How do I run a vietnam game? What system? Something with high lethality, and fast?
How do I run a vietnam game? What system? Something with high lethality, and fast?
It Aint' Me 3E
Converting Only War would work pretty well.
This, clearly.
Deluxe Recon
Phoenix Command
Twilight 2000
The guys who made CotV used it to play a game about Nazis in Vietnam, and apparently it worked really well. You could check their thread, or you could just be smart and play Twilight 2013 and homebrew some older guns.
Call of the Void. It's the same guys who made Song of Swords, but they made a modern combat game this time. It's way better than the HEMA simulator that is SoS.
D20 modern+Blood and Guts, If you have a sad case of 3.5 dnd-ers. Even if you don't decide to use it, it's worth a look because it contains good stuff on the US Military
(Too lazy to find a pdf file)
>using D20 for modern combat
It can kinda work. I saw a system where your skills where better the lower the number and to pass a skill you had to roll higher then it on a D20.
So a good sniper would have a skill of 5ish with snipering but maybe a 10ish with hand to hand.
That actually looks like it could be fun.
For the high lethality just give everyone low health and high damage.
Lots of people lots of traps lots of non stop newbs lots of non stop deaths. Add in some D-day type things and have people use piles of fresh bodies as wall cover.
Why high legality?
How many people do you think died?
Savage Worlds
for high letality: electric shotgun boogaloo
Second Indochina war
High Lethality
>not getting DnD or other high-magic system and doing it Magicka style.
Recon is the original Vietnam RPG, disregard rest of thread.
>Twillight 2013
How does it hold up against 2000?
This works. Get Tour of Darkness, maybe modify it a bit because it's old as fuck, ignore the monsters unless you want that kind of game, enjoy realising Charlie really is in the fucking trees
Use realistic random assignment tables. Two out of three players end up in support roles doing nothing but regular jobs during the day and fuck whores at night.
Come on in, we're fun.
Fortunate Son on loop on an old-school radio for the entire session.
Looks like a great system! has everything covered. I think this would be excellent for a small group RPG run by a GM
Recon is tried and tested by an entire generation of gamers. Unless you're a beatnik hipster, it is your first (and arguably only) stop, when you want to run a Vietnam war campaign. Random tables in pic related.
This also looks excellent. Makes me want to run a nam game!
Twilight 2000, just skip the rules about vehicle condition
GURPS, with Tactical Shooting
It's utter shit setting-wise and requires bucket of dice for every action, while making checks against tertiary modifiers.
Character creation is neat, but badly balanced (it's really hard not to end up with civilian PC or really, really bad soldier PC)
what is this fortunate sons meme? There are any great and fitting songs of that era, i don't undertand the IT AINT ME spurting
Well it's simple
Bumbachickabumbachickabumbachickabumbachicka dun duuun, dun duuun, dun duuun, dun duuun, dun dun.
That's just really catchy
its a meme on from /tv/, /k/, /mu/ etc. Incorrectly naming the song and laughing at the cliche that songs of that era and vietnam films go together
>Vietnam war film
>It aint me by rolling stones starts playing
Dread. Anyone can die at anytime, at narratively anticlimactic moments.
>high lethality, and fast
Dead of Night
Just as lethal, but they all die in the 3rd act. You can make that happen in Dread as well, but it means having 5-10 blocks to draw total in the first act, and no more than 20 in the second.
Magicka: Vietnam: Bet you didn't see this one coming!
Was that the most based expansion in living memory?
Modified Dark Heresy system right?
I can imagine the extravagantly morbid crit tables would apply nicely to the brutality of a Vietnam War game.
This is free.
Well, it wasn't awesome or something, but was quite unexpected fun thing.
I'd recommend Godlike without the superpowers.
>Allied Military Deaths: 282,000
>NVA/VC Military Deaths: 444,000
>Civilian Deaths: 587,000
>Total Deaths: 1,313,000
Seems like a lot of people died to me, famiglia.
Delta Green.
When you compare that to the number of people deployed, it's a pretty small number.
Especially when you remove the number of deaths that were by accident or other incidents unrelated to the war.
Three Sixteen Carnage Among the Stars.
Strip out or re-fluff the energy weapons and power claws, and you're set.
The stuff a game would focus on would not doubt be the components of Vietnam which actually were very lethal though.
Jungle warfare isn't really a pillowfight.
Neither was World War 2, but the fact remains that as in more modern wars, a huge portion of the causalities in combat are injuries that see the solider survive, rather than flat out deaths.
not him but you're still pretty much out of the fight if you're badly wounded. "high lethality" for me would pretty much be anything where the player isn't a D&D tier hit point sponge. Systems where it only take 1 shot to knock you unconscious, or where damage is applied to your physical stats a la Traveller. So if you're hit with an assault rifle in the right place, suddenly you can't even carry the weight of your own equipment and can't fire your weapon properly or do dexterous tasks.
The main reason most non-lethal injuries were survivable in Vietnam was that a medivac chopper was never more than half an hour away and medical care was excellent. Also lots of medics in each company.
People were still killed a LOT by enemy fire, mines, booby traps, artillery, mortars, etc. Modern warfare is some of the most lethal there is. WW1 showed us just how fragile the human body is against machine guns and massed artillery. HE and shrapnel vs Flesh, Flesh doesn't stand a chance, which is why we see a LOT of digging happening in modern wars. Guy in nam were told to dig small trenches for themselves, usually 2 man trenches to protect them from shrapnel and enemy fire.
This. The number of casualties does not automatically determine how lethal a conflict is. It's the means which caused those casualties.
It's fantastic for the feel of shooting, but, Tier III rules are HYPER-crunchy. I love it, but, unless you want dysentery/cholera and scavanging most of the time - you're going to get dicked up hard.
First does not always mean best
Yeah, just look at D&D
In this case it does, Recon is probably one of the most rock solid systems I've ever played. It's like the old vet in the squad, doesn't attract much attention but it wont crack.
I've never played it. care to elaborate on just what are its selling points? It always looked far too crunchy for my tastes.
Which side?
Vichy French
got to download this before thread died!
highfive to myself.