The Wrath Of Hot Pockets IV: A New Mircowave Edition
Come on, fellas, get along Sub-Edition
No summary of the last thread. I'd really rather not. Red Book Links:
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) -
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HH Rules:
Crusade Army List:
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List:
30k/40k Rules:
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents):
30k Black Library:
Strawpoll links:
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Alright, assuming I wanted to be as fluff friendly as possible, are there any GW vehicles for the Legions I could get? Or are the Deimos pattern ones the versions to be used in 30k? Just wondering.
Rhinos, Land Raiders, Land Speeders, bikes, etc.
Can I just say fuck Rhino-pattern vehicles? I hate assembling that plastic chassis, it's an ancient kit and it's fucking garbage. It's even more of a pain in the ass to paint than it is to assemble, and that's saying something. Even with the Deimos siding it's still fucking god-awful. I can't wait for the kit to be redesigned, hopefully with optional Deimos and Mars plates to slap onto it for 30k/40k.
yeah i fucking hate them too. the aesthetic is good but the actual models themselves are trash. they need to bring them up to scale.
I have one question. Are you DAfags going to make your Pyrix Extasis look like the Ark of the Covenant like you should or not?
Which Legion has the most opportunity for bullshit WAAC?
Why do you ask?
then they would be the size of land raiders
And land raiders would be the size of fucking mastodons
sounds good to me.
world eaters, go nuts.
Man, I was about to buy some, but apparently it's garbage?
sounds pretty retarded honestly. 40k doesnt exactly have consistent or realistic scale anyway
the rhino would still be smaller than the current LR.
New to the hobby, already have a direction, I'm looking for what I should steer clear of and want to know what mechanics are abusable. Mostly for homeruling purposes, I'll be playing primarily with my best friend, building narrative campaigns and the like.
No legion is legitimately WAAC in any tangible sense. There are WAAC builds but just due to the fact that this hobby is so expensive they are untenable, and also I doubt your friend will let you get away with it.
I'm going to trust that you won't be a cancerous spot but behold. Blood Angels megadakka can be very abusable. The megadakka is cheap and can be very hilarious. Unless your friend doesn't mind staring down the barrels of more assault cannons than bolters go for it. Just tell him he'll face the wrath of Zardoz if he does though. Just take a few assault cannons.
>getting 5 guys into HH at the local GW
>Local redshirt is getting irritable and considering banning FW since they are all buying FW now
>tfw everyone forgets Imperial Fists can take them too.
Tell him that GW stores are going to start selling FW in-store soon.
Also that he can't ban FW.
legions arent the problem. army lists are the problem. typhons, thudd guns with phsophex, medusa spam, spartan spam, knights, terminator spam, lightning strike fighters all have potential to be abused, among many other things. the new RoW where you just take a whole army of tanks would be easily abused.
alpha legion with alpharius giving everything preferred enemy (everything) would be pretty disgusting if you abused it by fielding like 40 plasmaguns.
the worst part about that cancer is that hed have to roll every single assault cannon 1 at a time
only on a terminator squad instead of a heavy weapon.
he said a higher up said they would never sell fw in shop because they would have to give discounts on it to independent shops and it would create a secondary market like how gw products have
user, he's either lying or misinformed, as the in-store only Tartaros guy was made as a promotion for FW to soon be sold in-store.
any sauce on that?
Why are Rotor Cannons and HBolters so bad? I can understand Rotor Cannons, but not really with HBolters.
Also, the fact that were I to buy a pack of HBolters for Veteran Tacs, I'd most likely only end up using four of them, annoyingly enough, as to use all ten from two packs of them would mean to field five full sized Vet squads.
Use the spare one to give one of your vehicles a hull mounted heavy bolter. As an IF player I love that veterans make HB actually useful and not just weak shit.
That makes alot of sense. Thank's user.
Rotor cannons aren't that bad, really.
I think rotor cannons are good on tarantulas compared to heavy bolters.
Thats why so many legions get buffs for hb, and also suspensor webs exist
personally i think it would be neat if ALL hb got suspensor webs in 30k
What are you guys working on? I got a couple contemptors and my legion champion on my desk.
I took the advice that I was given last time I posted and have tried to highlight my legion champ. I use zenith highlighting with my airbrush and the edges of the armour plates are weathered so I didn't do edge highlighting on the armour plates but I tried highlighting the gold especially. It's not noticeable from this angle with this light really.
Also I love Contemptors, especially cortus. What about you guys?
Still working on this guy
Yeah, that could work, actually. Dunno how it'd look like though.
Rotor cannons look pretty bad on paper. But their model looks amazing.
Aye, I like that IW gets to make them Pinning.
It's out at the FW Weekender isn't it?
That said it's Thorpe, so it's not going to be anything more than mediocre.
Like I said before. Nice work.
It's not that terrible, but the design is a bit dodgy in places. Have some rubber bands ready to help keep it together and it'll be fine.
I'm not sure what I want to do more, an Ironfire list, or a Pride of the Legion list. Both seem pretty good, but I don't know what I want to do more.
I'm new and don't own anything other than a couple pdfs I got from here.
most newbies start off with a POTL list as you can use expensive low model count units to fill mandatory slots
When you get more vehicles and infantry then you can get into ironfire
That's true, I think I'll write up a list in a bit to see what I can come up with.
I think thats a good rendition of his face
I think the case could be made for Rotor cannons if your weapons don't penetrate the enemies armor save, Rotor cannons force saves over bolters due to number of rounds fired. If the upgrade is inexpensive then the number of shots fired may be beneficial.
Why do Iron Hands get their own MkIII squad that comes with a nuncio-vox, auspex, and bolters?
I want my own MkIII legion squad with nuncio-vox, auspex, and bolters!
because the armor mark is named after them
Source? Would love to read how it was written.
i dont have any... but the alternative would be that they named it after the iron warriors... and we all know that wouldnt happen.
Homestly I'd love to have some MkIII IW squads like the IH have. You can't forget that the IW loved to build things, and an impenetrable defence was somethingn they liked.
Also because all they have right now is Perturabo and the Beep-Boops. Just hoping that the Iron Havocs don't cost more than regular marines with heavy weapon do, like how the Medusan Immortals cost more than Breachers, yet their models are nearly the same with the only difference being the IH iconography.
I have two questions regarding the Maru Skara rite of war, or at least the tactical side of it.
1. Do you ever have units arrive later than turn 2?
2. What kind of stuff do you place in reserves?
Is there any reason to choose a Thunder Hammer over a Paragon Blade on Praetors, other than for fluffyness?
Concussive. It can be effective on Salamander Praetors who can't be insta-gibbed.
Instant death most marines and drag anything else down to I 1 the following turn. Salamanders have little reason not to take them since they get a 3++ and EW anyway.
I just realized that there are no left-handed Thunder Hammers.
No, wait there is one in the MkIV power weapons set.
A shame it's more expensive than the other sets, as I only wanted the hammer to give my Praetor. Also, why does it come with two MkIII torsos?
They're MKIV torsos with extra armour. They look the same from the front but the sides and back is different.
Huh. Weird. Still mad about the Praetor arms though. Ah well, guess it can't be helped.
You could convert one without too much trouble. The death company thunder hammer might be a candidate, it's two handed, but you could cut the top part off and add it to the left arm. Rotate it at the shoulder a little. It's a bionic arm, so probably fairly compatible with most marks of armour.
I did this before I bought the MKIV power weapon kit, worked out alright.
True enough, though I suppose I'll just have him keep the Paragon Blade.
There are also no left handed Cataphractii Thunder Hammers. FW plz.
I guess you mean right handed. There's only left handed ones.
user, do you need your eyes checked?
Also, why are the Cataphractii Power Axes chainaxes?
Click your own link and go to picture 2.
user, that's his right hand.
Wait. That's his left hand.
Y'know, I meant right handed the entire time.
How do I keep forgetting which hand is which?
All the "current" patterns of vehicles were also in use during the Heresy, just in not enough numbers.
There are some SM vehicles/suits used in M41 that weren't around in the Heresy though. The Stalker, Hunter, Stormtalon, Stormhawk, and Centurion Suits.
Give me the motivation to finish my 12 Terminators! Here's my converted BaC praetor.
Land speeders.
In that case each Thunder Hammer in the Mk2, 3 and 4 packs are right handed.
user, forgive me, for I am stupid.
The Lord of Iron frowns upon me now.
Now I just need to buy the MkIII Techmarine and then I can give my Praetor the Servo-arm backpack and make him into a nice and fluffy Warsmith w/Hammer and Archaeotech Pistol.
No Termi-Servo-Arm, but that's not really a problem though.
Go in peace user, and swing your hammer with both hands.
Thank you, user. I will go and either die or be decimated, 'tis the only way. But I will swing my hammer one handed like the Primarch, with my pistol in the other hand because it looks cool.
Looking good user. As for motivation, surely your next plot requires 12 painted, tabletop quality miniatures to succeed?
Making a little progress on my Atrapos, the Trident of Kiavahr.
Iron Hands have everything I want for my legion.
>MkIII Squad
>Their Praetor upgrade has a model.
I'd love for every legion to have that stuff, honestly.
Needs more on.the base
A really small church, maybe?
Where does this meme originate from? Without fail that is the first response when I post any progress pics of the knight
There was a pic of a knight an user posted a while back in the /wip/ thread with a tiny epic scale church on the base of his knight, and when someone commented on it he went full retard.
Then a while ago someone posted this. We now know how much church is enough.
Never mind, I must've accidently deleted it.
A (fairly skilled) user posted pictures of his knight, which had some snow-covered ruins on its base which somewhat resembled a church. When people pointed this out to him, rather than taking it in good humour and making adjustments, he sperged out about how it clearly wasn't a church, it was the wrong scale for a church, and idiot could see that it couldn't be a church, and everybody should shut the fuck up and stop calling it a church. He was baited back and forth across a good two or three WIP threads, good times were had by all (except church user, who was saltier than a very salty thing), and now whenever someone asks what to put on a base or shows a picture of a large model, some witty user will say that it needs more church.
That actually sounds pretty funny, if anyone has screenshots of this feel free to post them please.
Ok, so we've got an idea of what's likely to be at the Open Day (Vultarax, Mastodon, Russ preview, etc) but what are some of the other things things you guys would love to get previews of? I'm pretty keen to see a finished Stormbird 2bh
Custodians and/or Sisters, either Concept Art, Digital Renders or completed prototypes.
Genevieve Rocha
I want to see more of the Ultramarine boarding shields because I'm the most boring person ever. Maybe some hint towards a confirmation of a new plastic boxset but I'm not sure how likely that would be.
Contemptors and Cataphractii also didn't exist in 40k until B@C, pretty sure. Didn't stop them. Also, they pull shit out of nowhere all the time, like Centurions and grav weapons. "Nah guys, we've always had this stuff."
mass termies are best termies, DO IT user!
>Contemptors didn't exist in 40k
They were a relic so you could have one.
Didn't that come out with the Angels of Death supplement, which was not long ago? Or was it in an IA before that?
IA2 I think.
After even more trial and error, I've ended up with a version of the SA/IM&C/QK red book that is "good enough".
The page size is proper now but the font is slightly too big and looks a bit off when it's inside boxes, but it's still very much legible.
He looks like he's doing well. Also there's a 1k Son behind him.
Here's one.
You guys think the Khan plays a Morin Khur in his spare time?
Mars pattern Rhinos were a thing during the Heresy and one would argue Mars pattern predators, whirlwinds and vindicators would also be in use.
MkIII (plastic GW) Phobos Land Raiders can be seen in some of the HH books. Same with MkV (plastic GW) castaferrum dreadnoughts. Attack bikes and land speeders don't have FW models, so GW ones are your only option anyway. GW style bikes can be found in plenty of old HH art.
I don't understand how marines fit into their metal boxes.
I don't know if I would consider the background images in the HH books as a reliable source anymore, unless pic related is supposed to be a hint to a future dreadnought buff
If it's a BA dread, there's nothing wrong with it.
That's FW's RG dread.
DAoT/Clown car tech
I figured it was clown car logic. Is it strange that the actual clown faction doesn't have clown cars but the Imperium does?
Then what is a reliable source? Where do we draw the line? What do we trust and what don't we trust?
be like the inquisition, trust nothing until you grip it by the throat and spank it until it fesses up about Cypher
So I'm trying to get into 30k, whats the standard build like? I want something to work towards. I figure 2 20man legionary squads a contemptor and a praetor and master of signal? Or is Pride of the Legion worth it? Which rites are really shit and which are decent? I get theres a lot of variety and choice but I just want to lay out a plan for what to buy.