Force of Will tcg

Getting ready for those AGPs ?
What are you playing?
What are you brewing ?

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Asked in last thread but nobody really answered, why do no valentina 2 decks run apollo? Is flying overrated?

usually flying is irrelevant ni the deck since you just use her gods arts from other rulers, usually just using melgis to kill anything that blocks her so having flying is irrelevant .

So with the recent NGP/GP in 3 separate countries, how do you feel the meta will be, there were some really interesting builds in the top 8 of all three regions.

When does this game slow down? It feels like it's going way too fucking fast.

To me it just removes most portential of her being chump blocked save for fairies. And since she cant be blocked she can melgis the strongest guy on the field. Like for your own huanglong if you run it,then attack for game at 2500+ as opposed to absorbing an alices little scout they chump block you with

Well, here's something

What decks have you guys been building lately since BoA came out?

I want to fuck Piruruk.

They said it's supposed to be slower now, but it's actually feeling faster since BoA.

I mean, it might when Lapis Cluster comes out, but I just think we're going to get more and more turn 2/3 wins than now.

Working on a new Knights of the Round deck primarily focused on Bors.

Bors and Lancelot are the best of friends now.

Didn't even consider using fire, but now that you mention it, a good bit of fire support can replace some stuff I have that's not specific to knights

My deck is basically 100% Knights of the Round Table. Probably not the most effective overall, but man, it can put in some work like crazy.

Also, the alternate/updated art of the Knights, or any card for that matter, is amazing in FoW.

>had a pretty thriving community
>50% yugioh nignogs, 50% magic neckbeards
>20-30 people a week at tourneys
>Bahamut hits
>nigs ragequit
>numbers dwindle
>we get a small but devoted playerbase
>attendance starts to get flaky
>"Guys, we should probably show up week-to-week so we can keep this game alive"
>"Lol, don't be so negative. This game is more alive than ever!!!"
>after three consecutive weeks of people not attending, I stop going with friends to the events
>0 attendance
>game dies

The scene in my area is basically dying due to some of the fuckery our shops are doing with when they want/wanted to have the Tournament nights and such. They have them on Saturday, but the big problem with that is there's so much other shit going on, that over half the damn time it gets called due to a lack of space. Shot forward a few months and they're discussing when to move the Tournament to, and they ask a friend and I about the whole thing. The one running it notices and we state ourselves that Wednesdays are generally the best since the Shop Keep states they get the most people coming into the store to buy things and we mention that if it is on that day, we can make it for sure each week.

Well, they decide to ask us of Tuesday are okay, which they really aren't for any of those that are interested. So basically, everything stayed the same with Tournaments barely being able to fire except when there's a new set release. The fact that no shop in the area cares to help nurture the scene is kind of bogus when there's basically nothing but MTG, 40k, and D&D being run at the shop. The sad fact that we can't even take a table into the main part of the lobby to play with the small number we have is just pathetic. I know from a business sense it makes sense to provide for those fans since they make up the majority of their profits, but letting everything new just die without trying is also just depressing. I really don't know what else to do since there's not much I can organize, but I might have to figure something out with all this. If they can't be bothered to help FoW, then I really don't want to see this game die in my area.

I want to like it but my interest is really dying. It's just way too fast for me. Hell the control decks and ramp decks get their wincons out on what, turn 4? I'm not even mad about the R/R dominance. It feels hopeless when you're staring at a boardstate that it feels like you just can't possibly do anything against.

I'd say just keep updated on FoW for now, and check back when the new Cluster releases in September. They stated that they want to slow down the pace of the game by 1-3 turns or so, so I'd give it till then. If it doesn't, I'd advise you to move on. It's still a bit too fast-paced even then, but I still enjoy the game for the most part. But I can totally agree that losing/winning in 2-4 turns is just horrid for any kind of structure.

im ok with control being strong since it hasnt been very relevant in competitive play since Abdul was a thing

They've been saying the game design will slow down since BahaBlast. Might as well just accept your short games a while longer. It's not changing unless they literally change the rules or drastically change card design in Lapis.

>Crimson Girl new art
pls be a ruler.

>Multiple characters now holding new weapons in their new art
Are they going to go all out with Addition: J/resonator weaponry in Lapis? It would be cool, and might actually keep people from slapping R/R on every deck if they aren't expensive and/or have some kind of soft protection against addition removal.

What is with that art?

That looks like a woman who just spontaneously sprouted a pencil mustache and has yet to realize it because she's too busy studying a sword.

How so? You can't even use Bors' second ability with Lancelot.

>That looks like a woman who just spontaneously sprouted a pencil mustache and has yet to realize it because she's too busy studying a sword.

It's Grimm, man. Remember what he looked like before?

>Are they going to go all out with Addition: J/resonator weaponry in Lapis?

More like things are going to get pretty bad, though I don't quite know with that whole bit. But really, too many bad things have happened to Pricia, Alice, and all the other 'good guys' that I can't see them to still being on the losing side still.

>pls be a ruler.

I'm going to laugh if Cheshire Cat is the Water Ruler for Lapis Cluster. There's already quite a few people upset with the fact she was already removed from the AGP early, and that the card will be rotated out come September. This gave them hope that they'll be able to use it then, but I'm pretty sure it's a completely different kind of card for the Cat.

>How so? You can't even use Bors' second ability with Lancelot.

What? Yes you can, both Bors and Lancelot are Knights of the Round Table.

The people who think a Cheshire card that is anything even CLOSE to the original is going to be printed are out of their minds.

>The people who think a Cheshire card that is anything even CLOSE to the original is going to be printed are out of their minds.

All you have to do is pop on some of the other FoW forums and other such things and you'll see some people convinced it's going to be a reprint.

Lancelot has to swing first, so he cant get the benefit from bors besides the turn he comes in.

why the hell are wind sprite so expensive as a foil, mean moonbreeze are a fraction of the cost. I just want to finish foiling out machines.

TTW is going for a lot more per pack/box than TMS right now.


Bors is probably best in a Melgis 2.0 deck alongside Lancelot. Other than that, I find Hector, necromancy + R/R better engines for Lancelot rush.


Isn't this game mostly popular in Italy for some reason?

its doing better in japan as of recent, and id imagine its big there since they have been playng the game a bit longer since they had to play Valhalla

Shot of the dark but does anyone know of anyone on any force of will group trying to sell a gp top 4 machina ?

Your best bet is to troll around on the force of will marketplace, but I assume you are already doing that.

>Complaining about the game being too fast

I dont really advocate it but do what makes it bad in this circumstance when niggers from modern/vintage/legacy eat that shit up

I really don't want more of the MTG community spilling over if it keeps adding more of their playerbase to it, all the while adding their "critique" of how bad of a spot FoW is in and what it needs to do to be successful.

Every fucking week without fail we have MTG weekly players just coming over to the table to not talk, just to point out how short sighted this game is and how it'll be just a fad and we'll be back at their table in a few months. I swear to god it's like fucking High School. We had to tell the owners of the shop to have them fuck off from doing this because of all the times the few of them got ranty/hyper aggressive when we talked about MTG in the early days in the 90s.

God damn I don't miss the players in that game.

They do that with every game. I've even had this happen when I'm actually playing Magic with other Magic players. They'll still find time to rant about other games when we're playing their game of choice, which is kind of pointless.

Just the sad part of this being that the same people have complained that there's "Not enough room" for anything else during a MTG event night. And to that, it's fucking MTG almost every god damned night. There's one day a week where there's no MTG event planned, but people still show up to run casual sets. Look, I get the game has a history since the early/mid 90s, but this whole "There can be only one" TCG in this shop, and many others around here, is so fucking poisonous.

I'd love to set up some kind of scene for FoW in my area, but it all comes down to where the fuck to put that sort of thing.