Haven't seen one of these in a while, they're always good fun so let's do it.
1d10 for why we were founded
Haven't seen one of these in a while, they're always good fun so let's do it.
1d10 for why we were founded
Other urls found in this thread:
Rolled 5 (1d10)
I never used the dice roller before, I hope I did it right.
"The enemies of the emperor lived on this world, we were made to destroy them."
Next up is 1d100 for when the high lords decreed that a chapter would be needed.
Also wait a bit so that others can join in and roll the dice.
Rolled (1d00)
Rolled 1 (1d100)
Rolled 89 (1d100)
We are a 2nd Founding Chapter? Rolling for who's our daddy.
Ah yeah, should we keep up the ritual scarification?
Yes. Roll 1d10 for geneseed quality.
Rolled 7 (1d10)
Altered stock. Roll 1d10 for demeanor.
Rolled 6 (1d10)
Hoping for a 1 or 6
Oh yes
I'm blessed by the Emperor it seems.
See but do not be seen. Roll for the mutation.
Rolled 4 (1d10)
Our skin is weird. Maybe we got that indecent exposure to silver thing.
Rolled 67 (1d100)
Could've been worse, could've been narcoleptic. Rolling for legendary figure
Master of Sanctity. One of our Chaplains did something great. You also skipped over the flaws.
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Sorry 'bout that, jumped the gun. Flaws
Oh dear. We're doomed.
Rolled 23 (1d100)
Well, let's hope what ever great deed our Chaplain did, it will have us be remembered for eternity.
>established as wardens against enemies of the Imperium that inhabit or once inhabited their homeworld.
>2nd founding chapter, therefore forged from White Scars who survived the heresy and the siege of Terra
>See but do not be seen, mutation of the skin
>heroic chaplain figure
We sound a lot like chaos hunters guys. Scout bikers and sneaky warp based deep strikes to mess up our opponent's tactics. The master of sanctity could have led a particular charge that held the Emperor's palace against a breach, and his teachings of waiting for the precise moment to strike against chaos have influenced the chapter over the millennia.
He proved him to be the killiest Beakie who proved his own Orkiness and made actual Orks look like poor little grots.
We're Ork eaters.
Rolled 80 (1d100)
So instead of Chaos hunters, we're Ork hunters, I still like the idea of precision warb based deep strikes. Rolling for Homeworld. Hoping for feral.
Civilized world, and see, but don't be seen. Maybe a trial for aspirants is that we have the local constabulary hunt them throughout the cities, and so long as they're not seen or caught, they can then begin training?
That can work. Streak across the city, but don't be seen.
Rolled 42 (1d100)
Rolling for HW terrain and to keep thread alive.
We live in a desert.
Rolled 5 (1d10)
for homeworld rule!
We have a distant rule. Filename is completely unrelated.
So, while the world is civilized, it's a predominately desert world, Let's say the cities themselves are oases, with tech to make sure they don't die. Meanwhile, our chapter, which is doomed, has a temple way out in the desert.
Oh I like that. Roll for organization.
Rolled 7 (1d10)
I hope we're divergent.
You got your wish. Praise Man Emperor Urist.
Rolled 1 (1d10)
Ah yeah, now let's hope for a combat doctrine that matches, or can pair interestingly with our demeanor.
Close combat. Looks like we're going with Coldsteel's philosophy.
Rolled 74 (1d100)
I'm liking where this is going, let's what special equipment we got.
Special vehicles. We still got our bikes.
Later guys. I'm in major need of some fresh air and a long break from the internet. Don't let the thread die.
Rolled 45 (1d100)
rolling for chapter belief
>Emperor above all
Reroll for something cooler, maybe?
Rolled 15 (1d100)
Fucked up the dice
Our Primarch is the best?
Here's a heretical idea: we believe that the khan surpassed the emperor and was better than all others.
Could work.
Anyone care to hook up an user with a summary?
We haven't finished all of the rolls for a summary yet.