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Would you actually allow blinklings in your game?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Would you actually allow blinklings in your game?
N. Jolly's vigilante book playtest:
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Who left this guy in charge of making threads
Would, do, have a blinkling paladin.
I probably wouldn't allow anything but feats from Bloodforge.
math coming next.
,,,you don't know how math works do you?
>Would you actually allow blinklings in your game?
Only after heavy rule reworkings and a solid refluffing.
So effectively not.
Well holy shit that is a significant differnce.
Observed inputs: Two handing makes PA better, as does doing more damage per hit. Crit doesn't actually have much effect on the PA or not to PA cutoff.
His math looks okay to me, I ran the numbers to make sure and got the same results. For multiple attacks you'd just do several of those charts and add the averages together.
>+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Str
This looks unpaladinlike.
Less misleading chart.
Thanks for verifying my math. Always good to have two separate people get the same answer.
Get dragon magazine for Serenity to allow all paladin stuff to be based on wisdom!
>tfw no one will critique your homebrew
>tfw people will probably spend the whole thread giving (you)s to bp while he spams more
No more dreams, only tears
Don't worry, it's not the real bp, they're just using it for (you)s
My DM waives racial stats, gives everyone their choice of a +2 to one stat, or a +2 to a physical and a mental and a -2 to any one
I just wanted to be the smile that protects you back.
I've been out of the loop, what's a blinkling?
>implying my revealing that power attack is a bad feat is not actually kinda important
Surely someone else has done math before me right? I must be doing something wrong? How come everyone takes power attack?
Everyone else is smart enough to have ways to boost their to-hit, lad.
Woah, woah, boosting your to hit is way too roll-play focused. Everyone knows real players role-play and get good feats like skill focus. you not get the issue here?
I mean...ok: the average AC at cr 12 is 27, so can you get that zen archer to have a better +hit?
Even then, most of the things you want to kill you will need to roll high to hit due to everything having +39 natural armor, so why spend the feat?
You say that, but Skill Focus: imtimidate is great if you're a dread/antipaladin.
Or if you happen to want some Eldritch Heritage. I've seen Skalds and Barbs take Eldritch Heritage: Abyssal(?) for the extra strength boost and flight.
This is ON TOP of this being the primary attack, and ignoring that iteratives usually have a -5 or a -10 on them.
you especially don't want to use PA on iterative attacks at all.
So I'm on roll20. Is it possible to filter out games that welcome new players? I'd rather play with people experienced with the system.
Even just filtering out new players isn't going to get you that.
People lie about that famalamination
Oh. I've been having bad luck with roll20. Find a new group is really difficult. I keep trying to get my old group back together but schedules are impossible.
Small doggirls and boys introduced in Bastards and Bloodlines back in 3.5 and reintroduced to PF. Considered remarkable by some for their means of conception, which requires a halfling, a blink dog, and a very open-minded god.
Wish I were lying, but I'm not.
Your barbarian's attack bonus is +24, so you should be looking at the second-to-last row on this chart. That's clearly a significant boost in damage, what's the issue here? Wait, unless that +24 is including power attack, in which case you're off the chart.
The chart ignores +hit and +ac and instead combines them into "what do you need to roll on a d20 to hit your enemy".
If you have +100 to hit and the enemy has 110 AC then you just need to look at the "10" spot on the chart to see what power attack does for you.
Does that make sense?
God damn it did no one read the fluff I fucking wrote?
You're treating everything as if the values for hitting and missing existed between 1 and 0. They don't actually exist, there's only 1 and 0. In some cases constructing fake shit that doesn't exist between 1 and 0 is useful, but it's still fake as fuck. I'm too drunk to decide if this is a situation where it's useful to create fake non-existant shit between 1 and 0, it might be, or you might be using it to be misleading, fucked if I know.
Anyways, there's only one fucking equation that actually matters to determine if power attack is worth it, and that's the relative percentage of fucked if I know what I was gonna call it. But you want the following to be true to use power attack:
>reading fluff or rules
I'll give you a guess. You probably only need one.
...maybe you should come back when you are sober.
>Debate origins
>Halfling ranger and valiant blink dog
>Fey soldiers
>Shapeshift spawn
>They don't actually care
>Claim blood from both halflings and blinkos
Nobody asked you. Go back to your Messiah complex you shit-stirring moron.
>Join game
>25 point buy
>Background skills
>Bonus feat on top of free weapon finesse and power attack for all races
>Campaign starts at level 3
My cup overfloweth
>someone corrects his mathematical assumptions with basic statistics
>lel you is durnk!
This is why everyone hates you.
ohhh shit
>Turns out your characters are being stolen for npcs
You said the average AC for CR 12 enemy is 27? In that case a +24 attack is still pretty good, yes? 14 bonus damage per hit by my count.
oh shit my niggers the tripcode matches the real Gareth
>25 PB
>Background skills
>Free finesse, free story feat
>Starts at level 7
>I'm too stupid to play anything but fighter.
Still pretty good!
>Some faggot that hangs around the thread to desperately shill his piece of shit product
>Thinks he's better than any other poster in this thread
What a massive buch of queers you dsp fucks are.
Whoops I mean 11. Still.
Why are you upset? I'm not even talking about you or your stuff and haven't in weeks.
Please don't be upset I'm being really nice.
Where were you when /pfg/ finally broke Gareth?
Have a (you)
Is everyone at DSP as rude of a fuck as you?
>tells bp to fuck off
>"G-guys, DSP thinks they own /pfg/!"
>15 PB
>Core only
>Starts at level 1
>Fumble deck
I don't think you're making sense. Average DPR is still average DPR, that's the number that's important in this kind of calculation. If you really want to calculate variance and shit you can be my guest, but it doesn't change the crucial point.
S'not like every other poster hasn't told the multiple bilgeposters the same thing
>Please don't be upset I'm being really nice.
>he says after posting
I'm laffin here!
To be fair, that guy and Buildposter posted less than a minute apart, it's probably a different shillposter.
I'm sober.
His equation checks out, and he does have a point. You gonna bother making a control chart for your damage outputs, or...?
i masturbate to you when you're angry
Definitely. I've thrown my (You)s in the pot. But telling bp to fuck off isn't related to shilling at all, or we're all shills.
Yeah, which is why the shillposter is a moron.
Looking for advice.
Just started my first Pathfinder campaign, coming from 3.5, I made a Barbarian and I'm thinking about crossing him into an alchemist. Probably the vivisectionist cause fuck bombs but I don't want to further break it with the beastmorph stuff.
Would I be gimping myself for late game if I don't? Also should I just dip for 2 levels into barb then focus alchemy?
Hey man, everything alright?
>Blinklings claim heritage from both halflings and blink dogs, however it happened.
But they could have had a magical fusion, right?
That's why we love him. That brutal rudeness and honesty is pretty refreshing from the passive aggressive shittery of Paizo
I wish I had a game. God dammit. I wish I had a game.
so what, is this basically a sort of "The Fly" sort of thing where a blink dog inadvertently merges with a Halfling?
They could've put on earrings, yes.
Probably. There's a precedent in fiction already for it.
This meme is still being forced?
I don't get why people freak out so much when this gets posted
So is there any mechanical support for making FMA style homunculi and abominations like Owl Bears.
You go on like a conspiracy theorist pushing the Flat Earth, projecting your incompetence onto the community and constantly starting idiotic fights for the sake of your worthless pride.
The shit user has tried, time and again, to teach you are some of the mathematical underpinnings of the system that inform my design principles. Past a certain point, your shrewish shrilling is a direct claim that I and my team are incompetent and that you, only you, know the true secrets of the system we've fucked with for more than a decade.
Fuck off with your Messiah complex, you fucking filth.
Long post incoming, with math in the post. So hang on.
But seriously are you ok man?
Nigger, the fuck is a 'meme'
That's true. That said, median DPR IS pretty useful to know for target prioritization.
Also important to note that you're not going to be fighting an endless stream of CR 12 enemies when you're level 12. Don't you usually have lots of groups of weaker enemies? Even if it's just a few CR 10s, that's 3 lower AC. As we can see, that makes a big difference. If you're attack bonus isn't super-high, maybe don't use Power Attack on the boss who's hard to hit. Oh well.
Somebody is on the pad tonight, Christ.
Get a load of Shakespeare over here.
Then yes, let's never roll our dice again! Just throw your damage into the calculator, and it will prettily tell us precisely how much damage we shall do each round, no dice rolled, from here until the end of eterni- go fuck yourself, man, the variance is where the fun in the game is, not this autistic insistence that everything must regress to the mean.
He's treating it like a WoW DoT rather than a Backstab. There is a difference in how those play out, even if mathematically they deal the same DPS.
But wat do u tihnk of teh T)OUHUFEG???????/
Just making it apparent that more than one guy thinks gareth is a queer and should get aids.
2hu is at least right every now and then.
My claim is that you probably don't need power attack on the smaller ones because you will hit and kill them anyways. Martials are usually only good for killing one big thing. Full attacks, movement, etc.
Dude man I really have no idea why you are this upset with me. I haven't talked to you in a month and then I post about math stuff and am trying to make sure I'm not just fucking up the calculations and you go all "you are human filth" on me.
lol, you're a couple of fags.
Mean DPR, mate. Mean DPR. Median would imply you actually rolled it. Like, 999 people with $0 dollars and 1 person with $1,000,000,000 has median $0, mean $1,000,000.
Its like I'm watching a paladin mid smite
??????/wat did I doed???!?
user, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you can't calculate fun. If you like more variance that's great for you, but it doesn't really matter here.
If you want to know how effective a certain attack routine is with a certain build, you calculate average DPR. Whether the variance is small or large, the average is still the average.
Gareth, my man, my no homo k maybe a lot homo friend, this is a bit much even for you.
Are you drinking?
>giving enemies more turns to do shit to your party while they get to ignore you due to your AC
>a good thing
its not so much as what was done but what wasnt done. and that was be aborted.
but anonanonny being abored is a posssive action i can't choose tat/????/ u r bad at logec
thats where you are wrong, friend. and dont worry, its never too late
>you probably don't need power attack on the smaller ones because you will hit and kill them anyways
That's debatable. Someone a couple levels below you isn't necessarily going to drop over to a stiff breeze. In most campaigns, how often are you fighting a monster with CR equal to your level? That's not every fight that matters. I think you're making some faulty assumptions here.
No. There's more than a thousand people without power in my city tonight and mine won't be fixed until tomorrow afternoon. The night is baking, I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday, and I am fucking sick of jackasses spreading misinformation that ends up affecting my readers, customers, and players. I'm perfectly and irritably fucking sober.
>Gareth, my man, my no homo k maybe a lot homo friend, this is a bit much even for you.
ayylmaonon i think u need to lern about pasive voice n what it menas in relatin with doing things
Ok so here is the specific instance you have. +24 to hit and AC 27 so you hit on a 3 when not power attacking.
When you roll, two of the twenty possible rolls will be a miss (1 or 2). Then, 6 of them will be a crit threat, which will be a confirmed crit on all but 18/20 on the confirmation rolls, for a crit confirm of 5.4. You will hit "normally" 18 times. I account for this "hit normally" by reducing the multiplier on all "crit" hit damages by 1.
So on average you will "hit" for (18*damage + 5.4*damage)/20 damage on each attack. Right?
Do we agree on this?
Damn nigga, that fucking sucks.
No, he's just tired of this specific brand of bullshit, just like every other person who's had to deal with it for 15 or so years.
but it easy to drive somewhere else c: