Sendspace for morons edition.
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
Sendspace for morons edition.
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
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What are you talking about? I downloaded it and the filename is 1468358317927.png.
Savage orc leaks are still probably at least half a week out.
so what conversions do you have planned?
It's not that difficult.
I'm actually going to make another unit of irondrakes. But I want to try something a little different.
I am going to use the ironbreaker heads with the beards on them, and mount the drakeguns over the shoulders, where their right arms hold them up, leaving their left arms free to hold things.
Working on the first model of my Knights Excelsior stormcast, themed around the swamps of the realm of life. Still need to finish the tabard bits, leather, blue and black etc.
Right now I am cutting the Skaven pages out of the Grand Alliance: Chaos and plan on gluing them back together with a new cover/backpage to have a full fledged AoS Skaven Battletome. I want to say because I don't want to carry the huge Chaos book with me, but I know I simply don't want to have anything to do with the other Chaos factions.
Just a reminder that the sendspace link in OP is only there to get him 5 cents per click. Circulate the pdf or imgur album instead
40k player here, I track for conversions and occasiaonal lore curiosity, the Sylvaneth/Dryads stuff is going to be great for converting necrons, the bark textures and branches are som metal paint and snipping away from being wild necrodermis, and all the sprites can add variety to the scarab swarms, the New Drycha is a dead ringer for the c'tan shard of the endless swarm
That's looking nice. The verdigris ties the blue and the white together really nicely.
I made my two spare relictors into a Knight Vexillor and a 10th retributor respectively. Genuinely surprised at how good they came out, will post pics when I get home
Yeah you're an idiot. Hosting something on sendspace does not get you money, it gets them money. It's how they make their money for people hosting their shit up there for free.
Loving the idea so far. The Libby looks great and kudos for taking the starter set dude and giving him an upgrade set shield, I bet that took a fuckload of work to not look out of place.
And the base is absolutely perfect, it looks disgustingly wet and muddy.
Yeah, I'd like to do that for my Rotbringers too, but I've grown too attached to my GA book to cut it up.
Shun the Jew, do not fall for his schemes
>Circulate the pdf or imgur album instead
Let me correct that for you:
>spoonfeed me plox, I am too stupid to click a download link and follow the instructions I find there
Nice weathering sempai, but your paints have no deepness.
not that user but you can take different banners to get all of their bonuses.
Gotta say, this is the first 'clean' stormcast scheme that looks good to me. Well done. And nice work on the base as well.
someone in this thread actually used plox unironically
I hate summer
>has no idea what unironically means
Yeah, summer sucks.
This. sendspace is garbage
Here's the legacy shit requested in the last thread
Anyone got the Beastmen pics?
>Long time Lotr SBG player wanting to go whfb
>My favorite armies are orks and ents
>Always wanted an army full of Black orks or savage orks
>mid life crisis, went for a full Brawl of Ironjaws... more thousands dropped than I can remember
>just bought about 1500€ of sylvaneth and this come out...
>I m going to drop another 2k on that
who needs a shiny car anyway ?
>summerfag using "unironically" wrong while complaining about summerfags
Very few units have more than one banner or musician/icon though. and since you pick who dies it's near pointless to have more than one of the same. But yes you can.
Champions obviously come alone and must pick between options. also wrong image
reposting free guild points
>since you pick who dies it's near pointless to have more than one of the same
Untrue. Sometimes your opponent pincers you in a way that the most beneficial model for you to remove as casualty turns out to be your standard bearer. If you had a spare, you could take that model away and keep the bonus. This is however, exceedingly rare and tends to be proof that you screwed up your movement, but it CAN happen
The second GW releases a model/spell/batallion that allows a player to snipe certain models it would be the smartest to have everyon carry a banner/instrument.
Got you covered senpai
>Deathmaster only 20 points above an Assassin
>Deathmaster has better save, anti-hero rules, etc.
Since he also has the 'assassin' keyword you can shove him into the Eshin clawpack too.
I was expecting points to fix this admittedly minor issue, but unless you really cannot squeeze out 20 pts to spare or your lgs bans named characters you'll never take an Assassin over Snikch Unless you really want 2 assassin's in your force.
>things have points now
I might actually have to look at AoS again.
It's breddy okay
You know, he's also 0-1, which compensates a bit. Yes, he's way better for his points, but you can never have more than 1. I find that a vast step up from WHFB where special characters used to be 0-1 AND overcosted. Similarly, Ikit is infinitely better than a normal Warplock for 40 points more and Skrolk is infinitely better than a normal Plague Priest for 20 points more.
There are technically a few, like a Stardrake nomming models, but frankly if you're in melee with a Stardrake, you quite literally have bigger things to worry about than keeping your musician safe
Just because everything tends to be in blocks of 100, it can sort of be difficult to find anywhere fit in 20 points.
Aw Shieet thanks.
Did they not include Centigor?
>It's breddy okay
That's all I ask.
Centigor now fall under the Monsters of Chaos faction (for some arbitrary reason).
Nothing extensive, I'm looking for helmets that future well on Storm cast. My plan is to leave unit leaders with the face mask and everyone else as normal helms.
Still working on this fucker. Or rather, trying to, since uni is a bitch right now and I wish I had time to actually get to painting.
Also, the little guy to the lower right, since I wanted a winged Lord-Celestant. On the table he'll be a Knight-Azyros with Master of Defense (to represent the shield) and Relic Blade (for the hefty battleaxe).
Anyway to extract the eBook from AoS app(Android)?
What is the chariot made from?
Anyone have the legacy Empire stats?
Do they have points? mind posting it, it sounds interesting.
I assume Centigor would be battleline, that's sort really the 'all monster' force i imagined
So... impossible?
BTW, the price tag of How to Paint Sylvaneth gone wild, £1 only, grab it quick.
I'm in the middle of converting a Lord relictor into a Wight King... First time using green stuff... There is a LOT of being used....
Don't have the jpg, but Centigors are 80 points for 5 and NOT Battleline. Neither is anything else in Monsters of Chaos. It's probably a Faction like Firebellies and Gargants, that is theoretically its own faction, but cannot be used on its own in Matched Play.
Do you have the point cost for Empire Knights?
Like a million different bits, but I assume you mean the armored front?mThat's made up from the spare pauldrons of the Stardrake connected by a Lord-Celestant's shield.
Yes, he has. Just like everybody else in the thread.
Is a chimera even worth taking now that it screws up your sub faction allegiance?
Share the love bruh
I'm thinking of starting a Sylvaneth army of some sort, any advice for a complete noob?
Who plays sub-factions? Seriously, especially Chaos. Devoting yourself to a God without specifying Mortal or Daemon has absolutely zero bonus and taking Mortal into it only helps Nurgle (Blightkings) and Daemon helps nobody unless you for some reason want to run an all-Flesh Hound army, so you might as well take all of Chaos, at which point the Chimera fits again. Want an old-school WoC army? Sure, the Chimera fits in there as well, you just can't run all-cav plus Chimera.
Although, the Chimera is imo way overcosted. I mean yes, it's absolutely devastating with a ridiculous damage output, but it's also fragile as hell with its 5+ Save. And all of that for slightly MORE than a Mutalith.
Sure thing, mate.
Here you go. Enjoy.
Got an image for it?
Yeah, I have them all.
I wish I had as much money to throw at models as you.
Treelord Ancients and Spirits of Durthu are amazing. Taking at least one is basically mandatory.
Dryads are your rank and file. Field them in units of 20 and they'll put in a lot of work.
Drycha is way undercosted and a absolute blender if used right.
Wyldwoods are your best friends. Have at least two ready to deploy. Your army revolves around them and loves them, because the Wyldwoods love your army.
I own the chimera abd don't want nor really like the mutalith us my thing. Not sure how to fit it into a beastmen or bloodbound list, either.
Something the guy at my sorta-local GW suggested with the Ga books was to take them to like Kinko's or something, get the binding cut off and then have them punched and spiral bound
80 for 5 ain't bad, i'm glad they are cheap. thanks
As a matter of fact, I do!
I hope this helps.
Head swapping my Stormcasts. I love the iron face masks but I feel its something that more special dudes should have rather then every mook.
Used my Stormcast as Grey Knights for a long time so the most have termy heads n' shit, but I finally tried AoS and really loved it, so now I''m making more fantasy looking dudes like pic related.
Sweet, post Empire
8 confirms it
Just wondering, what is it that the ironjawz battle tome and all the tomes previous to the newest sylvaneth one are missing compared to the latest and ones to come?
I understand they are already now "behind" on the rules in some regard to books after the GHB? I stopped playing 40k many moons ago after buying a codex right before a new edition of the game came out and for my army to not recieve any kind of update for fucking years, i don't want that to happen again, unless its not that big of a deal?
Why can't games workshop structure there releases better.
Daily reminder: Kroak is a faget
Looking good. Those look sorta dreamforge-ish.
>Why can't games workshop structure there releases better.
GW is the most incompetent band of fuckwits running a company you'll ever see.
What's missing is 'Warlord traits', Something that will basically be Chapter tactics, magic items, a faction bonus making dedication worth while, and supposedly 6 unique spells.
Ow thats a shame, that sounds like an awful lot of missing things. Then again this time round i am mostly just collecting and not gaming. I do love those ironjaw models too. Ah fuck it, i hate you games workshop but i will begrudgingly give you more money.
Thanks, for flavour I like Harvestboon but Gnarlroot has interesting abilities. Is this one of those wait till you have the basics things or is it worth making my mind up now?
I got the Battletome and my resolve is slipping, I'm going back to the hobby.
Basically, the new Sylvaneth book sets a new standard for care put into a product and goes a long way to adress issues the community had with certain aspects of the game.
Basically, the Sylvaneth are the first faction with their own relics, traits and spells to make the heroes more into *your dudes*, some special force arrangement in the form of Wargroves (which have been compared to Space Marine Chapter Tactics) that affect your playstyle and a few other matters.
Forces released until now didn't have them, so some feel a little left out. To be honest, my Stormcast and Brets don't mind. Stormcast have no spellcasters in the first place, brets don't need any other spells (and will never get their own, obviously) and the general relics and traits found in the General's Handbook are pretty much perfect for them, so no loss there.
There's essentially zero reason outside formations to take Judicators instead of free guild handgunners or crossbow men. I get 30 handgunners or crossbowmen for less than the cost of 10 judicators.
I see, so the generals handbook comes with some default relics for any army to take (more specifically ironjawz)? Sorry if thats obvious i am only just now looking into collecting again.
I'd recommend you wait a bit befire committing. Get a few models done, play a few games, that sort of thing. Once you got a feel for the actual proceedings on the table you can look more objectively into those wargroves.
And don't start with Alarielle. She's so outrageously powerful that she quickly becomes a crutch for beginners. I've seen it happen with Nagash and it's pretty annoying to wean a player off of that.
Got it. Get a blob of Dryads, a Treelord Ancient or Drycha Hamadreth (a great model, caught my interest in WD) and see what works.
Start at 8:55
its interesting to see these guys talk about their enthusiasm for the AoS GT which is going to be big at the LVO.
>$40 dollar free guild general on griffin can whip the ass of a $150 lord celestant on star drake
The GBH has six relics and six command traits for each of the four big factions on top of a factional bonus for sticking to yours.
Now, here's where it gets tricky. To get those relics/traits (one of each for your army by default), you need to have *allegiance* to your Grand Alliance, i.e. Destruction in your case. That, however, means that your force cannot be Ironjawz allegiance at the same time, since you only get on allegiance at any time. This means, if Ironjawz have any units that become Battleline on the condition that you have Ironjawz allegiance, you are out of luck and need to bring baseline Batteline units.
(That said, I don't know if Ironjawz have conditional Battleline units, but I'd expect so.)
>$77 Thanquol can kill anything after one round of magic/shooting.
Necron converter here, how big is the beetle? because depending on size I could make it fill in for a tomb stalker, or even a monolith
What does Veeky Forums think of the way summoning works in Pitched? More of a "choose your own reinforcements" than spam.
Is it better to spam empire Knights or Demigryphs as Free Guilds? I feel like with all the buffs I can give units, one big blob of horse Knights will put out more damage and have more staying power than just a few Demigryphs.
Easily an expensive stalker...
reminder that skaven players are the 13 year old angsty teenage edgelords of aos
I like it. Instead of giving summoners free points, they get a lot of flexibility and still have good mobility because of summoning things in is like a deep strike. I am pretty cool with it.
Mine is still in the mail, but a guy at the store already assembled one for last Saturday
It's pretty substantial, not monolith-sized, but certainly chunkier than a tombstalker.
But if you plan on that, I feel compelled to warn you from one necron player to another that the wardroth doesn't match the necron aesthetic at all. Like, not even a tiny bit.
so it would cost more money.... darn, part of me converts more for visual variety but the savings are a welcome part when I can land them
If done right it could look sick. Buuuut it's like three times the price!
well was planning dome doing, and the use of other converted dryads to make a more matched mixed up mutant metal look, and... I would have used tomb kings parts to help blend but those are an ebay premium now, part of it was because I wanted a spiritual recreation of pic related
haha not bad for a dead game.
i don't see the ITC picking up KoW or 9th age.
How tho
Can command abilities that say "pick a unit within X inches of the general" target the general himself?
Sylvaneth battletome posted yet?
Hey its grumpy-mad guy again. We get, you hate skaven.
The griffon is striaght-up a better brawler than the stardrake and the general is not much behind the celestant either, trading one range and to wound for a rend. Meanwhile, the griffon can ignore both sources of mortal wounds in melee and the ranged source barely affects it.