N. Jolly's vigilante book playtest: docs.google.com
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N. Jolly's vigilante book playtest: docs.google.com
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Oohhh boy, wasn't that fun?
How I rule hardness for robots?
I make them immune to damage coming from normal metal weapons, even if are magical, until their plates are sunder? Make adamantite weapons do only half damage to them until hardness points are out?
Or you can not use gimmicks and just roll with the usual DR.
>mod being enough of an asshat to delete perfectly valid threads in order to make his own thread
You look at how hardness works on Iron Gods robots, and do that.
gimmicks are way more interesting than simply having to hit the thing a dozen more times
Is it just me, or is [any initiator] 4/[mystic, stalker, or warlord] X with Practiced Initiator much better than a single-classed mystic, stalker, or warder?
The benefit of gaining a large handful of 3rd-level maneuvers known and readied at character level 5th is a far more than what one would acquire from being a single-classed mystic, stalker, or warlord.
What are some really rapey spells on the Mesmerist spell list?
Besides Unnatural Lust, Sleep, Hold and Dominate line.
>[any initiator] 4
Aegis is best for that as it can change maneuvers known as a standard action and also provides various utility options through the astral suit.
Aegis/Harbinger or Aegis/Warder combos are godlike.
What happened?
You're making a distinction without a difference.
Better than the fuckers ruining the previous threads.
Fucking chill all of you fuckfaces. Goddamn asshats.
Previous thread:
dead game dead thread
Did it devolve into a flame war thanks to Buildposter's "Today I will show you Deadly Aim is bad lol :^)" rant?
A good thing Gareth rekt the fucker.
It looks like it, what a fucking clusterfuck though.
But enough of that. Does anyone give a shit about this book? It looks like it's going to be pretty meh.
Eh might be funny
>New archetypes ranging from the dragonheir scion to the wyrmwitch, allowing players to access draconic appearances as well as lore, powers, and spells.
>Ways for characters to enlist drakes and lesser dragons to serve as allies, improved familiars, and even flying mounts.
>New draconic bloodlines for bloodragers and sorcerers, allowing eldritch abilities based on esoteric, imperial, outer, and primal dragons.
Actually I stand corrected, dragon mounts might be good. Rest of it looks kind of meh though.
That actually sounds like something that might not be too terrible.
I love me some dragons.
I don't know why but many of the players I GMed for who have an interest into dragons also seem quite interested into muscle grow.
This is the art of a kobold character that played in my Kingmaker campaign, he did some "kingdom founding" for get this xboarg hueg.
I'm more into the whole power and greed aspect of chromatic dragons.
But good for your player that they can live their dream of being a bara kobold.
I am a benevolent GM and I didn't see anything wrong about this.
We were promised edited/rewritten feats, where the fuck are they?
I think this was my favourite reaction
I believe this was previous thread
Meant to respond to you with the post address, not your post address.
If you call throwing an embarrassing hissy fit, sure.
The thread before that one was kind of an example as to why we don't need people who don't hold a position to be using names.
Several people were spamming the BUILDPOSTER name, I think we'd be better off if anyone who didn't represent a 3pp just went user.
Except for QANON, we have to trust the legitimacy of her files.
We don't need named fuckers at all.
One day QANON is going to sneak her homebrew in and pass it off as a published 3pp book.
I actually kind of like buildposter using a name, since it makes him easier to filter. It would be better if he was just banned, of course.
I can't even remember if it's vanilla or not anymore, but go get 4chanX, I'm pretty sure it's unique to those extensions.
To the right of every post you have a drop down menu, you can hide, delete, filter or archive them.
In this case, filter by name.
It doesn't include a dragon empire, so it's shit.
settings >filters and post hiding > filter and highlight specific... >edit
You can filter by text in the post proper, by name or by tripcode.
And yes, it's a part of the native extension. So no need to download 4chanX or what have you.
Oh good. Thanks, friend.
>tfw the only kingdom that's halfway decent for conquest in Golarion is Molthune, a country we hardly hear anything about.
Am I the only one that feels like the River Kingdoms could have seen more (and better) action as a place worth adventuring/conquering if it was around Lake Encarthan rather than up north in the ass-end of nowhere?
Like, everything around that lake can be moved somewhere else and nothing changes.
River Kingdoms was obviously intended heavily for players who want "politics and war" because all the river kingdoms are constantly shifting power structures and nations.
Molthune vs Nirmathas is meant to just sort of be a tense border conflict, promoting gameplay revolving around smuggling and plots.
>River Kingdoms was obviously intended heavily for players who want "politics and war" because all the river kingdoms are constantly shifting power structures and nations.
I can see that, I'm just saying they're so out of the way from the Inner Sea (action central) that people aren't really going to either care about conquering them, or even visiting them.
People want to conquer France or Britain, they don't want Livonia.
The River Kingdoms would have been much more interesting if they were a legitimate empire ran in the same way as the HRE, with each kingdom being a duchy and the Prince Electors constantly fighting for greater representation in the Diet.
Brevoy could have still been Not!Poland, now with a Bohemia or Pomerania analogue right next door.
Is it a mistake to focus on encounters that highlight players talents and abilities? Is it wrong to put in creatures that have weaknesses to something one of the players has and swap it up each encounter or is it okay? I'm a fan of giving players 'good match ups' and 'bad match ups' but I want /pfg/s opinion.
I think the point was more that River Kingdoms are meant to be played on their own, the players are meant to travel to there and be able to conquer them BECAUSE they are in bumfuckistan.
Trying to conquer someone next to Cheliax, Korvosa, Andoran blah blah blah probably leads to an "intervention" by them.
I dont see much wrong with that. Sometimes you can even do both in the same encounter, like have a horde of mid tier dudes vulnerable to electricity (robots?) but throw in a flesh golem or shambling mound. MAKE THEM CHOOSE.
I'd do it maybe once for each character in a campaign.
Preferably early on, so everyone gets a chance to show off their abilities to the rest of the party so once the gimmick fights stop, everyone knows what everyone else is good or bad at.
so I want to make a character that accomplishes 3 things.
1: I want to have boatloads of life
2:I want to deal gobs of damage
3:I want to get BIG
Utility and movement and anything else thats useful is just getting in the way of my character being BIG and DUMB, in fact, intelligent tactical feats for accessible big damage like pummeling style and pounce are also unneeded.
I just wanna be a huge dumb stronk tough guy.
How many planes do you want to crash, big guy?
Barbarian or Psychic Warrior. Psywars use Wisdom rather than Int, can take "Psionic Body" to get +2 hp for every psionic feat they have (including that one), can use vigor for a "False life" style giant pool of temporary hp and can use "Expansion" to grow to very big sizes.
Barbarian, hands down. And you'll be useful to, and maybe eventually be able to sunder magic while you're at it.
If you don't wanna deal with maths all the time, Unchained Barbarian is okay.
I want to tackle huge flying creatures out of the sky after being launched by a catapult.
Abyssal bloodline Bloodrager
Seems relevant.
How do you handle character death and subsequent replacement, /pfg/?
Normally I would do the usual, that is, giving the player wealth by level and writing the new character in somehow in the next session.
At what point does death start feeling 'cheap'?
I'm playing in one campaign right now as a Paladin sworn to protect his friends. It's difficult when party members drop like flies, for example the sorcerer flies past the party in front of a ranged initiator and, well, drops like a fly.
Consider Stalker (Brutal Slayer)
Hit Die isn't the largest but you can dump DEX and pump STR and CON a fuckton.
In any game where the story is worth a damn and people get really in depth and attached to their characters, death out of the blue should be avoided unless the player agrees it's thematically appropriate.
Yes this might kick up a harsh reply from that 'why roll dice at all if you're afraid of what will happen' guy but they're angry and wrong
You couldn't be more wrong. If you want to write a story, then write a story. If you want to play a game, then play a damn game.
I had some characters I've been so attached to it took me weeks to get over them. A death to a random save or die without any narrative significance would piss me of quite badly on such a character.
On schedule, thanks for not letting me down user.
>tfw one of my players is sperging about his guaranteed backstabs with Hidden Master
>tfw I have no intention of actually running this campaign for 20 levels.
Some options:
Primal Warrior Stance (path of war)
Get your caster buddy to eventually give you Enlarge Person with Permanency.
Impact Weapon enhancement.
The Powerful Build Aegis customisation.
All of the above stack with each other.
One of my players is making a Fighter with an archetype that trades away Armor Training. He still wants to use some of the advanced armor training abilities though, so he wants to have a Sash of the War Champion (treat your Fighter level as 4 higher for Armor Training) so that he can access them.
Should I allow it? Seems like it would set a bad precedent for similar items, plus it's really just a method of trying to sneak around the limitations of his archetype.
Fighter is a shit class as is, have pity on his poor soul.
Our GM's general policy is, he doesn't take killing characters lightly unless we do something really stupid.
Unfortunately, we're not the most competent party in that regard.
What are the most effective disciplines for a ZweiSent?
Broken Blade with either a sansetsukon or weapon group adaptation and a greatsword.
Giant Form II
Sorcerer. Crossblood pit-touched/draconic, eldritch heritage orc, get into dragon disciple prc, form of the dragon, and laugh at martials with your str of around 50.
Fuck off
Don't forget to pick up Blood Money as a spell-known.
>did math to try to figure out which attacks I should use deady aim on, and which I shouldn't.
>discovered that if I need more than a 11 to hit then DA is a bad idea mathematically.
>Post it, make sure my math is right with several other annons.
>Gareth gets buttdevastated for some reason
>Some annons start shitposting a full speed
Some times I have no idea why everyone gets so upset.
I think gareth is triggered when someone does math.
He isn't wrong. whyyoumad.jpg?
What is your goal with zweihander sentinel? Tank that does damage or killer that sometimes tanks?
>Ethereal Sight (Su): Blinklings can perceive beings on the ethereal plane as though they were material. This includes being able to smell and hear them.
>Halfling Luck (Ex): Some blinklings’ instincts lend themselves to surviving the material rather than the ethereal. These blinklings gain a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws. This replaces ethereal sight.
Is Ethereal Sight ever useful for a blinkling vs. Halfling Luck?
It is a hard counter to a couple of things you might fight once or twice.
>Huge advantage in maybe one or two fights
>minor advantage in most fights
It's a was I say.
But the blinkling cannot necessarily fight back against the ethereal creature.
True, but most ethereal creature aren't hard fights if you see them coming.
If you gave the Fighter +1 to any ability score at level 3, and every odd level beyond that, would that be enough to make it go up a tier?
No, bigger numbers doesn't make them more versatile ability wise.
Not too scary if it doesn't get it's free "suprise round full attack" thing. If you know where it is then you can ready to hurt it when it becomes etherial.
Fighters don't have a numbers problem. Fighters already deal plenty damage.
Fighters have a "interacting with things other than HP" problem.
>“Sensible optimism” is a good way to describe the blinkling attitude to life. They enjoy the world and the things in it, but temper their eagerness with a sense of responsibility and a certain innate understanding that evil exists and will always exist. Blinklings love and cherish their friends and families and love spending time with and around other people, even if all the blinkling is doing is reading quietly in the same room. Blinklings smile freely and often, and share love of jokes with their halfling forebears.
>On the job - adventuring or otherwise - blinklings enjoy a combination of teamwork, athletic challenge, and new experiences. Blinklings tend towards quiet competence, preferring to do their job well and be rewarded rather than trying to strive for fame or glory. Blinklings know when to be serious about their duties and can get annoyed when people break up solemn discussions with humor; they love a joke as much as anyone else, but not when there are things to do!
Would a blinkling with this race-stereotypical demeanor make a good friend? Lover? Spouse?
Anybody have a decent guide for playing a dervish dancer?
Even if it was, that would be incredibly clunky solution within the framework of the game.
...The bard archetype? I've built one before, so I could help you out a bit.
>What is your goal with zweihander sentinel? Tank that does damage or killer that sometimes tanks?
I want it all. All of it.
I want to tell people to fuck off when they try to get by me, but then fuck their day up on my turn. Something with sticking power and killing power.
I'm thinking that might be Elemental Flux, Piercing Thunder and Primal Fury, but I'm not sure.
Typically it starts feeling cheap when you're past level 10 or so, since it's difficult to find people that powerful wandering around.
Fukken saved
Lucerne might be fun., especially if you're already going Piercing Thunder
Plus it is the sexiest weapon
Piercing Thunder and Primal Fury sound great, haven't used Elemental Flux much but it sounds fun.
Golden Lion if you also want to harness the power of friendship, or perhaps to babysit the little maggots.
That said, I'm used to a Large sized ZweiSent buddy who fucks everyone up. Large works maybe too well for Warders.
Broken Blade with a sansetsukon.
I was mostly just looking for a decent level 10 build for a one shot to copy.
I made a thing.
Does anyone have any attack routines that they want to compare?
I want to be hype for it but I know it'll just be a disappointment like the Spymaster's Handbook. I know it won't fix dragon disciple, unfuck the magus archetype, or anything else of the sort so I can't be excited.
I eagerly await leaks anyway though, just so I can get the disappointment over with.
How are you supposed to cuddle that girl if she's got all those spinedys?
What was the name of that one devil/demon in 3.5e where they worked in squads that shared the same HP for all the members?
I'm trying to create the Abyss Watchers.
She's the big spoon.
>she will never wrap her wings around you while spooning.
My bow fighter does quite a bit more damage than my zen archer. Weapon training gives results.
I still think the zen archer is the better build though.