Who epic here?
>best tank coming trough
Who epic here?
>best tank coming trough
>The road is your friend
Manticores should be fired off asap.
Consider them one shot weapons since your opponent rarely will let you fire a second salvo.
I'm not sure you can ever field too many Leman Russ formations.
Is the computer wargame worth it? It's pretty expensive for a hex-based wargame.
It's not a good formation I'm afraid but very fun to field. They shine at about 30 lenan russes. This is a mad number to bring unless you play 6000pts or more.
Final liberation?
the new one is a panzer general clone
I'd only consider it at a significant discount.
So guys, 8mm scale is pretty much confirmed for Adeptus Titanicus later this year. What do you think?
Im hyped, but im sad for the 6mm stuff i already own.
There's greater variance in the existing epic models than between 8 and 6mm scale so I wouldn't worry. Just don't mix newer warlords with older ones for example.
I'm cautiously optimistic though. New sculpts should be fantastic but the rules, support and release schedule will probably be sheit.
I wonder if Epic will actually happen as a follow-up system. I suspect it really depends on sales of Adeptus Titanicus and if they feel it's worth expanding out from just adding more titans.
They could go through tons of not just chaos and imperial designs but Eldar, Orks, Tyranids thrown in too boot just off of existing designs, let alone making up shit for Tau and Necrons to have their own titans.
Could take a serious amount of time for them to even consider expanding downwards to tanks and infantry if the titans themselves sell well. Especially with how modern GW prefers selling the larger model kits (I'll just point at the amount added to Warhammer Fantasy before it died, the amount being thrown at AoS, and the insane amount of Baneblade/Knight sized creations added into regular 40k) as they're almost certainly more directly profitable than most smaller but more complex kits.
It's a bad Panzer General clone. Pirate it, play first campaign, drop it. When you get Titans an' shit the game devolves into "abusing your strong units, clear up the map" exciting as watching paint dry.
Epic was 6mm in name only, really.
I forgot that game even existed, so disappointed in it being a legitimately worse version of Epic than Final Liberation, missing features that game had nearly 20 years ago. Load of bollocks.
Anyone here actively play Epic here?
I'm currently having two games every other week this summer so I'm happy as a clam.
I think I will only use the titans from the new adeptus titanicus.
I am luck enough to get in at least 2 games a month.
Either your 8mm guys are 8ft tall or your 6mm guys are almost Squats.
If, as someone else said, there's that much difference within scales, then something's wrong.
Anyway, microarmor scale in a game with named leaders and special characters...just why?
Because fluff?
Post your armies gents
Army up
Most impressive.
>Anyway, microarmor scale in a game with named leaders and special characters...just why?
Because large battles bring a whole other game to the table? Because not everything is about individual characters, especially in 40k when the classic opener for the setting is about heroic individuals basically don't matter? Because the game is good?
Not in that direction. Metal flyers, superheavies, and titans are underscale, and infantry is either 6mm or underscale as well (a lot of Astartes figures).
The Horus Heresy forumware infantry are the tallest Epic infantry I've seen, and they're about 8mm tall - correct for 6mm or 7mm. And they dwarf the official minis, to the point that I'm not willing to combine them. 8mm FW Space Marines should be taller still, since they'd have to be taller than 8mm.
Sadly not. Earlier this year we had a baby and at first things were fine and I was able to write that Epic starter guide, but once she went back to work (and my work picked up) everything went to hell. I can't even finish an army, let alone paint the second one I have waiting after years of eBay purchases.
Only on Vassal, alas.
Sorry to hear that.
I got a friend who has regular painting sessions with the wife and daughter and they all help out to paint his epic armies.
Living the dream I say.
not actually Epic :^)