What if Bitfinex is telling the truth

>What if Bitfinex is telling the truth

>what happens if it's just incompetence?

>if it happens i'm going to blow my brains out

>be incompetent exchange
>incentive created for employees to do all sorts of shit if they can get away with it



>tfw you know

I feel like the tether conspiracy is true, It would be hilarious if they actually had the dollars tho.

Nigga of course the rumors are bullshit

If you are making millions running an exchange you think you are going to risk killing the goose that lays the golden eggs?

Conspiritards never had a case


>I read about it on Veeky Forums, bro

fuck you nigger ill fucking beat your ass bitch!!


Has No one figured out what tether is actually doing yet or how that will affect the price of bitcoin

>What if bitfinex is telling the truth

Tfw when sold at 9.5k because of Tether FUD and it just keeps going up. Tether even got hacked for 30m and no one cared.

When should I hang myself?

>true facts

Btc crash might come on the 10th or the 18th when futures become available on wall street. Bankers are gonna short the fuck out of bitcoin.

can you explain under what mechanism would wallstreet shorting btc affect the price of btc, asking for a friend

Biz mods are deleting threads countering this argument! The thread to defend against this was DELETED! WE'VE BEEN COMPROMISED!

yeah sure bitfinex holds 1billion on an account just for the sake of teth backing, this makes perfect sense actually

>implying bitcoiners give a shit what wall street's paper market says
is this your first day?

Bitfinex is mtGox 2.0 and it will bring down everybody with it. The scammer CEO owns tether and has bought millions of dollars worth of btc with tether backed by nothing.

Bitfinex is in the process of exiting there market with as much cash as possible before the house of cards collapses.

spread the word to save fellow Veeky Forumsraelis

G00gle bitfinex us customers
read for about a minute
go to coinmarketcap
get to IOTA's page and look at markets
note the top exchange and pairing

BTC futures will be settled in USD

> buy BTC with USD
> buy BTC futures with USD betting on proce drop
> dump BTC
> BTC price collapses
> take USD from the futures contract

The key piece is that if BTC is indeed overvalued, it would only take dumping a miniscule amount of BTC to collapse the price.

I'm not sure Wall Street will win this though. There is a ton of people who missed the BTC train and are salivating at the thought of buying at the dip. If so, the price will rebound and Wall Street will get rekt.

Fucking this.
Theres a fuckton of shady exchanges that could Gox at any time.
But Bitfinex literally prints money.

t. someone who never looked at any of the evidence for more than 3 shady things they do to evaluate it

Your ideas about how rational humans behave and your assumption that they are rational doesn't trump reality.