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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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So DxD user do you think could you manage a to Love Ru jump?
What song will play at the end of your adventures, Jumper?
Even if they never end.
>picked up pic related in Dragonlance
>now I'm a Greyjoy in ASoIaF
Should I do it, /jc/? Go for Best Dynasty Ever and take the Iron Throne by the Iron Price?
What does my dragon buddy have to worry about besides MAYBE Dany's pets?
10 Jumps in, my best defenses are InFamous regen, Rubber Body Style, and being a Chimera Zoanthrope.
Well you'll have to worry about your dragon eating you for one, since it's an evil Chromatic.
Do it.
Bonded Dragon/Rider pairs are pretty loyal to each other, even when Evil.
Eh, Blues are apparently all about loyalty. More L than E, I'm told.
What does my dragon buddy have to worry about besides MAYBE Dany's pets?
The fact that the Greyjoys are the most retarded Great House.
Though I imagine the sound system I will have designed by that point will destroy the planet it is on at the climax of the song.
So what you're saying is I need to MAKE THE IRON ISLANDS GREAT AGAIN?
Guess what happened in Fairy Tail?
Jumpers. For all your grace and coolness, you no doubt have some memories that you consider embarrassing.
How would you react if those memories were shared? How would your companions react to seeing them?
Explain it to me
I'd probably eat the person who learned of them.
Fantasy buddha pope?
>For all your grace and coolness
"I was young and stupid, and hated myself for years afterwards."
>"But... You were, what, a teenager? Younger? And all you did was misspeak..."
"Hated myself - For years - Afterwards."
>*stunned silence*
What are some good power absorption perks? I wanna go full blue mage on this chain. The Yoshi related perks from Super Mario Rpg seem a good star, if a bit weak.
More shounen bullshit?
The BBEG turns out to be the MC's brother. And now apparently they have another brother. Out of fucking nowhere with no foreshadowing whatsoever.
Impbuing the Golden Chains from Smite with Power Transfer from Bleach.
So Man, that's some fucking Kishimoto-level foreshadowing.
It's pasta and spaghetti all the way down. No mater who's story is being told it will never bet let down
Mimic from Legend of Zelda lets you copy any spell you see performed, as long as you can cast that kind of spell. Depending on how comfortable you are with fanwanking it, if you take Forgotten Realms afterwards, you can choose one where magic-psionics transparency is a thing, because that's not from a setting supplement, and have your powers count them as the same basic power to learn psychic powers in the same way.
Dark Binding from Hellsing, but that requires you to kill and eat your opponent.
I'm sure there are others.
>Wow, you were a terrible terrible person.
>"Shut up, I know"
> I can't wait to tell everyone. I mean really, a furry?
>"Big words coming from someone who cucked Lucius Malfoy because his wife's hair was pretty"
Yeah, there's a lot of threats, counter threats and bribes among the group in order to keep skeletons in the closet.
Blues don't eat their riders. If you can bond with one and earn his or her respect, they'll have your back for as long as you're around.
Sorceress plus Blue Magic in FFVIII lets you copy the abilities of any creature you can dissect and study.
Those embarrassing memories forged me into the person, and jumper, I am today. All those memories, horriblly,cringy memories? I'll sit their with my shoulders held high with no shame.
Do they have to be dead?
Yes. And you only get their strongest ability. But it's still pretty good.
Can someone post that awesome comic about FF Blue magic? That fucker always makes me laugh.
I have a question /jc/. What are all the perks that inherently link elements of your person together?
Things like Waveform Anatomy from Evangelion that make my body my soul, and my soul my mind, and my mind my body.
Probably retcon myself from the timeline in a panic.
And anything from resentful glares to gleeful laughter to some shrugs, depending on which companions and which memories we're talking about.
>Lisa and Undertale brought up in the same thread
Until proven otherwise, it is my personal headcanon that the White Flash was essentially an attempt to do what Alphys did in reverse on a wider scale that went horribly wrong or right, everyone can shoot fireballs with martial arts because the Flash gave them some small capacity to use monster-style magic, Joy is some sort of mutative amalgamate extract that acts as a catalyst for LOVE, and Lisa is simply Chara from a timeline where she never worked up the courage to climb that mountain.
Well, what else is part of your person besides these three things already?
Magic, at the very least.
That's a good one. The one where her jaw unhinges and she eats the monster is another good one.
Kek, I know where that is from. . .
Mimic from the Kirby jump is pretty good. A little limited, but any respectable Blue Mage cannot miss it.
I've got so very many. I'm not perfect, for all my power and abilities and experience. Thankfully, I take an optimistic look and see these embarrassments as a chance to better myself.
I am, however, very ashamed of the tendency I had early in my chain to get wildly drunk, hand out enchanted equipment with very little in the way of instructions, and loudly proclaim that everyone should "Read my scripture!" while gesturing to my crotch. I did this exactly once per Jump, until my Companions found out about the habit.
Not like Nebezial's style is hard to recognize.
>That first spoiler...
That's positively cute. Of all the things I imagined you would post, that was not one of them.
Obligatory post:
The adventure never ends.
Great song
Cringing embarrassment. My companions would be probably be treating such a thing like comedy movie night.
Actually, I wanna know how that works with something like psionics, does that count as being a part of the mind?
And I only just noticed that those two artists were actually the same person.
Magical Body from Elona essentially makes your body partially magic, combining it and your mana pool.
Bloody Magical from Spyro's Dragon Shape Supplement makes your blood become saturated with magic, making it a powerful reagent.
Blood Magic from Darkstalkers renders your body composed entirely of shapeshifting blood.
And then Waveform Anatomy of course combines your body and soul, but you knew that.
Well. Thanks to perks it turns out I'm a bipedal cat/leafeon-thing in my true form, which means I have to be shapeshifted constantly or I won't get taken serious. So I get a lot of crap about that.
> "You all realize I'm in charge, right?"
> "Yeah, okay, why don't you go take a nap and lie in the sun for an hour. We'll bring you your jingly ball so you don't get bored."
Hey guys, I have the purified section complete (for now). This will be 0.5. the next WIP will include the Skinchanger perks, following that the slasher perks, and following that new items and disadvantages. Once I have all those I will create a 0.9 with notes based on all the comments and citicisms of the thread and it will remain 0.9 until I feel we have reached a decent concensus on various rulings for this jump.
So here you go. All suggestions, comments, and criticisms welcome!
With the endjump I plan to take, surely this is my send-out.
Mortals, when will they learn?
Thanks, really looking forward to the Slasher stuff
Probably. Although, that has some interesting implications if you consider how Waveform Anatomy makes mind and body and soul all the same thing. If you have psionic powers from, say Raildex, do you now a 'body' with those psionics powers as a passive function of its being?
So i just reached the One Piece jump and is considering picking up one of those devil fruits. Problem is that i have a hard time deciding, so do anyone got a suggestion for what to pick.
Choose something because it's fun, not because it's powerful.
What's your Chain like. What some of the themes you favour and notable abilities that you possess and use regularly.
Are perks on occult paths discounted to followers (?) of such paths?
They get the freebies but otherwise occult path perks are undiscounted.
I'd recommend "compressing" some of the perk lines -- you may have gone a little to deep. In Purified, for example, there are three separate warding perks: Ward Against Supernatural Beings, Ward Against the Living. I'd recommend instead to have a general perk that encompasses all of these things and just up the price. Alternatively, you could have a global perk capstone: something like "Exemplar" or "Grizzled" that increases proficiency or power and clarify its purpose in the notes section. This would make the jump much easier to read, I feel.
If you do neither, however, I would like to note that the organization of Occult perks could be improved -- maybe section them by cost? Or you can have subsections based on perk function, as you seem to have already done; just making them clearer would help immensely.
Thanks for the tip
I just found the one i what. The Calm-Calm Fruit as it will make sneaking up to friend and give them a little scare way easier.
Thanks to also
Actually, never mind. I've re-read, and it isn't as necessary as I thought. I would still recommend moving some of that fluff to the notes, though.
What jumps have sentient/sapient planets/planet spirits? For companion purposes.
...oh, what the hell. You know what, while we're still talking about things that embarrass me?
For the record: This was technically a joint project between myself and Elodie, of which I have no conceivable use for in my paradigm of preference. It was towards the end of my first career, and only happened after a lot of arguments over hope and despair as rival energy sources, which she used as an attempt to prove me wrong. As far as I'm concerned this is HER work and I was mainly involved only as an advisor and er, raw materials.
Heck, the only reason I deployed in Mage the Awakening was because frankly, the Exarchs were too big a threat to deal with otherwise; they were misusing tyranny and oppresion to slowly destroy the world instead of preserve it, and since I couldn't combat them on my own terms I was FORCED to deploy a perfect counter to their system.
And now I'm stuck with a lot of self-loathing and a bunch of clarktech crystals I have absolutely no goddamn use for, other than as a sink for the reserves of EVO I've never spent.
Which brings me to a question-have you guys ever come up with a combo, only to never use it for anything?
I know that its a lot and reading it all might be a bother but i've tried to remain true to the source material while also separating them from the game mechanics.
Okay, I'll try to cut it down and send the cuts to the notes. It might be a bit hard though. But I will give it all a thorough look.
Ar Tonelico has at least one, but it's going to take a bit of work to companion her. She's gone a little off the deep end.
Go ahead. Do it.
you're joking right?
>Implying it'd even be particularly difficult for me to romance gaia
I disagree with him. Don't cut any of it.
I never use anything.
Can't you use this stuff for... like White Magic (Slayers) a ton of White Magic (Slayers). Hell with this much Friendship you might even be able to cast Holy magic without a source.
>angrily yelling at someone to do something
It just occurred to me that with some perks, e.g. Words Have Power, losing your temper and yelling at your companion(s) to "go do X" could result in lasting consequences/divorces/funerals/grudges...
>Not ORT
>Someone is actually going to try and waifu Ar Ru
>40) Chronicles of Narnia
>Choice Apothegms and Useful Maxims
>The Preservation of Man
>I Know Just What You Need
>Favor of Tashlan
>Narnian Time
>Born to Rule
>Balony Detection
>Lods Emone x2
>Companion Import
>Vriska, Terezi, Aranea, Porrim (Outlander, Human, Choice Apothegms and Useful Maxims, The Preservation of Man, Lods Emone x2, Apple of Life)
>Aradia, Meenah, Kanaya (Narnian, Human, Friend of the Wild, The Preservation of Man, Endless Tea, Trees of Silver and Gold)
>Feferi (Drop-In, Human, Claim to Hospitality, The Preservation of Man, Fairy Stories Clock of Ages)
>Arranged Marriage
>Know It All
>BBC Budget
>What Are They Teaching in These Schools
>Turkish Delight
I'm a Calorman prince, looking to dodge his arranged marriage. The land of eternal winter up north sounds like a good place to hide. Besides, there's a prophecy about sons of Adam and daughters of Eve being its rightful rulers. Sounds like that's probably referring to us! Two "sons" of Adam? Why, just look at the Serkets' god-tier clothes. Clearly it meant two "suns" of Adam. Only four thrones? That's so that we can sit in each others' laps. God I love how gullible these people are. This is easily the best drawback I've ever taken.
Anyway, we utterly decimated Jadis's army and Befriended her before the Percivels ever even made it to Narnia. Jadis agrees to atone for her evil ways by serving as the royal cook, and making me tons of sweet, sweet Turkish Delight. Then we can begin conquering the rest of the world. Aslan never did wind up having to sacrifice his life. (You're welcome, Jesus!)
I've also finally got a way to make the rest of the trolls immortal. Fruit that gives literal immortality is really important especially if I could learn to reproduce it... but I don't want to risk having some of my best friends (and one of my wives) stay mortal. So I have the trolls eat the apples right away. Not the best idea in the long run, but it's been 400 years. They deserve it.
Alpha Centauri, Captain Planet.
I wonder; if you have waveform anatomy and no psionics, would that make your soul or physical abilities technically count as psionics because your body and soul are your mind and vice versa?
What's wrong with them exactly?
claiming arabian nights from user who offered it up a fewthreads back.
The reread BEGINS!
You mention that Purified abilities cost Essence but I didn't see anywhere you actually say how they recharge Essence.
It properly also has a lot of unexplored potential due to the fact that calm is a very broad term but Rosinante only used it on applied it to sound.
Alright, well I'm looking forward to it either way. Thank you for your consideration, but as points out, I don't speak for the thread.
I seems like you're almost done, though. When you post the "finished" WIP, it'll be easier to provide feedback.
Oops, I'll add that to the purified section in the notes.
A number of perks read along the lines of:
>You have learned...
>Characters who learn...
>As the first step of learning...
>Purified can learn...
Does this mean that characters of an Occult Path can obtain such abilities in-jump through practice and study?
Luckily, I don't have any of those.
I just have a lot of stacked "I'm cute!" and "You should forgive me!" perks. So, I can throw all the childish tantrums I want!
If anything, jumpchain has enabled me not in my quest for power, but in my ability to act like a spoiled brat with little to no repercussions.
Well that combo is certainly interesting. A little above my head, but an interesting read nonetheless. I wonder if it could be modified to generate love for the ultimate Black Mage Hadoken.
As for my own combos, I tend to combine technologies instead perks, so I'm not that interesting on that front. But I /do/ tend to create a lot of useless devices.
The current holder for most useless is the Memory Gauntlet I created. I'll keep the rundown brief.
+ Start with an Invader Zim PAK. Strip out the memory & personality back-up circuitry.
+ Replace the storage chips with a GUNNM Brain Bio-Chip to allow it to compensate for various types of brain pattern.
+ Permanently enchant the fingers with a Memory Reading spell. You can use whichever one you want. This is to make the process much less painful. Otherwise you have to bore into the subject's nervous system with mechanical tentacles.
That's pretty much it. This whole device fits into a device about the size of a standard iron gauntlet. It allows you to read a person's entire memory in only a few moments and keep a copy of it for later use. I had initially designed it to allow me to resurrect companions that died without a way for me to revive them directly. But then one of my companions reminded me that the device is basically useless when compared to literally any magic ever.
I believe I response was a little along the lines of "Well, your face is stupid!" before I tossed the thing on a shelf.
Some. I'll add in some notes and details about it.
Psychic powers can eventually develop into others that have that power as a prerequisite with incredible willpower and practice.
Purified Siddhi can be developed along the path with matching prerequisites but it takes a while.
Thaumaturgy rituals can be learned easier, but not just through practice and study. They must be discovered.
Skin thief aspects cannot be learned.
Slasher's cannot learn new ripper abilities through training, and only the ripper abilites they have may evolve into scourge abilities. Other Ripper powers can be learned.
>other ripper powers
I meant other slasher powers, my bad.
My jumpchains have this eerie tendency to be really melancholy once the high of power dies down. This seems fitting.
If I Awaken in Claymore, can I FMA Alchemy to make human guts to eat?
She's an avatar of one of the Voices of the Planet (the gods, manifestations of the planet of Ar Ciel's consciousness.) She personally is in charge of creating and leading the Viruses (I think I got the name wrong here, too lazy to check), which are unnatural creatures that live in that killer fog of madness and pain you've probably been told about. She's finally leading them into the towers and attacking humans directly in preparation for when she and the other maddened Voices will purge humanity face-to-face before resetting the planet so it can recover from the damaged core.
No, FMA Truth hates human alchemy, it's honestly kind of shit tier.