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Equipment edition!

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>Mechanics doc (For the making of color pie appropriate cards)

>Read this before you post your shitty card!

>Q: Can there be a sixth color?
A: pastebin.com/kNAgwj7i

>Q: What's the difference between multicolor and hybrid?
A: pastebin.com/yBnGki1C

>Art sources.

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>/ccg/ sets (completed and in development)


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>Equipment edition
How's this?


I like this a lot

>implying i dont try to argue about as much overpoweredness as i can

Two mythics from my Ravnica custom set. One user suggested to change Ariadra by giving the enemy creature reach instead of flying which I think is cool.

that was me.
Just seems cleaner. Hope you do it, i love the card.

Yup I will tomorrow. :)


I love it user. 10/10
Perhaps give it a person's name, like "Fligraf's Quick Draw", makes it a little more personal and epic

Make it check for token status, otherwise you've made an infinite loop.
That aside, it's pretty weak. You have a +2/+2 for two creatures for 8 mana.

Any ideas on how to cut down the wording for this? I'm still not sure on the use of proper names and pronouns for card effects.


Counters are put not placed and you can use a legendary creatures first name after the first instance. @ is the MSE code for it.


Having had a look, it would be placed in the first instance and put in the second.

I like it but it relies on other cards to be good rather than being able to carry its own weight. You might want to buff it up to a 3/3 or 2/3 at least so that it is not completely embarrassing when you don't want to sac a creature and there are no targets for his second ability.

I think I improvised a little on the wording.


Rolled 43 (1d123)

Terrible. My advice here is to toss the idea in the trash and do something else.

Blergh. Trying to make this and Angelus mirrored cards. Angelus is the same setup, but with Flying and Lifelink, the trigger changed for when you gain life, and the activated ability hits artifacts and enchantments.


its a deadend website, dont use this one anymore

Shit. That sucks. I really liked that site.

I thought of doing a card that literally has a WTF moment effect on the entire game, its cheese as fuck, but the manacost is there for it

I saw these posts right before I went to work and didn't have time to respond. Just wanted to let you know I'm still here! I put the set on hold when Kaladesh was announced, on the off-chance they print Riggers/Contraptions and the whole set is rendered moot. I still post some random ideas and such, and I have a soft spot for this set, but I don't want to go to all the trouble of building and balancing the set just to have it made pointless.


I'm alive, and I'm making cards. Just very slowly. First rough draft of white commons for this set.

Because why not? This is supposed to show what Tazri became during "The Blight We Were Born For" which is a pretty good story. Basically, she witnesses a universe where Zendikar falls, and she is turned into an Eldrazi.

It's OK to say "your hand" in this case, since the Equipment comes from your hand. Obviously it's going to be returned to you.

I think for Unstable, you could shorten it more by saying
(This enters the battlefield with X maintenance counters on it. Whenever it's dealt combat damage, remove a maintenance counter from it. When the last is removed, sacrifice it.)
Since it's only going to be dealt combat damage by creatures anyway. I'm also not a fan of "maintenance" but I can't really think of a substitute. Unless you want it to interact with charge counters stuff.

Should probably return to hand, compare to Razor Boomerang

I think Gift of Groves would be better if it was any artifact instead of just opponents. I get that you're going for artifact hate there, but it would allow for some neat mixing.

Does the ambush haste matter on other cards, because as shown here it's irrelevant and makes the reminder text extra wordy.
Also, the phrasing may be technically correct, but "during combat" into "any time" just seems like horrible english.


>comparing to one of the worst cards printed
It's fine. It even costs more to equip. If anything, compare it to Surestrike Trident.

Caught would need Fuse on it as well, and you messed up the Fuse naming scheme. Fuse cards are supposed to be X and Y, not X Y.

Flesh and Blood, Far and Away, that sort of thing.

Outside of that, Caught seems rather strong, and Flatfooted is either insane or pointless. If you meant lose permanently, then that's a headache and also quite powerful. If you meant until end of turn, then Vigilance is pointless on that list if it's a sorcery.

>Does the ambush haste matter on other cards, because as shown here it's irrelevant and makes the reminder text extra wordy.
You can flash them in at the beginning of combat and have a hasty attacker.

Absolutely haram tapping equipment.

I like what you did with contraptions. It fits the theme, making these huge, complicated machines that each do a dozen things.


Razor Boomerang also actually sees play where Surestrike Trident doesn't.

But sure, let's have an almost lightning helix on a stick.

Hope you don't mind. Saw the art and had an idea.

>Razor Boomerang also actually sees play where Surestrike Trident doesn't.
Not him, but I'd like to see proof that Razor Boomerang gets played anywhere.

First strike is enough.

You can get a first-strike lord for 1WW, no strings attached. If not equip 0, it needs something else to reward having to jump through multiple hoops.

Why don't you use colors on your set symbol?

I believe he doesn't like using rarity because he doesn't care about draft.


It certainly isn't a common card, but it gets used as a one of in certain combo decks as a back up win con.

First draft. It's another card designed specifically to work with another card, in this case, a creature with Deathstrike.

I'd still like to see that proof.

Technically, it's the creature that's doing the exiling, not the sword.

According to MTGTop8, it has never seen play at any competitive tournament and EDHRec has a grand total of three decks that have been submitted that include it, one of which is called "Black Strictly Worse EDH".

Good? Bad? The idea is to catch a spell in the hat, which you can pull out later. But whenever you put something in, some rabbits come out too. Probably need to balance better.

Damnit. It was obviously worded differently before. Thanks for pointing that out.

I ran it in my Nahiri EDH deck once. I removed it after I won the game with it. I still keep it in my trade binder as a reminder.

I looked at the other decks on EDHRec. One is a pinger deck designed to work with Deathtouch, the other is a deliberate attempt at making a very low-power deck.


Is it a claw of progress?
This isn't Ravnica.

Which is better? For context, it's part of a cycle in which each creature has a method of gaining and losing -1/-1 counters. I think the one on the right fits that cycle more, but I think the one on the left is more explosive and thus conveys the flavor of an elemental that can burn out or burst into flames in a moment's notice better.

Note: This would be the only instance of erosion counters in the set it's in.

Left because it's simpler, but it'll be the odd one out of your cycle. Both are very pushed.

This is just Szadek.

They are pretty pushed. How much p/t should I take off? I'm thinking one toughness from the left so it can only attack/block twice without prowess triggers, but even then it might be too good..

I think the right one is better. I don't the Shifting Blaze really fits the idea of an elemental that could burst or explode. This encourages it to act more like a flickering flame, slowly growing larger or smaller, but not really burning out.

Either way, the stats on that still seem quite strong. A 4/3 for 3 with Haste is great, even if it's going to slowly weaken afterwards. If they cast a couple spells though, it'll stay at that level for a while. Even then, a 4/3 and 3/2 swinging isn't bad at all. I would say to either lower the power or toughness by 1.


What could possibly go wrong, especially when it can copy itself? I might need to change that part. Another idea I had was that it could clone anything, but it had charge counters on it. Whenever it became the target of a spell or ability, you'd remove a charge counter from it, and if you couldn't, you'd return it to its owner's hand.

So wither is only available in BRG, but infect is available in all colors (though tertiary in W and R). Is there a reason for this, or could wither be stretched to all colors outside of a colorshifted set?

I think the lore reason was that white and red were the only colors that could half-fight it. Everything else succumbed easier.

Technically, there are two cards that have Wither that don't require BRG, but they are both hybrid, so make of that what you will. Anyway, with Infest it's different, because the entire point of the Scars block was to show how corrupting Phyrexia's influence was by spreading Black mechanics throughout the other colors. So you should always take those cards with a grain of salt. For me, as long as you can justify it, I have no problem with it. Though I will admit that justifying it in Blue and White is a bit of an issue.

Yeah, BG fell first with Scars, U afterwards with Besieged, and RW with Phyrexia. Clever storytelling I think, to show how the Mirran resistance weakens throughout the block, and how Phyrexia becomes stronger.


So how could wither fit in thematically in white and blue? What exactly is it in the lore?



Random one-off keyword, ho!

If an effect is multipart, the replacement current templating tends to put the "if" and the "instead" in front of it. See something like From Under the Floorboards for an example.

So the text should go more like:
>Armament -- If you control an equipped creature, Warrior's Helix instead deals 4 damage to that creature and you gain 4 life.

>CW01 & CW02
I am not sure you want to do this with Ritual; it becomes confusing as to why it's an ability word. Tapping may be what all ritual cards have in common, but altering the frequency and nature of the tap dilutes the flavor, which is what ability words are there to provide. I'd personally just make them all function like Priestess of Osari, and have the player choose whether to make the card ETB tapped or not to get a triggered ability for a low cost. I think it would play the best and be the easiest to design around and understand.

Also gonna need the art for CW01; it's gorgeous.
I think making it trigger on a permanent ETBing that has a CMC of 5 or more makes it easier to understand personally. Other than that, card seems fine to me.
Hm. Ambush seems okay; a stretch for white but white likes combat tricks so I can see the fudging of Haste in this case. I would assume it will be showing up in Naya colors? Or is it 5 color? Or everything but blue? One thing I am not sure I like is the wording on the ETB ability; it reads clunky. I'd rather it just grant first strike when it ETBs and be priced accordingly. It'd probably have to be an uncommon though, at that rate.
Much cleaner ETB trigger. Works well with Ambush. Cost seems fine for the effect and the body.
Too good. It's a phenomenal blocker that will gain you lots of life easily. Not common material, and too cheap for what it does to boot.
I'm growing concerned at the number of fat asses among these commons. This may slow down Limited significantly.
Neat, but of middling utility without flash. I had a similar issue with a card I did for my madness set.
Appropriating Escalate is a good call here, considering your theme, and now I see why you worded CW03 as you did. I guess it can't be helped then. Card seems fine.
I like your use of the CMC 5 thing here, but I am afraid being as efficient as it is, it should probably be uncommon.


Not too keen on Ambush on noncreature stuff. Taxed removal in white works for me though.
Enemy color set? Hm. Didn't see that coming. I tried the same for my desert set, so I hope you have better luck than I did. I may go back to it one day. I do still like the idea, I just couldn't get the mechanics to smooth out. Anyway, the card seems fine.
I wouldn't do a blanket tax Aura at common if I were you. Not even at a high cost. It's just no fun. It also enables opponents' "CMC5" stuff, but you probably intended that.
This tax, on the other hand, is much more palatable. Not sure on the cost though; the first ability is only so-so, and the second is very very good.

All in all, not bad. I look forward to seeing more. And again, good luck with the desert thing. I hope the scenery change helps you make the set work better.

>tapping equipment
My nigga. The concept here didn't sink in right away, but I get it now, and I'm not sure what I think of it, especially at common.

I always like it when someone makes an ante card. Takes me back to high school. I knew people that refused to play anyone who wouldn't play for ante.

Hm. It's specific enough that it might be okay that cheap, but it'd depend on the set it's in. Hard to judge in a vacuum, but I think it'd cause hell in Modern.

Kek. I like it but I can't even begin to comment on cost. Repeatable counters are always strong, and since most playable cards are on the cheap side, favoring CMC3 or less, this costing 4 probably makes it okay, though ramp could cause issues with that. The drawback probably makes it alright though, in the end.

>evolve reminder text
>no living weapon reminder text
What an odd design choice to make.

This would be very VERY good in Limited. I like it but I like the old Mirrodin "insta-equip" cards. Too bad Cranial Plating was broken to high hell.

I think it's "it has" not "it gains" but I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first or last time. Otherwise, I like it. Bretty good. 8/10 Mysterio card.

It's the glistening oil or whatever it's called. The stuff that causes.. sorry if I misspell this... phyresis? Creatures touched by it become plague carriers, essentially.

Glorious. I love it.

This is pretty good. Not sure on the rarity.

Agree with what the other user said, but wording aside, I like it. Choosing "equipped matters" over "equipment matters" is a good idea, I think.

>What an odd design choice to make.
I figured living weapon only matters once whereas evolve can trigger multiple times. And then I got the reminder text wrong anyways.

I guess I just figured that Living Weapon would be the less likely of the two to be "remembered" since it's a bit more complex than Evolve, and older to boot, but most of us know what both of them do so around here, it doesn't matter too much anyway.

The land is way too strong. Make it come in tapped, take off the first ability.
Master Pepe probably needs blue. Bloodruin should be blue instead of black.
One day I will actually put together the random Veeky Forums un-set I've got kicking around in my head.



Blades of Berserker has some memory issues. Either use a unique counter, or a blanket effect.

Doomhammer also lets you double the equipped creature's power every time it attacks as it triggers on declare attackers phase. Not sure if you intended that.

Human Horror or Human Demon would work better, I think, as mean as Jackie is with guns. Trample and Haste aren't typically black; Maybe make him have Deathtouch and Persist instead?

Exploring the Resonate mechanic a bit. How is this? Useless? Overpowered?

and of course i forget the image

>hard counter for 1U
>no restrictions or drawbacks
Well, I can tell you from experience that this is overpowered.

Fair point. Costed up to 1UU.

I really wanted to give it to green, but it just makes more sense as red.

meme cards

Doesn't meant he cannot use the Keyword.


Would draft.

Fight doesn't work with more than two creatures in a fight, just write in out long form.

Good point with the CMC of spells. I have another version that gave the spells back afterwards, which I think I might use over this one.

Cool, thanks. And yeah, the wording's a little tricky, and I was too tired when I was making it to find good precedence.

Yeah, I was thinking of making him a Human Demon and Angelus a Human Angel. Trample and Haste both work in Black, but they're not really together by themselves in Black, true. Maybe Deathtouch, but I'm definitely not using Persist, sorry. Not a fan of mixing P/T counters.

Well no, but it's just kinda odd to me.

I thought I was the one doing the western set.

Cycle when? I can see the Red aim counter card having this as it's third effect:

>When ~ leaves the battlefield, it deals X damage to all creatures with aim counters on them, where X is the number of aim counters on all creatures.

Maybe call it something like Trick Shot.

Make it when it's put into a graveyard or when it's sacrificed. Right now it's open to shenanigans with returning it to your hand.

I really think you should make more of these. I even had an idea for an equipment based on aim counters:

>T:Sacrifice ~, put an aim counter on target creature.


Is this card too wordy? Is it any good at all?

No one? Not even the user that came up with High Noon likes these suggestions?