CYOA thread

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Well, there's Conduit. That more or less counts.


Conduit is like Traveller, it can be anything. I'm looking specifically for a Fantasy setting where you can be a mage, or where the point is you're a mage
Like Bleu, if it was bigger and had more focus on what you can do beyond the class you picked

>get chosen for the Martian colonization mission
>only male surrounded by females
>my job is to impregnate all of them
>accept this honour
>hundreds of billions are spend to get us to mars
>refuse to mate with the girls
>reveal I am gay
>spread pee pee and poo poo all over mars
>sabotage the mission
>kill myself

Who else /mischievous/ here?

Still very much a WIP, but about doubled the content since the last one posted, so I figure I will share for the curious.

if you are gay why not just take the trap

>retrieve body
>recover sperm

And the latest of the main CYOA; this one is unchanged since last posting.

Let me emphasize so there is no more confusion: you do NOT have to pay the cost of a level 1 ability to be able to buy the level 2. The cost of the level 2 includes the previous levels.

Your not mischievous, your just a piece of shit.

I agree that a lot of people would consider it a terrible drawback. The problem is that a lot wouldn't. It would be like having a drawback that says that you can't use your powers to help normal people. Yeah, for a lot of players that would be an awful drawback, but for those who are planning on being evil gods anyway, it's no problem at all.

The last thing I want is a bunch of drawbacks that are really only penalties for "good guys/gals".

>Getting this triggered

>draw the summoning circle
>make the sacrifice
>utter the Incantation of the Winged Naga

It's starting to get a bit confusing but I'm liking it a lot. Some questions.

1. Why do vampires lose out so many types of magic? I could see firedancer being impossible for them but the others being impossible kind of implies they're naturally evil which doesn't seem to be the case.

2. Could there be an urban fantasy option or quest? Something to make the world more interesting but keep most of those things hidden from humanity. I like urban fantasy as a genre so I am biased but hey.

3. Not a question but I suspect Blessing of the People will be used to munchkin the world a whole lot more dangerous. 10x regeneration speed gives +4 points which allows you to add Unseelie flitters. 10x regeneration is not all that much.


You already have a bunch of drawbacks that only apply to good guys/gals though. Plenty of the drawbacks can be overcome through planned genocide, wiping out species or other despicable acts.


Cleaver Guy!
Human Male, Familiar Face:(-10points), 17
Beacon Academy, Vale
Semblance: Fast Mover this time.
Gifts/Talents: Memory(-20), Strength(-20), Agility(-20), Intelligence(-10), Energy(-20), Will(-10).
Weapons: Melee will be a two handed meat cleaver with Collapsible, and the second will be a variable Sniper rifle and Assault rifle combo that can use dust charges (Total cost for both 500)
Items & Gear: Scroll(free), Parachute and Grappling Hook(-150) cant be too paranoid and will use the Hook in my fighting, Targeting Glasses(-150) I can only see so far to make a good shot + cool glasses, Wilderness Gear(-50), Dust Charges(-50) for some extra ammo till I get some steady supply.
Waiting on the Amazon and the other two people I may or may not be part of a team with. May the Shenanigans start soon.

Yes, but "overcome" is the key word. They still have to at least *do* something to get over the drawback.

A drawback that makes you not able to connect with mortals emotionally, for some people, they do not even need to overcome it. It literally will not affect how they "play" in any way. That is the key issue.

So you are the gay farmer guy from After the Dark?

>tfw want to write a story
>tfw no cyoa that gives you inspiration
Rapture is a possibility, but there's so much text about the houses, and I don't like rape. I just need a lot of choices available, so I can make the exact character I like, you know? And there must be a fleshed-out setting

1. Vampires lose their connection to the natural world, hence the loss of spirit singer. And to my awareness vampires are pretty much universally regarded as incompatible with "holy" magics, even if they aren't inherently evil, per say. I could be persuaded otherwise, though?

2. Probably not. I need to carefully balance so that this thing doesn't get out of hand; I don't want a 30 page document. More modern day stuff like "urban fantasy" is outside of the focus. However, I could probably throw in an option that makes the supernatural easier to hide in general.

3. Yeah, that's a point. Right now I'm trying to just get everything down on paper, then I'm going to have to go through again from the beginning to carefully consider balance issues.

>oh look another generic tolkien cyoa

I guess the question relates to what kind of metaphysics you want. Are vampires the result of soul corruption? Is vampirism inherently demonic, or just a regular sort of curse, or something else? Is it just biological?

Is there such thing as "holy" in this setting? Is goodness an inherent property of some magic? Does this goodness inherently oppose "unholy" things? What qualifies as holy? What doesn't?

To be fair, it's old as fuck and still not fixed.

I am stupid and just noticed I still had a hundred Lien left so I'll spend it on some Armor. Pic related.

>I have never read a page of tolkien in my life
>I am also completely new to /cyoa/ and thing this CYOA in particular is just as new as I am

Maybe I'll make it optional. I'm just leery of adding in TOO much, but I'll consider it.

I'll do a build for this one when someone unfucks the balance.

It is fixed, that's the second version.

Literally one of the worst movies ever. That stupid professor was pulling rules and scenarios out of his ass just to punish the female student and her boyfriend who had cucked him. Pathetic really.

Speaking as I don't particularly care how you answer those questions. I just hope to see consistent worldbuilding one way or the other.

History: New Arrival
Age&Gender: 18 Human Male
Location: Beacon
Semblance: Force of Nature - Gravity.
Gifts:Ferocity(90), Will(80), Energy(60), Fear(50), Intelligence(40), Agility (20)
Talents:Tactics (0)
Weapons: Variable Halberd/Shotgun(600), Collapsible(550), Dust Mod(500), Additonal Weapon Form - Short Sword (400)
Gear: Armor (300), Targeting Glasses (150), Rebreather (100), Dust Charges x2 (0)

I chose Beacon Academy because the location seems pretty nice, forests are way better than arctic and deserts.
Warm person to teammates, rude to strangers, only cares about opinions from people he values. Despite this, wears targeting glasses and armored clothes mostly for looks.
Combat- utilizing gravity I would try to speed up allies, slow and stop enemies. When I would get more proficient with the power I would use it for transportation and aggressively.
My goal is mostly an easy going everyday life while improving my abilities.
Gravity user,here.

this maybe?

This is the updated version.

Yeah, and? Point costs are still fucked to hell.

I think I know just the guy for the job!

>le elves and orcs DUDE

I wish authors would try to do original shit

for equipment or abilities?

Then why not make something yourself? Anyone can be an author.

It's up to you, you're no different than anyone else here.

Medical Skill 1: 10%
The Bubble: 4 35%

Madison: 1 5% (food/cultivation)
Felissa: 0 0% (Discount administrative responsibilities)
Ming: 2 10% (communications)
Keira: 2 10% (Mechanical)
Carese: 3 20% (Oxygen)
Catalina: 0 (She's going to learn to cook and clean whether she likes it or not)

6 Crew Members
Mechanical (Robotics)
Administrative (Discount)
Oxygen Levels
90% survival

I want to but I haven't finished building my pc yet and only have a macbook, so don't have gimp or paint

Sorry, I'm an incompetent and lazy leech.

Abilities for sure. Probably equipment too.

I don't get the Sustainability quest.

Why would goods need to flow freely for an economy to be ecologically sustainable?
The reverse would be more likely to be true since international commerce uses non-renewable resources and pollutes.

The second version was never fixed. Gender selection mentions boons that aren't there.

Just take the Intelligence and Memory abilities to learn what you need, and then take something you want to improve your specialization. Its pretty easy.


I don't think you understand. My problem with the CYOA is exactly what you're suggesting. The talents are fucking overpriced trash, and the stat buffs are obviously more desirable in every way.

so.... make a build that doesn't take talents?
Like, what's the problem here? That there are options you don't like?

Think I'm going to give Beastmaster "back" to vampires while sticking with removing Blessed One. It occurred to me there are plenty of mythologies in which vampires have power over animals.

Are there good tutorials on making quality looking cyoa's?

Please comeback author and post the last page.

Welcome now we just need Amazon and one more.

How often have you done this now? The faggot aint coming back.


This is the dumbest excuse I've ever heard desu. It literally doesn't say why you can't do it.

No, don't.

Planar Lord - 9
Shadow Warrior
Elder Lore - 8
Arcane Insight - 6
Guardian - 9
Raiser of the Dead - 9
Lord of the Inferno - 9
Angelic Pinions -7
Avatar of Ice - 11
Wolf's Run -2

Companion: Rhiannon (Need a bodyguard)

Boss Monster (Spam his minions with my minions, support Rhiannon and get in close)
The Kyphian Mines (Deactivate traps with minions. Get them to recover everything)
Devil without a Cause (Seal him with Guardian Magic, or bind him if I'm capable enough. Failing that, water elemental spam)
A Divine Affair (Rolled 1d10, got Achaton... Err. Not sure how I'll deal with that)
Whales in the Sky (Summon minions to scout)
Always Read the Manual (Arcane Insight and minions should help)
A Peaceful Village (Arcane Insight and Minions. Maybe a bit of necromancy too)
The Fire Witch (Minions plus physically stalk her)
Incredible Vegetable (Spam the giant angry insects with minions)
Door to Door (Send minions inside to explore, then summon them back)

Why bother doing heroics when you can get minions to do it for you, I ask? Much safer in general. I'd be living the easy life if I could just stop Achaton from trying to jump my bones.


Because I can't install gimp or paint on a macbook, retard.

My PC will be working in a week, so there's no point starting one now.


Actually there is, most of the work is in coming up with an idea which you'd do in plain text anyway.

Please come back

I'm pathetic. I want to make a demonspawn cyoa but I can't think of any other option besides "YOU HAVE HORNS + TAILS + FIRE FROM YOUR MOUTH NOAW". Should I kill myself?

Actually there is retardo, most of the work is in coming up with an idea which you'd do in plain text anyway.

How can I possibly explain this in an even simpler fashion? Let's try this. You have a bunch of games you can play. Some of them are clearly very polished and well-designed. Some of them have some interesting ideas, but those ideas are poorly implemented and the games have noticeable bugs. Some games are completely broken, worthless garbage.

You might start up some games in the second category to see what they've got going on, but you're not going to 100% them. You won't bother touching category three. Mostly, you'll stick to category one or do something other than playing games.

The RWBY CYOA is in category two.

Just think it through more indepth. Why do you want to make this? What's the setting like? How do demonic powers work, and why did the MC inherit them? What do demons want? What's their mission?

When you can answer all those, you'll have way more ideas.

Should have specified. Mother is Vaneis, Olympic Parentage.

1. Start researching. Use wiki and google to learn about demons.

2. Start brainstorming. What sort of categories do you want? What kind of choice system do you want? What kind of different builds do you want people to make?

3. Make the thing.

>Please comeback author and post the last page.
>Please come back


Sir Bryce Demarco
Child of Heroes

Titan's Might: 12
Unyielding Flesh: 14
Commander: 8
Bulwark: 9

Hungry Flame: 8
The Oliphaunt: 9


Boss Monster, The Kyphian Mines

acheldanon pls answer this:

Don't suppose you want a job as a minion? Could always use more meatshields. I'll pay you in minions.

It's more than there are no barriers to trade than that they have to be actively trading. I'll add something to clarify that.

I prefer to make shit up as I go along by making the cyoa over a few days

I know this is a strange request, but I really do want to writefag something, but I need that spark.
Would someone be so kind as to post a cyoa that I'll make a build for and write about
>inb4 Alice


After losing everything I was working on along with basically all my files of the last 4 years I fell into a shitty mood.
Any lighthearted CYOAs to help cheer up?

>inb4 personal blog
I know

Thanks for answering! Why shouldn't there be any barriers to trade tho? I guess I still don't understand the idea.

Also if I limit the moving of goods to only non-polluting modes of transportation such as wind-powered boats. Boats whose wood must come from sustainable timbering. Would that constitute a barrier to trade?

Friend, you have to let it go. The author's either not here, here but unwilling, or here and laughing his ass off at your groveling.

If he's going to post the final page, it won't be from you spamming the same shit every thread.

Have a this.

There's the Cuddle CYOA


I'm not indulging in your fetish. I read less than half of the cyoa when I made my build.
I still have no idea what the setting even is, I skipped to the "you get a level 1, 2 and 3 power"
Alright, this works wonderfully!
Thank you, user.

I suppose the name is confusing; I suppose I should rename it to something like "Open & Sustainable", or "Prosperous & Sustainable" or something like that.

As for your question, no, that would not be a barrier to trade. Barriers to trade would be more like embargoes against other countries.



Fuck that movie! It was interesting until it suddenly took a 180° into shit

This is indeed comfy, thanks user.




>Hot Chocolate

I kind of don't like the fact that I cant be alone.

I think you can? It says any amount of companions and I'm pretty sure 0 is an amount.

Gonna post the cyoa I am gonna use to make a character build for this one.
fair enough.




Many have said that this would make a good story.

What kind of job does Angel have again? I need to know for my cyoa.


Butt pirate