EDH/Commander General

Legendarys nobody plays edition


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface

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Trying to build a silly mono blue stax deck with this guy. Any suggestions? Trying to keep it somewhat flavorful with lots of Moonfolk, fog bank etc. It kinda feels more like an Azami deck right now, and she is in the 99 as a wincon since every single moonfolk is also a wizard, but with lots of fun ways to interact with the commander.

Whoops, list so far:

I don't understand why they arent popular

Because they A) get you hated out of the game and B) are really goddamn expensive now.

wow they spiked fro 14 to 21
But Kaalia is still played and is more expensive and hard to protect, as while esper provides natural defensive control to survive

Guy in my group plays this and never ends up casting it due to the hate it gets once its out

was mean for

Only hitting one player in a multi player format is pretty bad. Not to mention taking people's stuff is the easiest way to draw hate after landD

So is the better option of playing hated commanders to just play a weaker commander and shove the more hated one in the 99 as a bomb?

I almost always play 1vs1

That's what I'm doing with

I did that with my Black deck. Originally I had Geth as my commander and it drew all the hate. Then I switched to Korlash and now Volrath and they draw much less attention. I think people tend to target commanders who do stuff rather than ones who can hit hard.

Tell me about it. I own a pretty casual Olivia vampire tribal, but if i ever get boots or darksteel plate equipped to her, archenemy begins immediately.

All my decks usually devolve into Archenemy. I started making my decks specifically to play like this.

>mfw my black Volrath deck has 17 board wipes

Is there anything I'm missing? Anything I need to add? Possible upgrade options?

I think you guys are mistaken. A commander that seems disproportionately strong will always be targeted first. Xenagos, Rakdos, the new Tesya, Maelstrom Wanderer ect always seem to draw more agro than someone like Ayli.

Why does it seem like to play daretti you are required to have shitty threat assessment and an iq equal to your shoe size?

>3 person game
>newzuri(me), daretti, and karametra
>get thada adel out, have 5 experience counters and use it to buff up triton shorestalker
>coming at daretti
>plays volcanic offering in response
>he wonders why karametra player ignores me when I am open sans thada and ezuri and instead swings commander lethal with karametra behemoth sledged at him

I'm fine with land destruction because its part of the game but don't try to play politics when you have darksteel forge out with overseer.

Have you considered adding in champion of lambholt?

I have a player in my group who runs Jhoira. He always wonders why he loses before his 5th turn after he suspends 2 Eldrazi titans on turn 3

isn't that what a goodstuff deck is?

Its question you will never get an answer for. Some people just can't understand how establishing a threatening boardstate will not draw a target. I don't question why altar of the brood and mesmeric orb draw hate in mimeoplasm. But I do question how making use bfz kiora -2 makes me a threat when I don't even use her +1.

I get the same feeling.

>Play a Lilliana Vess
>Use her exclusively for her tutor ability and nothing else.
>people target her like I'm 1 turn away from popping her 3rd ability

>Guys I'm only tutoring for any card every turn why are you picking on me

>being able to tutor twice is a big threat

Normally I'd agree with you, but this is the same playgroup who let Lilliana of the Dark Realms go off because "What's he going to do with that much mana anyways". For whatever reason they get tunnel vision over stupid stuff.

>Liliana of the Dark Realms

Noel is that you?


What would you suggest it replacing?

If you get 2 uninterrupted tutors, the second of which costs you no mana, and you don't proceed to win the same turn, then you're really bad at Magic.

>people play edh like its modern
How boring

>Being able to tutor twice is not a big threat
with two tutors you can win usually, pretty much, depending on how much counterplay happens.

How does it feel like to play battlecruiser magic?
Have you no idea how big of a thing tutoring 2 cards are in a combo deck? Let alone ANY (half-decent) deck?

Well first I have to ask what is your wincon outside of making omnath huge getting worldspine and ulvenwald hydra. I get that you wanna fetch for lands all the time and I don't know your meta but the more competitive ones would destroy that deck. Maybe add in some things like creeperhulk and replace some of the weaker creatures with other fatties

I used to have a combo deck but when I settled in with my new group I took it apart because I didn't like being a faggot who would suck out the fun of a game. Sure I still have some combos but you seem to imply these tutored cards will not get countered or have something else happen to them

Another wincon of mine is casting primal surge, but as of now I don't have any sure-fire way of drawing it without top decking. Thanks for the advice though, what are some of the creatures I should replace?

And you're implying tutors are for combos only.

There are people who don't use their tutors to find their commander.

Its up to you man. I don't like to tell how people to build their decks, you make that decision for yourself.

>And your implying tutors were for combos only
Yet you did not make any claims of the opposite, you stated 2 tutors back to back is a game ending combo.

Ok lemme phrase this another way: what are some other fat creatures you would recommend?

Siege Behemoth, Primordial Hydra, Bane of Progress(conditional but can be huge), Vorinclex although a bit of the pricy side, is a good control fatty.

Is there a primal surge but for non permenants?

Well, fun is subjective. Playing a powerful deck is fun in the right meta, but not so in one filled with Craw Wurms.
I play my strong decks in such meta, for the people need to learn the spirit of EDH

I don't think so, no.

That are playable and useful in commander? None.

my group doesnt use craw wurms, they mainly played with non edited precons. They're getting better though

When do you cross the "strong" meta threshold? I imagine no one plays deck full of bad creatures like craw wurms, even my first deck made out of leftover cards was decently powerful in the end but utter shit when I look at it after comparing to my current decks.

For wincons, it doesn't get much better than Craterhoof Behemoth. Pathbreaker Ibex with haste does a decent impression. The new emerge guy isn't even close to as good as Craterhoof, but it at least comes with haste.
Kamahl, Fist of Krosa will also Overrun your whole team, and with tons of mana, he can make your shit huge.

The user who mentioned Champion of Lambholt is on point. Bellowing Tanglewurm also gives you some evasion.

You could also use some recursion, like Eternal Witness, Skullwinder, and Genesis. Bow of Nylea is pretty slow, but mixing Deathtouch and Trample is neat.

I'd cut a lot of the crappy creatures that search for lands and put them into your hand, with the possible exception of Yavimaya Elder. Consider replacing them with mana dorks and Wood Elves.

Run Nykthos. It's criminal that it isn't in your list already. I'd cut the storage land, and most of the other ETB tapped lands for Ghost Quarter and better utility lands/forests. If you like murdering people with Omnath, consider Rogue's Passage.

The Craw Wurm thing is to refrence the power level and mostly a joke. The unedited precons fit well in the criteria.
See the first reply. There's no clear line in when meta is/becomes strong, but mostly it means that meta has really consistent decks that can win regularly on turns 3-5.

My point was, that most fun is to play with a deck that's tuned for the meta, which means that it doesn't completely stomp everyone or lose everytime, but I really like playing in games that have strong decks.

Wort, Alesha or Grenzo for a fun-gaming budget deck? I love goblins but god damn some of them are really fucking expensive

I'm replying to my own post with a provocative image to make sure people pay more attention to it

>Playing Alesha jank
>Drop Nahiri for sick looting
>making tokens with Kathari Bomber
>poking with Goblin Bombardment
>Turns pass and Nahiri is ignored
>People too focused on Narset
>Narset ready to swing again
>this is the end
>do or die turn
>realize I can pop Nahiri
>no idea what I can get that will help
>check my hand
>Karmic Guide
>cast Karmic Guide
>pop Nahiri for Revielark
>sac to bombardment
>Get Karmic and Bomber
>proceed to kill table

I want to hug that dog.

Which Wort? Gruul mom is the best and would make a good budget choice.
Wort and Grenzo would fit in the same deck, but I would play Grenzo, as he's less limited of Rakdos Wort and himself.
Alesha is good as well, and the best of the trio, I think. Manabase is harder to build, but mostly, that's probably the most interesting choice.

oh yeah forgot to say that I'm looking more at Wort, Boggart Auntie

I'd just like to play something that doesn't need to give too many shits about players constantly clearing the board and counterspelling and so on. I'm pretty new to Magic and I'll be playing a FFA with all the politics that come with it, so it'd be helpful if the deck isn't too gimmicky or frustrating to play.

I really like the idea of a goblin tribal (and goblins in general) but it seems like all the best goblins are expensive as fuck. Grenzo would be my second choice but I don't like the idea of having to constantly Scry or pray to RNG when getting creatures, so I guess Alesha is what I might go for.

This is the deck I'm looking at now: tappedout.net/mtg-decks/alesha-rakdos-alesha/

oh by the way if there are any other resilient tribals, I'd like to know about them

here's another dog meme picture

>Karmic Guide + Reveillark
A guy in my playgroup plays an Anafenza combo reanimator deck and either wins with these two or by casting Ulamog an infinite amount of times.

He isnt mlding fast enough desu

>Playing Jhoira
>Suspend ulamog
>Destroy all their lands when the blue players are tapped out
>everyone concedes
>Win literally every game like this

Well, if you absolutely want to play goblin tribal, you should go mono red. Best gobo commanders are Krenko and Puffdaddy.
Out of those 3, I'd recommend Alesha, as it's really good with bunch of utility creatures, you can go about with so many routes with Alesha.

>Suspend ulamog
>nobody does anything

I call bullshit

>erry deck
>erry day
If only green had some way of tutoring up a 3cmc creature before turn 6-7

Thanks for the suggestions. Here is my new decklist. I've put the cards I already own into the maybeboard

Why is there no better Mono Red Dragon than Rorix Bladewing? Don't want Zirilan as my commander for reasons.

It's just a solid combo for Wx because both creatures are value, so there's usually no reason not to use them. Truth be told, I'll probably dismantle Alesha into Jeleva and Saffi again.

Why not?

>What is Birthing Pod
>What is Eldritch Evolution
>What is Natural Order
>What is Defense of the Heart
>What is Worldly Tutor
>What is Sylvan Tutor
>What is Green Sun's Zenith
>What is Fauna Shaman
>What is Survival of the Fittest
>What is Summoner's Pact

I think he was being ironic...

There is only 4 mono red legendary dragons, its not much of a choice

Isn't there only 3? Tarox, Ryusei and Rorix?
You can use Hivis for flavor, Kiki-Jiki or Urabrask for utility.

I was but its a good list, thanks anons

O boy cant wait for eldrich evolution

I vote you go with a two-color dragon and outside of a handful of lands (Command Tower, appropriate shock, etc) that produce both colors, make the deck mono-red.

I run Bladewing and I think he's the best Dragon commander so far.

Who's got the dirtiest, spiciest tech for Sedris?

Heartstone :^)

That was already covered some threads ago, Void Maw and Helvault.


delete this

damn helvault is a pretty slick maneuver

What are some good sites to buy NM foils which are consistently flat and unwarped? TCG doesn't have any more MPS Izzet League Islands in NM and I don't wanna buy foils in anything but NM

Conjurer's Closet, Sundial.

>buy bent foils
>double sleeve
>put them in a bigass book
>dey flat again

Or just foil proxy them nobody gives shits about basics

You don't understand, or you might since this is Veeky Forums, but I have crippling autism and need to have perfect, real NM foils

Is there a way to get consistent turn 3 wins with Kaalia? I'm getting turn 4-5 right now, but I'm putting up with a person who does nothing but play EDH.

Probably, and it'll most likely involve Master of Cruelities and Mana Vault/Crypt

Making proxies?

Try some smaller online sites instead of the big 4

Even try magiccardmarket.eu or similar sites outside the US if you dont mind the postage times

That's what I'm already running. Right now I'm working on getting more low cost tutors in the deck, but as it stands I can't seem to it off consistently.

Thank you for your suggestion.

If you want a deck that 'consistently' wins on turn 3, you need to pick a new Commander.

I want to ask for suggestions on my commander decks, but I'm too lazy to add them to tappedout. It's so tedious.

Type them in word and copy paste

I keep my deck on tappedout and in word/pdf format just incase then if you make changes its easy to change 1 card instead of a whole list

Pic Related can giver her haste for 0 mana provided you play it early, if you really wanna cheese Spirit Guide could be good

I understand. Who would you recommend? What would I need? I've seen good things about Mimeoplasm and Sydri but I don't know what I'd need for it to work every time.

You want my honest opinion? Stop playing EDH. A 100 card singleton multiplayer format is not the place to try and win on turn 3 every game. Get into Legacy.


Speaking of legacy you can win pretty easy with swagzuri elfball or if you really want to be a degenerate Edric aluren

That's not a bad idea, I'll have to "legally acquire" Word or something like that. Seems much more fluid than having to wait for your card to load every god damn time. So far I have Mazirek, Ezuri, and Omnath, Landfall of Rage for commanders. Planning on making a Anax And Cymede next just because it would be
>not green

Alesha is fun, very toolboxy.

thank you

>Search your kitchen for a hot dog and put that hot dog into your mouth.
>Then pity yourself.

Get off Ezuri's nutsack. I swear you post that pic in every thread.

Download openoffice its always free and does exactly the same as microsoft word