Welcome to the MTG flake/lore thread!

Welcome to the MTG flake/lore thread!

Previously: Same shit as usual, but now there is a owl mom.

Previous thread: Writefagging last time:
There was some stuff, I suggest you go check it out.


If you want ANYTHING to go in the repo, just summon me. Otherwise I will only put writefagging and sheets in the repo.

Also, I added the blank template to the ALL FLAKESHEETS folder. And the old snowsheets are under "Snowstorm sheets" > "1- ALL FLAKE SHEETS."

To summon me simply say
Unless that's too gay.

>Current Repository


Other urls found in this thread:


I want to do a story with Igan meeting another walker- he's met maybe 1 or 2 others in his time. He's on Innistrad now but because of his Cursemute power he could be on any plane at any time.

Current flakes on Innistrad or probably on Innistrad: Serena, Venn, Revas, Murdock, Spider/Owl Mom, the Cathar, Bavara, and maybe one or two others. Maybe Leon, too. Take your pick.

Speaking of Bavara, I've got a neat update with her coming up.

Belloski could probably be there, taking anything not nailed down for his Innistrad Eldraziout Sale

Vivienna was there until the Dronepack kicked her ass, Domhanrin does pop in from time to time and is psycho enough to try and dominate/control an Eldrazi, and none of my others would really be on Innistrad for any given reason.

Oh, and Myxxzzikt could be anywhere. But my other 3 are off-limits for now.


Leon's def there.

Venn's just ignited and recently has walked back to innistrad, seperated from Serena. If you want him to cross paths, I'd be willing to help.

I thought it was hot.

I'm not making a mother flake for at least a week. If there isn't a Troll-race flake by then, I'm making one.

This crap is getting old. Why do peeps have to shit all over everything? I understand that people don't like the same crap, but that doesn't mean any of you have to act like shitheads. We are all on a thread about the lore of our beloved card game. Try to find common ground and don't trash others for being on uncommon grounds. We all like different things. Accept that and be gracious.

Really old. Really, really old. 2735 AR.

I'm happy to meet any flakes.

Burn. I can do a few stories I think, but Serena and Igan have the most to interact about, from their shared history with Flight Goldnight and Gisela, to Igan's "reprehensible" use of a moonsilver spear. Can't figure out who'd win in a fight, though...

Serena meets Belloski
Belloski tries to sell her genuine (stolen) Avacynian trinkets
Hillarity ensues

She buys them and wears them.

>Serena gets a present.


Or, you know. She attempts to apprehend or slay Belloski.

As a WR angel might do, under certain outraging circumstances.

Would she know that he stole them? Would she just assume that he did? How would she know that he didn't buy them from someone else or make them himself?

If people remember the fabulous witch sisters I made few threads back, I filled out out a plane sheet for the planar shard they live in. Have to admit, it was pretty fun to imagine what kind of place the maze is.

They are still artifacts of the church that were stolen at some point down the line

Belloski only sells genuine items from across the multiverse. No proxy garbage, only the good stuff. Even if that means looting a few corpses or incinerated churches or making some fresh corpses to loot.

The point I was trying to make is would Serena know or outright assume that they were stolen? Or just have the decency to take Belloski as an honest merchant.

I'm considering making a Harpy/Siren flake. After digging for art (Not as easy as you might think, I'd draw something myself but I can't scan it), I've come to a few possibilities:

1. Bant-colored fluffball. Innocent, pure, and curious. Potential problems are finding a good reason for her spark to ignite, and giving her more reason to exist than "wanting to explore the multiverse".

2. WB Siren that's easily bribed with shiny things. Rather than lure sailors to their death with song, she'd be the type to take their coins for her blessing. The blessing of not drowning them.
Problems are, again, why did she ignite, and what is she doing now? Beyond being a feathery Extort machine, that is.

3. WU Griffin-harpy. Not nearly as physically fluffy as the others, but is still for fluff. A bit sphinx-like, too, probably. Likely a tsundere. Same problems as the others- why and how.

4. Jund harpy. Definitely a bird of prey. Big, sharp claws offset by big, fluffy plumage. Big overall. Probably also a little tsun. Still not sure how she ignites, but she's definitely fond of hunting down prey across the multiverse. I have a few fluffy quirks I can add, so she's probably the top runner so far.

The real question is, does the community have any preference? Feels like it's a bit much to do more than one or two, but sitting on a bunch of ideas is no good, either...

I like the ideas, but didn't we just get a bird lady?

Serena in her current form is pretty damn strong, being an angel has it's advantages.


>Trusting a dragon
>Angels not having a really good sense of when people are lying

Why not all four?

You a drawfag, too? Post some of your stuff, please?

Because Hydra-Centaur-Harpy would be stupid.

All right everyone, I hate to disappoint you, but I'm afraid I've made yet another non-lewd story. I know, I know, let the lamentations ring out. Updated flake sheet for a slightly updated and slightly retconned flake. Hope she's worth it.

This time we've got a scary expedition to Nephalia and a brief run-in with Murdock, just on her way back from the annual "worst person on Innistrad" competition, which she ultimately lost to choose either "Nahiri" or "Sorin" here. Better luck next year!

pastebin.com/45kkpQZm (Rated PG-13 for weapons, ghosts, and questionable author knowledge of cephalopod anatomy)

No worries though, all you horrible thread-derailing smut-lovers, I'm always working on some new dirt. Hang in there.

I know that guy RFA, you don't fool me.

>I'm always working on some new dirt.

I would, but I'm total ass with computer art and I don't have a scanner.
I'm also really rusty as I haven't done much in a couple years now..

Anyway, while I ponder fluffbirb (it'll take some time before I actually get around to her, I imagine), have Vivienna's home plane. I kind of want to make this the first in a cycle of planes, all with "X color is super abundant and bleeds over into everything else", but this is the only one I have a solid idea for.

That's a hydra with harpy bodies instead of heads. If the other user is willing to drop one of his colors of mana we could have one with Four heads, one for each color triad in that group of four colors.

>I don't have a scanner
Murdock has only scanned in two, MAYBE three pics. All of his other posts were photos of his work. And literally all of Gaia's art has been posted from shitty pics.

No one cares. Show us your art. We want to see it. Up until now we've had only 2 drawfags. POOSSSST IIIT

>And n-no one w-would ever know.
Unhand her Dan Backslide!
Unhand her Dan Backslide!
Unhand her Dan Backslide!

Okay, okay, I'll get around to drawing something in my otherwise blank sketching book I bought a while back. Will probably be a harpy or Vivienna, but if anyone else has a simple request that they don't mind a rusty artist tackling, speak now. Might take me a while.


Can include your own feather lady

I wanna draw more now...fuck.

Draw then
Draw your favorite character that you didn't make

I can't. I'm still at work. Hence the "fuck."

Maybe I'll draw Nishal tonight. He seems like he'd be fun to draw.

oh man oh man oh man oh man.

Give me details about his clothes, his posture, where his metal is, what gear he wears, etc.

Yeah, I used to play a weretiger character in a 3.5 game. I learned how to draw big anthropomorphic cats then, and found out it's really fun.

If your snowflake is an oldwalker, you need to acknowledge that they began aging again at the point of the Mending (60~ years ago).

Why is your oldwalker still alive without being decrepit and/or bedridden?

Are you sure it wasn't a different Melkeroth? I met a different Shilgengar at a party once.

She's an eldar, and eldar are naturally immortal. They were one of the two races that rose during the age of immortals on Eöl. Gaia is my only oldwalker.

well I figgered his metal would be in his joints, he'd wear stuff like pic attached only, well, less, and his gear would largely be a utility-belt type thing (baldolier? regular belt? idk. clothes are all foldy, would belts even work?) and a khopesh.
I always figured the leonin would be pretty africanized in what they wear/use

also no hat. hats are stupid with manes.

Belloski has magic life stealing powers and an endless supply of people to steal life from

what would happen if an oldwalker made themselves a child shortly before the mending, or made themselves into a species that lives forever?

would that even work? Oldwalkers could change their form, what would happen if one turned themselves into a chair before the mending?

I'd imagine that they' d revert to their natural form.

Otherwise you've got someone stuck as a tented pavilion somewhere for the rest of eternity.

Stuck in the form you took pre-mending. You can polymorph, but polymorph spells only last so long

What's an eldar? What's Eöl?


To be fair, I will point out two oldwalkers who HAVE aged appropriately:Torbern and Will.

Haha fuck this field problem I still sort of have service! What's good flakes?

Who are you and why are you in my house?

Will is a shit-eating, timeline-raping, senile old FUCK
Hope he dies of old age just as he saves his family

Will user

Of course. He's a death cheating, amoral cunt who only relearns anything beyond basic empathy when his wife dies. Then he almost destroys everything trying to fix THAT. Dude doesnt really deserve a good end, but time magic he damn well going to try to cheat karma and everything else.

I think Gaia may have shitty taste in men.

What can I say? Oldwalkers, amirite?

Sometimes we don't choose who we fall in love with. We just do. The heart wants what the heart wants, and all that jazz.

Naw, he was just a good person before time travel fucking with his sense of casuality, a vampire butchering his children and everyone else he's ever known and loved in front of him, and unsafe exposure to colorless mana. Cool motive, still murder now though.

Just finished a future version of Igan, after he's found his way back from the dark place Innistrad drove him to.

Almost forgot, thanks to Leon's creator for putting everything together on Set Editor for me.

Leon user is a bro.

Think I'll explode if I draw any more wings.

Gaia! I umm... Got bored and started working on this and before I knew it the draft was far too big. So, I had to redo it and scale it down. Here's the original. And Following is the second draft. Mind telling me what you think?


Draw some tits then.

Look I gotta draw akroma and serena's chest competition and then a busty satyr lady, have some compassion, i mean i covered the boobs there cause I am so done with tits at this point.

Dicks then?

You picked my attention, stranger, but male genitals have little in the way of artistic quality

You just haven't mastered the art of dick sketching yet.

I'm afraid I have deceived you all! There is indeed a dirty version of this story right here, in which Murdock is encouraged to rethink her opinion of angels. For those of you who already read the clean version, the naughty bits here will be towards the end. You'll find them.


And here's a Planeswalker card I threw together like a drunk. Put it in the Repo, if you would be so kind, God.

Draw male flakes on the beach doing manly things in speedos


Do some DIOMEDES porn!


But that's impossible. DIOMEDES can't lose his virginity because he never loses

Here's a tip, and a spear behind it blow jobs dont lose virginities


It cute! More art!

That your sphinx/griffon/bird gal?

>Here's a tip, and a spear behind it
Ooooohhh! Someones shoved pike right up me bum! Aarrggh!



More blood and gore. She got rekt, m8. She got two-faced and her abdomen was nearly burned away. Lots of charred guts. But yeah, good on ya. I'm flattered to have Spider mom drawn.

Holy shit, that is some good smut. Nice job.

My bad, there was no nametag so I thought you might be BUT



it was literally a 5 minutes thing between one of akroma's tits and the other, eh... nothing to be enthusiastic about.


We've had a number of list-offs for the flakes so far. Strongest, biggest, most good and evil...

Which five are the cutest?

Messenger's user



Who gonna beat your ass.

Rynn looking for sensible team mates and a cure to the plague!

Planeswalkers don't need reminder text, and right now the card is horribly crowded, so I strongly suggest you remove it.

Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to remove reminder text in MSE, and the site is inaccessible, so I can't learn how.

You should just have to click the (...) button in the top panel next to the star icon, assuming my version is vaguely representative.
