Veeky Forums, what's your status? How bad is it down there?
Give me the bad news
I have more unpainted models than painted ones
Well the hull is breached, the crew is mutinous, and casual Friday just isn't taking off
GM's unmotivated to idea for the campaign and we can't get a schedule together to pull off a sidestory to both try to inspire him and also have some kind of a game.
My mistake, used the only image I have on my phone.
The experimental re-wash over parts of the highlighting turned out A-OK on the test model, so now I get to do the exact same thing 20 more times.
In other words, all clear
I've just moved more than two hours away from my nears gamer friend, lost my job, long running rpg campaign just ended unsatisfyingly and my dad died.
Overall, pretty fucking shit really.
But on the plus side I got a copy of the 1ed of 'A Study in Emerald' for half the RRP, which is nice.
The party almost TPK'd to a bunch of rapey orcs with tentacles
Well, one player wants to reroll again, another is having financial issues, and the DM is swimming in debt.
Everything's under control, how about you captain?
My fourth foray into traditional gaming has died before it really got started. Just like the previous three attempts.
I don't know why I keep trying.
got t carrried by a cyborg cat into a crowd of armed guards who are already looking for us while covered in blood....we died
My circle of friends can't do shit for campaigns, no one except myself and two others attend the sessions or even respond to messages about future sessions. It's been four years and no one has completed a campaign, and for some reason some of these nitwits think starting new campaigns is a good idea. I just want to play the game dammit!
My Deathwatch campaign has been put on hold so another group member can run a FFG Star Wars campaign, but I'm having plenty of fun playing a droid for once, so all good here.
Attempting to create an encounter chart that is some semblance of usable for 5e, and have it take into account the presence of magic items. Also reworking the crafting system so magic items are economically feasible in settings like Eberron.
Also reworking the actual rarity of Magic items as a whole, because apparently a Belt of Giant Strength and a Potion of Giant Strength have the same value and Rarity.
Basically going full Aspie on a particular segment of an otherwise nearly perfect game system.
are you me?
I am like a leaf in the wind!
A TPK happend on Monday. To characters we've been playing for past 16 months
I am like a plank in the ribs!
How did the players take it?
I am very alone, sleepless and drinking
Badly. We were supposed to play today, but the game is postponed till Friday.
On the plus-side, we can now switch from Twilight 2000 to Infinite Earths, which we wanted to do since February
I lost the Karkinos to a volley of Clarents.
Terrible. Girl left me, no friends, quite depressed, no group, there probably isn't one in 100 km and I have 1 GB worth of internet during the day.
On the plus side, it's limitless 4G LTE after midnight.
Why don't you just use your mod powers to delete this thread?
I haven't had a game in 4 years and don't even have anybody who I could try and drag into a game.
I'm actually trying to home brew a single player wargame to kill time with.
I currently own, in print and in digital format, a gaming collection comprised of around 300 roleplaying games, board games, and wargames.
I have only played 5 of them.
Last time I've played a game it was 2005.
For past 11 years I've only GMed.
I finally have money and am living on my own but no time to do anything I want and no one to do it with.
>13 years of running games
last time I got to play was D&D3.5, we quit because it was complete shit.
I had a human fighter and I didn't care if it was wrapped in a shit sandwich of a game system... I loved it
We're all gunna get through this
please let me die in my sleep
>every online group I try to play in fall apart after the first game, if it gets that far
>forever gm
>gm for real life friends
>they are all have no critical thinking or role playing skills
>constantly try to feed them with good opportunities to role play and think in clever ways to get what they want
>all they want to do is kill things
>they try to kill all my npcs
>they feel no remorse from their characters dying
>they are still my friends though
>can't get them to stop no matter what I do
>can't just tell them to fuck off
What do I do?
I have to go two full weeks without playing any sort of Veeky Forums, working full-time the entire time. The last session I played, we fucked around for four hours trying to follow incredibly vague clues, and ended on a cliffhanger. I also spend the next two weeks knowing that even when I get to play again, I'll have to sit across the table from that guy.
Its pretty sticky sir.
I'm going to college, one of us is joining the marines, and one of us is moving as far out of town as he can possibly get, all within the next two years. We're the only three players who have kept one of our guys sane while he's stuck here.
not as bad as it could be going, working on my own setting that i will eventually run quests in so i can get some experience before i go to ask my friends if they want to do some PnP stuff.
i'd say that i am about 30 percent of they way done with it, gotta get maps done eventually, fluff out the 9 islands which is going to be the majority of the work. go the way that magic works mostly down, got the 'religion' also mostly down, but as i said got the majority of the work in the 9 isles.
Worst part of it?
Stuckguy and I are the Forever GM's in our LGS group who would shoulder the burden for one-another.
Pushing double shifts including weekends. Team is down to 3 people out of original 7, the other two guys are taking turns with their vacation and the show must go on. Gotta endure until mid-September when I can drop the extra hours and start another semester of college instead
The closest I got to roleplay in past couple weeks was when somebody started hitting on me here on Veeky Forums. So yeah, I've had worse.
We haven't gamed in months and we won't for another month and a half until one of the players comes back from the army and the GM goes to university where he won't have shit internet anymore.
It's /a/, /v/, /pol/, and Magical Realm as far as the eye can see. Me might not win this one, cap'n.
Alrighty then, I kinda fell asleep while yous were all talking, but let's get to addressing ya woes.
Paint man, paint like you never painted afore!
Plug the hull breach with the crew then. You know, all casual like.
If you have to, throw a book at your DM. Some good fiction might lead to a solution.
Were things all clear before or after the re-wash?
...ouch. I ain't got nothing to console ya with, son/gal.
The worst kind of orc (though some might disagree). Glad you pulled through!
Drunk and eager to land.
...ouch again.
This is why you always clean one person so he looks all respectable and shit.
Shoot 'em. Politely.
Is it the droid you've been looking for?
Sounds a lot of math and bother, there.
Damn it, men, what have I told you about stealing each other's identity while on duty?
Good for you, sunshine.
Your voice certainly is.
Orally, I imagine.
That makes two of us! Let us be alone *together*.
Gorram it, man, don't say I didn't warn ya!
Aye, I know the loneliness alright...
Do share when you're done, I'm sure the crew'd enjoy some one-man games...
Challenge for the remainder of the year: make that 6.
Such is life, I've heard.
Learn to live with them, I guess.
Oh for the love of...alright, someone get me my gun.
An honourable end.
...I'm not drunk enough for this sh*t.
What's your status, captain?
>no one except myself and two others attend the sessions
That's enough people for a game. Drop the others and play with the reliable people.
DMing a new campaign starting on Saturday. The party is going to be plopped down in a town where martial law was declared shortly after communication with the nation's capitol ceased following a massive sneak attack by diamond-riding plague robots from space three months prior. They will be dealing with the destruction of civil liberties and figuring out just what exactly happened.
I love GMing. Ideally, I'd get at least some play on both sides of the table, but being forever GM wouldn't be so bad if I could only find a reliable group of good players who actually gave a shit.
What are you drinking senpai? I just finished my bottle of wine, and I'm internally debating sleep, skipped last nights kip. Hope all's well with you OP
My status is NSFW, lad, let's say no more.
Damn it, there goes that campaign idea...
Currently? Coffee. An' a damn strong one at that.
Things were not all clear after the highlighting captain, which is why the re-wash was necessary... however we were uncertain if the re-wash would make things worse or better
yay for luck!
I was that person I got snatched by my ally...who then charged into combat... since I said we need to run he thought run past the enemy
Alright then, I'm headed to my quarters in a sec. Anyone wants to "help" me catch 40 winks (ladies?) you know where to find me. The helm is yours, Yes, you, get over here.
Lucky indeed, I'd not mind seein' the results some time.
Fools run on where...uh...where normal people bring a big gun? I dunno.
I feel the same, our gm is a good guy but he get depressed and unmotivated and just slips into a depression coma. I wish he could get his shit straight.
Nice dubs, captain.
I'm working on a 90s action movie style campaign. Should be ready for the next Game Finder thread.
/cry I have a whole cabinet full of unbuilt un painted minis...
Also no FLGS near me either.
My backup character has multiplied into a backup party.
I can't stop making characters, help.
I wish to play boardgames. I live in a major city but can't find SHIT in the way of groups to do it with.
Fuck the south.
I've been browsing Veeky Forums for 2 years, read and lore binged on a dozen different games, and spent countless hours thinking of hypothetical campaigns and scenarios.
I have yet to play a single session of anything.
>I love GMing
>being forever GM wouldn't be so bad
Wait till you end up trapped as a GM for more than a year.
>2 years
Try 6 years.
The albino is infected with an alien Instrumentality virus, the team leader is juggling treason with boy problems, the manu has an imaginary friend after being Winter Soldier'd, the amnesiac is inviting his ex-cyborg wife to his girlfriend's birthday party, and the punk's little sister is being soldered into the robot projecting an AT field across the city.
So, a pretty fun Adeva game.
my longest lasting campaign got cut short by the GM not wanting to drop players and exchange them
we also kinda destroyed the mood by playing way too over the edge in what was supposed to be a lighthearted game
I mean fuck, one guy said that he started bleeding from his face like a madman and I felt like I had to one up that fucker
There was also the fact that I made a minmaxing fuck and started to destory the mood by myself as well, blaming me on that one
it also dosent help that this marks the fourth or fifth campaing that I will never finish, restating the fact that roll20 only works to break hopes and dreams
currently setting up for a Ryutama campaign, hopefully this one won't die
also does anyone live in Vancouver? please someone tell me if there's a place to play some honest to god tabletop, Canada is filled with weirdos so there must be someone. I mean, it's fucking better than Colombia where you can't find any of that shit
Everyone except the party's cleric and inquisitor was petrified or afflicted with mummy rot. They are level 5, several days away from civilization, and on an island with hostile giants.
I thought they could handle it, that they wouldn't roll awful for 5 saves in a row. The sharkman's player was super salty about facing a medusa and her two mummy guards in a witch's cave. The ghost that was leading them around didn't tell them that there was a medusa since ghost, but he was upset about the the lack of forewarning.
Just never had near TPK like that.
I got sick of mass painting skaven for a game I will likely never play again and gave up.
I'm getting into Infinity now but holy shit these models made me realize what a shitty painter I am.
I have much less time for game thanks to the new schedule afforded to me by my new job.
Shit's bad, captain.
Autumn is coming.
Which means it's Summer.
I live in Vancouver, and I ain't found much, Big Pete's in North Van has a D&D campaign running on Saturdays, but I can't attest to its quality, I think it's mostly casuals
Welp, going back to a GURPS campaign that I hate. We alternate campaigns a bit and I'm looking at months of being stuck playing heroic fantasy in a system that does it horribly. Plus the GM never gives us any treasure or money or respect and we're just stuck in this slog of a shitty sequel to GDQ. I snuck a look at the book about a year in, the parts we'd already played mind, I'm no metagamer, and there's pages and pages of treasures and star sign benefits I haven't seen hide nor hair of. Been gaming with these folks for years and they're family at this point, but the only person I know for sure enjoys this game is the GM's wife. Sorry for the wall of text, but the campaign is just awful, and it makes me sad, because we have a great horror GM running Ravenloft and we could be playing that instead.
My group doesn't want to play anything other than D&D5e, because they don't like doing math. They also don't like Sci-fi or modern settings.
I'm gonna run a modern day NotDelta Green game in a Small Town US setting in three hours, I've been doing mostly dungeon crawls and low fantasy for the last two years so I'm really rusty for this style, anything to help me get the right tone?