post what you feel is the best looking cards, what they do doesn't matter, just looking for top notch artwork
Best looking mtg card artwork
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Not related to the thread but what would happen when paired with this?
It would just infinitely go on in a loop
i'm not a judge, but i believe the gain-2-life trigger on transcendence would just keep triggering indefinitely (since its life gain gets replaced with life loss, which would trigger itself again). so unless someone had a way to get rid of one of these at instant speed, or had something like Stifle, the game would just end in a draw since no player could ever take an action ever again.
So instead something that prevented life gain would combo better with it instead?
Most Lorwyn Elves cards are pure eye candy to me.
Portal has very consistently good art. I can't think off any real stinkers, whereas I can think of quite a few for "real" sets of the time (Mirage Block especially).
if you want to keep yourself alive forever, yeah something like pic related would work
lol that's actually pretty hilarious
I really like this one.
nvm i just realized how bunked up her face is
YES! Ice Age lands rule!
I'm terribly partial to anything angelic-themed.
I will live forever. None can kill me.
this is about all i can think of for purely "drawn" lands, some of the computer generated stuff that goes on mtg cards these days kinda bums me out, it's more like comic book illustrations then paintings and drawings
purely drawn -cards-
It is my go-to set for Mountains, Forests, and Plains.
Unfortunately, my main color is black.
angels are the most beautiful creature type in magic imo
Gateway-promo of Path to Exile.
Wholly agree. I have an angel-only EDH deck that I love to death, and is surprisingly fierce.
That chainmail thong must be incredibly uncomfortable.
I would be happy to help her out of it.
I think they honestly have lame art much of the time. OP's pic not withstanding.
This is my favorite angel, mostly because nostalgia.
Whats the best Island art save for ABUR, Unhinged, or that one Zendikar print that everyone uses?
The Mirrodin ones look pretty sick in foil.
I've always adored Phage's art, ever since I was a kid.
Noone posted Champion of the Parish?
This guy only needs 14 townsfolk to slay Emrakul.
Winnow that fucking void
I suddenly need to have a foil of this.
>nonfoil 25c
>foil $4.99
I suppose that just makes sense.
That must be Rem Karolus. Only he could be that based.
Who's at the helm? I'm thinking about putting one together, not sure whether to take it Boros or Bant. Might end up just being Mono-W and run NuBruna as the commander.
It's all personal taste I know, but I have yet to find a card with better art then this. It isn't just the piece itself, but how it ties into the card and its effect. It might be perfect.
Kaalia, because she's just too busted. I don't even care about demons and dragons, because theme.
Lot's of Terese Nielsen being posted, nice.
I was always partial to the original BoPs artwork, but Jasconius is also very nice.
Rem was probably a Champion of the Parish before he went around slaying angels and Eldrazi.
Wait, this card is making me take double damage.
If played in the best case it basically gives you 10* extra life
*more like 9, as you can't play it when you are at 0 life.
For 7 mana I can gain far more lives than that.
You are supposed to pair it with stuff that requires you to pay life.
But then I would be paying double for whatever effect.
Blade of the Inquisitors
The ideal scenario would be that you use it when you are at 1 or 2, then destroy it when you are at 18 or 19. Of course, that's a lot of work for not really much of a benefit.
Guess he was champion before he was an inquisitor?
Elves with horns? And not looking like pussies?
Holy shit I can dig that!
I imagine him more like Van Helsing as played by Hugh Jackman, who goes rogue as soon as the Avacynian Church is obviously compromised.
I just love this little bastard
These are really boring/avarage B grade cliché paintings.
Plebian taste.
I am not really a fan of those.
But at least virtues ruin is creative looking.
this in foil is godly to look at, user you have good taste.
This reminds me of Giger or Beksiński
I get similar feels from this
I really like the art for Deathpact Angel
Ahh, the terror. I like the old one too... but not really so much.
>Twenty Good Men
Also Kamigawa Mountains are sweet
I was brewing a kitchen table deck with my roommate yesterday, and it pained me to swap this out for doomblade. Absolutely fantastic.
I was just about to post this. I really wish I played more Gatecrash limited.
Not the biggest fan of her token though.
Would be really hard for anything to actually happen since it wouldn't interact with Trancendence unless your opponent played it
Well yeah that's what I'm asking.
good taste
shit taste
tl;dr : digital painting is Ass Creed worthy, nothing more
>le old art is better meme
When will this meme die?
When digital art stops looking terrible.
>muh old watercolor blobs of paint are far superior to high-res full epic renders
yeah, keep telliing that to yourself when you cry alone in your bad at night.
This is high fantasy game, not an alternative modern art contest for highschool girls, ffs.
I bet you like pic art on original Stasis too, right?
Going to have to agree I like the old art more, but I wouldn't call other peoples taste shit.
Not that user, but I kinda like old Stasis just for how absurd it is.
That said, Magic isn't high fantasy all of the time, there should be room for a variety of styles.
Why do you always get so bent out of shape when no one shares your opinion?
Nice bait.
That's why you plop in some card that prevents lifegain. Say, Sulfuric Vortex.
Only 1, it doesn't stop life loss. So -1 + 2 = 1.
Tfw a foil in old border style will never exiat
Tsk tsk, no Progenitus yet.
My favorite card as a kid. I think I still have it somewhere but its kinda bad sadly.
I love basically all Nielsen's art, hard to pick a favorite
I really like alot of the old Orzhov cards
>old Orzhov
beep boop my bad. (actually thought I had submitted this)
If I harmless offering this to someone, does it then work? Because "opponent"?
Objectively the best basic ever printed
this is also cool, ZEN had best angels
hell yeah it did. Always loved the halos over the eyes
this card is so scary