Color Pie Matters Edition
Any thoughts on how the new 4color commanders might work?
Old thread >48227231


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface

>Using the name field for the title ever

Let's say theoretically, that you entered a competition with a buddy about who can shag the prettiest broad and who can fuck her best.

Then after a week, you banged a gal over at the post office and he banged his brother in a wig, a pound of makeup and a dress.

Your buddy insists he won, as he made his brother howl in delight.

The idea is that competition in MTG involves two aspects, collecting AND play. Lots of competitive people don't see it that way, but that's a big part of MTG's appeal. If you proxy, in many people's minds, you are sidestepping a valuable part of the game for an advantage.

>that whole analogy
Just stop you're terrible at this

The rest of your post is better, now you're just defending people who get mad about proxies?

That's fine, I understand what you're saying, if somebody personally thinks that "collecting cards is part of the competition in magic" (literally pay to win, you mean to say), then nobody can force that person to play with them, everybody is entitled to pick their playgroups and who they will associate with

What's the fairest R/U commander?

Jori en 1 and 2 drops control deck

I guess new dracogenius is pretty fair too, no easy infinities like the firemind

I'd argue Keranos or Jori.

The trip fag reminded me of keranos

He's pretty good and very fair

oops gotta remove that.

Also not a trip

>thread title in the name field
Fucking start over

I'm not the guy you were arguing with originally. I'm just chiming it.

And the idea is that it is a trading card game, not pay to win. The idea is that buying singles is dumb, people should open boosters and that if someone has a rare card, they either got lucky (fun!) or traded cards for it (they worked hard to find someone to trade with!). I know that isn't how it works out. But that's the impossible dream.

You can't enforce that though. But you can enforce no proxies because according to the rules of MTG, you need the actual cards.

Anyway, personally, I wouldn't leave a game in a huff over a proxy. But I can understand people who might.

You build your decks from boosters? I hope you've been playing since '93 then, cause they don't print shit worth anything anymore. You're lucky to have one or two cards to slot into a deck a block at most, and that's if you're going for a very unfocused low power deck.

How is the daxos precon? Is it fun and if my friend is playing the mizzix precon will we be about even?

its bad

its kind of fun i suppose

the mizzix precon is pretty bad too so they might be evenly matched, despite that mizzix herself is 100x more powerful than daxos returned

2016 are probably the worst fucking precons to ever exist. Specially the white ones. I'm still salty over that RW commander.

It's has some issues in that it is split between the enchantres and lifegain themes. But it contains useful cards.

Kalemne can hold her own just fine. The precon Giant Tribal theme is a trap, just go voltron and she sits on faces easy.

fun if casual, a well played mizzix should win though.

Sorcery/instant cost reduction is a much stronger effect then daxos token spawning

>RW has to cast fatties
>BW has to cast enchantments
>UG can get all the experience counters it wants by just making tokens
What were they thinking?

>UR an get multiple counters by casting in response to triggers

Its really upsetting to see a one spell give uzuri multiple counters. Fucking snakes and spiders

>UR gets counters exponentially by casting shit that is difficult to interact with in the first place

I swear WotC hates white.

>Voltroning a commander without haste or built in protection

No thanks, I'd rather use Thajic or Aurelia.

Design-wise they made counters way too easy for Ezuri and nearly impossible for Kalemne. My deck only has 9 creatures over 4 CMC.

Since when has B/W had a problem with casting enchantments?

Ethan Fleischer asked nicely.

Haste and protection are easier to provide than double-strike

I think they were arguing about speed rather then their ability to do so

Casting enchantments and casting large creatures are much slower then spawning tokens. One enchantment = 1 counter for daxos while 1 spell can potentially produce 5 counters for ezuri.

>kicked rite of replication targeting hornet queen

>opponents during combat phase

Low power is good. We want low power.

low power is shit in edh cuz the inconsistency and lack of power leads to really boring board stalls

i like low power magic too but it works better in 20 life 40-60 card 1v1 formats

Incorrect. Medium power with bad to meh cards finding a way to shine is what we want. Odd interactions and big plays is what we want.

I like 60 card casual too, but EDH can handle low power. It is all a matter of how the players play their turns.

I hate big plays. I like odd interactions, but odd interactions happen in low power MTG as well.

Don't know if it counts as "low power", but I've done Conspiracy draft with my friends and it was very fun. That is indeed 20 life, 40 card, but multiplayer format.