I'm running Eldritch Horror Ghostbusters in Shadowrun. Suggestions/inspirations? Picunrelated
I'm running Eldritch Horror Ghostbusters in Shadowrun. Suggestions/inspirations? Picunrelated
Pic obviously related. The remak is your plot
I guess in the general? Abominations coming into your reality destroying everything you know and love is in theme, but I'm looking for something a little more specific.
I came here to say this. Thank you for getting it said.
Reminder the director actually fucking said the people who don't like this movie are all sexists and probably Donald Trump supporters as well.
You know, when I saw that Chris Hemsworth was going to play the Jeanine roll I actually thought that was a somewhat clever reversal of genders. And then I reconsidered whether or not I was judging this movie fairly or not, based on only if the few images I've seen.
But no. Every picture I've seen has been a pathetically one-dimensional characture that doesn't look even remotely funny.
They look like the worst Mad TV sketches. The Progressive ad actually captured more of the original Ghostbusters feel to it than any picture I've seen of the actual movie.
(Must be I'm sexist because the Ghostbuster was a man in the ad.)
this always reminded me as the base for Ghost Busting
Are you using the Shadowrun setting? or just the system?
It's not sexist to realise that Murray's deadpan drollery contrasted Aykroyd's naive enthusiasm beautifully, while Ramis' awkward geekiness perfectly juxtaposed Ernie Hudson's relaxed everyman - making the team's approach to each challenge fun to watch - that's what you want to bring to Gangbusters in Shadowland.
Hemsworth seems prettier than he is funny, and McCarthy is so abrasive she seems to be made of anti-humor. Maybe combine the two for a Big Bad?
The new ghostbusters is really good, actually. A different dynamic doesn't mean a bad one.
lol you didn't even see it
whats good about it
>The new ghostbusters is really good, actually
[citation needed]
Refute his point with explaining what you believe the dynamic is rather than saying, in essence, no u
Good job OP, you made life a little bit worse for everyone else.
Guys, guys, guys. Listen, guys! Female ghostbusters ghosts as main antagonists.
need to shoot them right in the pussy to defeat them
That thing you are going to do?
Don't do that.
You can't ghostbust in SR 5. Technological methods to bust ghost suck ass, meaning everyone's going to have to be a fucking wizard.
So instead of ghostbusters, you've got WIZARDS VS GHOST. About two sessions in, it's going to be blindingly obvious that either you are giving them wins or ignoring just how fucking broken things that can jump out of walls and hit them is.
Then you are going to run into the problem that wizard games of shadowrun are boring as shit.
Other than the spoiler that might not actually be a terrible idea.
You play as some spirits willingly bound to a specific site (burial ground, pagan religious site, saints tomb or some shit) and you have to defend it. Maybe some "archaeologist" wants to desecrate and loot or some shit and you scare them off. All is well. You've occasionally had to do this down the centuries.
Then these monstrous people turn up with light that burns and binds and contraptions that capture and hold and now it's a pitched battle.
t. the same liberal press that genuinely thought bernie would be a good president
> thought Bernie would be a good president
Compared to Hillary "whoops I just leaked all the information but it's ok because I'm rich" Clinton and Donald "Ronnie Raegan V2.0" Trump he doesn't look that bad.
Ladies and gentlemen we have reached the point where we can look back and say Nixon wasn't that dishonest.
I think it's the common problem of confusing a good guy for a good president.
I mean, out of the three who were potential candidates, I still like Bernie the most, even if a lot of his policies are outlandish and/or impractical. Hell, I'd still prefer him in office to Hillary.
You lost, Berntard. Take your candidates shitty economic policies and go home
> not Donald Reagan
It was right fucking there.
>I mean, out of the three who were potential candidates, I still like Bernie the most, even if a lot of his policies are outlandish and/or impractical. Hell, I'd still prefer him in office to Hillary
>i hate my country and want to hand it over to its enemies
There's a big difference between doesn't look that bad and looks good. The lesser of two evils is still evil and all that.
In any case I'm not American so my perspective is an outsider looking in and holy shit I don't envy you people this decision. You have basically two flavours of crazy shit to choose from.
And I'm sure if the mods traced your IP your location totally won't be in any kind of Sony related advertising or guerilla marketing firm.
>someone expressing their opinion about who they would like to see as president is now anti-American
Stormweenies go back to your containment board.
>>i... want to hand it over to its enemies
Well, it's kind of hard not to when both presidential candidates are it's enemy, albeit in wildly different ways.
>Then you are going to run into the problem that wizard games of shadowrun are boring as shit.
I can attest to this. I've ran games where everyone played awakened luddites, it was fucking terrible.
The dynamic itself isn't bad. It's everything else.
Well you'll never win by just copying the original. You need to make your version stand out with a drastic change to the formula so you can stand out.
My suggestion is to make the entire team "Alt-Right" activists who spend just as much of their time keeping Veeky Forums conversations on-message and posting watered down versions of what they really believe because they think it will make people more inclined to buy into the idea that an international Jewish conspiracy is promoting black people and women to weaken white males so they can take away their guns and holocaust them as they do busting ghosts.
The comedy will come from how they're completely different when they're just among themselves or online. It will be like a team of Bazil Fawlty's.
The finale of the film will be that they have to go to Auschwitz to bust the ghosts there. It will be a moral dilemma because the ghosts are mostly Jewish but they don't want to prove there's very many of them.
I would play this.
In comparison to the shit most presidents got away with Nixon practically did nothing wrong. The only difference between him and any other president is that we got to hear him off camera.
The spoiler is the best after you have heard how the movie ends. I didn't believe it myself until I heard it from multiple sources.
user, you just went full-on retard. If Donald Trump was anything near Ronald Reagan, his ratings would be through the roof compared to Crooked Hillary and Crazy Bernie.
>ITT there is no rivalry between men and women
>ITT there is no rivalry between white and black people
Did you already salute to the hammer and the sickle today, comrade?
Reminder that Sony wrote nearly all the negative press for the movie to drum up controversy. If you have any emotions at all about this mediocre reboot then you're a corporate stooge.
My favorite part of the new Ghostbusters movie is all the bitch tears from MRAs who weren't even alive when the original came out.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to prep my wife's bull.
Spill it nigga, how's it end?
The villain morphes into the ghost from the GB logo and they try to defeat him by crossing streams into his dick.
We live in a more cynical age.
Not a smarter one, just more cynical.
You're joking, right?
Multiple serious people win serious suits would have had to have greenlighted that for it to be done.
That sounds like something that would happen in an Adam Sandler movie. A recent one.
>If Donald Trump was anything near Ronald Reagan, his ratings would be through the roof compared to Crooked Hillary and Crazy Bernie.
But they are. Donald set a new record for voter turnout for the Repub primaries. No canidate in the history of America has drawn in this many people. His run-of-the-mill rallies drew several times more people than when Obama and Clinton campaigned together a few days ago. Meanwhile, the Dems are down 20% turnout from Obama's second election.
I didnt see the movie but I checked multiple sources. So either this is a persistent internet rumour or it's true. The sad state of affairs is that I consider it possible in this day an age.
Cynicism is a smart man's choice.
Watch 8:15 and tell me he's lying.
It's like you don't even pay attention to the toy line. The action figures are already out and each comes with a part of the Big Bad Evil Ghost that you collect and assemble.
Reagan's poll numbers were terrible up until about a week before the election. People deify his Presidency because Carter combined with a long history of Democrat House and Senate majorities were that fucking bad.
People had finally had enough and over the next years Reagan redpilled half a generation of Americans about sensible governance.
>Bernie runs as Independent and splits the Democratic vote
>Trump exists and splits the Republican vote
>Gary Johnson becomes the 45th President of the United States of America
>Gary Johnson
>Not Vermin Supreme
Well I'm both, but I'm sure there are some who might not be. It looks nonpartisanly terrible.
At least he pretends to give half a shit about the principles that the basic was founded on, which makes him orders of magnitude more qualified to be president than anyone else even remotely involved in the federal government.
>The finale of the film will be that they have to go to Auschwitz to bust the ghosts there. It will be a moral dilemma because the ghosts are mostly Jewish but they don't want to prove there's very many of them.
>That the basic
That the nation
>The finale of the film will be that they have to go to Auschwitz to bust the ghosts there. It will be a moral dilemma because the ghosts are mostly Jewish but they don't want to prove there's very many of them.
How fucking sad is it that even "Pretending to care about people and principles instead of openly being a powerhungry turd" is now somehow exceptional in American politics?
It's terrible. I'll probably vote for Johnson, in the end, but this election makes me want to weep. I would sooner elect Thomas Jefferson's decayed corpse than most of these jokers.
I'm a history major (I know, I know, but I actually want to teach history), and reading the Federalist and the writings of the Founders is kind of a gut-wrenching experience, because it makes me realize that even when I disagree wholeheartedly with them about something, they at least had thought through their ideas, and genuinely cared about the future.
I think guys missed the joke. I meant that pic related would be the third party candidate that would win. His name is Vermin Supreme
Right? Election years always make me embarrassed to be an American. Does anyone know exactly when it was discovered that by forcing arguments over nonissues like gay marriage, we could end up with 2 or more candidates with functionally the same policies? I need to make sure I have my time machine set right when I finally get it working.
Lol, a president that tripled the federal deficit and singlehandedly destroyed the middle class represents "sensible governance". America died because of that filthy commie, the second conservatives stop idolizing that clown can't come too soon.
Why heart-wrenching? The people of today get what they deserve. Are there some innocents caught along the ride? Sure but that's life. Accept it, move on.
>functionally the same policies?
Hillary and Trump have no policies beyond the minimum necessary platitudes to secure party line support. Trump contradicts himself constantly and tells blatant lies apparently for lulz. Hillary has long since stopped giving even the slightest fuck about not being seen as a corruption queen because she's desperate to be the first woman president despite the fact that nobody likes her. Both have policies boiling down to "If elected, I will do whatever the fuck I want." It drives me to drink.
This. I prefer Trump though because he trolls SJWs and occasionally spouts a random truth, like US finances being completely bananas or that the West shut have cut off ISIS from oil revenue to begin with.
Because I'm a hopeless idealist who insists on desperately trying to save good things, even when they're obviously beyond saving.
I've tried to take a more cynical, pragmatic view of the world, but it never sticks. It's probably at least partly my religion. They may deserve what's coming, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't do what I can to help them anyway; after all, that's what God did.
I want to see the world as it should be and as it can be, not as it is.
Both of them believe in big government, American interventionism, curtailing of individual rights, and in ignoring parts of the Constitution they don't like (rather than modifying it as intended).
It's gotten to the point where most people don't even see policies as policies and rather as inexorable forces of nature. We don't have to invade sovereign countries for the benefit of a handful of defense contractor shareholders. We don't have to send people to prison for life because of a couple of possession charges. We don't have to live under all-seeing overlords that that catalog everything you say and do and save it for a time when they decide they don't like you anymore and try you in a secret court where you're not even allowed to know what crime you're accused of. But you've been successfully tricked into thinking that that's just the way the world works and you have no power over it. As long as the two dominating parties can maintain the illusion that they're the only "choices", they can continue to agree on everything that matters and people will continue to empower them.
>the West shut have cut off ISIS from oil revenue to begin with.
We should have just not invaded Iraq in the first place. Saddam had ISIS (formerly al-Qaeda in Iraq) under control.
Uhm, maybe they get a long-term contract to clear a place out?
The ghost guns could be some kind of magic/tech mix from their employer or something they have to steal from elsewhere
>The finale of the film will be that they have to go to Auschwitz to bust the ghosts there. It will be a moral dilemma because the ghosts are mostly Jewish but they don't want to prove there's very many of them.
>I would sooner elect Thomas Jefferson's decayed corpse than most of these jokers.
Sorry, user, Zombie Jefferson is term limited.
Mostly just the system, but I'd like to integrate as much of the setting as possible.
He wants to do away with the Civil Rights act because it gives government too much control on business, that's an actual policy. The Libertarian party isn't a viable option with policies like that. Plus he's a total dweeb.
The two "ghostbusters" on the left have their pants on backwards.
Also nice bait thread.
I thought it was a Mickey Mouse reference.
In retrospect, yes. But, you see, my thoughts about any US intervention are: either you go all in and see it through, no matter the cost or duration, or you stay out of it.
Also, as an aside, I don't believe the US biggest mistake in Iraq was desolving the Iraqi army. Instead it was admitting sectarian parties. Democracy does not work if you have sectarian parties. Parties must be founded in ideology, otherwise a country falls apart. And I fear the US will experience that itself with the Republicans becoming the white people's party and the Democrats the POC+SJW party. It's going to rip the USA apart.
>any kind of Sony related advertising or guerilla marketing firm
That's a funny way of saying Tumblr.
You could always set up a 3rd party.
Admittedly nobody would vote for you because American voters are legendarily stupid and get cofused by more options than 2.
It's not actually a bait thread. I'm actually running Eldritch Horror Ghostbusters powered by Rogue AI with Human Trafficking themes.
The level of outcry against it has been... suspicious. People have ranted about how terrible the trailers look, and I just don't see it. Mind you, they didn't exactly blow me away, but they weren't godawful either, and weren't any worse than a bunch of trailers that people didn't get their knickers in a bunch over. Now, maybe both sides dug in on this and things naturally escalated from there, but I really don't believe you'd have seen the same level of outcry if the characters hadn't all been gender-flipped. Take that for what you will.
For my part, I'm in no hurry to see the movie, but I'm not actively avoiding it either. Will it be as good as the original Ghostbusters? I highly doubt it. But then, few remakes of classic movies are anything more than mediocre. I'd be a bit surprised if it isn't at least better than Ghostbusters 2 though.
>It's not actually a bait thread.
Then why did you use a picture from the extremely-divisive new film and "pic unrelated" instead of the GB logo
It's almost like you were hoping that people would bump your thread with upset noises.
I didn't want people to think I was bandwagoning on a bad movie.
Prepare to be disappointed.
I mean, the trailers made it look like shit and grated on my nerves like crazy. I, being a rational human being, went "Huh. That looks like unfunny shit. I guess I won't be seeing it, then. Oh well" and then forgot it existed. Cue huge outcry online over it being shit and dragging gender politics into it and turning into this huge shitstorm. At this point, I might pirate it in eight months when it hits DVD sales and the buzz has long since died, give it a chance. You know, if I remember.
>It's not actually a bait thread. I'm actually running Eldritch Horror Ghostbusters powered by Rogue AI with Human Trafficking themes.
Ghostbusters is too sjw/anti-sjw right now.
After this one spergs past 300 posts and drops of the board, try this thread again with an image of from Luigi's Mansion.
I mean you have the Human trafficking vs. kidnapped Peach parallel already.
Not that it won't derail into rape, grey ooze, and editon wars for no reason anyway.
What turned me off was every joke they show in the trailers ranged from unfunny gross-out humor ("It got everywhere...in every crack") to obnoxious slapstick followed by yelling (*slaps face*. "THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPEEEEEELS YOU!")
I definitely think a fair share of MGTOWers got bootybothered by the all female cast but it still looks like total shit and critical reception has been lukewarm at best. The whole thing looks like one long, unfunny SNL parody skit of the original film. What made the original movie was the fact all the actors oozed personality. Instead, we're just getting the same tired jokes and caricatures we've seen in comedies for decades.
[citation provided]
TL:DW it's okay, aside from some out of place fart jokes. Not bad. Even with nostalgia, it's a fine comedy.
TL:DR damnation through faint praise.
>Search up trailer
>Dat dated and flat CGI
>Sassy fat black woman going 'AWWW HELL NAW'
>Close tab
I'll pass. It looks like it's gonna be hollywood schlock with added GRRRRL POWER.
As stated above, its fatal flaw is in its title. This has less to do with the producers touting annoying actors as THE GREATEST and more with the sure and certain knowledge that the inevitable vagina jokes will form the high-water mark of humour for yet another film from the director that starred Melissa McCarthy in "The Heat" and "Spy" ON PURPOSE. The irony here is that the result is almost certain to be described in a viewer review as Eldritch BO Horror.
So close to glory
That's just saved me some money and disappointment
It's real.
>There are people who even contemplated watching the new Ghostbusters
Would you say it was better or worse than After Earth?
You know what you must do.
I don't know what this is.
What the fuck! How have I not heard of this guy.
What are his platforms