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Catfolk > kitsune, prove me wrong
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Catfolk > kitsune, prove me wrong
N. Jolly's vigilante book playtest:
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Are there any Final fantasy based dancer home-brew classes? Or is the best option a bard?
There's the War Dancer from DDS, but its not really that close to FF Dancer.
For what reason does your PC enter the dungeon, /pfg/?
phat lewts
For honor, glory and gold! Mostly just gold.
Exotic monster girl waifus
>Catfolk > kitsune, prove me wrong
Nigga please, we all know wolf-girls are best.
I dare you to mention a wolf-girl in fiction that was terrible.
Just following orders
Has /pfg/ ever played an unrepentant conquerer?
Aww yiss!
Why would someone ever enter a dungeon full of monsters if it wasn't for , to retrieve a macguffin, or to kill someone hiding in the dungeon that they want dead? Those are literally the only reasons. If it's not one of those reasons, the PCs would just go around the dungeon, literally or metaphorically, especially at higher levels.
You have to bait/force PCs to enter dungeons because everyone knows they're death traps.
Hey, N. Jolly, Extra Social Talent is a retarded feat if non-vigilantes can take it.
Extra Social Talent: Social Grace lets someone shit all over social skills by getting big bonuses to, like, Diplomacy and Intimidate and Sense Motive just for one feat.
God forbid an Orator takes Linguistics...
I'm playing one now, actually.
The guy gives no fucks about killing civilians.
That's not unrepentant, that's just dumb. You need small folk to till fields.
What kinda setting do you play in where national income is agricultural. People farm in D&D on a subsistence level and that's about it; all the real wealth comes from magical sources, the sale of arms and armor, magic items, etc. There are singular objects worth more than small kingdoms.
>ask for something to replace appearance abilities, which are something I would never get any use out of if I played a vigilante in general
>the archetype is one that replaces it with favored terrain, another ability I would probably never get any real use out of
I can't even be mad, because I just handed myself over to get played like a damn fiddle.
I'll still use it though, because I want to play a gestalt with Sorcerer||Cha-lock, and that would fit the character that goes with it.
Not to mention, a peasant's soul is worth more than he'll ever make in his life (100gp). It's MUCH better to just kill them for their souls than it is to let them grow fuckin' potatoes.
>You need small folk to till fields.
He's quite literally the God of Storms, Catastrophe and Chaotic War.
It's in his nature to wreck havoc in an area and move on without caring about the consequences.
What, a peasant can make an average 7 gold a week from just the profession skill.
Sohei monk gets scorching ray. Conductive weapons exist.
Because 4ki for 12d6 extra fire damage was totally necessary for a zen archer.
Naw, see, you're making the peasant grow the wrong thing if you're putting him to work on a potato farm. Set up breeding facilities and send your conquered peasants there to grow souls for you to harvest, and you'll be rolling in the dough.
Is it really conquering if you don't even bother to control the land you pass over?
This does make more sense.
Relatedly, if you aborted a fetus and tried to capture its soul, you'd know whether to be pro-life or not. You'd have factual evidence.
Peasants make 1gp per day.
The thing is that doesn't work to actually sustain a population. The magic and normal economies have very strained interaction. You need small folks to do a variety of tasks. Hell .5% of the population is adepts who likely have scribe scroll. They are needed to till fields, work mines, staff business, make mundane items.
In most settings you simply don't have enough magic to replicate that much labor and crafting.
I guess not, though the land we conquer is later controlled and serviced by another member of the party who *is* a ruler-type.
I have the fun, he cleans up the mess.
>Relatedly, if you aborted a fetus and tried to capture its soul, you'd know whether to be pro-life or not. You'd have factual evidence.
IIRC Pharasma watches over the souls of the unborn, so Golarion's cosmology is inherently pro-life.
No, that's only peasants that are trained in some form of skilled labor. Smiths, scribes, tanners, and such like that. Untrained peasants just make 1 silver piece a day, and will make up the majority of your conquered population.
This is the only right answer in the universe.
That's going to be most of them with 2+int skills per level and not that many skills to choose from.
Most peasants have a profession. You're talking about literally just heavy lifting. Profession is the most common skill for commoners.
Because the dungeon thought it could just sit there uncracked, waggling its tantalizing puzzly ass like it wants it.
It's okay with some talents, but others (Social Grace) are just too damn good for non-vigilantes to have.
Some social talents should NOT be for non-vigilantes.
To test his strength against it's inhabitants and being an adventurer is usually easier than being in the army while also be way more rewarding.
Dungeons are frequently places where walking experience point nodes congregate.
Being an adveturer is a lot more dangerous than being a soldier.
Okay, so aside from social graces, do you think there's any others that should be banned for non vigi, as I can make a caveat about that in the feat.
Also now Detective loses 1st and 3rd social talent for inspiration, and can't qualify for investigator talents until 5th level, so that should help stem them a bit and make it less appealing.
>Social Grace: The vigilante selects any one Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill other than Perception or Use Magic Device. Whenever the vigilante is in his social identity, he receives a +4 circumstance bonus on checks with the selected skill. At 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter, he can select another skill (with the same restrictions) to gain this bonus.
So...You get a somewhat less shitty skill focus that only applies when you're in social identity.
And they carry nice gifs for slaying them like trinkets and gold.
But a non-vigilante doesn't have any of this "only in social identity" restriction with Extra Social Talent.
>Also now Detective loses 1st and 3rd social talent for inspiration
If it's losing 2 talents for that, it should work with an Inspired weapon.
Going to play Carrion Crown soon, the current party is a druid, an archer paladin, and one undecided. The rules are 25 point buy and no third party classes, third party feats allowed by a case by case basis. What should I play to round this out? I know I asked before, but my party is indecisive as fuck.
Arguably, without specific wording, they would simply be unable to benefit from it.
And either way, I return to my initial point: So you get a somewhat less shitty skill focus. Not seeing the problem
>Some social talents should NOT be for non-vigilantes.
N.Jolly is asking for specific guidance here. In your opinion which other social talents shouldn't be available to non-vigilantes? Do you think it would be easier to include as whitelist of social talents that could be taken by non-vigs?
Blockbuster Wizard. Make sure to take Arithmancy and Sacred Geometry.
Okay, reading over the interaction some more, I don't have a huge problem with that, but I think if I did that, I'd want to bar them from taking combat inspiration. This archetype isn't supposed to boost martial prowess, so to me, it would need to be 1 or the other to avoid making it another must take.
Which level was it that Sacred Geometry can never fail? 11 or 15?
>"Catfolk > kitsune, prove me wrong"
>tfw your kitsune sorcerer PC keeps getting BTFO by his own cat familiar
>it is literally impossible to make this cat stop being smug
>he can't get rid of her because he relies on her vast knowledge of literally everything in order to not get lost/royally screwed over
>not even pic related can stop the little shit
Well OP, I think all I can do is prove you right.
I'd prefer being able to take Combat Inspiration over Inspired Weapons, if I'm honest.
So what exactly is the difference between a nascent demon lord and a full demon lord, power level aside? Like, what triggers the transformation from the first to the second, and do nascent demon lords still grant spells to worshipers?
The main thing that defines a full demon lord is having control their own Abyssal realm. They get various bonuses while in their realm, and it will resurrect them automatically when they die (but only once per year).
A nascent lord is essentially just a really powerful demon, but they haven't taken a realm yet, which is apparently the ceiling that stops them from going over CR 25. They can still grant spells though.
Why choose?
I asked about those options, he said he won't allow either.
Which parts? Because Blockbuster Wizard is fine, but Sacred Geometry is a broken load of crap. You're entirely fine without it.
Sacred Geometry and Arithmancy are what he denied. I can't find the Blockbuster archetype though.
Blockbuster Sorcerer is better
Okay, so it's still entirely reasonable for a nascent demon lord to have a cult following on Golarion, albeit probably a smaller one than most true demon lords have.
This is good news for my campaign.
That's because it's not an archetype, it's a way of playing.
>how to have the worst parts of playing a wizard, combined with the worst parts of playing a sorcerer!
Yes, and in pretty much every case, being the worst parts of being a wizard still makes you better than most classes.
>Blockbuster Wizard
>Sacred Geometry
>I have never played a wizard
Oh BTWay, told my publisher (Legendary Games) that the playtest was going well and that Veeky Forums was on the playtest, they said that if we do anymore playtest to definitely make sure they're posted here. It probably won't always be me running them, but I figured I'd let you know that.
Just remember that if Extra Social Talent gets a blacklist or a whitelist, ALL non-vigis should get to take Companion to the Lonely.
Stop being a creep
Hooray for that! I definitely hope to see more playtesting done here.
Question for you guys,
In the second session of a campaign I'm in, my party made its way through a forest and discovered a lone, ornate chest in a ruined tower. The chest was magical and would only open for Good aligned or pure-hearted characters—otherwise, it would blast with concussive energy and knock you back if you put your hands on it. The rumors that had sent us to find it said many had tried to open it in the past but failed, even when trying to open it with force. Inside was a non-magical ring, and a note.
Things could have ended there, however I suggested we take the chest because it seemed to be old and magical, and possibly worth more than what we found inside it.
Seeing as all those enchantments seemed pricey, I thought it might be good to sell it if the selling price was good.
I've been informed taking treasure chests is "That Guy", but I didn't know before hand. How bad did I fuck up?
Who the fuck is on your avatar?
My next character will be a quarter-hell-hound tiefling blinkling maid boy.
What am I getting myself into?
Sounds reasonable to me, that chest's no good to anyone just sitting empty in a tower.
An ERP campaign, presumably.
Exactly what you want to get yourself into, I'm sure.
Are you the same faggot who said he was playing that one guy's homebrew class? Because you better have storytime if so.
She is a fox.
Please take your pedophilia degeneracy with you when you go and stay go
Why are you such furry weeaboos
I don't understand why Pathfinder SPECIFICALLY has you
Kind of a dick move to take entire chests as your loot. Not explicitly That Guy but it has the makings of a "lolsorandum" character. Especially in the second session to already be trying to break the GM's game is really shit.
I'd be wary if you were in one of my games.
Kitsune aren't really that furry. Very weeb though.
Pathfinder DOES have furry weaboos, like Augunas, though.
The larger the playerbase, the greater the proportion of furries and weebs. Furries and weebs are more vocal than the average person, so there seems to be a much larger proportion of them than otherwise. For example, this thread has 85 posts, but only 30 IPs, and if you follow conversation threads, it's evident there's only 15-20 who posted at all, since a few people made several posts.
Weebs and furries also post images constantly, so they're visually louder.
Sounds like your GM is a prick. Well, yes, taking things like doors and chests and other things that while technically valuable aren't part of the treasure is generally a bad form. But so is sending the party on a wild goose chase to find a treasure that turns out to be worth jackshit.
...that you are a furry in denial
Nah, that's smart adventuring logic. "This chest is magically-trapped and stuffed to the gills with enchantments. That means whatever's inside is probably important... but it also means this chest is EXPENSIVE. The local wizard academy would probably appreciate something like this on-hand, time to sell!"
You can't even recognize the coolest new idol in The Crawling City? Primes are always so behind the times. I just watched Lady Mal-Mal turn a dergholoth into a bunch of frozen shards of meat. I got the last copy of her album. Can't wait until the next show!
#goldenvolcano #ladymalmal #makegehennagreatagain
No, I can't see how that could possibly be considered That Guy. The chest is clearly magical, and PCs take magic items they find in dungeons. That's how things work, and the fact that the magic item in question is a magic treasure chest doesn't make it an exception. If your DM's plot somehow hinges around you guys ignoring that chest, then your DM is at fault for making a plot so easy to derail. Besides, why WOULDN'T a good-aligned character take a magic chest that can only be opened by like-minded people? Store the stuff you don't want evil people to be able to steal in there. There doesn't seem to be a good in character reason why someone would leave it behind.
What's the deal with the note, though?
Can you be a bit less of a shitposter?
>tfw DM gave the party a portal to the plane of salt as a quest hook
>tfw the party chose to build a town around it and make a business selling the infinite supply of a valuable resource
Hello, Tale of the Industrious Rogue.
>friend makes characters and classes out of habit on hero lab.
>keeps boasting about how he's made a slayer able to deal "28d6+20" in one round, at range, or a pistolero able to deal "20d6+5d4+65" in a full round, both at level six.
>constantly tells me to make more characters, so I'll "be better at it."
>constantly criticizes my choices in race, build, etc.
>why would I make a hobgoblin rogue with half its feats to make it a whip master, it won't do enough damage, it's useless.
>why would I make a dwarf skald when I could take heavy armour proficiency.
>my kobold barbarian won't deal nearly as much damage as I think it could, and on the enemy's turn, cast invisible, fly and then dominate me.
>constantly needles me to make casters, stop focusing on "What you like, which is wrong."
>"remind me real quick, how do you figure how well something can multiclass again? Mesh, I mean," I ask.
>"...logically? I know that isn't your strong suit, but try anyway. I'm not just being a jerk here, you are perplexingly bad at it. Befuddlingly. Dare I say flabbergastingly."
You can solve these things yourself if you learn to use iqdb or similar search tools, it's even built into 4chanx
Won't the Salt Elementals be upset?
>You can solve these things yourself if you learn to use iqdb or similar search tools, it's even built into 4chanx
All the results I got were in fucking Japanese.
more like XP elementals