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How mad would you be if I painted my Commissar in my dude's colors?

Didn't you already ask this?

Maybe. Could've forgot though.

I'm pretty sure you did, and you were told it was okay.

new general, new discord shilling

Sorry about that then, have a headache right now and forgot about it.

I remember seeing this guys work on tyranidhive forums
Its on Dakka too, but it was always my favorite shit ever besides chaos knightz

...How would this even work?

It would probably look terrible unless your army was dark colored or you still had black and red on the commissar's primary outfit and just painted his cape that color or something.

Orks believe it will work, so it works.

Eh, it probably would. I just don't feel like ordering up some red paints for him, and whatever other colors I'd need. Color scheme is pic related.

it just works


>What's the name of this planet?

It's one of the worlds in the Jericho Reach.

It might be Vallia.

What's the best way to play drop podding mehreens that doesn't include a cunthammer? Looking to do a star phantoms army but don't really know enough about the codex to build a good list

Replace the red parts of the commissar with your army's blue IMO. Or if you're really deadset and lazy, just go full M Bison.

the same way thee bitches work

but seriously who cares?
aren't orks more on the fantasy side of the lore anyway?

White Scars Battle Company.

Weren't you in the 30k thread? I remember seeing this guardsman there.

dats chumps play tho!


1 Zhurukhal Androcles


5 Devastators, 4 Grav-Cannons, Drop Pod
5 Devastators, 4 Grav-Cannons, Drop Pod
5 Devastators, 4 Grav-Cannons, Drop Pod


10 Tactical Marines, Drop Pod
10 Tactical Marines, Drop Pod

Fast Attack

Haha, fuck you.

Heavy Support

5 Devastators, 4 Grav-Cannons, Drop Pod
5 Devastators, 4 Grav-Cannons, Drop Pod
5 Devastators, 4 Grav-Cannons, Drop Pod

I think there may be a misunderstanding here. I was under the assumption this planet would have no atmosphere and that nid ground units need to breathe. The dominate way to lose heat in a vacuum is radiative, with decent insulation and as long as you don't vent atmosphere you're ok.

Well, at least there's one Tyranid unit with access to the stock psychic disciplines.

Lel that list will get shitstomped by orks m8.

Space is 2.7 kelvin but you don't automatically go down to that temperature from exposure. We know Tyranids have bullshit energy conservation rules, such as losing 0 energy from inter-hive conflict, so it wouldn't be a surprise if their living ships generated enough internal body heat to not care about the temperature of outer space.

If the nids have the ability to maintain their heat in the near zero of space, they have the ability to do so on the near zero of this hypothetical planet.

Besides, isn't their fluff of them absorbing stars into the biomass? They could just fling the planet into a nearby star and absorb it.

Actually, it's highly unlikely that the nids would notice any planet at near zero anyways. Such a planet couldn't be in any orbit around a star, and with such a low energy, it would be barely visible in the night sky. Certainly there would be nothing to give it away that this random hunk of useless rock is out in the empty void between stars.

Alright, let's say I would like to consider the possibility of having friends after playing this once. I don't need a list built for me, but what are the essentials to a good drop pod army

That or nids. Or guardsmen and conscript blobs. Or really any light infantry.

Drop Pods.

Is not just a question about temperature differences, but more about conductivity.

>If the nids have the ability to maintain their heat in the near zero of space, they have the ability to do so on the near zero of this hypothetical planet.

What if that planet's atmosphere is endothermic?

>them absorbing stars into the biomass
You might be thinking of the Necrons. You got your fluff crossed with something else.

Honestly I might do that just because that pic inspires me.

Aye, plan on starting some Loyalist when possible Iron Warriors later. This is more for practice and learning how to do models, considering that FW is far more expensive then the GW Starter boxes. Plus the skin and faces on the guardsmen is good practice.

how would it be endothermic? That implies some continual reaction is taking the energy out of something, to which the question is: where does that energy go?

i'd like to imagine that they painted the carnifex green to make it more orky.

Its not that you won't have friends,
you'll just get blasted by literally any faction with a good list
btw you'll also lose turn 1 with nothing on the field like a faggot

Well, the problem with a planet with an atmosphere close to the that of the temperature of space would mean that its very far away from a star and has very little to no atmosphere at all. Unless, through 40k magic, the planet is artificially cooled.

the carnifex naturally adapted to the looting
truly making nids the ultimate bioweapon in form, function, and now style!

Sure, space is surprisingly insulatory, and cold rocks are not. But the nids have more biomass than planet, by probably a lot.

Energy doesn't just disappear. So the nids can just drown the planet in warm bodies, raise the temperature a couple hundred degrees, while it slowly radiates the heat away.

user your army looks awesome
Would forge narrative with/10

Cool 30k seems like a nice game. And I like your color scheme. Pic related is mine. I think the greys make it look very Imperial.

>hur dur lose turn one with NUFFIN on the field faggot git gud
Read drop pod assault you fucking retard.

do tou always go first
also thats a gay list anyways


What's a good way to run an Iron Hands demi-company at 1000pts?

>Drop Pod

What kind of autist would want to assemble 8 drop pods?

How do I into dark eldar?

Thanks user, yours doesn't look too bad either. Planning on fielding a ton of these with a bit of decimation and tac spamming.

i noticed a distinct lack of snotlings spilling from the egg sac

Al'Kaps, you have to realize that you might just get a Monkey's Paw.
You can't have snotlings and dakka in an egg sack together.

There's no ATSKNF on there?

its 30k
>Planning on fielding a ton of these
you are cancer

To power the planet's grimdark freezing core, obviously.

For now I'm sticking to 40k with my Guardsmen and I run my lads in a blob squad as a platoon with some Leman Russ spam too and a pysker. Got an Executioner too just to spite Tau players and there stupid shitty Riptides.

>Energy doesn't just disappear

Neither does matter, yet Necron weaponry exists.

user, the Space Marine Legions aren't Fearless in 30k.

>you are cancer
Dang. Was hoping that they weren't OP or anything like that.

With the kind of bullshit other players field, you kind of have to spam shit like quad launchers.

Yeah 30k and 40k marines are different. They're both incapable of feeling fear, but the latter is more disciplined save maybe the Iron Warriors who don't care that they're going to die in the Ironfire. Marine making is more stringent in 40k to sum it all up.

no you dont.

maybe if you are playing against 40k tau lists or some shit. but against 30k lists any more than like 2 thudd guns is cancer
>Was hoping that they weren't OP or anything like that.
with phosphex they are OP

Necron weaponry doesn't make matter disappear. it changes the state of the matter.

Nah, I was going to keep them with frag rounds or Shatter shells if I'm expecting a ton of vehicles. Going to Ride the Ironfire and become Fearless!

Nah, I think like only 3 of the legions are nearly Fearless. IW, DG, and WB, I think. They don't have Fearless though, none of them do I don't think.

>the gun can squad up to three
>photos of 3 or more are commonly found in online army photos

Bitch the fact that people so commonly have 3 rapiers minimum already defaults you to needing 3 yourself to match. Have fun pretending bolters and HBs will beat knights and Spartans.

>he thinks people take thudd guns for AV
top kek. you dont even play the game.

you take rapiers and laser destroyers for AV.

thudd guns are for OP phosphex cancer. git gud

> Rite of war focused on DANGER CLOSE BOMBARDMENT
> You only need to risk gibbing your own squads in order to make no-scatter bombardments

There's absolutely no risk to your dudes unless you're within 2" of the dudes you're trying to frag as long as you have a nuncio vox

That post says rapiers you nigger.

hes because hes a dumb ass who thinks people that thudd guns for AV.

people take laser destroyer rapiers for AV. learn to read nigger

It's one of the reasons I love it. Either git gud or get decimated.

You can't even get the fucking names right. They're ALL rapiers. The rapier is the chassis. And it's a quad mortar not a thudd gun you worthless IG playing faglord.

he also said people take thudd guns to destroy spartans. which is funny since shatter shells cant even glance a spartan with a flare shield.

Hard to read posts when they're formatted by such a retard who throws out random incorrect names for the shit he's talking about. S8 Sunder 4 is plenty to kill vehicles.


Thinking of using these guys as proxy servitors in 40k, because the current GW servitors are kinda ugly. Any advice when working with FW resin? It'll be my first time using non-plastic figures.

Get some reading comprehension dumbass. You said quad mortars are cheese and "don't need to be taken", and then the response was "have fun dealing with [CHEESE LIKE SPARTANS AND KNIGHTS] with [SHITTY WEAPONS LIKE BOLTERS]. Nobody said to try to kill spartans with quad mortars, they said you wouldn't be able to deal with cheese like spartan spam without using cheese like quad mortars.

Your own fucking argument is "nobody brings cheese that's why you don't need more than 2 of these cheesy guns". To which I say bullshit, you're fucking clueless, and there's a reason not a single person in this thread agrees with you right now and every HHG is about how to beat retarded cheese people bring. The fact that the fucking Taghmata exists in its current form in a format supposedly made for balance and MEQ is already proof that 30k is unbalanced as fuck.

said the braindead faggot who doesnt even play the game and thinks that thudd guns will stop a spartan.

top kek. kys retard. take all the thudd guns you want my double spartan list will shit on your face

Nuclear weapons irl make matter disappear, by making it into energy. That is literally what E=Mc^2 calculates.

See >hurr you won't need to spam cheesy shit like quad guns

Nice argument you got there dumbass. So which is it? Nobody brings cheese and you don't need cheese, or people DO bring cheese, thus you will fucking need cheese? Get your shit straight, faggot. Can't even find the shift key but you can find time in your worthless life to shitpost.

>retarded 40kids actually think that the thudd gun is an AV platform that is a good counter to spartans
my sides

And? The mass/energy still remains constant. You're talking about basically another state change.

>retarded 30kfag that nobody likes thinks quad mortars are called thudd guns and S8 sunder can't hurt vheicles and knights
>and also thinks 30k has no cheesy players

That's even more hilarious than trying to shoot flared spartans with an s8.


oh yes. because your thudd guns will really work to counter the 'cheesy' spartan, which is essentially av 15. lmfao dumbass.

thudd guns are cancer because with phosphex they can delete anything not in a vehicle.

newsflash kiddo, if somebody isnt running heavy vehicles, they arent running a 'cheese' list.

if you want to fight against 'cheese' than take 3+ laser desroyer vindicators or grav/laser rapiers. dumbass

>still can't press shift
>still calls quad mortars the wrong name
>so pathetic he's not even arguing anymore he's just trying to pretend to be someone else laughing but he's too stupid to hide his formatting

Your sides.

Once again, see Here, I'll quote it for you because you're that fucking stupid

>Get some reading comprehension dumbass. You said quad mortars are cheese and "don't need to be taken", and then the response was "have fun dealing with [CHEESE LIKE SPARTANS AND KNIGHTS] with [SHITTY WEAPONS LIKE BOLTERS]. Nobody said to try to kill spartans with quad mortars, they said you wouldn't be able to deal with cheese like spartan spam without using cheese like quad mortars.

Higher brain functions like simple logic and two step thought chains must be beyond you.

>he literally thinks that thudd guns are a good counter to 'cheesy spartan lists'
certifiably braindamaged.

So Spartans aren't cheese, but you're going to brag about beating someone with them? And why take two if they suck? Your logic is all kinds of terrible.

>taking laser vindicators

Yeah that flimsy chassis that has to remain stationary is going to be so good.

Imperial Knight flanked by fire dragons with shields facing front.


>baby dick IW faggots spamming 6 phosphex quad mortars think that they arent 'cheesy' while crying about spartans and knights
>they also think that s8 is a great counter to av15
pure genius.

its nice to see that none of you actually play the game.

>he literally thinks quad mortars are thudd guns

I apologize for the people in this thread.We seem to have extra butthurt faggots in the thread today.

Are you a retard? You're not even responding to anyone, but we all know it's you, you dipshit.

I apologize for somehow derailing it.

they are.

maybe if you stupid dorks actually played the game instead of LARPing as somebody who plays the game, youd know that.

on a scale of no artillery to a Colossus Bombard Battalion backed up by Nine Mortars and three Basilisks. How much is a good amount of Artillery for a 2500 point guard list?

Just do what I usually do and post tonks. That or actual games you've been in seems to get the threads back on the rails.

ITT, pathetic nerds cling to the putrefied corpse of a game that died 15 years ago. 40K is going the way of WHFB. Enjoy your paperweight collection, Veeky Forums

Well at least when Age of Emperor hits, SoB will get a sexy Alarielle equivalent.

Just kidding, GW is just going to keep wasting time making AoS garbage.

I've just about finished this tonk. It's my first one! Putting on the treads right now.

How much arty do you want? Remember to have some points left over for platoons to use as bubble wrap for your vehicles and to protect them from charges and to be used as cover.

>he said on the board made to contain all the 40k threads
>same game that has at least 4 threads up
>same game that most of the people posting in /wip/ are working on

oh i needed a good laugh before bed. gw isn't gonna die within the next 30 years