He still plays face to face at some sweaty neck beard's apartment when IRC and dicebots exist

>He still plays face to face at some sweaty neck beard's apartment when IRC and dicebots exist.
>He hasn't joined the online gaming master race yet, where he can sit in his own chair in comfort, write long posts full of roleplaying content and personality, with his bong and some beer near to hand

Do you ever feel sorry for these habitual luddites?

Other urls found in this thread:


This is a pretty bad troll.


trash thread, delete at once.

Thanks for proving that only degenerates play online yet again.

>Wanting to hear nasally nerd voice



>Not smoking some jolly pipe-weed

I bet you don't even have /d/ open in another tab you sicko

You are the cancer killing the hobby.

Nobody has ever even offered to smoke with you, have they?

Why would they? My friends are successful.

I met my girlfriend through tabletop, that's a pretty clear win