How do you feel about polymorph spells, fa/tg/uys?
How do you feel about polymorph spells, fa/tg/uys?
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Mildly aroused
Midnight Bliss is best spell.
They're all kinds of stupid. Changing your entire body plan would render you helpless like a baby, forcing you to learn to walk all over again. Besides, changes to your brain would cause radical changes to your personality too.
Unless... MAGIC. Imprinting instinctual intimacy with your new form or shileding your mind from deterioration isn't that unbelivable if you can rearrange living matter on atomic level, often throwing conservation of mass into the thrash.
BTW I quite like how they tackled the werewolves in Dresden books. Forcibly changing someone into a wolf destroys his personality over time because his new form can't hold the human mind. Having a natural trait of changing into wolf requires you to learn how to actually use your second body. And special belts giving you wolf form use spirits to guide your body while you can still have your mind (well, mostly).
Midnight Bliss needs to be used more.
In most systems, they suck.
They're best when used as just fluff (the character stats only exist in the polymorphed state) or buffs to the base form stats.
And that's without going into the psychology of it all.
Shape shifting in general needs to be carefully thought out.
Not enough limits or rules, and it suddenly has untold effects on society and the human condition as a whole.
Too many limitations, and it takes the fun and magical realm out of the concept.
Needs a careful touch.
Darkstalkers as a whole needs to be used more. The setting is actually surprisingly cool if you read the background stuff.
witches turning people into frogs/pigs is such a cliche but I still think it's cool
not in a fetish way, you dorks
Lady jedah is so damn hot it's a shame that design is wasted on a five-second special move.
Like, !!FUN!!
old!Capcom was so rad, they'd put so much effort into even the smallest parts of their games.
I know I'm not getting off to this but I know someone else is.
But hey, so long as power levels are hidden outside erps who cares?
Also this. I've never actually turned anyone into a newt, mind. But maybe should start.
Every character has a nice midnight bliss form, even the crappy crossover ones.
hate it. Fucking pain in the ass. I've never seen a system handle it sanely.
Hilarious, but the rules behind it suck.
My little Goenitz can't be this cute
>Humanoid polymorph is a fetish.
>Can't let the table know.
>Play shapeshifters anyway.
>Never mention sex, just don't.
>Encounter bandit gang
>Cast Circe's Porcine Polymorph
>Bacon for days
>Polymorph into girl
>Masturbate for 24 hours non-stop
Is it just me?
I really liked the concepts of fresh water merfolk and beefolk. I'm contemplating to add them to my setting. The merfolk having a society more or less like that of sea elves, only a bit more rustic; and the beefolk essentially being tyranids making use of mimicry.
I mean I would ravage the shit out of my pussy, if I had one. How are women not doing this all day long? What with them having sex organs whos only purpose is to cause euphoria
more than midly aroused desu.
I got so hard during the episode of ore no twintails where the MC becomes a real girl even outside his magical girl form.
Post more Midnight Bliss pls
Darkstalkers rpg where
Polymorph spells are a great way to subtly get my magical realm coterminous with the rest of the game world.m.
I like it when they have rules and restrictions about what they turn things into, with appropriate costs and risks
Midnight Bliss is a good example, actually, it's predictable and not as OP as turning someone into a frog or something would be
never ever
It's a variant of the Street Fighter RPG made by White Wolf.
This is too lewd for words.
>How are women not doing this all day long?
Who said they aren't? :P
Have some yuri too
No, it's me too.
One of my favorite things from the setting is that hell/makai is strongly implied (or at least, believed by many of its inhabitants) to be the organic, still living corpse of God.
Darkstalkers-verse is metal as fuck.
>Smegmagius the wizard has decided to polymorph everyone reading this thread into their favorite fantasy humanoid race. You still look kind of the same unless you want to be the little girl
How much does your life change, and how?
Kitsune so knot much.
Keep on keepin on and hiding my furfaggotry.
Then again, you could have some fun in a setting where polymorph really is the go-to solution for most problems, so if you need something done you find a creature that can do it and then find someone willing to be that creature for a while.
I am filled with a sudden and uncontrollable urge to do volunteer work. Beyond that, not much.
At least some girls keep a small vibrator, or dildo, or buttplug inside.
Do undead humanoids count?
Sure, why not
Yeah, you could definitely explore some interesting ideas with a setting like that, but you'd definitely have to take the ramifications of the concept into account when worldbuilding
jedah isn't used to being a girl
...Now do it to Akuma and Gouki
>Polymorph BBEG into petite young woman
>commence pic related
Its like molesting a bully, they aren't so tough after that
I become the first fat and ugly elf
So not much
So I become a little tiefling girl.
I guess I'll be going back to school. Assuming I go over the same years, it would make my primary school years more interesting, seeing as a couple of heavy religious types took over that school.
I really do need to watch that...
We /ModernKafkasMetamorphosis/ now
It would get a lot harder to use a keyboard. But I think I could live with it.
My favorite fantasy race is dorf.
So I get maybe a head shorter and become stocky rather than scrawny. I'd probably be stronger and tougher, but I might also likely be taken less seriously. I think I might go the route of the Shadowrun dwarves and grow a beard to keep me from being treated like a kid.
I do kind of want to be the little girl, but not if I have to be a dwarf. I'd rather be a little elf girl.
Good taste, user.
>Yay! I'm a kobold!
> I is cute!!!
>Cool I don't have too eat as much.
>Scaly tail! Wooooo!
> so agile!!!
>Fuck the counters at work are high, and I can stop drooling at the raw meat.
>Shits heavy now.
>The only gun I own that I can use is my 10/22
>hotdog down hallway.
Sure. No reason to care, anyway.
2 times 0 is still 0.
One internet hug for sad user.
either a lamia or a plant man
Or, if cute girl, lamia or plant... girl.
If i get to pick, I go with the plant, because fuck, plants have such regen.
>I'z now an Ork
>Rampage through the Southeastern Australian countryside
>Start bushfires wherever I go
>Occasionally wander into a town at night to steal food & weapons & maybe post on the internet
>Only ever post greentext 'CUZ IT'Z DA BEST CULLA!
>Eventually die to some random hunter out for the inevitable bounty on my head
Really quite inconvenient, since I couldn't use anything designed for normal people anymore.
And I'm a centaur girl now.
This is going to be very difficult to hide, but at least I've still got the important half of a human body, as well as an excellent source of puns.
Too far into my magical realm.
I have a setting I'm working on and I've managed to subconsciously maneuver around the issue to make sure it's incredibly not possible, and that if you even try you have a 99.9% chance of dying on the spot.
Yea what said.
With a side order of mind control to turn villains into upstanding heroes.
Well that's going to make a lot of things inconvenient. The floor and furniture are going to be utterly fucked
Although I guess I still can use plastic bags as mittens to use computers, so that's not too bad.
More Midnight Bliss, please.
tfw being a tan blond Californian pays off because thats exactly what i'm attracted to,looks wise
Isn't it a bit weird that you become your own waifu?
I'd my own waifu.
it's the only surefire way to make sure your waifu exists
>incredibly not possible
As opposed to regularly impossible?
Has there ever been a story about a man so desperate to make his waifu real he becomes her?
A few times. Probably the best one I recall is America from Judge Dredd.
Any others you know? I don't even know what I'd search for to find these.
Are there even any non-magical realm tg, Veeky Forums stories?
As always it's garbage if used for sexual gratification.
I can't provide links at the moment, but I do recall a story about this guy trapped in hell that this effectively happens to.
There's not a huge amount, though.
>Traditionally, it is to the death, but under Warchief Thrall's rule it became a NON-LETHAL combat, similiar to Warsong's Mak'Rogahn.
>Participants can CHOOSE to forgo this change.
>However, even when operating under the old rules, the victor can choose to spare the loser's life.
So to the death is optional. And before you get your panties in a twist about
>muh original style honor duel!
remember that traditions can change, and the modern rules were accepted by the new Horde as legitimate.
Amazing mispost, lad.
This thread reminds me of that one story an user posted about a guy who buys a mermaid costume only to turn in to a mermaid.
Does anyone have it?
That's a whole big swathe of TF fetish you're talking there.
I know
>Favorite monster: giant bugs, undeads, body horror aberrations, bald nosferatu vampires
...looks that I'm not going to get my hair back
Those are shit tho.
Uh. I guess i can breathe lightning now. And i'm resistant to electricity. I should become an electrician or something.
It's still in fucking Brazilian.
Same here, only with half elf.
I guess I'm taking the little girl option too, then.
Okay, being a seven foot bug man is a bad thing, but not too bad. I can now move to Arizona and live in the desert like I always wanted. I will probably become an urban legend until some rancher shoots me. My girlfriend won't be thrilled.
But hey, at least I get 4 arms now. Thats... kind of cool I guess.
It's my fetish.
Well, I'm probably not going to be able to go to Sandhurst as a three foot tall Goblin girl.
That sounds like a personal problem.
Height requirements, unfortunately.
What if I want to be the little boy?
Based Ruel
A High elf? I get to live longer, and with my reduced need for sleep, I can shitpost even longer.
Also, I don't need to worry about shaving, getting ottermode will be easier, and I no longer need glasses, and I'm slightly more attractive. I also might be taller, depending on the setting.
The only real downside are now I've got pointy ears, which will be pretty hard to explain.
Overall, seems really nice.