording of the rules implies that you can only have one leader per squad but any number of musicians and banner wavers
>How do specialist models in units work? like unit leaders, standard bears and such?
If a unit has one, the whole unit gains its benefits, for the musicians and standard/icon bearers.
>Am I limiting myself in any way if I make the leader, standard bearer, and horn blower with every box of models I get, as opposed to building some boxes as just regular footman?
Depends. Some units you want in large units, some you want in minimum only. It really doesnt hurt to build a leder standard and musician with each box, because even if the unit has 5 standard bearers in it, you only benefit from 1. Unit leaders are an exception, in that there can be only 1, so if you do a unit leader with each box, just point out which one is the real one if you decide to combine the units.
>If I have a unit of dudes with shields, and the standard bearer isn't actually carrying a shield, does he still count as having a shield for rolling saves?
Yes. Look at liberators. With the sigmarite shield, it says you get to reroll 1s as long a single model in the unit has a shield. It doesn't matter if you allocate wounds to it, because saves are rolled before allocating wounds.
>If I have a unit with dual wielding that make 2 attacks each, but the standard bearer is only carrying 1 weapon, does he still make 2 attacks?
Yes. Because the weapon options are a unit upgrade, and not a model upgrade.
>For my situation, I have 2 boxes of tree revenants. This is the beginning of my first army I don't know how I want to field them, so is there any issue to building them as 2 5 man units with their own leaders and such, and then if I want to field them together as a 10 man unit later?
Nope, you are welcome to do that, just make sure to point out to your opponent which one leader is the real leader in the unit.
Really interested in when they'll finally get to the aelves arc. First one was mostly stormcasts, sylvaneth and fyreslayers fighting the forces of khorne and nurgle. The ending hints that Tzeentch is next. I have a feeling they won't get to Malerion, Tyrion and Teclis until the 3rd arc when slaanesh finally gets his due
there was also an AoS faq question about losing equipment to be a standard bearer and/or musician. GW said you don't lose any gear even though it's not on the model.
>How do specialist models in units work? like unit leaders, standard bears and such? Am I limiting myself in any way if I make the leader, standard bearer, and horn blower with every box of models I get, as opposed to building some boxes as just regular footman?
As far as I know, there's nothing keeping you from having multiple sets of command models in a single unit. In fact, I have heard of some people using this to their advantage in order to have multiple banner buffs going. Personally I wouldn't do it because it would look strange to me, but again, there's nothing keeping you from doing so.
>If I have a unit of dudes with shields, and the standard bearer isn't actually carrying a shield, does he still count as having a shield for rolling saves? If I have a unit with dual wielding that make 2 attacks each, but the standard bearer is only carrying 1 weapon, does he still make 2 attacks?
The command models count as having the same equipment as the rest of the unit, with the exception of the sergeant if he has multiple weapon options.
>3rd arc when slaanesh finally gets his due
So you guys are happy with the episodic nature of the AoS setting?
I like it, yes. I like seeing a story progress and new models and rules come in as it progresses.
Settings are fine, but keeping the status quo for so long can get boring. That was the problem with the old world.
Skaven were always just starting to rise
Chaos was always at your door
Dwarfs were always a dieing race
>A faction of revenge driven grudge bringing soul machines fighting for order.
It...might....be cool...hmmmm
Very much so, I'm always excited to see what's next. As much as some people comain about "muh Normal dudes, nothing matters!" I feel that with each new release there is something at stake and something will change. The fluff was a bit slow at the start but it keeps getting better.
I'd also advise anyone who still think the fluff is terrible to read he BL novels, they actually do a lot to enrich the setting. Unlike with 40k or fantasy where BL "ruins" established events and characters with inconsistent writing, the Age of Sigmar stories are adding new content and are the basis of the setting. I like the Stormcasts a lot more after seeing how human and heroic they really are. Fist of Gork was also a pretty interesting look into the mindset of the greenskins and how they aren't really evil, they just have a totally alien sense of morality
The way I interpret it is that you roll a dice for each enemy model that was wounded by the Corruptor, but not slain. If you roll a 2+ they suffer a mortal wound, if you roll a 1 than nothing happens. In either case you wouldn't roll again for the same model.
To me the point of bringing more than one standard bearer or musician seems to be backup in case one dies. Though I'm not sure how worth it this is since if I'm reading the way damage is allocated correctly, you could can make it so all the normal grunts die before the leader, standard bearer, or musician.
>Fist of Gork was also a pretty interesting look into the mindset of the greenskins and how they aren't really evil, they just have a totally alien sense of morality
Was that the one where it basically said the greenskins want to fight their friends/allies for fun or something?
>"While Gorkamorka enjoys fighting side by side with Sigmar, he doesn't understand why Sigmar then wants to build towers afterward. Unless those towers are for smashing down." - Gordrak
Paraphrasing hard but he said something along those lines near the end of the novel, if someone could find the exact wording that'd probably help.
>‘The Hammer God misses his friend. He misses his brother. He misses fighting beside Gorkamorka and wishes to do so again, in the coming war,’ Zephacleas said. ‘He wishes that his warriors, and those of his brother, could march side-by-side, as we do now, to fight the Old Enemy.’
>‘Gorkamorka has been fighting them, hammer-boss,’ Gordrakk rumbled. ‘He’s been fighting them forever. But where is the Hammer God? Why has he not been fighting alongside Gorkamorka?’
>‘The Hammer God thought Gorkamorka didn’t want to fight beside him any more,’ Zephacleas said. ‘The Hammer God thought Gorkamorka had become his enemy.’
>Gordrakk laughed. ‘Yeah? So?’ He snorted and tapped the side of his head. ‘Hammer God never understood Gorkamorka, never saw. Gorkamorka wants to fight forever, but the Hammer God doesn’t. Hammer God wants to build walls and towers and castles... But what’s the point of that if you never knock them over?’ He snorted. ‘Even the Chaos-things don’t understand. They think the point is to kill everyone, but then who’d be there to fight? Nobody understands but Ironjawz, because we’re the smartest and the toughest.’
>Zephacleas stared at the orruk. Despite himself, he was beginning to comprehend how Gordrakk saw the world. For the orruks, there was no difference between an enemy and a friend. A friend was just an enemy you weren’t fighting at the moment, and an enemy was just a friend who was trying to kill you. He cocked his head, considering. Then, he said, ‘So? Why not show us?
-"Fury of Gork"
Orcs a best. Friends with everyone!
Kind of interesting how this is similar to Orks and yet different too. The latter enjoying conquering and taking slaves for the purpose of creating weapons.
hey Sigfags, new to AoS and just got a box of Chaos Knights-- what happenes when i give these guys a Mark of Chaos, like Mark of Nurgle? Warscroll dont say shit
They get the keyword corresponding to whatever Mark you've given them and can benefit from stuff that interacts with those keywords.
ahh, i see. cool thanks
also, does chaos alliance have acess to archers?
Well now that we have legacy warscroll points I think it's perfectly fine to play old named characters since you pay for thei power. Try to explain this to the other gamers :)
Don't think there are archers per say, but there are units with ranged weapons.
The closest you'll get is marauder horsemen with javelins, or chaos dwarves with fireglaives. I think beastmen might have had an option or two but don't quote me on that.
ahh shoot-- i like archers
is there any particular reason fluff wise why chaos doesnt use archery??
Don't forget tzeentch daemons. As well as magic most of them have a normal ranged attack as well. (Well, it's fluffed as magic flames or whatever, but mechanically it's not a spell.)
Choas has always been about getting into melee and tearing shit apart there. Being one of the most unabashedly melee centric forces comes with the caveat of having a shitty ranged game.
And fluff-wise the chaos gods don't appreciate cowards and weaklings, so shooting somebody from afar is right out.
The only thing that occurs to me is that close combat is viewed as more glorious.
Honestly I think it just may have been a mechanic aspect in Fantasy. Some armies get shooting, others don't. Doesn't really make sense since some of the real world examples that Chaos Marauders draw their inspiration from had access to bows.
Typically a worshiper of chaos wants to prove themselves to the gods, and the best way to do that is face to face with the enemy. Not to mention being blessed by the gods usually means you're more physically powerful than most others, so you might as well use that advantage.
Ungor Raiders are Chaos only archer option I believe.
>And fluff-wise the chaos gods don't appreciate cowards and weaklings, so shooting somebody from afar is right out.
I really can't see any of the gods having a problem with ranged combat, Tzeentch seems to favor it.
Cut off the keywords by mistake.
You still better be prepared to risk anything in your quest to glory, and warriors, lords, and champions of Tzeentch are still walls of corded muscle and polished steel.
very cool. im hype for AoS: what do yall think of my army list so for as a newb:
1 daemon prince
1 hearld of Nurgle
20 bloodletters
10 plaguebearers
3 nurgling swarms
3 plague drones
and i just ordered 10 Mauraders (gonna give em javelins). wat do?
not really into beastmen... just sticking to Korne n Nurgle Chaos boyz
>Am I limiting myself?
It depends on the unit.
For example, on Chaos Warriors, taking a standard bearer or musician limits you as you have to equip a weapon in the offhand to attack, which limits your access to either a shield (which gives rerolls on certain failed blocks) or a second weapon (which gives rerolls on attack rolls of 1).
It basically means that they confer a unit wide bonus but your model will lack extra rules that makes them individually more effective in combat.
As for the champion, most rules state that you can only have one champion per unit (the leader of this unit is the champion), so it's down to who you elect to be champion, not a specific model, meaning you can't have more than one.
One question for people a little more clued up on the rules: can you reorganise units mid game? Like if I lost my standard bearer and musician in combat, could I merge my remaining models into another unit?
Considering how much you seem to favour Nurgle, are you planning on making the Daemon Prince and Marauders Nurglite too? Or are you holding out for some Khorne stuff to buff your Bloodletters (and possibly DP and MH)?
'Cuz if it's the latter, you're going to want Bloodbound heroes. The Bloodsecrator, Bloodstoker, Slaughterpriest, and Exalted Hero of Khorne are apparently top-tier support characters (although that last one only applies for such if it's your General, iirc). You'll want to check the 1d4chan tactics pages for more detailed info, it'll explain things way better than I could.
A lot of them are also spindly wizards
>For example, on Chaos Warriors, taking a Standard Bearer or musician limits you as you have to equip a weapon in the offhand to attack, which limits your access to either a shield (which gives rerolls on certain failed blocks) or a second weapon (which gives rerolls on attack rolls of 1).
This is bullshit. They still have the shield or the offhand weapon, even if it's not shown in the model
>One question for people a little more clued up on the rules: can you reorganise units mid game? Like if I lost my Standard Bearer and musician in combat, could I merge my remaining models into another unit?
No. The only unit that can do that are zombies because they have a special rule allowing them. Also you decide how wounds are allocated, so the only case in which you would lose a standard bearer or a musician is if you decide to do so.
Point 1.
It's been mentioned in this thread already that having a standard or an instrument doesn't affect an individual model's equipment. The Facebook FAQs (where this clarification came from) state that if the "Description" section of a warscroll says a unit is armed with one type of weapon or (specifically "or") another, then the whole unit gets the weapon you chose to give them. This means that, for example, a Skeleton Warriors musician is treated as if it had a shield even though it isn't holding one, and the standard bearer is treated as if it had a sword or spear even if the model doesn't have a sword or spear.
Point 2.
No, you can't reorganise any old unit midgame. There are some units that can be combined, but they have to explicitly state how it happens and what conditions allow it (for example, any two or more units of Zombies can combine if they're within 1" of each other during the hero phase).
kool thanx, im holding out for khorne stuff (i was thinking 50/50 khorne n Nurgle)
also, my daemon prince can be a wizard if hes marked out with Tzeench right? also, a wizard can attempt to cast every power he knows each hero phase? ie, chaos tzeench daemon prince attempts to cast arcane bolt, followed by shield, followed by a summoning ?
>also, a wizard can attempt to cast every power he knows each hero phase?
It depends on the wizard. Most can only cast one spell a turn. It should say in the wizards warscroll how many times it can cast.
Skaven are chaos.
Struggling to make a brettonnia list for 2000 matched play.
I just don't have enough points to bring either a trebuchet, grail knights or Pegasus
This is the best balance I could find but it means no trebuchet :(
3x8 Knights of the Realm 660
2x16 pleasent bowmen 400
3 Pegasus Knights 200
2x5 Grail Knights 360
1 Lord 140
1 damsel 100
1 paladin standard bearer 80
Total 1940
ahh okay, i see it now on the warscoll
and so every turn i could just keep churning out daemons,-- lets say, blood letters, on a 2D6 result of 6+ ??? OP!!!!!!!!!!!
>The next release is the Handbook, a new mini-starter set, some small sets of clip together miniatures, repackaged Bonesplitterz and a Bonesplitta battletome.
via Ad_Hoc_Games@whineseer
"One spell a turn".
It can only be cast once. This also applies if a wizard can cast more than one spell a turn.
>You failed the casting roll on your bloodletters and want to try again?
>Sucks to be you, wait till next turn.
In the grand scheme of things a Tzeentch DP isn't anything OP, considering they are fairly crappy wizards.
If you really want to abuse summoning you want Death, all-daemon Tzeentch or Seraphon, most chaos wizards are more centered around blasting with the occasional buff.
Also, the new General's Handbook secerely limits summoning just for that reason. Nobody wants Nagash to shit an entire army on the board each turn.
So damn anime.
I bet skavens are good at snugglin'.
Yess...Snuggle-crawl into range of my Warpfyre pistol, Man-thing.
There are some instances where I can imagine the dialogue in an anime, but this one is not one of them.
However, why is anime an insult? Can you imagine a high quality AoS anime series? it would be sick as fuck.
What made you think that was an insult?
I loved that bit of dialog.
Think ahead, skaven-bro.
Lulling humans into thinking snuggling a skaven is a good thing could allow for easy access to test subjects for poisons and disease trials.
The long game is even better. Get a whole kingdom to think Skaven are friends, have their guards lowered, and their best breeding age females close, then, in one night, a genocide is easily accomplished.
My mistake, friend. Usually when people use ANIME to describe a passage in AoS it's as an insult to the over the top mature if it all. There was a period back in the shitposting days where people would scream ANIME!!!! even when it made no sense. Though perhaps in the newer, more positive atmosphere these threads have, anime isn't a bad thing
Some of the aos artwork just screams anime.