We haven't had one of these in a while.
Best chapter thread
Come DAfags, come Spacefurries, come Signigs, and come Smurflovers, come BAfags, come FireNiggers, and come RavenTards, defend your honour here and now.
What's wrong with the Ravens?
Crimson fists is best fists.
We all know who the best really is.
The pimpiest of them all.
Is it me or is that shell casing rather small.
Soul Drinkers. Fite me, fagit.
All sons of dorn kick face brother
Maybe the marine is just huooooooge
White Scars are cool dudes.
Salamanders, Scars and Sharks
Stealth loses alot when the game mechanics don't include it at all.
"From the void we come - darkness there, and nothing more"
The Emperor's finest are here.
We heard "best Chapter," and got here as quickly as we could.
Prepare to be mind-wiped.
Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons
>Best Chapter
>Not even Imperial Fists
You lost that right to call yourselves the best Chapter when you got yourselves slaughtered by Orks. ORKS. Not only that, the Imperial Fists deployed their ENTIRE FUCKING CHAPTER ON ONE PLANET.
Has Chapter Master taught you nothing? NEVER deploy the entire Chapter on one world. EVER. Not even if the God Emperor tells you to, because he's probably having a space stroke.
The Ultramarines may canonically be the best Chapter, but we all know it's the First Legion.
Mi hermano de ancestros africanos
I meant in comparison to his bolter's magazine and ejection port.
I know, was trying to be sarcastic successfully on the Internet, it didn't work for you I guess
I guess you haven't read the books, the imperial fists were ordered by the high lords to deploy in full chapter strength, refusing would be heresy, also it wasn't just the orks themselves that whittled them down to nothing, they were fighting the chromes too, and then sudden gravitational anomalies destroyed their whole fleet and many of their ground forces but still after 6 weeks of this they had a third of a chapter left, a fortress made of rubble, and made a kick ass last stand going out with a fucking bang, the book was well written and the fists did their duty to the death, I guess a DAfag who hasn't read the books isn't a surprise since all of the dark Angels books are terrible, they're shit just like the chapter, stay mad, stay heretical, stay edgy, and stay traitor DAfags
Oh yeah they're the best the Dark Angels neeeevvveerr did anything bad or heretical...
For the Lion!
Teh Bluhd Rayhvens are Teh ghreytast of dee Emprah's Whoalee SPASS MUHREENS
I don't know the scientific explanation, but fire made it good.
>Imperial Fist best chapter
Close enough brother.
The Chromes were actually trying to WARN the Imperium about the oncoming Ork threat posed by the Beast, and the High Lords during the Beast wars were traitors themselves. Regardless of whose authority it is, anybody who tells you to fully deploy your Chapter should automatically be assumed an incompetent at best or purposefully conspiring to kill you at worst. It's the Fists fault that they aren't good at Realpolitik. Or rather, were.
God tier
Praise the Blood God and KILL MAIM BURN
Black Templars for best chapter is approved. Love their fluff.
Dark Angels are bretty gud.
Because 40k is finally losing its grip on Veeky Forums. It'll never be completely gone, but GW has alienated a big portion of its customer base.
True best coming through
>The Chromes were actually trying to WARN the Imperium about the oncoming Ork threat posed by the Beast
Wrong, the Chromes are like alien rats of the warp, they dwell in its nooks and crannies and were forced into the materium by the Orks, they were not trying to warn the Imperium as they had the intelligence and behaviour of rats and were just scurrying away from danger, though they were a preliminary sign of what followed next, it is not the same thing as to say they were intentionally trying to warn the Imperium.
>High Lords during the Beast wars were traitors themselves
They weren't traitors, they were only concerned about their own self interests instead of the Imperium at large, when have the High Lords ever been anything different? Still the High Lords are the governing body of the Imperium and to deny an order from them would be heresy.
>anybody who tells you to fully deploy your Chapter should automatically be assumed an incompetent at best or purposefully conspiring to kill you at worst
Nobody knew about the Orks, and what was going to happen, they all thought it was just the Chromes, and that the Chromes were just simple minded creatures which they are, the full deployment was meant to be a show of Imperial force, an easy and inspiring victory that would crush an enemy on the doorstep of Terra, it was a publicity stunt gone wrong.
>It's the Fists fault that they aren't good at Realpolitik. Or rather, were.
By that do you mean they should have done things the Dark Angel way and refused orders from those they are sworn to serve, team kill when it serves their own self interests, and abandon the battlefield leaving allies to die? Dark Angel cowards, somebody has to hold the Imperium together.
In conclusion, you have proven again you have not read the books so you do not know what you're talking about you stupid heretical DAfaggot.
See here brothers Remember that one time where we all came together under the last wall protocol and beat the ork attack moon over Terra during the war of the beast battle brothers? And how instead of being in the emo fanclub like DAfag successor chapters, or polishing our armour and being politicians like Smurf successor chapters, we spend our time kicking fucking face. Sons of fucking Dorn UNITE!!
Crimson Fists
Imperial Fists
Raven Guard
Astral Knights
Marines Errant
Legion of the Damned
The rest are shit compared to these.
The Imperium do not have to follow the orders of the high lords of terra. They are "part" of the Imperium but they are more like lords with demenses who only have sworn a vow of fealty to the emperor. They don't have to deploy where the Imperial guard, Inquisition, or the High Lords want them to. They can choose which enemies of the Imperium they fight.
Fuck I meant to say the space marines.
Only heretics don't help the high lords brother