So does anybody in the world still play Games Workshop stuff? Or is the Warhams truly dead?
So does anybody in the world still play Games Workshop stuff? Or is the Warhams truly dead?
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I guess that settles it, then. RIP, Warhams.
My entire GW story has started to die, moving on to other games
Sad. Somebody started up a 40k group at my local comics store about a year and a half ago, but it fizzled out.
I think that it's too valuable of an IP to simply let die. More than likely, once GW believes that there's nothing more they can do about their sinking ship, they'll sell it to the highest bidder, TSR style.
I really really want to play Warhams. But... honestly? It was too rich for my blood, and now that I have a 110% pay increase, that shit's still too much money.
Maybe when they do we could buy it. Then make it awesome again?
>he still thinks Veeky Forums gets shit done
No, my son. Those days are but a memory to keep us warm in the depths of the night.
Shut the fuck up
More likely Disney will buy it and kill it so they can create/license a Star Wars ground combat miniatures game.
And when was the last time any of these projects amounted to more than a hill of beans? We aren't what we used to be, lad.
Considering they ran out of the new Age of Sigmar army before it was even released? Yeah, people still play them.
How much of it was made though? How much are being used for the actual game though?
We have a shitload of fantasy stuff sold in my lgs but it's for bloodbowl
What do you consider to be a crowning achievement?
I thought Hua Yuan was pretty fun while it lasted.
Dungeons the Dragoning is a goddamn sight to behold, I'll say that.
That is true
No, no, no, shut up for second. Suppose GW decides to sell the license to Warhammer/40k. By the time they decide to sell it they will have probably ridden the company into the ground and so it will be comparitively cheap.
We hold a Kickstarter to buy the license with the promise to release the Warhammer/40k intellectual property into the public domain. That way anyone can use it and will be free to create awesome things. Like Duke will be able to get back to developing Chapter Master! And we could offer to give the molds and what not to a group of fans perhaps who had the money and know how to start producing models again. Or let anyone make copies of the molds to go into the business of providing hobbiests with Warhammer minis. Maybe there would be a burst of companies competing with one another to sell the best looking Bretonnian or Sisters of Battle models at reasonable prices!
Warhammer fans from all over the world would contribute to a fund to buy the license if they knew it would result in freeing it from the clutches of a great big megacorp who will probably just throw the license into a vault and keep anyone from doing anything with it until the franchise just dies out.
Id contribute for sure
>Veeky Forums
>spending money
Now this is what I call a Warhammer FANTASY
If this turns out to be something negative then I just but its a GW employee. Working hard to discourage anyone from have any "wrong ideas" about who's in charge of the Warhammer license.
Our motto is "He who dies with the most toys wins" you fool. We the reason we live is to spend money on things like this.
You don't recognize this joke?
lots of people do. it's still pretty popular.
Yet nobody talks about it, all of the forums are dead, Veeky Forums pretends it doesn't exist, and now that my town has 5 gaming stores they're swarming with M:TG and Star Wars and YuGiOh players with not a 40Ker or Sigmarine to be found.
Mother FUCKER.
I laughed
You know it would be better this way. Every kid since the 1970s has wanted rules to add structure to their toy stormtrooper and AT-AT battles. Better fluff than 40k, and once it has better rules 40k will be totally obsolete. 40k was more of a joke setting to begin with, full of so much intentionally goofy and silly fluff that serious sci-fi fans have never been able to stomach it. At least with Star Wars we'll have something silly and goofy that actually appeals to young people.
If an IP can fizzle out on its own, how can it be valuable?
through the sheer willpower of a handful of dedicated fans who cling ever more strongly to their toy soldiers long after the rest of the world has moved on.
If there are 100 people left in the world willing to spend $10,000 on GW, it's worth keeping the IP on life support in some fashion or another.
What do you mean nobody talks about it. Theres usually 3+ threads about it active at all times and the major forums are still active. Plus 40k is still one of the dominant games in the tournament scene.
I actually got jacket patches commissioned based on the flag design of the Hua Yuan Exterminators.
Dunno about in other countries but here in merry old britbong land we've got GW stores in every other town or so that are more than happy to have games and painting workshops
Gaming stores support whatever sells and is marketed.
GW shit is not easy to sell without a good base of players. Xwing and MtG take zero effort.
Post em when you get em dude
Will do man! We could make one final Hua Yuan thread in celebration hahah
I hate you so much. And I hate myself for laughing. 11/10 shitpost, user.
In NE America.
GW is almost completely dead.
Replaced by Infinity, Armada, XWing and Kings of War.
Sounds good
Have you seen the pages recently?
No. We just have constant generals dedicated to GW games and a WIP thread dominated by GW models for shits and giggles.
I live in Florida and it's pretty popular here at my FLGS, as are wargames in general. Just finished up our 40k league that had 20+ players and there's another one starting up in about a month.
It's not fizzling out on its own, it's being repeated pummeled into the dirt by a greedy, shortsighted, and incompetent company. Warhammer is too good for GW
40k has the worst rules it had in a decade and Age of Sigmar is actually a better balanced game now.
I recognize that porn
I've said it before and I'll say it again, GW is not dying.
Yes they've morally bankrupted themselves and become a shadow of their former glory, but monetarily they're completely fine, with consistent profits year after year. Their audited accounts are freely available at companies house.
Just because whiny impoverished 16-30 year olds are no longer their target market, doesn't mean they're going anywhere soon
By all means, user. I have no idea what you're insinuating.
I know that artist's style and I've seen this specific porn before.
Oh, I see now. GW has given up on all markets except the UK. Apparently people are still playing there because there are still dedicated GW stores where you're not allowed to play anything but GW. Meanwhile it's dead here in America, which is why you have to scroll through 3 pages of Veeky Forums before you even see a GW-related thread. Meanwhile Star Wars is selling better and taking over the American gaming scene because it has better rules and minis. It all makes sense now.
I think GW's withdrawal from America is pretty concrete evidence that GW is history. With their collapsing economy and rise in fascism, the UK can't sustain a gaming business on its own anymore. RIP Warhammer.
>which is why you have to scroll through 3 pages of Veeky Forums before you even see a GW-related thread.
that's just generals forcing everyone into singular threads
But the seven or eight GW game generals kind of outnumber the one infinity, one star wars, one WM/H, etc threads.
>tournament scene
Ha ha! Whoa! Sorry dude, I was talking about gaming. You know, GAMES? Things that people do for FUN? I want to know if people still PLAY Warhammer the GAME. I don't care if model builders, painters, and rules lawyers still use 40K as the basis of penis-measuring contests. I want to know if GAMERS still play GW GAMES because they want to ENJOY themselves.
For what it's worth, I still play GW games.
Try Hentai-foundry and Sawao
>did it died
>on the wh board
WH was never popular in the US because while, in the UK, the number 1066 means something - in the US, numbers smaller than 1776 are meaningless. True story.
Still, GW straight-up murdered FB in its sleep because, as the geniuses who gave us finecast versions of L******s and N****h, they were uniquely positioned to best judge whether alienating half their player base by force-feeding them a shitsicle like AoS was a good idea.
So shut up haters.
40k, while far more popular in the US, has steadily declined in every area that matters since @2004, and the perfidy of Kirby's spiteful Last Act of Defiance has regional 40k support falling off a cliff. tl;dr:
40k's not dead in the US, but it's "walkin' funny."
>while, in the UK, the number 1066 means something - in the US, numbers smaller than 1776 are meaningless
Good point. And that's not just the UK but Europe in general.
Well, I still love Blood Bowl. Besides that though, no.
You bastard
>did it died
>on the wh board
That's the point. This used to be the warhammer board. Now M:TG, D&D, and third-party spinoffs of GW properties like Horus Heresy and 40k Roleplay and that Sigmar game (I can't remember who makes that one but I don't think it's GW.) Where's the real deal? Where's the love for the official product?
Even relatively cheap, that IP is going to be worth a minimum of several million dollars. It would have to be one of, if not the, most successful Kickstarters of all time. Veeky Forums has been able to scrape together several thousand dollars for Kickstarters in the past, but we're looking at something about three orders of magnitude higher than that for this pipe dream.
Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums in general have never managed to accomplish anything significant. Y'all need to get over yourselves already. If Veeky Forums was in charge of creating a game, it would suck and nobody would play it because it would be written by a bunch of whiny teenagers and bitter assholes.
IIRC Kingdom Death did 2 million.
But then it had some female sculpts that actually looked like women. Sexy women at that.
There are still people who play. Fantasy is pretty dead, thanks to the Age of Sigmar shit. And the only people still playing 40k are the marine fanboys the game caters to, and the Eldar fags who troll them. There are a handful of chaosfags with massochistic tendencies, but theirs is a fruitless suffering. Some necron and tau. Nobody else really.
Veeky Forums tried to make it's own 40k rules, but the problem it ended up with was "too many cooks". Basically we had 50 some odd faggots trying to write every codex, and fuck up every codex that wasn't their favorite. The preliminary ork shit was actually making them worse than what they have now, because the 2 or 3 ork players were getting drowned out by the trolls.
Making a new 40k seems to be such a pain in the ass that a lot of companies don't even bother competing with it.
40k is basically WoW, in that unless you can match it for content, it's pointless trying.
It's not something that can actually be profitable without the toys and the artificial walls GW sets up to discourage competition. You can't make money publishing games because games are just words and we have the Internet now. As for toys, GW has the iconic designs and the technology. Competing with that means creating an established IP out of thin air, something that happens less these days as the human race dumbs down and becomes less creative.
The main reason a lot of companies don't bother trying to compete with it, is because it's scale is all fucked up. It's a "squad based" wargame, except the miniature scale is skirmish-based, and the game size is battalion based. Which makes the game a fucking mess, especially for swarm armies that cover their deployment and exist just to be removed off the table in massive numbers. Other companies don't compete, because there's no reason to make something so fucked up. Instead they pick the right scales for the system they're trying to make. Platoon based with maybe a tank in 32mm, company sized game in 10mm, battalion sized in 6mm, etc.
I think it's less that we have become dumb and more that we have more distraction and we are used to getting something right away.
Mantic has been building up their Warpath sci-fi setting for years now and whenever people mention that it lacks the depth of 40k, I remind them that 40k didn't start out as a fullt fleshed out and developed setting.
Everyone is just spoiled/autistic and don't want to use their own imagination.
I used to love talking about Warhammer 40000 fluff and armies on Veeky Forums. Then the circlejerks just ruined it with shitposting. You can't bring up Space Wolves without someone having a kneejerk, or the resident Xeno autists shows up to whiteknight his faction in every Xeno thread ever posted.
Veeky Forums just stopped being a fun place for Warhammer.
So what you're saying is that if we actually manage to do it then we'd be internet legends. And even if we failed it would still be one of the cooler things someone on the internet has tried to do and we'd at least get 15 minutes of fame out of it for trying.
I'm confused are you trying to talk me out of, or in to this?
>remember kids, if somethings hard to do or doesn't have a favourable chance of sucess then its not even worth trying to do no matter how much benefit it might benefit the community you're a part of
Congradulations user, you have managed to avoid becoming the person Mr. Roger knew you could be. Have fun living with that.
Also how fucking new are you?
>Kingdom Death managed 2 mil because they have sexy models
>however there's nothing like that in 40k so it wont work
Dude, two of the things I've seen people constantly complaining about is the fact that Sisters of Battle don't have new army and that the new non-sexy Daemonette models suck.
Just by promising to give the fans those two things we could probably raise a few million. Be honest with yourself, however much you might not want to admit it you know I'm probably right about this.
Actually producing new models would cost an order of magnitude more money.
You speak things too good to be true user; I can no longer believe that Veeky Forums can do such things. We can not promise miniatures like that, and nor can we even begin to organize this. I despise much of what Veeky Forums has tried to add to the fluff, but without the organized command of some sort of overhead, the thing that makes 40k what is would be lost. For every good piece of 40k fluff on 1d4chan, theres ten more meme filled, shitty smut pages or other trash tier jokes.
I will say this, I would support a kickstarter for it.
Question is; how many are playing and how many are just autism-hoarding mass piles of semi-unpainted grey plastic?
Nice blog post
>>I'm a complete fucking moron and a waste of life who needs his tiny brains smashed out of his thick skull with a crowbar
I come from the real world, you worthless scum-sucking autistic piece of shit. Here in the REAL FUCKING WORLD, we haven't heard of your stupid faggot Veeky Forums pet projects and kickstarters. Non-autistic people don't give two fucking shits about your worthless corner of your worthless, obsolete 2005-vintage website and everything you do is pointless and boring because you're yesterday's news. Fucking kill yourself, faggot.
More like 40k stopped being fun. When you drop a few thousand into the game, only to realize a year later you picked the wrong fucking army, it's a let down. When you realize that after three editions with one (really) shitty codex "revamp", it curb-stomps your enthusiasm.
Infinity fluff, weeaboo influence aside, is well thought out and really interesting.
Reminds me of The Expanse.
>release the Warhammer/40k intellectual property into the public domain
And ruin everything for everyone everywhere.
the trouble their is probably going overboard on one faction and getting overly invested.
you could do.the same with say warmachine or infinity and end up justbas dissapointed.
tournament gamers are still gamers Gaming.
>you want to try and do something that will make the world a little bit nicer for your fellow Warhammer fans
>because of this you're an autistic faggot who should kill himself
Okay I'm a bit confused now. Are you a actually a GW employee or are you just an edgier than normal teenager?
Come on now, be honest.
Tbh it's not doing too bad here in Australia, up to 2 dozen people coming in to my local store on Thursdays, which is impressive by Aussie standards
its going well in istanbul. there is a big active mordheim community. lot of the new start collecting boxes of sigmar has been sold. people constantly hanging out at the local store to paint and play. fuck off shill.
I would like to get a hail caesar gaul campaign going though...