Monday Night Age of Darkness Smackdown
Guys, don't have a case of the Mondays Sub-Edition
In the last thread one post about Dorn lead to what he's done with his life, indecisive user became a BAfag thanks to Polk, IG vs SA posting happened, expect to see more horned marines later on, discussion on non-marine Land Raiders was made, non-Servatar chainglaves aren't that nice, one user had a brainfart, we saw one user's model with questionable hair and Anons argued about Indominatus plus much more in the last thread Red Book Links:
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) -
Other official downloads:
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List:
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List:
30k/40k Rules:
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents):
30k Black Library:
Strawpoll links:
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
First for Magnus Ruined Everything
It was Monday, ok? That's the reason for the brainfart, don't see why we should carry it over in this new papa Nurgle thread.
Second for Lorgar did everything wrong
why is sanguinius so overrated?
the only battle he fought he lost horribly.
>Dorn wasn't stalking my dreams last night
Thank you Man Emperor Urist for keeping your son out of my dreams. But he did replace Xenomorphs with Dorn though strangely enough.
Why hasn't Inwit been expanded on?
Because Necromunda is far more interesting.
Just what is there to expand on?
Hopefully it will be in Dorn's book from the Primarchs subseries.
I also hope we get some Blackshield short stories from the BL.
Wanting to get some more veterans for my AL, what MK should I get? Note i'm going to probably run them in power swords, so i'm thinking MK III
MkIII is my favorite, and would make sense for a Veteran. Only one that'd be more 'Veteran' than MkIII would be MkII.
So where do I find the lore that said Dorn kept the robe of the old man that raised him, and even went to bed with it?
I accidently the 40k general.
I noticed. Please stay in a pain glove and don't come out until the weekend.
You could have just said "Tau" and it would have had the same effect.
No pain glove for me, going to go get decimated instead.
It's caused by one single shitlord. He's in this thread too, we're just smart enough not to take his bait. You should be able to find his post easily.
>No pain glove for me, going to go get decimated instead.
Oh no you don't. You're getting both.
Please don't start anything. We're already in Fist Land and let's stay that way.
I can't take this game seriously because whenever I hear the name I just hear "Horsey Horsey".
>Oh no you don't. You're getting both.
I think I'm fine, decimation sounds good right now.
My sides, user!
All I hear is Whores Hearsay, which is an apt name for most BL drivel.
Alliteration is fun alright? You know the Horus Heresy is also called the Heresy Wars and the Age of Darkness? Which one of those can you take seriously?
try to post on topic next time. faggot
>I think I'm fine, decimation sounds good right now.
Yeah no. You're going to get both and take it like a man.
>Whores Hearsay
I think one user mentioned some 40k hentai with a name like that in a thread I was in a year or two ago.
Whatre you working on tonight?
My first tonk. Just need to put on the rest of the tracks and it'll be finished.
scratch building a legion delegatus from a Betrayal marine plus some extra bits (Blood angels dagger and 2 handed sword, pointing marine vet hand)
I did a pretty extensive repose so their leg is propped up on a sunken piece of debris
Is it just me or is that nipplecannon a little. . .off? Like it's not just off centered, but somehow just not right? I'm not trying to critique you or anything, I just noticed and now I can't stop staring.
Nah, it is off-center, or at least the hole in the barrel is. It's annoying me.
Also, the wire I bought to pin the arms of my guardsmen is just a tiny bit too small to stick in the holes that even my smallest drill bit makes. Oh well, either I'll buy a slightly larger set of wire, or just hope they don't get knocked off while priming.
just get some paperclips bro, they're practically free
Eh, true enough. Though I'm pretty sure the ones I have around my house are actually a little too large, unfortunately.
>Our planet is found by the great crusade just before the Ullanor campaign.
Could we, the 30k fandom, prevent the heresy?
nice alpharius model
What support dreads, boxes, flyers, and superheavies best fit with Death Guard? This is what I currently have being painted.
10 grave warden
10 deathshroud
10x lascannon marines
Leviathan Dreadnought (phosphex discharger, heavy flamers 1 drill 1 claw)
9x Space Marine Rapier Quad Mortar
Space Marine Apothecary Set
10x Cataphracti Terminators Came with calych sets, lan to make them spam plasma
2x Calth box Praetor
2x calth box chaplain as artificer praetors
calth box contemptor 2 kheres
calth box contemptor 2 fist in built graviton gun
10x autocannon marines
10x heavy flamer marines
38x marines with boltor, pistol, cc weapon
4x sergeant
6 flamer
6 melta
6 plasma
We live on Holy Terra you dumbass.
Leviathan because phosphex.
Mixing armor parts; is this verboten?
I was wondering if I could do something like, say, have a Mk II helmet on Mk IV torso using Mk VI legs? The assumption being, of course, that they had to cannibalize parts where needed.
I just want to know what I can and can't use. All i'm aware of is 'no Mk VII parts unless you were at the Siege of Terra' and probably no Mk VI if you aren't sneaky beakies.
Nice Ferrus Manus
I found this cool tutorial for painting metallic red Thousand Sons, I plan on adapting it to my Blood Angels, although i'll probably use a purple glaze or wash as the final step, I think it will bring out the red pigment better.
Yes it is. But to get the best mixes I'd copy FW's art. I went willy nilly with some mixes and ended up hating them.
The whole concept behind Mk V is mixing parts, and certain armor marks are just older marks with certain changes, like III is just II with plating bolted on, IV is just II with solid plates instead of overlapping rings, VII is just VI with better cable improvements, etc.
Pretty sure you can, that would be Non-Production MkV, though I don't think MkII is compatible with any other system, sort of like how MkVIII is, though I think I've seen a pic that described how a skilled Techmarine could cannibalize and jury-rig MkII to work with other Mks.
II should be compatible with III. 40K has a couple guys using III parts with modern armor from 40K so compatibility might not be an issue.
That's what 63-19 thought.
That world didn't have the Himalayan mountains, Mars, Saturn, Luna, etc.
The DaoT might have had a system sized copy/paste.
I have 1 Leviathan so far. Was thinking about 2 more so I could have a full talon if I wanted.
Typhon is fitting since DG like vindicators and it is just a super vindy.
My idea was 2 typhon (since it can be taken as 2 for 1 for a LoW slot I heard) Fellblade for superheavies. For dreads add 2 more leviathans a derdeo and a maybe 2 more contemptors to make 4 or should I go for 6? Transports I was thininking 6 rhinos 2-3 spartans, is a LR phobos worth it? Deathshroud can take it as a dedicated transport. Then for firepower boxes 2 sicarans and 3 vindicators. Gives me a the ability to be very flexible with list building and play in large games. Might add a titan later if the large games are common.
Any of this sound non fluffy? What would you add or remove? The main list I want to try is a bunch of phosphex and heavy support squads in the reaping. Sounds like fun.
I'm pretty sure Typhon is Unique, user. After all he is a MotL.
Who else here is trying to decide a legion but waiting till after the new redbook/inferno/open day to see what happens?
So if it was Mk V I could get away with mixed parts?
I just really like the helmets and torso on Mk II but wanted different legs and backpack.
I'm waiting for the rest of DA's fluff (Rangdan Xenocides mostly) and rules.
>I just really like the helmets and torso on Mk II but wanted different legs and backpack.
user, I am disappoint.
Was MK7 better or worse than 4?
Im trying to decide if its fluffier to have it on my sergeants/veterans/HQs or my tacticals for my siege of terra themed Bangles army
Primarch Fulgrim:
Played along to:
I think MkIII offered the very best protection, but was costly to make, and when Hardened, slowed you down, which led to the invention of Terminator armor.
MkIV was a slimmer and more advanced/streamlined version of MkIII, iirc, but offered less protection in exchange for less weight.
MkVII was improved MkVI, though the helmet and systems in MkVI was better, they had to cut costs in order to meet protection requirements.
Though, I'm going by memory, could be wrong but:
Sorry not sorry.
I think they'd look cool with Mk III or Mk VI legs.
The typhon superheavy not the dude.
MkIII would be fine canonically, and I think maybe MkIV, though the two marks were less compatible then the former, I believe.
>The joke.
>Your head.
7 is slightly better than 4 due to having enhanced and more modern researched sensors in the helmet, and better protection for the chest cabling. 4 was considered the best when 6 was still a prototype and came to be the most prestigious due to its age and also its perception in how the superior armed traitor forces had more of it while the loyalists were forced to wear rags.
Technically II is better than IV in some ways, like the armor plating. But it had a less efficient backpack reactor and bulkier power cables.
Important people would get 7 during siege of terra, unless they are a veteran of a past massacre then they'd probably wear 5 or 4. I'd put tacticals in either 4 or 7 depending on how recent their resupply was.
>7 is slightly better than 4
I don't like this piece of fluff. MkVI and VII are my least favorite armor Mks.
I don't have a problem with it because the fluff has shown that the improvements are negligible when it comes to actual combat efficiency.
It's like two faggots arguing about whose computer is stronger when they have identical parts but one of them has 0.01 MHz higher for the CPU and the other has 0.01 MHz higher for the GPU.
The most seasoned elites in M41 wear older armor and kick plenty of ass and have never suffered for having outdated equipment.
Think this would make a good BA moritat in artificer?
Id probably re-position the right arm a bit and use a press-mold to make another inferno pistol
Why not a Chaplain with a jump pack?
I think FW's Moritat looks cooler.
Ill wait and see how assault marines do int he new redbook
Yeah, but who knows when that is coming out
>Yeah, but who knows when that is coming out
>‘What exactly do you intend, Lord Vulkan? It pains me to say, but we cannot match the psychic might of the orks.’
>‘You just have to contain them long enough for me to kill them,’ growled the primarch. He straightened and looked at the assembled psykers. ‘During the Great Crusade we met many strange creatures and warp-born horrors. We knew little of psychic power and its true source, for the Emperor had chosen ignorance to be our shield against temptation. But we knew enough. That some foes cannot be beaten by bullets and blades, but with the power of the mind. In His wisdom He did not tell us of daemons and gods, of course.’
>Thorild shifted nervously. He knew of what the primarch spoke. The others were similarly uncomfortable, sharing the belief that such matters, such entities were not for casual conversation. Vulkan seemed oblivious to their unease, or uncaring of it, and continued.
>‘But the Emperor had a secret army to combat the threat of the psychic and the daemonic. His Sisters of Silence, we called them. Anti-psykers trained as warrior-maidens. One in trillions, each of them, but across the great vastness of humanity they were number enough. What I would give for a company of the Silent Sisterhood now…’
>‘I do not think the Sisters of Silence have survived, lord primarch,’ said Gandorin.
Oh so that's why he made the Sisters? Also more confirmation that they didn't live past 31K.
So I was looking around on FW's website and noticed the Zone Mortalis stuff.
Those are huge, and they look cool and I want them.
I have no idea what Zone Mortalis is.
Eggstreamly heresycal.
>All the loyalists fromtraitor legions are dead in this pic.
This saddens me.
>Oh so that's why he made the Sisters?
sisters were a creation of goge vandire/sebastian thor
culexus assassins should still be a thing, they were created in the heresy and one of the key figures in this shitshow is the grand master of the assassnis
Sisters of Silence, user.
oh, well yeah
that's why he sent them after the thousand sons
This topic causes a lot of autism to surface, but generally you can do whatever you want as long as you avoid MKVII bits. You should strive to conform at least a little to the general look and feel of the Heresy, but that doesn't preclude you from having a slight flavor of your own. For example, the Sons of Horus are usually painted in an approximate green color, I don't think I've really seen any two that are painted quite the same way.
Remember: All of this is essentially a retcon, and everyone used to only have all beakies, all the time.
Seriously, what is Zone Mortalis? I've heard of it before, but don't know anything about it/rules for it.
spaceship/cave system/building complex combat
It's an evolution of the close quarters rules from imperial armor 4, that they've slowly expanded on. This is the gist of it. Badab War and the Horus Heresy have a bunch of extra rules in them.
It's basically 40k in a maze, and you can't take flyers or huge tanks. It's if 40k were Space Hulk.
There's charts for the whole table to shake or explode into space, or tunnels to collapse, and I think flamers get a bonus and melee is a lot better. There's also unique stuff like crewman units (void guardsmen) to come to your defense or sending out flamer tunnel scout drones and is a good game mode to use the tarantula turret models.
Huh, interesting. I have to admit, the Realm of Battle boards are pretty cool, and since I don't have a gaming table they'd be pretty interesting to use.
Though I'm not getting any of them anytime soon, I'd like to get some of them and make a bunch of interchangable boards with them, would be cool.
The zone mortalis boards are nice, but too rich for my blood.
better to scratch-build my own
True enough.
Also, what Fortifications can Space Marine legions take other than the Stronghold?
Everything, I suppose. Stronghold Assault contains all the generic fortifications available for armies. I think the only faction specific fortification is the Tau hover fort.
I got an Imperial Bunker with a set of barricades and a quad gun for my legion. Good place to put my heavy support squad with missile launchers.
Death Guard Praetor.
Question. What do people pin legs and such with, and what are you pinning them on top of?
Paper clips and cork you TITS FOR EYES
The helmet doesn't really fit. Maybe a GK terminator one or maybe try a regular Indomitus helmet that you cut into a wedged front shape (how people made plastic GK terminator helmets before the plastic kit)?
Getting Scoria and his boys ready for a doubles event coming up soon!
Why don't Dreadnoughts have Legions Astartes? After all, they're still marines in there. Is it a power level issue?
DL link please, i'll be your friend!
Probably yes, and it would be hard to balance fluff vs crunch with most legion rules as is
Some of them would be fine (WE, NL, UM and SoH come to mind) where as IW and DG (who both used a lot of dreads) would be essentially useless, while others would be way to strong, like IH or WS, the latter of which don't even like dreads very much
I agree with your intent though, dreads should get something special from LA the same way 40k dreads get chapter tactics
>13AV getting penned on 5+ by fucking lascannons
>like IH or WS, the latter of which don't even like dreads very much
>didn't like dreads
Your Frank must be off.
>the latter of which
It must be really painful to be this stupid.
>adjective: latter
>situated or occurring nearer to the end of something than to the beginning
Whore's Hearse is my favourite
Suicide's still a sin right? My bad.
WE would, while not as terrifying as I, be pretty scary. Double-fist Cortus charging in with rage, gaining hatred from Berserker Assault, rerolling 1s to wound when it already wounds on 2s at AP2. Killable, but damned frightening, especially if you drop in 2 or more