What is your opinion on non-virgin heroines?
What is your opinion on non-virgin heroines?
Prostitute or bust.
Have no strong feelings for or against them. Purityfags are the worst, though.
To be honest, most of the time if someone isn't playing a loli or some kind of priestess, I kinda instantly assume their characters had some *ahem* "adult life experience" already. I mean, in a world where adventurers are running around and stuff, why wouldn't you try and get some?
B-b-but user! This could possibly pertain to character building or something! It's totally Veeky Forums-related!
Nah, I agree with you 100%
report and hide
>inb4 should
Why would it ever even come up in a normal game?
Also what the fuck would it even matter?
Unless you were playing FATAL or a blatant ERP.
Who cares? A Hero or Heroine being a virgin or not is hardly likely to ever come up.
Useless trash.
Their bodies lack mana to drain, they usually have already sold off their souls, so I can't trick them into selling them to me.
I can't even use them for a sacrifice in my rituals, for devil's sake!
Seconding. I think the only virgin character I've ever played in like 5 years of tabletop gaming was a paladin. A MALE paladin.
Abstinence gives them power
{if !virgin
How is it relevant?
Do you tell your fellow players 'I'LL LET YOU KNOW MY HEROINE IS NOT A VIRGIN'?
It's fine as long as they're married.
>How is it relevant?
Some cultures have certain dress codes to distinguish between virgins and non-virgins?
As long as they do not make anyone uncomfortable and the fun stays on the same level or gains through their lewdness, I say go for it fag!
Even when youre a priestess. most fantasy religions alow it, and when you have a christian setting the woman had a life before becoming a nun.
I find they often suck
Didn't a number of nuns become nuns in part due to their "prior experience?"
Virgin heroines are the best. Non-virgins mean that the girl is already allotted a lower rank - i.e. "Someone I can fuck, but not someone I would care about as much."
I'd pick the virgin girl over the non-virgin one at any time. It's like...Obviously, you'd love your own children more than an adopted child.
source on that image before delete?
Nunnery was a way for poor widows to find a way to support themselves I believe. The other way was re-marrying, which was pretty common
Only virgins place a great value on virginity.
As long as the woman is faithful and loving to her current partner, why does it matter if she's had one or ten partners before him?
Is a man suddenly worthless as a prospective husband because he stuck his dick in a milk maid back when he was a stable boy? Is that man destined for a life of adultery and sin because he fucked a barmaid a week before meeting his future wife?
For men, experience is valued. For women, it's purity. It's the different roles each gender plays.
Oh bollocks to that, purity was a requirement only to nobility and certain types of clergy. If you were a member of the commoners than all that mattered was remaining faithful to the man you chose to spend the rest of your life with. Now this isn't saying purity was seen as worthless - far from it - what I'm saying is purity was valued but experience was *not condemned.* If a girl bled on her wedding night than that's great, but if she didn't bleed than that's fine too.
You can blame the religious fanatics that swam to the New World for turning what used to be an esoteric blue-blooded custom into a common obligation.
Sex with virgins sucks, though, and not in the good way. I'll take somebody experienced over a virgin that literally cannot find her clit any day of the week.
Unless you are into passive cocksleeves, I guess.
pure > slut
This. If you're a peasant, and your woman isn't pregnant with another man's child, doesn't have STDs and doesn't have baggage then you have 0 reasons to care about how many guys she slept with before she met you.
You mean thank. The degeneracy of the old world has destroyed it.
I like them a lot better than people shitting up Veeky Forums with magical realm fuckery, why in the 9 fucking hells do you goddamn ask?
What fucks with my head is that there are people out there actually, unironically think that the US isn't a horrible shithole. Shitposting and trolling is one thing, but really believing that it is a great country is fucked up.
I dunno, man. The rest of the world does a pretty good job of making itself look worse.
The reason I'm not preparing on fleeing the country is because I don't know where I'd go.
As someone who lives in America, the fact that our presidental canidates are a war criminal and a developmentally retarded manchild makes it really appealing to hope our contry just collpases in on itself and starts over sometimes.
Then again, at least we're not dealing with the fallout of Brexit at ground zero, poor sods.
I'm Asian. Passive cocksleeves are what we consider the ideal women to be. (Western women are generally too masculine.)
Oh please, we have to deal with upper class white people problem candidates. Talk shit when America starta dealing with the kind of shit SA and African politicians get up to
My opinion on virgin heroes.
They are cute. CUTE!
I'm sitting in the heart of Europe and honestly, even with the muslim influx, with the Brexit, with the (sadly) corrupted EU, with ultra rights on the rise, life is still pretty much paradise. It always seems like for every issue here, it's way worse in the US. And then the US has an incredible heap of insanity on top of it that dwarves anything that could come up here ever.
>As long as the woman is faithful and loving to her current partner, why does it matter if she's had one or ten partners before him?
>As long as a doctor cures his patients, why does it matter if he has a degree from Harvard or an apprenticeship with a Witchdoctor from Uganda?
That's funny, because with your example, in the case of pleasing you, the virgin would more likely be the witchdoctor, and the experimented woman the Harvard degree
So you're saying you believe everything you see on the news?
Maybe it's just some sort of reverse greener grass syndrome, at least on my end.
I ought to sit down and learn some languages anyways.
As someone who lives in a Slavic third-world shithole, your problems are fucking flowers and candycorn compared to a lot of problems we face here.
At least in your society, something changes when people raise an outcry. In ours, it's just one con artist and criminal gets traded for another.
And the worst thing is? We are desentisized to it. We treat corruption and crimes like it's a proper order of things.
However, we DO get a lot of freedoms, because while the government is too inept to perform its duties (at least, unless someone important is involved), it's also too inept to enforce its prohibitions (again, unless someone important is involved).
Basically, if you go into politics here, expect to live a 5 years being lauded, 5 years being scorned, and the rest of your life away from the shithole country, all the while living like a king and stealing money from others.
>in the case of pleasing you
Then why not go to a prostitute if that's what matters? We're talking about loyalty, not how "good" they are at the ONE thing every human being instinctively knows how to do.
The irony in your post is that both doctors in your scenario are curing the same number of patients with equal effectiveness, proving that the only difference between the Harvard surgeon and the Ugandan witch-doctor is a fancy diploma and some pomp.
This, no one who calls America a shithole realizes how tap water, electricity, paved roads, and property rights are not a given in many countries
And you're still assuming a virgin is somehow better at being loyal than a woman that's gagged on a couple dicks before deepthroating yours?
Nothing wrong with being non-virgins
well, assume what you want, but its up the the player to decide if something happened in her background or not.
And what loyalty are you talking about? You think that because you were the first to put you pee-pee in her vagoo, it will instil magical everlasting loyalty to you? If that was the case, there would be no such things as experience wowen in the first place
>property rights
Oh man, I've got some many stories about "prihvatization" in my country (read: unlawful business seizure).
When a bunch of masked dudes armed with either bats and pistols, or actual AKs crashes into your office and forces you to sign an act of cessation of the right of ownership of your business, and you can't do shit, because the guy who ordered is in bed with police and the judges, and if you resist you'll either be dead and forgotten in some forest, or arrested for "assault" and sent to the prison - just HOLY SHIT.
>The irony in your post is that both doctors in your scenario are curing the same number of patients with equal effectiveness
The irony is that this statement relies on the false assumption that a witchdoctor could ever cure as many patients as a Harvard doctor. I'm so sorry that I had to spell out the obvious. Are you slow?
>And you're still assuming a virgin is somehow better at being loyal
You know, other than having a pretty good record on the whole loyalty thing? But if you really demand a citation on the painfully obvious...
Shall I offer you a scientific citation that grass is green next time?
pic related
>Some cultures have certain dress codes to distinguish between virgins and non-virgins?
not all settings have such cultures, but yeah it could matter depending on the setting, and not just in dress codes.
yeah, girls who don't take themeselves seriously shouldn't be taken seriously.
But do they also blow?
Why does it matter? Either way can still be just as serious and competent a heroine as the other. Or silly and fun. Hell I've seen experienced women who are still more cute and innocently flustered about sex than some virgins. A virgin isn't necessarily naive either, plenty who would be happy for a roll in the hay if they just spot someone that strikes their fancy. Maybe your game has some fairly young PCs just starting to get into such relationships, and then it may be expected that they're all virgins. Maybe the PCs are a bit older, and it makes more sense that everyone's had some fun in the past. As long as it fits the character, it's all good.
The only post that matters in this thread.
wow, next you gonna claim cancer cause cellphones.
Most women don't really know what they want at first.
Be someone's first partner, and you likely won't be their last.
>The ONE thing every human knows how to do
Virgin detected. Sex is about more than just "peg A into slot A"
Everyone sucks at sex their first time. And their second time. In fact, most people never get really good at it, just passable enough that their partner is okay.
You're trying to shove a direct link between loyalty and marriage stability, where there is no such thing in the article you showed. Of course, when you've been with more men, you can see that your husband is a piece of shit.
Be honest user, you don't want a loyal partner, you want doormat that won't realize how bad you are at relationship.
I don't really have one, it usually isn't relevant to anything and when it is I more care whether or not those details contribute to the story well or not.
People who obsess over virginity as a source of purity or whatever it is they call it are a bunch of sexless NEETs and/or pedophiles, however, and I simultaneously pity and despise them.
>implying sex theory doesn't exist
Yeah, most of the teachers are shit, but I'm just sayin'.
You can get decent at sex without actually ever practicing it as long as you study on it, just like with everything else.
>That's funny, because with your example, in the case of pleasing you, the virgin would more likely be the witchdoctor, and the experimented woman the Harvard degree
>most people never get really good at [sex]
OP has created a thread for the sole purpose of riling up moralfags and blending modern insecurity regarding women with the autism of trad gaming
>You know, other than having a pretty good record on the whole loyalty thing? But if you really demand a citation on the painfully obvious...
Wowzers user, it's almost like having experience with men helps you recognize when a man turns out to be a shitty partner.
You're just baiting people, by not understanding that there several people disagreeing and arguing, and by not even understanding basic language, such as the meaning of "more likely"
>Being jizzed inside helps you identify men that are marriage material
OP is always a faggot, but it's everyone fault who partakes in this thread that this thread is thriving.
Even yours
Yes, even I am to blame
Hush, next you'll have him realizing that correlation and causation are different things.
Who the fuck plays a virgin loli? That's fucking sick man. I hope you're arrested.
You only need common sense for that, not a vagina you can house a family in.
>he can't tell the quality of a man's soul by absorbing his jizz
in today world, knowing = fucking. if you don't fuck them, you haven't been dating.
t. virgin
You're a virgin aren't you bud?
>And what loyalty are you talking about? You think that because you were the first to put you pee-pee in her vagoo, it will instil magical everlasting loyalty to you? If that was the case, there would be no such things as experience wowen in the first place
Some people are intimidated by a woman that's had her fair share of cocks in the past, user.
These people don't want "loyalty", they want a woman that's never gained perspective on what is or is not a good sexual partner, and assumes they are a perfect fit for their gently used hole.
I say bollocks to that, I'd rather have the slutty BBEG lieutenant that realizes she wants to actually settle down with my character over the virginal priestess that gets all doe-eyed to my guy.
lolis are for hug not fug
>Some people are intimidated by a woman that's had her fair share of cocks in the past, user.
And those people are called Nancyboys. I'd still take the priestess on account that sleeping with the enemy is a terrible idea.
>Le correlation isn't causation maymay
How would you feel about throwing all of the scientific corpus out of the window because you do not like that women who fuck a lot of men are sluts?
It is both the most likely explanation for the facts and simply common sense.
Sexual compatibility is *huge* in marriage, it's one of the cornerstones of intimacy (which is equal to trust in terms of importance for an enduring marriage.)
A woman you just can't get comfortable with, or find the whole "sex" thing awkward to do is not likely to be a woman you want to put on that white gown for you.
Dude, I have two kids. It's just the culture in my area. My sister was a virgin when she was married, too: If she wasn't a virgin, she would never have landed a doctor.
We're Asian, so we're naturally more conservative. In fact, I was sent to the same University as my sister to make sure she didn't fuck anyone.
Pic related
Why not both?
Seems like an argument for marrying a virgin.
>Sexual compatibility
What is this meme. Unless the man is hung like a horse and the woman tight like a mouse, they're compatible. Perhaps not perfectly compatible, but compatible enough.
>"B-But he just wants tender lovemaking while she wants to dress up like Sailormoon's slutty BDSM twin sister!"
Ever heard of compromise? You'd know a lot more about it if you didn't prioritize sex in relationships.
>missing the point this hard
because too early you pedo
Im 12 what is this?
Come to read about why would anyone care about nonvirgin heroines, find a lot of idiots with no life experience buying into /pol/ redpill/alpha bullshit with crappy statistics taken out of context and badly interpreted.
>the ride never ends
Sum it up pretty decently.
i've been lucky, or unlucky depending on perspective, to have a lot of sexual/relationship experiences, and what they are saying is the truth.
Either way, who cares if the heroine is a virgin or not? Trying to inject sexuality into board games is the most cringy shit i've ever seen, and to class someone as a virgin or not, is already doing that.
>"B-But he just wants tender lovemaking while she wants to dress up like Sailormoon's slutty BDSM twin sister!"
Those two options don't sound mutually incompatible at all.
Ah, shit meant to link
>Trying to inject sexuality into board games is the most cringy shit i've ever seen, and to class someone as a virgin or not, is already doing that.
in other words, if someone explicitly states their char isn't (or is) a virgin its already a bad start.
>How would you feel about throwing all of the scientific corpus out of the window because you do not like that women who fuck a lot of men are sluts?
You're going to lead a pretty lonely life if you think anyone who has had more than one cock inside them is somehow worthless as a romantic partner, especially if you live in the West.
And that's what you're trying to tell us by throwing these statistics our way, that settling for a non-virgin is setting yourself up for a life of cuckoldry and eventually divorce. This is an absurd assumption to make, especially since much of a relationship is built around figuring out how compatible your partner is as a mate - and yes, that *does* include how they perform in the bedroom.
I don't care if a woman had some one-night stands in her college years, I did too. All I care about, and all you should care about, is her ability to remain exclusive and faithful to her partner when they decide to be an official item. Statistics are cute in the broad spectrum, but in matters like this you need to treat all women on a case-by-case basis, and in this instance the number of dicks she's sucked should be one of the lesser items on that big ole list.
Fuck man, everyone's got a past, and every couple that tries to get serious talks about their past sexual partners. It's a part of accepting the woman for who they are, dude.
can we resume at dealing with this issue in a TG related way, like those posts
Dude, I know and I'm glad. In fact, I only live half an hour away from Slavic Shitholes #1, #2, #3 and #4
So, spreading poverty, entire cities becoming essentially slums and/or having no clean tap water for years and a 100% insane way to elect your president among others are not a thing? Or shit like "Vaccination causes autism", not to mention never-ending racial and sexism debates? I mean, we do have those, but those retards are confined to stirring shit in the student representations and achieve or change nothing else, thank god.
Go fuck yourself.
Hello Veeky Forums
>You're going to lead a pretty lonely life if you think anyone who has had more than one cock inside them is somehow worthless as a romantic partner, especially if you live in the West.
Don't worry, I'll manage. I'm more worried about you, who blindly jumps into a "50% chance of losing everything and perhaps even going to prison" death trap.
>Fuck man, everyone's got a past
And it's normal to judge people by their past. I'm not arrogant enough to believe that I'm better than the 10 men before me were.