Warhammer 40k General

Johnny is a WIP meme edition.

>Fresh(er) pasta:

>Rules databases

>FAQ’s and Errata (outdated but official)

>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s).

>Forgeworld Book index

> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)

> Space 0Din's glorious work
dropbox.com/s/lsx27fo3rq2x7tk/Codex - Orks 7th Edition Update [Space Odin](2016).pdf?dl=0

Other urls found in this thread:


First question, has our shitposting gotten to the level where we need a pastebin filterlist for the omnipresent bait?

As someone who hasn't played in a while could someone please fill me in on what CAD and formations are? In fact I don't know about anything outside of the FOC so help would be appreciated.
When you play 30k

You must change the look, not the fluff, of one faction. I'd give SoBs skirts like pic related.

Read the rulebook.

That costs money and I don't plan on investing until I know I want to get back in to the hobby.

You could download the rules which are in the mega.

It's in the rules database link along with every codex.

Make necron warscythes all look like the warscythes from the plastic overlord kit.

CAD is the FoC.
Formations are preset ways to ignore the FoC and get bonuses for doing so. Some of them are OP and have defined how certain armies play, ironically reducing the number of real options.

Its all very clearly defined in the rulebook.
CAD is a combined arms detachment and is a replacement for earlier version's "force organization chart"
Formations are preset lists of units that can be taken as or along side your army

What's the difference between them?

Overlords scythe is a scythe, not a glaive

So people always complain (with reason) that tyranids are weak.
For some insane reason I've been looking at the problem codexes and coming up with some fixes for them that will never see the light of day and/or get played, and I want to tackle tyranids.
so what are the problems with the nid book, both that need buffing and that need nerfing


Do you play them yourself?

All the problems with Tyranids have been solved (with varying degrees of success) in the Veeky Forums Edition Codex.

The Beast Arises book 8 - can someone share it please?

the biggest most present problem is that an army that is supposed to be incredibly adaptable can only be reliably played in one way with mixed results and people will give you shit for playing it that way and that its supposed to be a living swarm but playing it as such is a surefire way to lose

Noone has it, the source is still down.

Then why are the others called a Warscythe then? I hate false advertisement.

Because that's how real warscythes looked, they were shitty peasant weapons that imitated glaives, the overlord's weapon just has a fantasy design.

>Overlord has a fantasy design
>lesser Cron nobles have practical designs
I'm an idiot for not seeing that.

The plastic Overlord is wielding the Edge of Eternity, because it's a sculpt of Zarathusa the Ineffable. Just like the Dark Vengeance chaos Lord is Kranon, or the plastic blood angels captain is Karlaen.

Some generic models are of named dudes who don't have a datasheet.

Hell Ork Deffkoptas are all a special character form gorkamorka...

Was gonna try and make a custom codex, rather than sororitas, making a straight up Ecclesiarchy codex. These were things I made in 5 minutes, how's it look? The faith points would be redoing Acts of Faith, where you have a set number of faith points at the start of battle depending on what units have the rule and such, and deplete those through automatic acts of faith.

I would make Tau looking less anime and more gritty.

I can't stand how they look.

I like their helmets. Made me think they were robots until I learned their lore. I think I should feel disappointed.

Alright, time for a different kind of homebrew game.

Make a unit for your army. It has to have the following:
1. A role that isn't already covered in your codex (IE make it something new, not just "x but better")
2. No point cost
Other posters should then give said unit a point cost, based on what they feel would be appropriate.

Like, for example:
Farsight Fire Drill Shas'el
A standard fire warrior (striker or breacher) with the gear they would usually have, but with Ld9 and WS and BS4. He is not an independant character, but has to join a retinue of fire warriors of the same type as himself. He grants this unit WS4, and the entire unit gets Pulse-powered swords, that strikes at S: user AP5.

The intention is to support a farsight army in close combat.

So what pricetag would you give this guy? And do you have similar homebrew ideas?

This miniature as Saint Celestine.
(Mostly because she doesn't have a face)

I wouldn't make them look more gritty, but I would make their battlesuits look far more bulbous.

Super-Heavy but poorly armorer transport for Cultists.

12 armor all around, but plenty of Heavy Stubbers for the cultists to handle, Open Topped and 9 HP.

Can't Thundershock but doesn't need to snapfire when ramming.

Army wide 6-5++ works on sisters, because most of their shit has 3+ armour for when they get lit up by small arms. Not even having a t-shirt save means these guys are going to be turbo fucked by any army with even middling basic infantry. At 12" a normal guard squad will kick out roughly 5 wounds with just their lasguns, let alone anything actually designed to kill stuff, and at 6 points a model, those Zealots can't even claim to be cheap enough to spam. Skitarii Vanguard would tear them a new arsehole with their radguns

Is it me or is the allies table complete ass?

>Can't play newly renegade marines with a traitor legion or daemons without being shit
>can't play renegade guardsmen with a traitor legion or daemons without being shit
>can't play genestealer cult that has infiltrated planetary defense force without being shit

>can't play gue'vesa without being crap
>can't have general orc mercs without being crap
>can't have orcs and eldar together as warriors of the old ones without being crap

>dark eldar are as happy to work with slaaneshi demons as humans are with tau
>necrons are buddies with the fucking chaos marines, even though they hate chaos
>but don't worry, the fifty different kinds of imperials can all work together because god knows they needed the power boost

Wtf even is this? It's not designed for gameplay balance, and it's not fluffy either.

I just picked up the Gamesday 2001 model - Kroot Shaper - for a friend. It's still in the blister, and the seller claimed it was 'very rare'. I paid just under $20 with shipping.

I tried to find out how many were made, to no avail. Does anyone know how many of these gamesday models are cast?

Vulkan gives up his perpetualness to drive off the Beast by absorbing all the waaagh energy and redirecting it at the Beast like a psychic superlaser.

This does not kill the Beast because he is charged by Gork and Mork like Horus was charged by Chaos.

Soooo.... Skitarii?

It makes sense that traitor guardsmen don't mesh well with Traitor legions or Daemons, they are treated like SHIT by them. And if you really want traitor guard, FW gave you all the good shit about guard with extra chaos gubbins in Vraks. I've always thought that allies should be affected more by WHAT you are fighting, like pretty much anyone would work together to fight Tyranids.

So, either give them 5/6+ armor saved, or make them cheaper?

>>can't play genestealer cult that has infiltrated planetary defense force without being shit
That's because that is not how Genestealer Cults work you dunce.

Grot Sharpshootas (unit comp: 5-10 Sharpshootas)
>WS2 BS3 S2 T2 W1 A1 I3 Ld5

>special rules: stealth, infiltrate
>wargear: sharpshoota (SX AP- 24'' heavy, sniper)

No way that actually happens. I know the beast series is bad, but not that bad.

Frank again. WHen I made this pic I didn't expect it to last more than one general

The marines may despise the guard, but the guardsmen presumably look up to the forces of chaos with awe. Either way they shouldn't be edging around one another, worrying that they'll stab each other in the back.

You're fucking with me.

user, I have bad news...

I didn't believe it at first, then I saw people are saying the same thing on B+C and warseer.

Vulkan does not live...

Definitely cheaper, relying on invun saves on expensive and squishy models is a mistake, and even giving them a 5-6+ wouldn't work because they would get better than that from their faith. Keep in mind that an imperial guardsman, the scrubbiest scrub that scrubbed, is 5 points. This guy has a gun, a better sergeant,access to better shit AND IS CHEAPER.

Whilst the eventual fate of a cult is to be mulched, in the early stages of an invasion people who can operate tanks and heavy weapons are more use than their equivalent mass in gaunts and gargoyles.

Alternatively if you meant "genestealer cults don't infiltrate the pdf", they very much do.

GW have gone full retard, this is some DBZ shit. Redirecting WAAGH energy? Energy that only Orks can harness? And this is supposed to HURT the fucking physical embodiment of WAAGH energy? Fuck my life, this is worse than woofs.

How's 3 points a pop sound then?

Not really. Often a Guard unit is surrendered by the officers, and the average line soldier is just along for the ride.

It's a Black Library white cover book. Ignore it.

Depleting faith points didn't work in Witchhunters because it meant you could only use your AoF a limited number of times. If Acts of Faith are part of the fun an army then that army should encourage you to do that fun thing.
I recommend moving them to the Psychic Phase so you can use your Faith Points against foul warp witches as the God Emperor intended and toning down their power or reliability if you need to balance them.

Any psyker can harness Waaagh! energy. It's practically spilling all over the place and it disturbs other psykers. IN FACT, there is a what if scenario in the Witch Hunter book where humans get mind controlled by getting swept by the psychic power of the Waaagh!

Anyways posting the V vs B fight.

Mofos, what's wrong with your reading?

Forget to mention that while psykers can harness the Waaagh! energy, they run the risk of being destroyed by it or being dominated by it. It's like trying to control an ocean. A green angry ocean.

The Marine psykers in the novel tried to do it to locate the beast and all of them got rekt except the Space Wolf whose fenrisian feral rage surpasses even the Ork rage and that saved him.

Like I said last thread would post pics of "Nova" when I'm done so here you go Veeky Forums. Enjoy.

low armoured assault vehicle for Sisters
10/10/10 fast. Used for repentia and arco flagellants

>the most un-Space Marine like fashion
The Beheading is really going to be the only redeeming thing about this series, and that's if it's done right.
>'But you are not the real threat...You are the distraction that will allow the true enemy to surge forth again.'
Vulkan never played Chapter Master it seems.

There is also that one time when an Avatar of Khaine, that was cut off from the Eldar, started feeding on the Ork Waaagh! energy.


>Not equipped with Eradicator Nova Cannon

>Creating a useless vehicle instead of putting a ramp on a Repressor

Alright bro, we've all seen your Leman Russ now. Please stop spamming the general with it.

Stealth CQB squad for scions.

Starts with hotshot laspistols and power axes, can take Eviscerators. Gets scout, infiltrate, and camo cloaks, but no bikes or jump packs. Basically an alpha strike assault unit.

>Decide to finally paint some space marines I have
>Trying to decide a color scheme
>End with purple and gold
This is basically the EC pre heresy, I don't know what to do.

Hey don't blame me. I asked the thread last time and that's what they came up with. I actually like it too.

>Lakers livery
I think those are Hawk Lords colors if you're looking for a 40k chapter.

Many of the tyranid units are simply not competitive, either because they are underpowered or overcosted.

Genestealers are overcosted and die in droves to any sort of fire. They need a better save.

Raveners are exactly the same as Shrikes except with lower Ld and Save. No reason to ever take them. Perhaps reduce their points or give them some special rule to make them worth the investment? Re-deep striking from the field to represent tunneling?

Ranged weapons are very short: 36" is the maximum from a stranglethorn cannon on a carnifex, average range is 18".

Overall Tyranids just need a couple small changes to become competitive. Shave off some points here, buff some stats there and the entire codex is playable.

You are now a Hawk Lord.



Fuck my life, I don't like this.


Really considering this.

How do you feel about this? Is it strong?

Posting model to annoy you.

>How do you feel about this?

Well, it's a deepstriking melee horde. It could work. Then again Bloodletters aren't very tough so they might get shot to bits the turn they deepstrike. But there's a lot of them so it could be hard.

Meh, no model interaction at all, might as well just be all bloodletters.

Why not?

Do you prefer Soul Drikers?

It's fun, but really not worth it. For a medium-sized casual game it's a solid choice, outside of that you're better off with something else.

I wanted my own chapter to tie them to my Scions.

Also because they're Ultramarines descendants

How do I make a good Blood Angels list that doesn't take allies from AdMech or rely overly much on other Space Marine chapters? I don't do tournaments but I also don't like being a push over.

Reverse it then.

Basically Celestial Lions with Purple instead of Blue.

240 points. Should be expensive (still a SHV) but opentopped maked it easy to deal with, even with a few plasma guns

How's this looking for a revise of the previous? I'm just gonna try to fix this stuff for now, before moving on to other things.

5 points per model. Seems appropriate compared to Kroot snipers.

Is the game side of 40k even worth it at this point?

Looks like a good start.

Please send. You're gonna turn the thread into a shitstorm. And I say yes but only casually. Banter should be the most important part.

Contrary to Veeky Forums and shitposting, the game isn't actually that bad.

Very much yes. It just takes effort and a good group.

Do as my friend says for keeping it fun:

1. Don't use most of the formations/unbound
2. Don't be a bad sport
3. Don't be a fucking cunt

If you and your opponent use those rules, the game is fun.

No, it's a grossly unbalanced mess. The game is only playable if you play one of the four or five top Codexes; if you don't, either hope your group is amenable to house rules, or prepare to lose the vast majority of your games. And don't even think about trying to play a primarily CC-focused army.

>And don't even think about trying to play a primarily CC-focused army.

I do this with a few of my armies, it works fine.

Veeky Forums

>1. Don't use most of the formations / unbound
Not necessarily bad, just don't abuse it.
>2. Don't be a bad sport
>3. Don't be a fucking cunt
Fucking this.


Yeah, your green lens seems to be bleeding green onto your helmet.

I heard that peeps were posting Tonkz without me.

>people just dont use formations
good one

Are you the same guy with the shittily painted leman russ posted 10x a thread?