is literally anybody surprised by this cashgrab bullshit?
is literally anybody surprised by this cashgrab bullshit?
>released as free PDFs
>made by MtG staff basically on their lunchbreaks
OP, I....
People have been begging for this shit for years.
If anything this is a weird sensible move for WotC.
1) Who cares? It's free.
2) Read the first line of the article. Free Zendikar pdf came out months ago.
That's actually pretty awesome. Might see about running a game of that.
Although, where does the setting take place in the time line? Is this pre-Avacyn Restored? Pre-Shadows over Innistrad/Eldritch moon? Or no particular point in time?
I'm just curious if it will have Eldrazi or not
>Begging for a setting that already exist instead of just playing in the already existing setting
>Free Zendikar pdf came out months ago.
And it was appallingly lazy and actually tried to say
R = Chaos
W = Good
U = Lawful
B = Evil
G = Neutral.
It was a trainwreck.
It's hardly cashgrab when it's free. Granted, it's kind-of advertising for MtG, but it's also what some people have asked for so there.
I personally do not find MtG universe a very interesting place. Perhaps Ravnica could turn into an interesting setting if modified a bit but that's it.
But if some people enjoy this. Hell, let them.
>ignoring they already did planeshift zendikar
I just want them to get to Ravnica and Lorwyn already
Who cares? Nobody pays attention to alignment anyway. The only thing there that's really out of place is that White is Lawful, not Good, and Black/Blue are also more neutral.
Fuck this shit, they don't even know how it works
Well, based on the art they chose, it looks like the church of Avacyn is still a thing.
Eldrazi got rules in the Zendikar PDF as well I think, so running it in whichever wouldn't be too tricky.
>Different humans
Stupid, provicies aren't that far one from each other, also it's not like people evolved different, they're connected well enough. This is adding differences for the sake of adding differences
Of all the planes in Magic the Gathering, Innistrad is the one I would most want to run a campaign in.
That being said, D&D already has a setting for this. It's called Ravenloft. They should have just brought that back instead as a as a fully-fledged campaign world.
Also, Magic the Gathering's definition of a "plane" is somewhat lacking. When I think plane, I think plane of existence, not just a smattering of kingdoms with a unifying theme. How big is it? Is it on a planet? Or literally just a flat plane? Is it turtles all the way down? What lies beyond the borders of the regions we have seen in the cards? It's gotta be bigger than that, right? If not, that makes it pretty much just demiplane, which makes it even more like Ravenloft.
I feel like Magic the Gathering as a whole needs a lot more fleshing out before it can be a actual campaign setting in D&D. But maybe that's just me.
That's okay, he was just parroting bullshit anyway. That was not at all what the pdf was saying.
Fuck YES.
I am so up for this.
To be honest, I'd be up for an Innistrad wargame too. I just love Innistrad.
Planes in MTG are basically bubbles of mana surrounded by aether floating in the blind eterneties. They can be basically any size. Some of them are flat discs. Some are planets. Some are closer to solar systems. Some are tiny demi-planes.
A plane in MTG is basically just a habitable zone that follows its own rules. The best comparison is often planets. Innistrad has seas, continents, and a moon.
>I just love Innistrad.
So did I...till they fucked it and destroyed it in SoI
>Innistrad has a sea
>A continent
>and a moon
Signs point to it being smaller than wales.
I guess I will just have to wait and see how it is presented in the material. I had similar issues wrapping my head around Ravnica as an entire plane that is just one big city. If they were defining plane as stretching infinitely in all directions, it wouldn't make sense. But if it's more like Coruscant, and all self-contained on a single world, it's easier to digest.
I get the impression they managed to get the flying spaghetti monster in the moon before too much of the place was bismuth'd like Zendikar was. I don't know if the tentacle plague is a lingering sort of thing, though.
Ravnica is a planet like Coruscant. It's one of the more 'normal' worlds, too. It's just entirely city because urban sprawl covered the entire surface.
I bet they will keep the eldritch horror theme and incorporate it as a part of the aesthetic of Innistrad. I'm very okay with this.
Wales has its own moon? I also said seas and continents, as in plural. They're not the focus, but other places do exist on innistrad
Eh, it could be really awesome. But I hope it's either pre-Leliana/Garruk Innistrad, where we can see humanity struggle under Avacyn's protection against the beasts of the night, or pre-Emrakul'd Innistrad, so that we can see the golden age of mankind and angels as it slowly becomes a nightmare.
>Horror setting
>More horror elements added
>This ruins the setting
So what's at the end of Ravnica? A magic barrier? Is Ravnica just spherical and it all runs together?
Yeah, that's how I had to define it in my head canon. Kind of wish there was a little bit more to the MtG planes then just pockets and bubbles of themed "worlds", but there's only so much you can do with a constructed card game and it's lore.
Humans are on the verge of extinction in Innistrad, Olivia is now the Queen of all vampires, and there's literally 1 non batshit crazy angel to protect the whole plane, and she can't do much, meanwhile werewolves, vampires, geists, demons, devils, angels and mutants all want to rip human's insides apart, well, the few humans that are still alive.
Once all humans die the next ones are werewolves and vampires because they have their food suplies (and way of increasing their troops) depending entirely of humans, after that Innistrad will be only geists and demons.
Sure, imprissioning Memekul in the moon will save Innistrad in the short term, but the plane is doomed.
Probably like the phlogiston in D&D (Spelljammer). Nothing exists outside the bubble except void space, until you reach the next bubble.
More like Naboo...because like Naboo, Ravnica has a water core
Innistrad is confirmed to have other continents, purportedly with weretigers. We just haven't visited them.
It took a while to show all of Dominaria, too.
Ravnica is a sphere. It has a barrier of aether at the top of the atmosphere that would be the edge of the plane. Ravnica has large underground oceans that all the buildings are piled up on.
There are planes that could be flat as well, though those would just have the aether cloud on the edges.
I didn't say ruined, I said destroyed, because, Innistrad is literally doomed, it's beyond salvation, it's one generation away of being Grixis
>there's literally 1 non batshit crazy angel to protect the whole plane
First off, the St. Traft's angelic stand proves otherwise.
Second, they kind of lack of faith in Sigarda the one true angel is the kind of thing that lets the vampires win.
>So what's at the end of Ravnica?
We don't know, but rest assured that the Izzet League is working to find out and then figure out how to go beyond the barriers of our limited reality.
>Humans are on the verge of extinction in Innistrad
Meh, that's what they were saying during Dark Ascension too, and we know how that worked out.
In Dark Ascension they still had 3 mayor angels and all their troops to defend them, also humans were way more numerous than now.
The current season is set in Ravenloft, both AL Modules and "Curse of Strahd" hardback.
It's total ass and it's pretty much turned the whole fanbase against Ravenloft in general.
>Olivia is now the Queen of all vampires,
Wouldn't vampires have been at least as hard hit by Memerakul as humans and werewolves? Vamps were the center of Madness.dec, and we've had a number of Eldrazified/Horror Vampires. Also, Olivia is a fucking retard.
>It's total ass
Is it? I quite like what I've played of read of Ravenloft and AL both.
The humans have Rem Karolus. They'll be just fine.
>Also, Olivia is a fucking retard.
I was seriously hoping she would die screaming as Brinsela peels her apart, followed immediately by Sigarda offing Brinsela. Was not to be.
Rem Karolus sounds like a fucking champion.
>Olivia is a fucking retard.
The last words she said to Sorin were "gonna party hard like the world is about to end", Sorin told her that the world, actually, was about to end, then she just laughed. Sure, she's a retard, a retard powerful enough to the point no vampire wants to dispute or can dispute her title and retard enough to not see the consequences of her actions
She doesn't care about werewolves, mutants, crazy angels, etc, she just wants to drink humans and parteey
I don't know about Adventurer's League, but Curse of Strahd is fabulous, and this is from somebody who has ran, or at least read, every iteration of the module.
>Tfw your bro vampire clan doesn't even get mentioned
I miss the Stromkirk, guys, they seemed legit
Rem Karolus is the hero that Innistrad deserves.
Innistrad will be fine, they literally can come up with whatever bullshit to save it, it's not the first time they used an asspull to save a setting.
That is the ugliest dog I've ever seen in my life.
Wonder what else is beyond the continent of Innistrad.
Stability doesn't need to be pretty, user.
It's indestructible because nobody will go near it.
Yeah, they've killed two Cthulhus and imprisoned another. Eldritch abominations that could dunk on the actual, literal gods from Theros. The Jacetice League neutralized them utterly in two blocks with friendship lasers. How the hell are you going to have dramatic tension after that? It's not even comicbook writing, it's Saturday Morning Cartoon writing.
Screw Kaladesh, I want Innistrad: Tiger Headed Opium Nightmare. Like, all the most fucked up, trippiest, most terrifying parts of Indian and Chinese mythology, filtered through gothic horror tropes. That sounds fucking amazing. It would also allow for more diversity and multiculturalism without it looking as forced
I thought they only burnt the physical manifestation of Ulamog and Kozilek, not actually killing them
And yeah, totally agree, they literally stopped the supposedly most powerful beings of mtg in literally 2 blocks, all this build up for fucking nothing
>It's total ass and it's pretty much turned the whole fanbase against Ravenloft in general.
Curse of Strahd is regarded by many to be the best 5e adventure out so far. Not sure who you've been talking to.
Just one of the many reasons why the two expansion block cycle was a mistake. It's completely counterintuitive to any gravitas the story might actually be capable of, because they end up rushing things.
2010-2016 RIP Eldrazi
Underused and underwhelming
>I thought they only burnt the physical manifestation of Ulamog and Kozilek, not actually killing them
I thought so too, but apparently Ula and Kozi are D-E-A-D dead, deader than Disco, deader than Bowie, no takebacks. Fucking Wizards.
>A rainforest of weretigers who hunt down anyone who explores the land
>A lone island where a mad stitcher combines humans and animals in an attempt to recreate werewolves
>An ancient civilization whose tombs hide great treasures and terrible curses
>A supposedly lost colony that has grown, but is beset on all sides by horrors and is slowly succumbing to paranoia and hunger
>Tribal cultures that utilize occult magic and ceremonies for terrible purposes
All the Victorian/Colonial horror tropes I could think of
Why are you surprised? MtG was based on DnD and both have planes and are owned by WotC.
Evil in D&D is defined as selfishness. Selfish is Black's largest trait.
It is sort of explicitly advertising for the artbook (which I wish someone would scan).
>James Wyatt: These booklets were the result of several conversations among different people as The Art of Magic: The Gathering—Zendikar went from earliest concept to printed book. Early on, Magic creative guru Jeremy Jarvis told me he had a secret agenda for that book, which was that it would be a campaign setting with no rules.
There's no explicit distances, and each Province is governed by different Mana.
No it isn't. Innistrad can deal with this shit because once the cosmic horror is trapped in the moon and only exerting subtle pressure on the world, it will just be another Tuesday. Sure, the Werewolves are more tentacular, but it's not like they didn't already have to deal with fucked up shit like walking cemeteries and shambling hordes of the undead. For fucks sake, the Vampires were hit hardest by Emrakul and Nahiri's wrath.
>Werewolves are more tentacular
And literally all angels except Sigarda
Emrakul being in the moon isn't the issue. It's the fact that the original Innistrad block had humans dying out after only a year without Avacyn, and that was with all of the other angels free and most of the demons locked away.
Now all the demons are out, all but one of the angels are dead, several massive towns have been outright destroyed by the Eldrazi, and the only upside is that a bunch of vampires died.
Unless there's a massive change Innistrad is rather doomed. Of course, there obviously will be a massive change if we return, but currently it is in shambles.
>There's no explicit distances
You can go from one to another in a couple of says on horseback if we believe the articles.
I feel like you're drastically underselling how well Innistrad can deal. Even with Dark Ascension, they were never as bad off as during New Phyrexia.
The things that would destroy Humanity were hit the hardest, and Sigarda seems to be twice the angel Avacyn was.
Weretigers? Where do you get that?
I feel like Innistrad can't be a huge plane. There'd be no way for the Helvault to contain all of its problems, or for Avacyn to get from place to place.
Then again, I can't imagine beings like Angels or Demons on their coffee breaks just talking with one another, but that's a thing that could probably happen.
>It's called Ravenloft. They should have just brought that back instead as a as a fully-fledged campaign world.
It is back. This article repeatedly talks about how this book is mostly concerned with converting Curse of Strahd into Innistrahd.
It wouldn't surprise me if Liliana sets herself up as Innistrad's protector now, if nothing else because she likes the Plane and it'd suit her ego to do so. If the Vampires or Werewolves start getting a bit uppity, she just drops a few hundred zombies on the problem.
>There'd be no way for the Helvault to contain all of its problems, or for Avacyn to get from place to place.
The Helvault is magical storage. It can be bigger on the inside or condense things down.
Avacyn has been show to be able to basically teleport wherever she needs to.
Innistrad is a lot bigger than just the area the blocks focus on.
>they literally stopped the supposedly most powerful beings of mtg
They're not.
And the build up was to a last ditch effort where they pulled off a save by ignoring the Elder Dragon. Why the fuck do you people not find that cool? "Abloobloo, the heroes won threw teamwork [and a clever plan]"
Am I the only one who doesn't start whining and pissing at the thought of the heroes winning through teamwork?
This I'll agree with.
MtG wasn't based on D&D, and they've repeatedly said they didn't want to "cross the streams". But I think that because MtG is now more popular than D&D, they're willing to do it.
Dark Ascension was a mere poke compared to Innistrad now, in Dark Ascesion they still have a horde of Angels, a vampire clan that protected their humans, still a weakened Avacyn magic and more numbers than now.
Now is everybody vs few humans.
But it isn't them winning through teamwork. It was them winning through an asspull to kill two supposedly immortal creatures.
They could have just had their teamwork be trapping one of them, and that would have been enough, but no, gotta kill 2 to show off how strong they are. Of course, all that did was make everyone look weak and the Eldrazi seem like less of a big deal.
The fuck are you talking about? we don't hate that the heroes won, we hate that it literally took no effort and was dealt super fast
I'm not even that guy but let me see, Gisela and Bruna's herons are monsters or dead. Sigarda's heron is dead. So only Sigarda remains, where's the false statement in here?
>it's an infinite loop captcha
Fuck this shit
This is wrong, though. You're making assumptions. I mean, hell, what do you think Innistrad was like before Avacyn? There was something like 10,000 years between Sorin becoming a Planeswalker and him creating Avacyn, and Innistrad was still alive all that time just fine.
I was talking more about *getting* things to the Helvault. I was unaware Avacyn could teleport.
She has. It's why she did this in the first place.
There are in all likelihood more humans than anyone else. And Arlinn and Liliana have a vested interest in keeping Innistrad from falling to shit. Sigarda's flight still exists as far as I'm aware.
Nigga, humans are shown fighting alongside zombies, vampires, werewolves, and spirits in EMN. The non-Eldrazi fighting them are either insane, corrupted, or dicks
Well, Olivia is Queen of vampires now, and I doubt any other vampire will defy her or her will of drink every meat bag in her sight
Do you actually know how the block ended, or are you just going off of everyone else? The "ass pull" was a last ditch effort that happened to work, and was based on paying attention to the enemy and trying to do something clever. It doesn't make anyone look weak, and it doesn't make the Eldrazi seem like less of a big deal, especially not on the tail end of Zendikar being utterly wrecked.
I get that you probably don't like the Gatewatch, but that doesn't make the ending any more or less of an asspull than the Eldrazi being able to be bound in the first place. Likewise, the connection between the Helvault and the Moon has been explained since the first Innistrad block, so "the moon can imprison something" isn't an asspull either, it's a pretty clever way of tying up loose ends (while of course still allowing Emrakul to potentially exert pressure across Innistrad and return some day when Bolas decides he needs a distraction).
Except that it didn't take no effort, and it wasn't super fast. In fact, it took considerable effort and wouldn't have even been possible on any other plane. It took a concerted effort between three Planeswalkers (and Gideon flailing his sural, I guess) to bind the Eldrazi to the material plane and then destroy them in a giant Channel Fireball.
Likewise, Sigarda is not the only uncorrupted angel. Even Subjugator Angel says "the remnants" of the corrupt angels formed the Flight of Nightmares.
No, but the fact that she's dramatically outnumbered will.
>Why the fuck do you people not find that cool?
Because the Origins 5 are unlikeable pieces of shit and the Eldrazi are pure wasted potential? I literally liked the Eldrazi more than I do the Gatewatch. Having the latter just smack the former's shit through an asspull stings.
Enlighten us on how to reconcile D&D's and M:TG's vastly different magic systems or go back to your cuckshed.
Magic needs its own RPG. No classes, just mana colors.
This. The moon belongs to America.
As proof
>Borrowed sorta-cycle shows a vampire using a Sigardian pendant and a human using a vampire artifact
>Collective brutality has a skaab and a vampire back to back, Blessed Alliance has a geist and human, and Savage Alliance has a vampire and werewolf
>mtg settings
>no way of playing planeswalkers
>or even character concepts from those settings
I want my stoneforge mystic, my skirsdag priest, my geistmancer, my alchemist, etc
Let me refrase it, they don't have to be full classes of course, subclass would be amazing, but I'd settle for some kit or similar
>inb4 "just refluff bro, I'm playing a paladin with full plate and greatsword as a naked monk with fists"
Fuck off
>The moon belongs to America.
Until China goes to the moon, kicks over your flag, and plants their own. Then what, Americuck?
>Shoehorning MTG's cosmology and morality into D&D's
This simply can't work well. The only way that you could ever do it justice is something without that crap or a wholly new system.
Having casters who use an actual mana-color system or even ways to use the actual cards in a RPG would be rad
>Stoneforge mystic
>Skirdag priest
Wew, so hard
>>even ways to use the actual cards in a RPG would be rad
>That Guy puts together a turn-one kill Mind over Matter infinite-mana infinite-turns deck that takes 15 minutes to draw nearly his entire deck and make you draw (Number of cards in your deck + 1) cards before you can do anything useful.
How would this even work fluffwise? And how would one stop it from working?
The main thing you would need to do for a mana system is asigm every spell a color, and use the spell points option. Then, let people declare what color each of their spellpoints is, so if you have 10 white spellpoints and 10 red ones, you can cast a few of each, or you could have 20 white and pour it all into that. Let people alter their mixture of colors a bit when they level and you're good.
Not perfectly accurate to MTG's mechanics, but it gets across color divisions.
Then war
Then we pat our fiscal slaves on the head for finally getting around to it after using stolen tech and taking 2 more generations.
Jacetice Society was a mistake
>Took countless planes and 3 oldwalkers, literally gods, to stop them
>4 neowalkers, fairly above average mages, easily kill them with zero plane casualties
Bane would be dissapointed
You know, a lot of the crazier humans and monsters most turned into Eldrazi spawn so after Emrakul is gone and clean up time happens, the humans may have an easier time of it with calmer head prevailing.
Sigarda is actually the last of her flight.
Baneswalker when?
>Mana pool based on some stat and regenerates when resting or channeling the plane's magic. Certain planes regen certain mana types faster than others when channeling
>Spells must be learned, and are limited to a certain number of casts each day based on rarity (common can be cast 10 times a day, uncommon 6, rare 3, mythic 1)
>List of starting spells and equipment limited to plane of origin (based on blocks. Core sets are open game)
Spells that affect the library, graveyard, and exile, idk right now.
Emrakul in effect just selectively bred sane and resilient humans then?
Bro I hate 5e but Curse of Strahd is the best adventure module I've seen, not as linear as these other shitters they've throw out for 5e.
By culling the herd to a very small breeding population that'll get picked off by predators.