So uh yeah...Goblins has changed artstyles completely...I don't like it.
So uh yeah...Goblins has changed artstyles completely...I don't like it
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Maybe if you actually read the blog post rather than blindly posting just to get a rise out of, "lol, goblins!" You'd know that it's a guest artist for two weeks.
Well now I just feel like a fool.
Good. You should.
It's an improvement, at least. Can we get a guest writer too?
The art is better, but now it just looks like your bog-standard "guy who does porn" art.
It's still an improvement. Goblins is such an old meme that it isn't even funny any more.
Without the hideously deformed tumorous eyesore heads, how will I know what I'm reading?
Nothing is lumpy, the artstyle is too clean and aesthetic. I can actually tell what's going on. 2/10
And I do, but I'm a bit like this () user when it comes to how this looks.
The two panels the guest artist is producing aren't canon.
Also the story is no longer like...that. Thunt is surprisingly aware of this.
Finally someone who gets what I was thinking! When I opened up the site to see the new update, my firstthought was "What am I looking at?" I seriously had to go back an forth between pages to make sure I hadn't missed out on some big plot relevant thing that meant they were in a maze.
This is still going on? I thought the guy had some sort of mental breakdown.
>I thought the guy had some sort of mental breakdown.
What, again?
But has the writing improved?
I'm not sure, how do you define improved? All I can say is that it is better than anything written by Stephanie Meyer.
Thumbs are backward in the last panel...
Can we keep him?
Holy shit, the tumors were actually ears?
The way I see it, it's better than it was but still not anywhere near actually good.
That one's a classic.
>[user was mazed for this pun]
It's not great.
It's better.
But it's not great.
But it is better though, holy shit can you see what's going on.
>>[user was mazed for this pun]
That was, amazingly, even worse than the joke on the page.
Yes they were.
Thank you, here on Veeky Forums we constantly aim to lower the bar.
>I thought the guy had some sort of mental breakdown.
While back, he hadn't produced a strip for ages, and he had a pages-long blogpost about his mental problems or something that kept him from writing.
Somebody probably told him he wasn't a feminist or something.
I feel like this would have been less unfunny if there wasn't any dialogue in the last panel
This artstyle looks like it's going to be porn.
Goblins r34 when
Whatever's going on with those alcoves/windows in the bottom-left panel I'm pretty sure it's impossible.
Is Kin ever coming back?
>better than anything written by Stephanie Meyer.
Shouldn't you be doing your summer reading, kid?
this looks way better though
Someone say Goblins?
Inevitability of Rule 34 says it already exists.
The real question is who would dare to look for it and confirm.
>Spend literally entire life idolizing and trying to tag along with fat dyke feminists
>Get fucking BTFO by them on twitter
>Spiral into psychotic breakdown, have delusional conversation with Darth Vader and write it down
>Return to consciousness only to bet BTFO by your own kickstarter as business partner steals tens of thousands of dollars from your fans
>Get arrested at the US Border for smuggling in armbands or some shit
Thunt is the recipient of God's wrath in retaliation for the endless Canadian shitposting on /pol/.
The FUCKING LEAF deserves it.
Goblin Slayer is fucking gr8.
>This is how Kore sees things
>Canadian shitposting on /pol/.
>Get arrested at the US Border for smuggling in armbands or some shit
I haven't heard this one, care to elaborate?
>I don't like it.
Q. Does the Lady of Pain's ladyparts also have tons of those little cutting edges that also make up her shadow?
If so, can you dispel them by shining a light inside her so her funparts are no longer in shadow?
1. It's a mystery, but they do call her the lady of pain
2. Hard to say, but you'll be flayed or mazed as soon as you try
Canadians and Australians are notoriously bad posters on /pol/ where every post has a flag showing where it came from. Moot once admitted that like 90% of all shitposting comes from Australian users.
> shitposting on /pol/
Like pissing into a cesspool.
>Also the story is no longer like...that.
No it's still exactly like that.
This intrigues greatly, where is this from?
I haven't read this in ages. I loved the original premise but I want him to just finish the story. Maybe I should find where I was in OOTs too.
The title is the action being performed in picture.
Also someone mentions it by name in this thread.
I'm not sure where to read it but it looks like this.
shame its only temporary, it actually doesn't look like the goblins are shit monsters from a parasite riddled, diseased sphincter.
surprisingly not
the blue-purple shit with the vines/cracks are more or less windows, and the area they're in is some form of overlook
the dark purple shit and the yellow wall is the room beyond
they were looking through those windows in the second panel
the art's still absolute ass though
>Moot once admitted that like 90% of all shitposting comes from Australian users
Literally who?;_;
da git who made the site
You know, sudden style shift looks weird, I guess it was just guest artist.
Plus, Minmax looks too fucking childish here.
...I'm allowed to hate her, right?
2000% better.
I think having any sort of strong feeling about her other than "it's the best system we have" is somewhat discouraged
The Lady is pure!
Mostly because she destroys anything that would prove a possible counterpoint.
>>Get arrested at the US Border for smuggling in armbands or some shit
Care to tell us moar?
Genuinely curious.
For what it's worth most of Thunt's bad choices regarding attitudes towards feminists are understandable if not excusable.
His mother became a feminist because she was raped and he was the result. And it was the genuine rape not the retroactively withdrawing consent type.
He grows up with a rose tainted view of them. He writes a comic. He encounters the Ham-beat Horde. He expects to be welcomed or at least treated with civility. After all his mother is one and he respects and supports their cause. Turns out their are Feminists and "Feminists".
And the heroes he has venerated for most of his life tear him to pieces and he can't understand why. It's like getting you teeth kicked in by Captain America. He tries to reason with them and discuss thing civilly and they tear into him like rabid dogs. He has a minor break down and they smell weakness and attack with renewed vigour. He has a not so minor breakdown.
No more comics for months.
The guest art is good, but I prefer Thunt's art, even with lumpy character design and inabllity to convey action clearly. The guest comic is too clean, uniform, an toony.
>Is Kin ever coming back?
I expect she will pop up relatively soon, in universe time. Although, I'm not sure how she'll find them.
In real life time, we likely won't see her for another two and a half years, at least.
That's barring any author issues.
Man. As much as I've lost interest in his comic, I feel bad for the guy.
>she was raped and he was the result.
Oh my fucking God I did not know that, that makes my calling him an Anglo rape baby that one time a HUNDRED times funnier.
Oh, he got rekt by border guards at some point because he was unwittingly bringing merchandise without a permit or something like that, and he wrote a whole big thing about how it brought him and his wife closer together or something.
I'm really torn--I haven't liked the comic since the first arc ended, but I do love watching the guy get blown the fuck out repeatedly by his own life because he's a living stereotype of the ultimate liberal cuck. Thunt's story is more deliciously schadenfreude than the story he's trying to write.
Kin is based on his mother
That's the funniest part of the mental breakdown. He wasn't attacked because they thought the rapesnake plot was his fetish, or for turning his mother's rape story into "scantily clad snake babe gets rescued and romanced by hunky man that is probably the author's self-insert".
They attacked because some tumblrina with terrible reading comprehension decided to check out the comic for the first time and completely misinterpreted the first page she saw. She ranted on her blog about how misogynistic it was, he made the "mistake" of naming her when he called her out for being retarded, causing his fans to join in, and then boom, large scale feminist crusade against Thunt the rape-fetishist and his legion of woman harassing fans.