Tfw yr fighter brings only a longsword into a cave filled with goblins

tfw yr fighter brings only a longsword into a cave filled with goblins

god pls save me for my party's sins

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Do we need threads about this every day now?

That faggot just needs to learn some proper longsword techniques for close quarters.

without armor, he needs a proper shield or dagger

This is porn, right? Pretty much everything that gets reposted is porn after all.

Time to learn about superiority of the thrust

>"i-im a pretty good fighter
>attacks like a literal retard.


So what is this from? Google image search has failed me.

Goblin Slayer, it's pretty new so only part 1 is translated.

If you consider Berserk porn, it's roughly that same level.

Thrust, you dumb fuck.


You will never see a Nip author admit that swords can be used for anything other than slashing because then they'd have to admit that the katana isn't perfect.

Seriously, I tried reading a LN recently and the MC was examining *magical* fantasy weapons and was like "these are almost as good as katanas made in the Edo period." Needless to say I closed that tab.

nips are shit

"stab him through the fucking head" is my favorite kind of fighting technique

I don't know how this played out in the manga, but

Only part 1 is berserk level, after that it just become about priestess girl being the first member of the harem orbiting around Goblinslayer's dick.

Except you can stab people with a katana?

Shhhh, don't tell the anti-weebs things like that, they throw tantrums.

Stop spamming this dogshit manga.

>tried reading a LN
Found your problem.

Every day until you like it.
Or until th next flavor of the month comes along.
It's the /a/ way.

>"When you put it like that, I can see your point."

Best character
Worst ending
Wasted setting

Light Novels are a blight. People that read them are human waste, even blow those fuckers that buy several hundred CDs to get an invitation to an idol meet and greet and then try to wipe their cum on them.
Fucking hell.

You can, it's not as well suited for it as a straight sword, but you can. When's the last time you actually saw it used like that in any Japanese work? Dollars to doughnuts, in the same situation they would have shown a Japanese character with a katana still slashing, but keeping it tighter to his body instead of derping around swinging widely like a chimp. That's if the OP Japanese MC didn't just slash through the rocks, of course.

Considering how much LNs, animes and mangas I consume, I'm pretty sure I'm more weeb than anti-weeb. I just get frustrated at Japanese authors who don't do any research on medieval europe when they're using it as a basis for the setting.

It always hits the same notes: european weapons are blunt and used for smashing with brute force, unlike the elegant perfect katana; european food is just bland boiled vegetables and fire roasted meat and nothing else, soy sauce ends up worshipped like it was the elixir of youth, as if native european herbs weren't used for flavouring in addition to imported spices; armour is useless and can be cut;... These same things show up over and over in 90% of Japanese works.

It's honestly become one of the easiest ways to separate the shit tier works from the decent ones for me. If they hit more than one of these points they're 99% of the time shit in other ways as well. If they avert it, they tend to be at least decent, it shows that the author was thinking and putting in the work instead of just going on autopilot and using the Jap equivalent of tvtropes.

It's another harem manga?

Well shit. Should I even bother reading beyond part one?

To be fair, just as many western authors make the same assumptions about medieval Europe. It's in no way exclusive to Japan, and that's where they most likely get it all from.

He wasn't in the manga, neither was Bernard. They were both anime-original.

Nope, part two is up too which concludes the origin story.

It's not really SFW though as it almost immediately starts off with child rape

And, on the other side of that, most western authors do the same kind of zero-research-attempted, bullshit-stereotypes-errywhere when using feudal Japan as a basis for the setting (among the tiny group of authors who even write feudal Japanese settings).

I haven't seen anything indicating it will be a harem manga yet but the origin story is basically a bunch of dumb liberals go and fight the patriarchy only reality isn't so kind.


This shit sounds edgy as fuck. Nice armor design, but reading a synopses, I'm not seeing any kind of hook outside the flagrant edge.

>When's the last time you actually saw it used like that in any Japanese work?

Sword of the Stranger comes to mind immediately. As does Champloo.

To be honest, I don't watch many animus with katanas. Japs prefer big magical western looking swords. I remember back when I was thirteen and Bleach was still a thing people watched, katanas were used to stab all the goddamn time.

That's pretty much all there is to it. It's a light-guro hentai manga that tries to pretend it isn't.

>When's the last time you actually saw it used like that in any Japanese work?
I'm actually having a hard time thinking of any Japanese works where someone doesn't thrust with a katana at any point.

What is even the point of this kind of "deconstruction" anyway?

"Your cutesie rpg party would get gang raped in real life HURR HURR"

At least Drakengard/NieR had something interesting to say about murderhobo'ing.

>I just get frustrated at Japanese authors who don't do any research on medieval europe when they're using it as a basis for the setting.

They aren't writing for medieval europe, bub.

>european food is just bland boiled vegetables and fire roasted meat and nothing else, soy sauce ends up worshipped like it was the elixir of youth, as if native european herbs weren't used for flavouring in addition to imported spices;

Now I want a ye olde cooking battle manga. Possibly with ye olde table decoration mixed in.


I think they just base generic European fantasy cuisine on British "cuisine" which actually is just bland, boiled slop.

It's about entitled little shits vs reality, it's actually pretty funny.

>I'm young and have a college of magic "degree"
>people told me I am amazing all my life so I must be amazing!
>oh shit reality, what are you doing

This manga is about liberals vs reality

This is your brain on /pol/.

inb4 you get called a cuck

>Entitled little shits
>actually pretty funny

Hmmmm....nah, I think I'm gonna go with "hack writer uses cloying shock value and 'deconstructs' 'tropes' in an attempt to be emotional and cool.

Not everything is about retarded American politics, you gigantic backbirth. Japan gives exactly zero shits about your political paranoia, and has a social climate entirely different from yours.

This, now, yes.

>multiple chapters each book dedicated to tableware

Except it's not.

Just read it..... I'll give it 3 more chapters but so far it's snuff porn

You know that's actually one thing I liked about the new hoppywoad version of the 47 Ronin. When Neo fights the giant animated set of armour he whacks it a few times and it breaks his katana.

>This manga is about liberals vs reality

..or about Iraq 2.

That does not look like a harem.

I understand if wizard chick and sword fighter are dead but monk girl just got raped. Where she at?

I fucking hate edgy, shock trick, girl trash


She's now at the temple. Being a fantasy-nun or something like this.

Any images?


>old man to handle the back door
>lizard for when you need to get exotic
looks like a harem to me

I can't be bothered to check the archive for you.

>It always hits the same notes: european weapons are blunt and used for smashing with brute force, unlike the elegant perfect katana; european food is just bland boiled vegetables and fire roasted meat and nothing else, soy sauce ends up worshipped like it was the elixir of youth, as if native European herbs weren't used for flavouring in addition to imported spices; armour is useless and can be cut;... These same things show up over and over in 90% of Japanese works.

>mfw Vinland Saga has just enough accuracy to show the artist made an attempt, but just enough weeb bullshit to remind us he's Japanese
>mfw his omake where he visited Iceland was cute as fuck

Link to manga pls

Literally just google Goblin Slayer 1 you fucking goof.

>Live in European Union of Socialist Republics
>Google only spits out sites for me that ask me to pay for the novel

Such is life

>Live in European Union of Socialist Republics
>google "read goblin slayer"
>First result.

Git Gud

Yeah, it's worse.

>soy sauce ends up worshipped like it was the elixir of youth

You do know that in medieval times spices were more valuable than gold right?

If something like soy sauce made it's way to medieval Europe it would be worshiped.

And don't even try talking that Roman fish sauce was anything even similar because it was not. It was pretty much acid you drank with rotten food to not get sick.

Personally, I'm betting on "edgy goon with ego the size of a city and nothing to justify it acts like he can do whatever he wants because he's 'reality' and no one is 'entitled' to him acting like an actual decent human being".

but user, longsword is great for closed quarters.
It has such a great vertical and piercing moveset.
Especially the zweihander.

I guess that's why zweihanders were literally never used outside of suicidal squads to deal with pike formations.

A common mistake for beginners

Care to post proof for your statement?

>Gold-ranked adventurers primarily help resolve problems at the national level.

That means?

5 man party
I'm ok with this...

Here's what's going to happen

>the first group "deserved" to die/be raped because they were stupid
>establish edgy cool group
>watch them do stupid shit every day while acting knowledgable

Just use another search engine.

There are people in thie thread RIGHT NOW that think nippon steel is better

>Not procuring new weapons as you adventure and discarding old ones

to be fair, porridge was extremely popular as a safe food. Salted meat wasn't horribly uncommon due to the fact salt kept well and could be shipped, but it still wasn't cheap. A lot of grilled/flame roasted meat, smoking, baked bread, and other things were floating around.

check out dungeon meshi

>its caked with blood and fat
>Steel is caked with blood and fat
>So you have to throw it away

Nigga what?
Also have never heard of weapon-oil?

It's hilarious how casual they're about the fact that lvl 1 adventurers commonly end up being raped and mother more of these.

>check out dungeon meshi

I mean a battle manga about actual historic cooking and actual historic eating practices.

>Now I want a ye olde cooking battle manga.
Shokugeki no Dungeon.

In a world where walled cities stand as the last bastion of civilization in a brutal world overrun by monsters, a special class of people known as Chefs-Aventuriers has arisen. These Chefs specialize in meals with ingredients they have themselves captured. These special ingredients? Anything they can scrape off monsters, from their flesh to herbal mixtures that involve ground-up dragon scales.

A shokugeki starts at a designated area (usually the center of a city). The judge gives the starting signal and the two chefs (and their parties) rush off into the wilderness to collect their ingredients, do not return from the wilderness until a pre-determined time and then start cooking their meals.

Ruleset: regular D&D 5th edition + optional rules (perhaps lifted from another system?) for cooking. Or simply add a cooking skill with certain modifiers that can be acquired.

>Shokugeki no Dungeon.
Dungeon Meshi

But it's not edgy at all except this one time orcs got involved. It still wasn't very edgy.


Read any book on the subject. They were so rare we don't even have any records on how they were used in combat.

Stop. English cuisine is literally garbage.

>I mean a battle manga about actual historic cooking and actual historic eating practices.
Farmland Saga?

>loathing pickled onions
>reviling crumbles
>hating mint sauce
>disliking a good fry up
>failing to view worcestershire positively
>having unfortunate views towards pickle and cheese sandwiches

Go fellate a beretta, why don't you

Not him but

>pickled onions
About as basic as bread

>Mint sauce
>Worcestershire sauce
Alright, I'll admit that: pastries are the one field in which the English can actually be called good, and their sauces aren't disgusting.

Well considering those goblins cant hit my level 15 fighters AC, i can forgive him

>They were so rare we don't even have any records on how they were used in combat.

We got an English, a Portugese and an Italian manual. The latter two even have a specific technical vocabulary for the various maneuvers specific to the weapon.


There is a manual for fighting with scythes too. Not war scythes, regular farming scythes.

It means shit. There are no accounts of zweihanders ever being used in combat. Literally 0.

We know they were used, but it was so rare nobody ever cared to mention it.

>Beef Wellington
>The sandwich
>Most of American cuisine's roots
>Fish and Chips (and ergo all potato fries and similar)
>Westernising the curry, plus adapting other food cultures to Western palates and ingredients
>Cornish Pasties
>Mother fucking cottage pie
Though I'll warrant you much of English food is indifferently prepared. There was a long period beginning with the Great War where food was produced easily, cheaply as a sort of "fuel for humans" and not for pleasure. The reputation and level of skill in English kitchens suffered for like seventy years. Plus the fashion for French diluted much of the higher echelons of cookery.

>suicidal squads
they were about as safe as everything else on the melee frontlines. as a pikeman you were at risk of those fuckers parrying their way into your formation. pikes and other front heavy polearms are easy as fuck to parry.
then you would have pikes and polearms in front of you and an angry guy with a big sword beside you.

if they were truly suicidal , they wouldnt have been a valid tactic. real fighting is mostly about not losing rather than killing the guy in front of you dead, people back then were aware of this and build their tactics around this concept.

I really enjoyed the last season of Marco Polo because of stuff like this.

The have a blind martial arts master run up against a random European guy in chain-mail. It made for an interesting fight.

Leonhard Fronsbergers (1555) : „
Zum neunten / sol er Schlachtschwerdt / Hellenparten / Mordachsen / und dergleichen Kurze wehr / zun Schwerdtschlegen verordnet haben / so der anfall zu grim und eng zesammenrrung / das sie die langen wehr / nitt wol gebrauchen möchten / das er als dann die selben wercken lassz.“
We also got Paolo Giovo writing about them chopping up pikes at the Battle at Fornovo (1495) and Giacomo di Grassis True Art of Defence (1570, 1594) mentions some of the usual points (tieing up lots of dudes, defending stuff).

Plus battle accounts are be pretty sparse in the details and these weapons were used back when folks cared about other issues in their historic writing.


where the fuck are those extra characters from?
The ones I can find only go up to issue 2.

The rest isn't translated yet.

He was making a Dark Souls joke, you doof. The generic longsword's moveset is mostly stabs and vertical slashes, with a couple horizontal cuts depending on stance/move. That makes is good for use indoors, where larger weapons or ones with more horizontally focused movesets will clang off the walls.
The zwei is the only ultra greatsword that has a stab/vertical R2 and a rollstab. It's also a meme weapon because the legendary Giantdad build uses it.

>because i know a fighting manual that describes how to duel using farming scythes , i conclude that all fighting manuals have no relevance in medevial/ renaisance warfare.

there were all kinds of manuals for fighting with unusual weapons , and most of them were for sport/ entertaiments sake.

the zweihänder did play mostly a defensive/ supportive role: in formation to parry pikes to open attack opportunities for your pals, since outright attacking with a swinging motion requires some space on your sides.
in a defensive position , when you have a group of a few people guarding someone/something , the balance and shape allows quicker parries and a very high risk for everyone coming too close. in large-scale warfare you havent nearly as much space therefore weapons are optimized for formations.

on the other hand , picture 3 guys with zweihänders against 3 pike/spear/poleaxe wielders. you have to keep in mind the weight of the sword , which very rarely was heavier than 2,5 kg - far lighter than common polearms of all variety , except for spears. the point of balance would give the sword another significant advantage in speed.

"then just thrust , it would be quick enough and outreach your enemy"
it could , but only in a direct clash. balance and other neat things like an extended crossguard allow to easily parry thrusts , another advantage would even be the reach of the opponent: if you manage to push aside the weapon near the tip , leverage makes it easier. the moment your hands come into the sword`s reach , you wont have a crossguard protecting them either.
polearms are economical and show high effectiveness in formation , but that's it.
Swords require more training to use , but no way they will be ineffective in the hands of someone who learned their craft and knows how to make use of all the different parts of his weapon.

i once used a zweihänder to parry a dual dagger combo in DS2 pvp.
propbably because my opponent did 6 attacks without seeing i poised through them.

by the way , i know how poise does nothing passively, but does it still contribute to blocking in ds3?