Monzta 'unta 'idition
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
Monzta 'unta 'idition
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
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>Not anymore. GW is turning over a new leaf with things. They reoppened their facebook pages with interaction. They are doing community feedback FAQs, and the General's handbook, which is coming out next weekend, has the matched play and points system, as well as a few narrative campaign systems.
A pity that couldn't have happened before they axed the tomb kings army I was trying to get
It actually started happening before they squatted the tomb kings and brets. Sorry bro.
But there is a chance they may be back. They just don't fit in the story right now.
so with the new generals handbook unit upgrades dont cost any points??
No. You just pay for the units in the intervals given.
shit, so whats the drawback to taking banners and bards?? might aswell give every unit a bard and banner amirite?
Yes. There is no drawback for some things.
Still going to hell. Pretty sure other factions like ironjawz, pestilens, fyreslayers, and seraphon probably won't get traits, abilities, and artifacts like the Sylvaneth. Forces us to keep buying new armies
Nope. Wonderful isn't it?
You are a Lord Celestant leading your Stormcast to battle.
Suddenly Archaon Everchosen appears outta nowhere and comes straight at you.
What do you do?
Hold the fuckin' line.
headbutt him of course
Meet the charge, for Sigmar is watching. There is a chance you will not return to him because of it, but at least you gave your soul in the fight against chaos. And with the God-king watching, you wouldn't have it any other way.
hey guys wat dis mean? they are only battleline if what??
>AoS thread is alive on Veeky Forums
>AoS miniatures are untouched on my LGSs shelf and reaching 40-50% off
>tfw AoS will never reach Texas
Where are you anons at?
Hold the line and Hope he only kills you, and not let Drohgar eat your soul. Poor Thostos got a very BAD END
Pray to Sigmar
If your entire army consists of units with the 'slaves to darkness' keyword, then marauder horsemen can be considered a battleline.
But if you take something like skaven in your army, then you do not meet that requirement and you can still take marauder horsemen, but they wouldnt be a batlleline.
>but they wouldnt be a batlleline.
ahh okay, umm.. what does a battleline do?
Alright, so my army is the Nurgle daemon box set plus 20 bloodletters plus a daemon prince. can i still include chaos maurader horsmen in my army?
In the new Matched Play there are requirements you must take in order to play
>2 Batteline units and 1 Hero @ 1k
>3 Batteline at 2k
>4 Battleline at 2.5k
Basically it's the old 40k "1HQ and 2 Troops" per army
Battlelines don't do anything in particular. But you are required to take so many of them in a list. Think of it as your minimum 2 troops required for a CAD.
ahh, okay so the chaos maurader horsemen would just be like elites then?
Sort of
If you run a pure StD list those Elites become Troop choices
not really. There are 4 battlefield roles
and artillery
Did you read through the whole thing? It explains all of this.
well, im just taking them for a little shooting support for my daemons...
it fucks up my eyes reading the pirated leak scan, (so its hard to read for me) so they would just be "other" amirite?
According to the Ironjawz BT and Allgate book, the Bonesplittas are rivals of the Ironjawz.
The Ironjawz are the progressive types (making new armor and weapons, adopting new methods and mimicking their foes. The Bonesplittas are the conservatives who stick to their backward traditional Orruky ways (fighting naked, hunting, magical warpaint, and using stone clubs and spears).
Which side do you fall in this debate?
Didn't mean to link the other post.
Ironjawz, Gordrakk is far more interesting than Grimgor ever was.
The Wonderful Land of Aus
This is a bundle of all the year one AoS novels. For those interested.
Any one know if battlescribe has been updated with this leak??
It really isnt in my area either. My brother and I get a game in occasionally, he mostly proxies his 40k orks in.
But lately he has been showing a minor interest in getting into ogors since the GHB, which when I get a copy ill go over it with him.
I am super stoked for the las vegas open that I am going to.
Hey guys, now that the Sylvaneth got their own GH stuff, what will GW do? Are they gonna update anything that they released the first year of AOS?
Interested in how the Savage orcs even stand a chance against their superior, more civilized cousins. Especially without armor or iron weapons
I'm hoping that its not *just* a numbers game there, I hope that they have a few good buffs from warpaint and their shamans/ bosses.
That and I am really hoping for something to fit that monster hunting theme that isn't just the big stabbas that they are shown with. Something like getting a buff everytime they destroy an enemy monster or behemoth, you know?
To be honest, we don't know.
They may release it in the next big book. They may release it free. It may become an in-app purchase.
I honestly doubt they are not going to do the allegience rules and artefacts for the year one armies.
Probably numbers, magic, and berserkers.
so what do people think of open army selection with points, only one of uniques, and the rules of one in effect?
Hold the line and give my life for the God-King if needed. Chaos will not have this day!
If anything I would just drop the battleline requirements.
Leader, artillery, and behemoth restrictions and the rest of the rules balance the game plenty, But the battlelines sort of screw with some people's theme armies and such. If you are doing a league or campaign, I would keep everything with matched play but the battelines.
Muh siggas
Any new Ogre stuff or fluff, /AoSG/?
I was meaning to start an Ogre army but then Age of Sigmar happened and I was waiting for things to develop a bit before jumping in.
Also someone give me a rundown of what's been going on this last year rule and fluff-wise, I've not been paying much attention until I heard about the General's handbook.
Call him a massive fag with shit taste in steeds.
Nothing new for the ogors, but they have been encountered in some battles and such in the books. No spotlights yet.
However the beastclaw ogors are supposed to be getting a battletome soon.
Ok, that's actually really reassuring. I'm pretty new to AOS and I just spent 200 on skaven pestilens and thanquol. If they don't, we riot
Looking at the site, how are they going to do a book on 6 models?
Is there any character that can match Archaon in a fight?
"Your old look was way better. What the fuck happened, man?"
10 warscrolls. It hasn't stopped them from doing one with only 3 warscrolls before. Battletomes are mostly for the fluff anyway.
Please see : Flesh-Eater Courts. Which I love, just wished they'd sell an individual Ghoul King.
By rearranging model parts. See: Crypt Flayers, most Courtiers.
They could also make more sculpts.
Nagash, Alarielle, and Gordrakk as far as I'm aware. Maybe the Celestant-Prime if he keeps his distance.
In fluff terms, no-one. Absolutely no-one. He's killed Nagash three times, split Gorkamorka in half, and in Godbeasts he killed three Stardrakes at once. He's just the single most powerful character in the entire setting, save maybe Khorne.
They will probably add more, i think there are some ogres in the generals handbook that dont have models.
Nagash must be getting on Archaons nerves by now. He's that pest that just won't go away.
To be fair, Archaon has never done anything in setting himself.
He's backed by 4 chaos gods that constantly need to asspull to ensure their little snowflake doesn't melt.
Well yeah, he the god of friggin' DEATH.
What does Archaon expect to come of killing him, him choosing not to live anymore? Fuck that, he's got PLANS.
I'm thinking Nagash thinks of Archaon in a similar way, he's that asshole who keeps barging into his house wrecking his shit and killing him. Really, they'd both react to meeting on the battlefield with synchronised eye-rolls.
No one other than the gods has lasted more than a few seconds against him. Vandus got utterly BTFO in the most humiliating way, and was only allowed to return to azyr to send a message to sigmar. Nagash sent a powerful vampire knight against him who was able to match him in skill, but the eye of sheerian lets Archaon see the future and counter just about everything anyone throws at him. Nagash stalemated him in their last fight, and Archaon admitted he couldn't destroy him that time since they were already in an underworld, but he didn't have to since the goal was to just distract him long enough. Sigmar didn't actually lose to Archaon, and both are implied to be equal to each other which is why they both resorted to underhand tricks to try to beat each other. Sigmar threw his hammer because he knew Archaon could potentially beat him in a duel and if he fell, the whole war would be lost. Archaon resorted to tzeentchian trickery to open a rift that Ghal maraz flew through, since with that weapon Sigmar could defeat him. Gorkamorka is the equal to sigmar in strength though, and he lost, though we don't know the details of that fight.
Archaon is matched in combat skill by some gods/demigods and in sorcery by others, but he is a master of both and has the HAX advantage of being able to see all possible futures and can counter anything they throw at him.
>To be fair, Archaon has never done anything in setting himself.
That's like saying that Order Gods don't do anything themselves because they rely on Winds of Magic as their power source. That's dumb.
The Chaos Gods are the source of Archaon's power and he has since outgrown them to the point that they don't have control over him. He made himself the Master of Chaos and made hiws conquests his own.
It's dead in Denver.
My FLGS still hasn't sold 3 of the first 4 starter boxes they stocked over a year ago.
We had a few players try the game with their old WHFB minis about 8 months ago but they quickly gave up. Partly because of the rules and partly because the community kept harassing them.
People are actively bitter and it doesn't show signs of stopping.
>>Nagash sent a powerful vampire knight against him who was able to match him in skill, but the eye of sheerian lets Archaon see the future and counter just about everything anyone throws at him
so anime, so exciting
>the community kept harassing them.
What manchildren.
>>It was at the Battle of Burning Skies that Archaon won his greatest victory over Sigmar. Armed with Ghal Maraz, the God-King cast back the armies of Chaos – mortals, beasts and Daemons obliterated by the Great Shatterer. When Archaon himself moved to fight Sigmar, the God-King hurled Ghal Maraz at the Everchosen, for he knew he could not best Archaon in combat. Archaon laughed, for his plan had worked. Aided by Tzeentch, Archaon deceived Sigmar’s aim and the great warhammer crashed harmlessly past him, disappearing into a crack in reality. Sigmar, defeated, lost the battle and millions were slaughtered. Bereft of his greatest weapon, Sigmar suffered defeat after defeat and retreated to the realm of Azyr, barring its gates. Archaon, triumphant, dominated the Mortal Realms.
>When Archaon himself moved to fight Sigmar, the God-King hurled Ghal Maraz at the Everchosen, for he knew he could not best Archaon in combat.
>for he knew he could not best Archaon in combat
>could not best Archaon in combat
It's stated clearly that Sigmar doesn't think he is a match for Archaon.
>can usually get a game at my favorite LGS, even better on certain nights (mostly thursdays and sundays) than others. Heroclix kiddies make Saturdays literally the worst. Magic bros never use all the tables and are actually chill to play around on Fridays, but most people don't show up for games.
>Local GW store you can ALWAYS find a game but sadly some cringey motherfuckers play there and worse they do dumb shit that drives away potential new players. Small shop, so you can't get away from the fucknuts. The manager is kind of an overbearing tool too.
His fight with Nagash said that he needed the direct interference of the darkgods to not be annihilated in the first round because of the strength of his magic.
Even when they were fighting the eye showed that no steel or sorcery he could muster could beat him but he didn't need to because with Nagash distracted his army started to crumble under the legions of chaos and several bloodthristers tried to dog pile him while he was fighting Archaon and he had to retreat.
> he is a master of both
Nagash can fight him to a stalemate by himself even while he is flying on his super daemon dragon gift from the gods and is the most powerful wizard in the setting.
Archaon's strength is that he is the chaos gods' favorite child and his literally infinite army of murder machines.
Why is Siggy such a fucking chump?
>Sigmar doesn't think he is a match for Archaon
The only way to beat Archaon is guerrilla warfare, he is the best fighter in AoS after all.
All-gates and Sylvaneth epub when?
BTW, white dwarf 128 is up.
>His fight with Nagash said that he needed the direct interference of the darkgods to not be annihilated in the first round because of the strength of his magic.
He carries the strength and protection of the Chaos Gods similarly how Nagash carries the strength and everlasting nature of Shyish. I don't get why you are using this against Archaon.
And what I think Archaon meant is that he cannot destroy Nagash in all totality. He would have to banish him again.
And let us remember that Nagash fled from Sigmar the guy who admits to himself that he cannot beat Archaon in a straight up fight.
Because Archaon can see the future and counter every move an opponent can throw at him. Even in endtimes, Sigmar only defeated him because Grimgor had already shattered the eye of sheerian and archaon didn't have his HAX foresight in play. Without the eye, Archaon isn't nearly as scary.
The difference is that one is using the power that he earned and the other is granted his power from others.
Nagash made himself, the Chaos gods made Archaon.
Archaon earned the power of the Chaos Gods by doing great deeds and overcoming their challenges. In order to keep his power, he has to put up with the Chaos Gods whining and their attempts to murder him. Also he maintain enough willpower to resist being overwhelmed by the mountain of blessings and power the Chaos Gods have bestowed on him, losing his humanity in the process. Should he falter, then it's spawndom or unwanted daemonhood.
>H-He is Master of chaos and super awesome they are just his power source
>Literally needs Tzeentch to save him from getting onehit by Sigmar
Archaocucks are pathetic.
>Be the Chaos gods bitchboy
>B-But He is strong in his own deeds
Archaon is the biggest fool in existence because he is utterly convinced he is the Master of his own destiny.
All the other gods were able to break the cycle of chaos.
Archaon could not.
So it's okay for Sigmar to have allies and use his allied gods to do stuff for him but it's not okay for Archaon to do the same?
>And let us remember that Nagash fled from Sigmar the guy who admits to himself that he cannot beat Archaon in a straight up fight.
Because unlike Archaon, Sigmar could perma kill Nagash. It's kind of a rock, paper, scissors thing.
>Literally a pawn of the 4 chaos gods
>B-But Sigmar has allies
Archaon is not a god, Archaon is the buttboy of 4 gods, It comes to no surprise no single god could defeat 4 gods working in unison.
Where was Archaon when Sigmar and friends WERE working together and drove chaos out?
It's literally stated that Archaon is not bound to the will of the Chaos Gods. He does what he likes and the Chaos Gods have to deal with it.
Remember the time in the Daemon Wars where ALL Chaos Gods (except Slaanesh) attempted to have him killed? They attempted to rub his destiny away from existence because they feared his power but in the end they all failed and named him their Everchosen forever.
AoS is basically Archaon overcompensating to try and overcome the shame of Teclis calling him a pussy in End Times.
>They literally stated
Yes, saying and the truth have different meanings. He's a pawn just as much as he pretends, Chaos gods sending him stuff for shits and giggles doesn't erase the fact.
If Archaon all of a suddenly said "Nah fuck chaos imma good guy now" BAM he'd be turned into a spawn because he's another Slave to Darkness.
Archaon has zero freedom. Everything he does is for chaos.
Even Malekith broke his cycle and become something more.
Archaon is still Archaon, a deluded child of man pretending to be anything more than the whims of the Chaos gods.
AoS is the continuation of his long and very much undeserved redemption arc.
>Because unlike Archaon, Sigmar could perma kill Nagash. It's kind of a rock, paper, scissors thing.
Sigmar couldn't Perma-kill Nagash back then and I doubt he can now.
>Where was Archaon when Sigmar and friends WERE working together and drove chaos out?
It's pretty much established that he not their pawn. If he was, then they would have total control over him instead of having to plead at his doorstep.
>Where was Archaon when Sigmar and friends WERE working together and drove chaos out?
Destroying universes and worlds. He initially didn't care about the Mortal Realms, he proved his point in the End Times, you know.
After failing by themselves, the Chaos Gods contacted Archaon and bargained with him. If he leads their armies in the Mortal Realms, then everything he conquers in the Mortal Realms will belong solely to him. That was the deal. Archaon finally agreed and came to the Mortal Realms and you know what happened next.
riddle me this fluff fags:
How many years has it been since the world was destroyed?
How have the mortal heroes served this long?
Genuinely curious, I can't find it int he fluff
Imagine Sigmar and Archaon as two dudes strapped for cash.
Sigmar asked a friend and only got a little money. He doesn't have to pay interest though, no strings attached etc. It's all good.
Archaon is the guy who sold off both his kidneys and is running around on borrowed time thanks to a cocktail of chaos drugs, before he inevitably crashes, faceplants and dies a miserable death, or rather loses his soul.
Archaon isn't a smart guy, but he got more money than Sigmar.
The third eye h4x seems to drastically devalue Archaon's supposedly tactical acumen as well. Not hard to be a peerless, brilliant leader when you gameshark the future.
>Chaos gods when pleading to his Doorstep
Oh boy you are deluded. The Chaos gods called and Archaon obeyed just like every Slave to Darkness.
Archaon is the mewling child angry at other people being better than him, so he needs to tear it all down.
>If Archaon all of a suddenly said "Nah fuck chaos imma good guy now" BAM he'd be turned into a spawn because he's another Slave to Darkness.
Then why didn't they turn him into a Spawn during the Daemon Wars when ALL the Chaos Gods wanted him killed? They can't.
Archaon is still Archaon because he wants to remain Archaon. He can grab true godhood if he wished but he won't, Because to remain human(ish) and FREE despite being associated to the Chaos Gods is the biggest "Fuck you" to the Chaos Gods.
>Oh boy you are deluded. The Chaos gods called and Archaon obeyed just like every Slave to Darkness.
Nah, they had to bargain with him for his service. He is not their errand boy. He is their partner in a business venture.
Because the Great game is more fun when they send things to needlessly die?
The fact that you think Archaon is "free" while being a Chaos puppet is the most adorable thing ever.
The chaos gods grant him boons constantly because they will it, none of his power is his own.
As soon as the gods tire of him, Dorghar pitches him from his back and Archaon falls like every other Mortal who thinks they're worth more
HAHAHAHAHAHA Everything the chaos gods does is entirely within their plan, Archaon is not in control of anything.
>Nah, they had to bargain with him for his service.
Like every other pawn of chaos. They promise to reward you if you do things for them. That's how its always been.
I've seen people playing age of sigmar at a game store in my area. It gave me hope
then I found out that was the game store's last day in business
and the nearest one is two hours away
it's ok I didn't want to play games or have any social interaction outside of work anyway
How many of you guys were playing 40k or fantasy before AoS?
Has the new update book with points changed that lany things for the better?
Honestly, were you ine of the haters before going to the other side?
I'm thinking of starting a Chaos army, but reading most stuff, I understand that one has to use scenarios to really enjoy it, or has the new book settled that?
>Big fuck you to chaos
>Rides around with their images branded onto his armour, riding a monster that represents the three OG gods.
Yeah, I forgot people who say fuck you to something basically paint themselves with their icons.
The Gods gift Archaon because he does more for them than anyone else. If they decided to pull back all of their gifts, which includes his super dragon chimera, his armor, his sword, the eye, all the mutations and marks, he'd be nothing but they also wouldn't have anyone to lead the war against the mortal realms and they'd get booted out by Sigmar and friends.
Under this analogy, we can imagine the chaos gods as business men who have tons of money but aren't actually good at running a business so they hired Archaon and invested tons in him. Without him, the company probably fails, but without their money, Archaon is just a really smart manager with no way to enact his plan. They need each other and gain equally from the agreement. The chaos gods pulling out means they lose just as much as Archaon, so it's better to keep going with it
>Archaon is free and doesn't need to listen to the chaos gods
>Chaos gods told him The Horned rat is now a chaos god and to use Skaven
>Archaon literally has a tantrum
>He is then seen using Skaven
Archaon is their adopted child they lavish gifts on. The kind who thinks they can command their parents because of being spoilt.
Oh boy, sure not sick of seeing people bicker with carnac.
Can we invest this energy in uploading the Sylvaneth battletome instead?
I played 40k mostly before the big drop. Then my friend and I started whfb 8th edition armies for the fun of it, about a year before end times dropped. We didn't play very much because the game was...ok. We were really invlolved with the 40k scene though, and the fantasy scene was pretty much completely nonexistent.
Then aos dropped and I was hooked from day 1. My buddy wasn't keen on it due to no points, but he did try it a couple times with me and was meh about it. Then he eventually moved away, where apparently there is a growing aos community where he went. He played a couple games with a couple guys there a few times when he was bored.
There doesnt seem to be a scene where i am now, but I see AoS stuff disappearing from the game shelves strangely. I know a guy who bought a few of the newer models but only because he was the kirby-era view of a customer, where he just bought and painted models, but never played the game. But I am also noticing things like some of the battletomes and GA books going missing. I wonder who is buying these, as I can't seem to contact anyone in our local gaming FB group.
With the GHB now, there may be more positive talk. When I get my copy I may put up an add at the LGS for anyone wanting to try games. We'll see where that goes.
Archaon using Skaven happened before they were officially part of mainstream Chaos.
In the End Times, when Archaon met Thanqoul and Verminking, Archaon said that the Skaven were "Children of Children" and have a right and privilege of joining his armies and being under him.
>‘Your God-King does this to you,’ the dark templar said. ‘You feel the hopelessness of his failure. Abandon him as he has abandoned you.’
>‘And pray to your dread gods?’ Giselle said, glassy-eyed.
>‘No,’ Archaon said. ‘For I have none. Let the powers of darkness favour me if they will. Let them lend me their strength and draw strength from my victories, if that is their want. You will not see me kneel to them even as I kneel before you now. All gods are fickle. Don’t trust in them. I don’t. Believe as much as you need to or not at all. Ultimately, the only thing you can really believe in is yourself.’
>‘You serve the Chaos gods…’
>‘They serve themselves,’ Archaon said. ‘As do I. This world is not fit for man or god. The Empire and nations of old, the exotic lands beyond and even here – the cruel Wastes. All will fall and all will burn for me. I will be the Lord of the End Times. The harbinger of doom for all – man and god – for in a world of the slain, with no men, no savages, no ancients of the elder races to pray to them and erect their temples, what will become of these gods, their heroes and their daemons?’
You don't understand Archaon.
>people buying books and models
>but never seen playing the games
>kirby was right!
Well he was right about that one guy at least. I'm pretty sure he's not the same guy buying the books, and I cant see anyone buying the books with no desire to play.
We are just kindred spirits always missing each other...
So basically he wants to destroy everything and everyone to indirectly destroy every god? Meh.