Post about X-Wing, Armada, FFG's Star Wars RPGs, d6, d20 (Saga), movies, shows, books, comics, vidya, lego, lore and everything else Star Wars related
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Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Miniatures Games
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>GoT choreography
Fits right in with Star Wars.
Which is what I said the last time someone brought this up. They agreed.
Even Star Wars choreography is better, honestly. It has a style, whereas GoT just looks like shit.
>a style
>the same
The choreography is flashy and unrealistic. So, it fits right in with Star Wars.
Now that I know Thane Kyrell has a garbage pilot ability, I'll pass on the ARC.
I'm pretty disappointed the ARC was the first prequel era ship they chose, it's by far my least favorite of the era and their preview didn't do much to sell me on it.
thanes ability doesn't seem garbage.
plus the other pilots have good abilities.
>flippy, spinny shit
>other guy stabs him
If you're going to shoot, shoot. Don't talk.
And supposedly, this whole expansion for the ARC is about synergy, it's supposed to mesh or be able to mesh in interesting ways with shit that has come before and so on. Even with a preview I think it's too new to see what kind of things people will do mixing in cards you'd never think of before.
I'm personally interested in the ARC for the rear arc in a small ship (which still packs crew and astromech slots). Like, the idea of not needing to make a K-Turn to pass by someone and still shoot them is pretty good, or to play with enemy ships getting behind you is interesting, and that's what I want to see about the TIE/sf too, because I've never really looked at running a Firespray like that.
Crashing this meta
With no survivors
I don't like it. Braylen's is the closest to one I like.
Good luck, if you can save us from the hell that is Crack Swarms then you are the hero we need
To be fair, Oberyn nearly won that fight with his flippy bullshit. Up until he messed up and well, this:
>game of thrones
Well, aren't we off to a bad start?
He wanted Clegane to confess first.
GM gave my smuggler conflict for shooting a downed inquisitor type to make sure he was dead, and for executing clone stormtroopers that knew where our rebel base was. After the session he went from 50 to 29 morality, so now I crossed some dark side threshold by going under 30. I didn't think morality came up for non force users, is it supposed to? Also I know it's supposed to be easy to go to the darkside, but going that far down for a double tap and protecting secret rebel bases seems a bit much. Is there any print for what actions equate to what amount of conflict? Like killing a prisoner, or having a "no prisoners" attitude?
Alright. Stab in both legs, stab in both arms. Disable him and maybe not stand so close when you yell at him, sheesh.
Morality shouldn't affect non-force users, but in some games, swtor for example, having high dark side influence will give you skin cancer.
Since the minis ARC-170 is on it's way, do we have EOTE stats for them yet? or just that planetary bomber version. I have an NPC I'm putting together to park a few doors bays down from the PCs, and they'd be neat with an old, tuned, ARC-170.
There's no ARC-170 but in the new seeker book there's the ARC-40b, I think? It's a bit smaller and with less firepower, designated as an escort of the ARC-170 - but with fine tuning the stats are probably a good base.
He did all that. The Mountain is an obscenely tough fucker.
Well he obviously didn't do that last one judging by the clip.
Yeah, he got too close. But he did stab Clegane through the arms and legs with a poisoned spear.
Oberyn broke his spear on Gregor's ass & had him badly poisoned. Gregor's one tough fellow.
Yeah but while he was down jabbing what's left into his joints would have been a good idea, sever some important tendons and ligaments before you try gloating.
I'd say hindsight is 20/20 but his is more like 0/0
He thought he had. He didn't realize how fucking tough Clegane was. He disabled the joints and used an incredibly potent poison. Clegane is just that fucking tough and no one knew it.
Clegane still "died" afterwards anyways.
Is that a YT-2000 from SWG?
Same. I'm waiting for Aethersprites and Naboo Fighters.
that is a VT-49 decimator
From SWG
I did some unofficial stats, they're in the OP
>tfw you will never fight a spoiled Jedi prince who proves your equal without even moving from his throne
RAW, Conflict is only for people with a force rating and want to both the moral stuff and their connection to the force to be big part of character development/struggle. Applying it to somebody who doesn't use the force largely makes no sense other than if the GM wanted it as a means of tracking how people see you, but that can just as easily be done with more than a few of the different types of Obligation.
And yes, there is a list of guidelines for GMs on how much Conflict things should occur, it's in FaD core. Straight murder of somebody who can't defend themselves is 10, I believe, more might be given if you did it in a particularly brutal way, less if it was out of some degree of necessity, none if it was self defense.
>tfw you will never be an average Jedi Knight
>tfw your sense of duty will never make you challenge a Darth as he sits on his throne
>tfw he will never beat you without even getting up from his throne
>tfw he will never break your little Jedi spirit and take you back to his private quarters for a rough fucking
>tfw you will never become his apprentice
Interesting ideas for R3? So far I've got:
>Y-wing with BTL-A4
Make your normal attack, cancel a focus, evade, make your full strength turret attack.
There are no particularly amazing synergies between R3 and any X-wing
>T-70 X-wing with Comm Relay and Juke
Due to the timing specification on the card R3 really goes well with Juke, combat goes like this: Attacker rolls, cancel focus, gain evade, Defender rolls, Juke triggers. With Comm Relay you can keep your evade for later Juke shenanigans. I once made a list which consisted of two T-70s and Jan Ors in an Attack Shuttle for Juking hilarity - with R3 you can get three T-70's into the list.
>E-wing with Sensor Jammer
Nah the E-wing is still basically useless. Sensor Jammer and R3 enhances its survivability a little, but only a little. The E-wing meta remains unchanged.
>ARC-170 with Norra Wexley
Her 'always has one focus' was clearly made for this.
Any other ideas? Cool combos? Fun synergies?
I thought FFG's RPG was a comfy story oriented game but I read it was like 3.5 Ivory Tower Gaming with marketers in charge instead of designers to release as much as splat book possible. Is this true? Is FFG's system NOT your dream SW rpg or close enough?
System itself is pretty great and does a great job of emulating the feel of the films and only needs minor work and/or homebrewing to give characters the ability to do stuff presented in games/books.
That said, there is a bit of an overabundance of supplements that can be kind of expensive if you aren't buying them online, but this is only a problem if you're attempting to buy everything the game has, whereas part of the design philosophy to break things up (besides money from people trying to get everything and giving them time to work more on new mechanics) was so that people only bought what they wanted/needed. In terms of actual content of supplements,they're all generally worth it, even if you/somebody in the group isn't using that particular career. Solid new mechanics, good tips on how to run things based on different concepts, and good fluff that tries to reconcile new and old canon stuff.
Only things that ever seemed like blatant cash grabs in the system to me were specialization and critical decks since they're generally more of a hassle to use than anything.
Good taste.
Does the arc even have an astromech slot?
That's not very cannon is it?
>tfw there's always someone who has to impose their weird sexual preferences on everything I love
It's 100% cannon that ARC's had astromech droids.
would you say someone will lost out a lot by just sticking to the core book and maybe an adventure book?
ARC is Torpedo, Crew, Astro and yes, the ARC-170 canonically has an astromech slot, and several shots of them with visible Astros exist.
They just kept piling stuff on with that ship didn't they? What was the plan with the ARC170 anyway? Like, superiority fighter, heavy fighter, or just 'our army changed, better manufacture a new ship so no one thinks this is the same old thing'. Which seems to be the general reason for ship changes in the Star Wars universe.
I wouldn't say so. The splatbooks are really cool and have awesome stuff like base building(far horizons, strongholds of resistance) and narrative stuff that add to any campaign you're running, but you can have a great time with just the core and wookieepedia.
>not wanting to be outmatched by a Sith Lord
>not wanting to be dominated by Sith Cock
>not wanting him to make you denounce the Jedi Code as he mindbreaks you with his cock
If you don't homebrew some gear/vehicles, you might get bored at the lack of variety after a while (both GM and players will bound to want something not in one of the Cores eventually). But you're still fine and can have multiple campaigns without having to dig into a supplement.
Long range and deep space operations
kk thanks broskies
The ARC Stands for "Aggressive ReConnaissance", it's meant to be a long range fighter/bomber, hence why it has torpedoes, a robust crew and an internal hyperdrive - something a lot of ships didn't have standard in the Clone Wars.
It's basically the precursor to the Rebel "hit and run" ethos of fighters (And force bless Incom and their glorious Multirole fighters), and the complete antithesis to twenty years of imperial fighter doctrine which is why it makes perfect sense to be fielded by the Rebels.
Of course, the high crew requirement also might explain why it's a ship with only unique pilots - not only do you need to dump money into updating the hardware it optimally needs an astromech, co-pilot and rear gunner in addition to the primary pilot, you don't exactly build bit squadrons that way
So my LGS has a pretty decent Star Wars X Wing scene, and I was thinking about getting into it after watching a few games and being taught how to play with the bare bones basics. I'd like to get either the Ghost expansion or the Shadow Caster when it comes out. What is the consensus on Ghost? How does Shadow Caster look compared to whats already out there? What kind of playstyles are these good/bad at?
What is a good ship for a first time player who is a Mercenary Soldier/Fringer
We know next to nothing about the shadow caster. The ghost as earned its keep as a ship with some very brutal combos going on.
I am leaning towards the HWK-290 for no other reason than I loved Dark Forces and Kyle Katarn flew one
What do you mean by combos?
well, what do you want to do with it?
this is really very important
Are you alone on the ship, or do you have a crew? Do you haul cargo, or just take missions killing/capturing?
Silhouette 3 Speed 4 Handling +1
Armor 2 Hit/SS 18
Def/Aft 1
Class 2 Hyperdive(no backup)
Encumbrance 75
2 Passengers
3 months consumables
5 hard points
fun shit like Accuracy corrector plus autoblaster
Be able to run from the Empire when they spot me, be able to chase and kill my rival
Maybe some smuggling supplies to rebels, we'll see how things go
>fore/aft not def/aft
I have the dumb
Welp, never noticed the slot before
I think I will ask the GM for this, and make my character a vintage ship enthusiast who hopes to one day own a hwk-1000 which is like the 1969 ZL1 camero of Star Wars ships.
Yeah, I went with the cross section image because it's not actually obvious in a lot of shots of the ARC, but it's clearly intended to be there.
This must be how everyone who plays a scoundrel feels when they pick a YT-1300.
>which is like the 1969 ZL1 camero of Star Wars ships.
if the HWK-1000 is the camero, what's the Charger Daytona or Hemi Barracuda, then?
Mobile games are almost always cringe tier IMO but Galaxy of Heroes is amazing.
>tfw cannot unlock Jedi Temple Guard
I guess Jedi Knight Guardian is okay...
don't both those cards come in the ig2000 set? Why would I use them on Ghost when I could just get that set? I still dont know much about the game
A Surronian conqueror and a yq-400 monitor? Fuck man, I don't know.
They don't exist yet. Anyone want to come up with something?
The rarest freighters are the Penumbra Stealth Freighter(Keeping the Peace), the Darvo (Strongholds of Resistance), The Kazellis(Savage Spirits) and The Ghtroc 720 "Space Turtle"(Enter the Unknown)
>Skip to 1:08
>prepare for feeltrip
>like the 1969 ZL1 camero of Star Wars ships.
So its got a drunk driver and 2 dismembered hookers in the cargo hold?
"No, trooper, I'm a medical courier. These are organ donors and I need to get them to the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center right away!"
Imperial ARC-170 when?
Reminder that Sith and the Empire are shit
The Jedi and the Republic are superior.
The Ghtroc 720 is the Chevy Impala.
The HWK-290 itself is the Delorean. Higher grade versions would be Pontiacs. Trans Ams, GTOs, etc.
I think the Dynamic-class Freighter could be the Chevelle 454 LS6. Doesn't look that special but was produced only one at a time so they were very rare even for their own time.
gee, whodathunkit
>The Jedi and the Republic are superior.
'cause decadent, corrupt and morally dubious entities are the hug box for the civilian population that would raise slaves in vats to fight their wars!
Have you seen the number of statists and fascists running around this website?
Not that the Prequel-era OJO and Republic were any good, mind you. They're just slightly less shitty, or a different flavor of shit.
The Fett clones were paid, user, as TCW shows. Besides, the Republic died before it could actually pass any legislature regarding the clones, so who the fuck actually knows how the government saw them? We certainly don't know what any of the Republic's post-war plans were for those guys, and writers were never consistent regarding the clones' numbers or the participation of non-clone forces.
You're also forgetting all the Spaarti clones the Empire used and the fact that the Legends Empire only discontinued Kaminoan cloning after Kamino rebelled.
Get a load of this guy
>told myself to stay away from swtor
>new cartel pack brings a new blaster
Fuck, looks like I'm making a gunslinger.
>vidya on the tabletop board
To be fair, if its engine was any more outdated it would be on a tabletop.
That's mildly amusing
p-please don't shit talk swtor ;-;
SWTOR is objectively shit.
I-I know, but I have a problem.
Just don't bully swtor
>Defiant Technographer
I'm not sure how that gun relates to the map rooms of a Halo installation or the fourth level of Combat Evolved.
I appreciate fractalsponge for all of his work, but sometimes you can only polish a turd so much.