So if goblins have a habit of kidnapping human women from villages, would this make Gnolls have a habit of kidnapping human men from villages then?
So if goblins have a habit of kidnapping human women from villages...
They pick at random, taste is pretty much the same.
Also the only actual instance of someone getting kidnapped by gnolls that I can think of was woman.
Yes. Gnolls kidnap human men because Gnoll men are too effeminate and weak for female gnolls. Human men have sex with the females and cuck the male Gnolls if they want to or not.
A black woman at that
Stop pushing your degenerate bestiality fetish on my hobby (((user))).
that is some serious magical realm you've got there, pal.
How do goblins kidnap anyone? Aren't they short and scrawny?
No, orcs kidnap human women from villages to breed half-orcs.
Elves kidnap human men from villages to make half-elves.
Trolls kidnap gnomes to make gnolls, and gnolls kidnap flumphs to make flinds.
The goblins kidnap children.
Then they perform the ritual of goblinization to transform the children into goblins.
Who do the male gnolls fuck?
user, of course. That's his fetish.
Sorry user, but that's not how it works. Gnolls are hyenas.
The Females kidnap human men BECAUSE they're effeminate and weak, and rape them with their giant clitorises.
You get enough goblins, you can lift a mountain.
I do not understand gnolls.
So, a troll puts its rubbery knob in a gnome and fills her up. I get that part. The part I do not get is how this is supposed to result in a hyena-headed futanari.
Cause you're mixing the fluff from several editions.
Old ones were troll gnomes
Newer ones are spawn of yeenoghu, a demon lord that resembles a humanoid hyena.
The psudocock thing is present in only spotted hyenas IRL and has been lumped on by players killing kittens by draging real science into d&d.
that's only one species of Hyena that do that, so most likely that doesn't reflect on Gnolls
think of it less in terms of natural crossbreeding, and more along the lines of creating an Alchemical Chimera, Trolls and Gnomes are the primary Sapient components in making Gnolls, but are far from the only components, Hyenas make up another component(indeed there's probably more Hyena in the mix then there is Gnome), and there's probably others as well that don't visibly show(similarly Orcs are made by mixing Humans, Trolls, and Pigs/Boars with a smidgen of Elf as well, and similar formulas are used for making most other Monstrous Humanoids/Beast Men)
or at least that's how I fluff it when I don't have them be the mortal spawn of Yeenoghu
>that's only one species of Hyena that do that,
And it's the species of Hyena that Gnolls are based off of, in addition to being the most common, and recognizable hyena.
But who knows, maybe Gnolls are 16 inches tall and known for their anal secretions instead.
Aren't gnolls big on slavery?
They'd take the males for forced labor.
>forced labor
Well that's one way of describing non-consensual sex.
user, that's a male. Notice the cone shaped tip? Male. Females have much blunter and thicker tips.
Nice fantasy there, too bad human men posses tiny little penises compared to gnoll men. Also, naked apes are rather disgusting looking to the average gnoll.
Yep. They take pretty much everyone, eat the weakest, use the rest for everything that involves menial labor, then eat the ones that die from starvation, injury, etc. At least that's what they do in most D&D worlds. In PF they sell them in Katapesh, and often sell their services as mercenaries and bodyguards.
No, it's pretty much literally forced labor, like emptying latrines, digging for minerals, building living spaces, serving the cooked flesh of their friends, and other awful things.
I mean, there was probably some rape involved? But it would be like how there's some rape involved in real world slavery - it happens, and it's part of it, but it's not the driving force behind slavery.
>Emptying latrines
>Not being latrines
What kind of weakass gnolls are you running
Seriously just fuck off to your mom's basement and never come back out.
If your gnolls aren't revolting as possible you're doing it wrong.
I don't actch your logic, m8
>Gnolls are hyenas.
No, they're not.
>Also, naked apes are rather disgusting looking to the average gnoll
get out of here gnoll, this is a website for humans!!!
Yeah like centaurs aren't half horses and minotaurs aren't bull-people.
Exactly. Centaurs aren't horses. Minotaurs aren't cattle.
This thread wen south fast