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>How to Jumpchain
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Praise the sun?
The fact that you only capitalized the first half of the title is really bugging me.
Naruto Dojutsu, Mushoku Tensei magic eyes, and Kryptonian (I know they're not magic, but meh) eyes.
Reposting this for reasons beyond your earthly concerns.
Nobody even knows there's been an update until like 6 weeks later unless I post them twice. Even then sometimes. Life is strange. Thank you for reading.
What about them? The Fate/ stuff has a lot of eyes as well, and Basilisk has a couple if I'm remembering right.
Life is Strange Jump when?
See, this is how you do updates. Doesn't break builds, adds content, well done!
Persona question: is having a motorcycle made of undistilled awesome worth having to fight Nyarlathotep?
What is the strongest, single style of martial arts available in jumpchain? Be sure to defend both your choice and your honor.
Can we be one of ths other elemental monarchs like breakfast princess?
>not getting Insight from Bloodborne so you can gain multiple crazy eyes inside your skull
It's like you don't want more eyes for more fun.
Cyborg build, actually, so I can do that whenever I want.
Whoops, meant to quote Also, how about Fate eyes, too? Forgot about those.
>not being a shoggoth for infinite eyeball works.
Come now red eye expected better of you.
The problem is that I don't need light to see. So those internal eyes are always watching me.
Good luck finding anyone who has your brand.
motorcycles are stupid
Personally I'm a fan of Panzer Kunst. It's a highly variable martial art that allows you to continually evolve it as you encounter different styles. I'm also a huge fan of internal strikes, which Panzer Kunst has in abundance. Plus, should you ever need to fight in zero gravity, you're more prepared than most others.
Additionally, I submit that Alita is one of the cutest martial art senseis in the multiverse.
That picture made me hungry.
my brand!
indeed, it's such an elegant solution for finding a place to put all those sharingan I stole from Danzo.
Breakfast is not one of the four fundamental elements.
You can however be a breakfast person or even a breakfast wizard.
Or you can be a breakfast wizard elemental monarch of one of the four offered elements. Go with fire and call yourself Burnt Toast. Or slime and call yourself Yokey Joe.
Boxing. If you're strong enough, a punch is all you need.
>syrup touching the bacon
I feel the need to punch someone.
Use Real Eater to change Elemental Monarch to breakfast?
I am going to have to go with the style of the undefeated of the east. Dragonball Z is probably what most people would call the strongest but the only problem is that by that point it wasn't really Martial arts as throw around balls of ki and move around real fast so the artist didn't actually have to animate the fight.
Master Asia beat up mecha with his bare hands and fought an evangelion angel to a stand still. So I say the School of the Undefeated of the east is the strongest martial arts available in jump chain.
Bacon is good with syrup on it faggot.
Syruped bacon is literally the best part of breakfast.
And that's fair enough. I just kind of like the idea of having a bunch of eyes inside the brain that's just looking around and giving you sight beyond sight. Just makes me wonder what other bullshit happens when you do stuff like stack on magic eyes or worse, throw a Quantum Brain from Gundam 00 into it, since that quantum brain ends up being a direct copy of your current brain.
No eating the princess. Unless she asks you to.
126 Star Wars OT
Bounty Hunter -100, Force Sensitive -200,
Age 23
Wookiee -50
Mos Eisley, Tatooine
I Don't Come Cheap, He's Dead Right? -100, Didn't He Say No Disintegrations? -200, Nowhere To Hide -300,
Basic Powers(Telepathy, Telekinesis, Force Empathy, Force Speed, Farsight, Force Stealth, Force Sight, Mind Trick),
Signature Outfit, Slave Outfit, Electrobinoculars, Thermal Detonators,
Hangar Bay, Meditation Chamber,
Training Remote, Companion Import(Allspark/Alice[Spy, Force Sensitive -200, Twi'lek, What You Can't See Can Hurt You, Basic Powers, Force Healing -400, Signature Outfit, Slave Outfit, Voice Scrambler, Disguises, Ship Share -200], Deadly Decadent Court[Soldier, Force Sensitive -200, Human, A Bit Too Close, Basic Powers, Force Lightning -400, Signature Outfit, Slave Outfit, Energy Slingshot, 74-Z Speeder Bike, Ship Share -200], Necron[Bounty Hunter, Chiss, I Don't Come Cheap, He's Dead Right? -100, Signature Outfit, Slave Outfit, Electrobinoculars, Mandalorian Armor -100, Thermal Detonators, Bowcaster -200, Ship Share -400], Choir of Righteous Fury[Spy, Twi'lek, What You Can't See Can Hurt You, You Will Join The Right Side -200, Signature Outfit, Slave Outfit, Voice Scrambler, Datapad -50, Blank Datacards -50, Disguises, Ship Share -500], Dust Rats[Soldier, Force Sensitive -200, Twi'lek, A Bit Too Close, Basic Powers, Beast Control -100, Signature Outfit, Slave Outfit, Energy Slingshot, 74-Z Speeder Bike, Ship Share -500], Guardsmen Platoon[Bounty Hunter, Twi'lek, I Don't Come Cheap, Signature Outfit, Slave Outfit, Electrobinoculars, E-11s Sniper Rifle, Wrist Weapon(Blaster -50, Flamethrower -50, Rocket Launcher -50, Dart Launcher -50, Shield)-200, Ship Share -400],
You're horrible people.
>pic related
Immersa[Spy, Force Sensitive -200, Twi'lek, What You Can't See Can Hurt You, Basic Powers, Tutaminis -200, Signature Outfit, Slave Outfit, Voice Scrambler, Disguises, Ship Share -400], Joy[Soldier, Twi'lek, A Bit Too Close, Signature Outfit, Slave Outfit, Energy Slingshot, Cortosis Sword -400, 74-Z Speeder Bike, Ship Share -400])-400,
Starship(Heavy Chassis -100, Cockpit, Engine Room, Common Room, Captain's Quarters, Passenger Bunks -100, 3 Cargo Bays -200, Medical Bay -100, Galley -100, Class .5 Hyperdrive -200, Life Support, Communications Array, Military Grade Sensor Array -50, Hanger Bay Door -50, Freight Elevator -50, Docking Ring -50, Escape Pods -50, Intercom -50, Tractor Beam -100, 3 Holding Cells -350, Dual Repeating Laser Cannons -100, Homing Beacon Launcher -100, 2 Quad Laser Cannon Turrets -400, Magnetic Containment Field -100, Military Grade Deflector Shields -200, Reinforced Hull -200, Sensor Jammer -400),
...I Actually Liked the Prequels(Off to Clone Wars when this is over.)+0, Frozen Work of Art +300, Where's My Medal? +100,
My first 5 years here are really boring, well at least I have plenty of time to think of a name for my new ship. I think perhaps, something to do with the force or magic would be ill advised in the current political climate. So perhaps something jump related. I think I'll call it Void Jumper. When 5 years are finally up, I steal all I can from the jerk who has been using me and my friends as decor. After that, we left the planet and began looking for tech to scan(and steal if imperial). I may have run a few missions for the rebels and smuggled some goods as well. Mostly I didn't interfere with the plot too terribly much other than stealing a few star destroyers and fighters and scanning them and stealing the tech.
Rolled 8 (1d8)
127 Star Wars Clone Wars
New Canon
Age 20
Force Sensitive -200
Zabrak -50
Melee Training,
Starting Powers(Telepathy, Telekinesis, Force empathy, Force speed, Farsight, Force stealth, Force sight, Mind trick), Ionize, Force Stasis, Psychometry, Sever Force -400, Drain Knowledge -400,
Lightsaber, Holocron Collection -250, Apprentice companion(Prard'rey'aklaio[Female, Force Sensitive, Chiss, Melee Training, Piloting -100, Starting Powers, Psychometry, Doppelganger, Force Bellow, 10,000 Credits -50, Lightsaber, Z-95 Headhunter -200, R2 Series Astromech Droid -150])-200,
Help me user, You're my Only Hope +300, Head Made out of Gold +200,
Well, I have a bounty on my head and my new apprentice Dreya has been kidnapped. This jump is off to a good start. Honestly, it was a simple matter to rescue my apprentice. Now I just need to track down and scan all the interesting technology(and copy the plans for the various super weapons of the future).
Force Conduit
1 Dead of Alive
2 Primal Rage
3 True Lies
4 Okami
5 Tales of Vesperia
6 Killing Bites
7 Sunrider
8 Spooky's House of jumpscares
Spooky's House of jumpscares. Well, I have no idea what to say to this. Supernatural queued.
Jumpers! Tell me about the time you made the women want you and the men want to be you. Or vice versa.
Huh. Yeah, I wonder what Magic Quantum Eyes see...
Anything Goes. It can learn and incorporate any other martial art style.
>recognizes Panzer Kunst's supremacy
>thinks Alita is adorable
Yorokonde, you're good people.
>reads last thread
>Original Girls Und Panzer user is still around
Oh, shit I... thought you had left after a few people asked to no response and... kinda started on one too.
I'm into the WIP stage, but I can stop if that'd be better?
How much is your magic boosted by Archmage?
That would have been my second choice, but I haven't done Gunnm yet. But Alita is awesome squared. I went as her to a Comic Con.
Would you mind working together? I have some ideas I'd like to contribute to the final GUP jump, regardless of who finishes it. With three of us, we might actually have one finished jump. I'll edit.
Exactly. Then you realize other shit like Cyberization from Ghost in the Shell, other brain upgrades, other eye stuff...
Well. Seeing into forever is not out of the question methinks.
Deja Fu. It's faster even than Quicksilver Style, in that it can allow you to strike retroactively, loop attacks, or dodge something that has already hit you.
I'll admit it's not the strongest in terms of raw power, but I don't think anything else can touch a Deja Fu master.
Lewd spoiler. Look, I know how to cast Evard's Black Tentacles, have an alt-form with a foot-long tongue and aphrodisiac saliva. I have learned /many/ tricks.
Aw, shucks. Thanks user. I try.
No shit? That's all kinds of awesome. Two thumbs way up.
Rolled 379, 554 = 933 (2d595)
My bad, again. This was meant for you:
17% or the equivalent of 14 tbsps.
>implying anyone wants to be me
They know, don't they? They know what I am beneath it all. They can see right through me. If I keep smiling, maybe they won't know that I know that they know.
Don't know what fate eyes are.
Again it depends on how powerful a thing it is, you could definitely stick them in your head but if they let you kill gods or blow up planets or whatever they'll probably react badly to the magic of getting them in your sockets and pop.
For another 600 perk would some sort of Lich-inspired perk be possible?
That time when people want to be me?
Small changes. Decreased the quality of page 4 to make it below 8 mb.
And fixed a few spelling mistakes in the supplement.
Oh. I mean, Dojutsu get transplanted all the time anyway.
No way! You're not me!
If I see that damn duck one more time...
So here is a question.
Is there a method of getting around implanted Sharingan's "Always on" limit, besides, you know, covering it up?
I am considering usage of Toggle... would that work?
If I try to Sacrificial Bestowment the edgy eyes, will their eyes just naturally with experience progress into Mangekyou if I had it at the time of making a Magatama, or will they still need to have the "seeing a person die" requirement?
Speaking of Mangekyous:
What determines if I have just replaced my eyes with someone's eyes to use their eye powers, like Madara did with Obito's/Kakashi's eye, or tried it to gain Eternal Mangekyou? I seen some implication in anime that it's less of replacing the eyes and instead it's somehow merging them in a way, like Sharingans interacting that way. Otherwise two Mangekyou users could just swap eyes and grant themselves the Eternals, no?
While I welcome any contributions, I'm... not entirely sure straight collaboration is a good idea, if for no other reason than I'm not particularly GOOD at it. But... you never know, give me a bit to get all my shit into a single doc and we'll see where it goes from there, I guess?
Did you get around to putting some of the notes about how Duplication works with items and cybernetics and all that?
So we all know the whispers of the Old Gods can inflict madness, evil, and corruption. Is there a way to do the opposite, however? A sort of infectious, insidious "conscience" that will cause those infected to lose their taste for villainy?
Granted, the means themselves aren't objectively Good, but the end result would make a lot of places easier to deal with.
No, no I did not. However I believe I said before that duplication would only copy clothing.
I've considered it. Also considered a Hunson Abadeer type but I've figured that's definitely not going to work.
Lich-esque perk would have a bit of crossover with the Empress option of Vampire Monarch due to the whole mind control angle. Be that plus green flames, disintegrating shit, breathing death gas, necromancy and probably a bunch of other stuff I can't remember him doing.
If I were to do it at least some of the stuff in there would have to be part of the central perk and other stuff you'd have to pick up from combos (green flames coming from Elemental Monarch and so on).
Could possibly make it work but I'll have to play around with it.
Should be fine then.
A shame the jumpmaker was so shit they never bothered to offer it in G Gundam.
But he did?
Look again.
>Otherwise two Mangekyou users could just swap eyes and grant themselves the Eternals, no?
Wouldn't be at all surprised if this idiots just literally never thought of that.
Stand back, I'm going to touch the cow. I'll do it now.
Might pass on that then, since... well, Ineveraskedforthis.jpg
I know, just wondering if you were going to put it in the notes and asking about cybernetics at the same time.
Sure. Are you on Kiwi? I can PM you the stuff I have been working on.
>duplication would only copy clothing.
I, uh, hope cybernetics are still okay? Would kinda suck to make a duplicate that's just a brain.
Just beat them up with therapy jutsu.
You know what, just do whatever you think is best. Personally I feel that the duplicates shouldn't have any cybernetics.
Does "clothing" include things like armor?
Hey, it's fine if it doesn't include them, I was just asking about it.
Did anyone go to Zootopia and use the first few minutes of the jump to just start yelling at Judy's parents?
That bullshit about "we gave up on our dreams and we settled, and that's why we're happy," and "that's the beauty about complacency - if you never try anything new, you'll never fail!" is just. SO. GOD. DAMN. INFURIATING.
But user, in a way they're right.
Achievement means nothing if you can never be satisfied. Unending hunger is a sign of madness.
I don't know, given that they're breeding an army, I think that might have just been a line they were feeding Judy to keep her on the farm so that when the rabbit hordes inevitably swept over the rest of the world she wouldn't be caught in the crossfire.
Ninjas are so annoyingly dense that they probably never thought of it.
Will you never know peace? When will it be 'enough?'
I'm now imagining Mongols - but as short, floppy-eared rabbits.
Fund it.
They actually sort of have that in GATE. The local fantasy world is a Rome-equivalent, and the role of the barbarian hordes at the gates is taken by rabbit-people. Sure, they look like sexy fanservice characters, but they're actual brutal worshippers of the death goddess who breed in huge numbers and swarm over the civilized portion of the world every so often. Zorzal's treated as an arrogant idiot for the most part by both characters and the plot, but considering that he managed to conquer and subdue the grasslands he must have been doing something right.
It all comes down to what one wants in terms of "satisfaction." I'm satisfied perpetually traveling and that's fine, just as somebody else might not be satisfied until they find The Origin of all worlds, universes, and multiverses - and that's fine too.
And Judy becomes a legitimate cop, just going to show that her parents were wrong in her case.
Rolled 240, 376 = 616 (2d595)
Speaking of GATE would having the portal open somewhere other than japan have the special snowflake army powers go to the local army rather than the JSDF? Would it also replace the JSDF origin with that army?
I'm not on Kiwi as in the client, but I am on the Rizon network, yes. My nick is AncillaAnon.
So, question about Monsters Inc... do you not get discounts on monster customization if you pay to import an alt form?
>These are the principles by which I live my own life.
And there's nothing wrong with that.
It'll be okay.
There's everything wrong with it. I welcome death.
If you don't try and force it onto anyone else, honestly? You do you, man. You do you.
He included it but not under the name, you kind of have to read between the lines. I forget what it's called but it specifically lets you do stuff that is super human and teach it. The real thing you should be complaining about is that he didn't give you an option to buy a Horse companion that would pilot it's own mecha.
Nah, there's a perk that gives you a heavily nerfed and discount martial art, but it can't actually do anything that the School of the Undefeated of the East did.
Technically true, you need three perks to get the full set of effects. But it still offers those effects.
You think jump-chan would let go of you so easily?
Someone save me. Not even death sends me back home. I've tried so many ways.